
Life of a soldier

Please forgive me I’m not good at writing and this is my first go at it.

Raven_Nightwind · 軍事
2 Chs

Contacting the recruiter

Emmitt passes me a card with a number "give it a call buddy." Raven lets out a deep breath "Do you really thank this is a good ideal? I mean look at me I have no means of getting there do to the fact I barely got here. How am I going to make it to the recruiters office?"

"Buddy don't worry I'll take you tomorrow. Just give them a call." Emmitt says. "Fine I will call." Raven says while taking out his phone and calling the number. A male voice says "Deridder Army Recruitment office's this is SSG Sharp." Raven takes a deep breath and let's it out "Yes SSG Sharp my name is Raven and I'm ready to make the next step of my life would it be good to come talk to you in person tomorrow around 2 in the afternoon?"

"Yes that is a good time I will see you at... you said at 2 o'clock right?" Reply's SSG Sharp. "Yes SSG I will see you tomorrow " says Raven then he hangs up. "Not a fucking word Emmitt not a fucking word toss me another beer, we got a long day. I'll sleep out in my truck." Raven says with Emmitt responding with "THE FUCK YOU WILL. Bitch I just made a extra bed for you. Grab a blanket and get comfy."

The next morning Emmitt woke Raven up with a swift kick to the foot. "Wakey, wakey man we got some work to do before we head to town, but first you go get a shower you smell like ass." Emmitt tells Raven. Without a word Raven gets up goes to his truck and grabs a pair of jeans and a old long sleeve button down black western shirt along with his black cowboy hate his uncle gave him before he died with the name *John* on the inside and went and got a shower. Walking back in the camper Raven simply said "bro I needed that. What time is it I had to pawn my watch for gas money a few days ago."

Emmitt said "it's about noon right now in a few we should start heading out." Raven looked up at the sky and took a real deep breath and took out a pack of Marlboro reds 100s and lit one up " I really can't believe I'm about to do this. I mean I've always thought about it but I never thought I would go though with it." Raven said to himself. After finishing up his cigarette he thumped the cherry off and stuck the butt in his pocket before walking in the camper and grabbing his wallet, looking at Emmitt and saying "you ready boss?"Emmitt just nodded.

Grabbing his keys Emmitt along with Raven went out to his old blue and white Chevy cranking it up and headed into town.