
Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

This is the tale of an average nobody, who after his death got transmigrated in a new world. The memories of his average life flashed before his eyes, as he found nothing that was noteworthy about him. So in this new world should he try to change that, should he wish to be supreme, rise to the peak or to rule the heavens, but he's too lazy for that. "And how come all the names are so familiar. Don't tell me, am I in that novel?" Soon after waking up he realised this world was based upon the very first novel he read years ago. At first he felt happy that finally something unexpected happened in his life. But that happiness was short lived as he remembered the plot of the book and the crisis that was coming for the world. If that wasn't enough he was living in the body of Rio Raven Blake - avatar of Nyx. Known by his other names like The last dark spawn, The first fallen or The infamous Devil. In a world brimming with dungeons, towers, Gods, Demons, monsters and magic - our MC finds himself trapped in the body of the last villain. "I don't care about the novel plot, I'll just ignore it, and live my life peacefully." At least that was his plan, until he heard a voice in his head , that he's been waiting for all this time. [DING] [TING] [TIDING] [DID YOU MISS ME??? ] 'The great villain system, what a funny name.' You can earn points by ruining the plotlines, and can get whatever you want. Let me see, I'm a master at messing things up. [What, someone is going to do a prophecy that I will become the villain after growing up - kill him while he's still a kid.] [what, this potion was made for the protagonist and the alchemist heroine - I'll take it with me.] [ohh you're the one who saves the protagonist when he was about to die - go to prison, you traitor.] [wait, you have a sister. but she is sick and needs help - here take this potion and work for me.] Got a money making slave for life. [What, my parents are fixing my engagement with the princess, who's also a main heroine, but will betray me later and help everyone kill me - Humph...just you wait...] Once the plot started many years later, at the academy entrance exam. Protagonist was shining brightly, breaking all records, taking first rank, but no one was talking about him. As the news came out that the genius of humanity Rio Blake, will be joining the academy too. Not only mortals, even Gods and Demons were surprised at this sudden development too. {Nyx nods at her believers achievements} {Odin says you've grown a lot} {Gauri/Kali challenges you to fight her believer} {Jesus prays for your souls redemption} {Anubis awaits your enemies doom} {Lucifer writes down your lines, as you take on the Devil persona} The protagonist just stared at the guy who took all the limelight from him, but his surprise turned to shock, when his sister ran and hugged the man, while crying her eyes out, saying she missed him and she was sorry. "What is happening? Who is he? {Apollo curses...} ## -- A/N - 1) NO HAREM. (I believe in soulmate love 2) MC doesn't care about right, wrong, good, evil - as long as he gets what he want, he'll do it. 3) He hates the so called righteous hypocrites, so don't think he'll be friends with protagonist. 4) MC is serious when it comes to relationships, so don't expect any kind of pokemon collection harem. 5) MC hates the plot, so he'll ruin it. Do not expect him to follow it or him trying to keep it same as written. 6) I don't like hiding my strength tropes, so not happening. He will be OP, and a badass. ## -- Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · ファンタジー
385 Chs

World of Arcadia

When Myra's voice broke my train of thoughts we were standing in front of a door. Myra came forward and opened the doors and the sight that was before me left me shocked.

The library was a grand example of architecture, with its majestic marble columns, intricate frescoes adorning the ceiling, and the magical chandelier shining the lights on every corner of this room. There was a winding mass of bookshelves that seemed to stretch on endlessly, with thousands upon thousands of books in every imaginable language. This is what happened after the Emergence, different races - different knowledge.

It looked like a labyrinth with sprawling shelves and displays. You could easily see how someone could get lost in it for hours.

I stopped looking around and went towards a control screen and after I placed the token in - it was there to help me locate any specific book.

The control system was another invention of the magic tower. An artifact that records every single book and item placed here. Without proper identification or mana signature - you can't even touch anything.

Since I only wanted to learn about the general conditions of the world, I selected a bunch of books on history , which were published by Zenith Academy every 5 years. After I selected it soon books came out of themselves and started floating towards me. I walked towards the table and sat there and started reading. Myra who was standing still chose a normal book on mastery of shadow magic and started reading it.



(Man the internet sure would've made things a lot easier)

It had been hours since I started reading these books. The world as I read in these books is mostly the same as the novel I read on Earth. To sum it all on short notes, it's like this -

HUMANS - Humans have been divided into 3 continents or empire what you call it - Schilla, Ardal, Neisah.

-- SCHILLA is where Schott royal family rules.

-- ARDAL is ruled by a Senate, a committee of 5 chosen people , who are replaced every 25 years.

-- NEISAH is an empire entirely made of believers of all kinds of Gods, governed by Narrator (similar to pope). He's a seer, the greatest there is. And that's why they call him narrator as he narrates what God/fate wants.


(His power is dangerous and maybe one which could give me answers about myself and Ria)


The story of the novel world mainly starts from Shilla Empire. Which is divided into 7 cities. -

The Royal Family rules the central area called 𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻 (the last defense - all of the other 6 cities surround it) .

-- There are 3 Dukes - who each all rule over a city.

(1) Blake Family - DAMASCUS. 

(2) Belmont Family - NARVA. 

(3) Grayborn Family - THIDROL. 

-- 4 counts who rule our 2 cities.

(1) Sinclair & Korbil Family - KLISHTO.

(2) Morris & Stormswill Family - MORWIL.

-- 4 Baron combined rule over a single city called HARENDALE.

{ Barons - Oswald, Hearwell, Maismat, Winston}

Important note - as you read there are not many nobles. But this doesn't mean their aren't other powerful people or families. There are. A lot of them too. But noble ranks are only given to those who are loyal to the Royal family and supports it. In simple terms, those rich powerful families who didn't bend the knee weren't given titles and ranks. Those free powerful families and clans are called ELITES.

There are a lot of elite families, but they're all free and self acting, not in a group or bound to each other - meaning they don't have a leader to lead them or band them together,, that's why they weren't mentioned here in this chapter.



Looking at the map , all different races like elves, dwarves, fairies, undead, driads, aquarace, halflings etc. Have all chosen the places they preferred and it's the same as described in the book. Elves live in a place called Elfring. Undead in the Dark Forest. Dwarves are set in Mountain Valley. Fairies are in Hyrule Forest. Driads in Woodlands. Aquarace in Atlantia. Halflings are living on the Amazon islands.



To stop the constant threat of monsters and towers, there are several organizations which are responsible for certain things . These places don't discriminate between your race or origin. If you're capable - you can join them.

(1) GUILD ASSOCIATION - Organization responsible for controlling the dungeon outbreaks and Tower clearance.

(2) MAGIC TOWER - Organization responsible for new knowledge and research on the field of magic and nature of dungeons.

(3) WORLD ASSOCIATION - Organization made by top 5 academies who are responsible for training the future generations. (The academies are all made on floating islands.)

-- Zenith Academy (Rank-1)

-- Arctic Academy

-- Sunshine Academy

-- Tristan Academy

-- Moonstone Academy

(4) CREATOR'S CHAPEL - Organization responsibile for controlling the hate crimes in the name of religion and maintaining the followers peaceful lives. All crimes of followers and strays are punishable by them.

-- Despite these major players there are many other private organizations and other associations who are made to secure the peace. Like - military or army of every nation.

Alchemy Association

Artisan Association

Tech Association

Business Association etc.



While these organizations maintain peace there are some who want to spread chaos and disrupt the balance. Like --

(1) EVIL'S SCION - Followers of Ditail & Demons

(2) WARZY - A terrorist organization who made profits from war and wants more to happen so they can rise up in power.

(3) STRAYS - People who follow the fallen Gods, who have betrayed the realm.



Made by an unknown entity revered by every God. Everyone living on the planet Arcadia can awaken it after their body can sustain mana - usually after awakening. It can show their status, skills and power progression. It is also required to help receive the blessings of Gods. It also keeps a record of everything ever happening in the world , called the DATA. It names all achievements and titles gained by unique or new ways.



After the emergence, when several planes started merging into one. Gods of those places started appearing in Arcadia too. Though according to the world's system they cannot directly interfere but they can give their followers selected powers and blessings which can help them get stronger.

In return as their followers grow - they receive the power of faith from them. The more power and belief your followers have, the stronger and safer they are.

NOTE -- If a God lost all his follower and has no faith power, he is supposed to be erased by the world system. (It's a theory - not yet proven.)



After the age of 10 to 18 people's bodies can go through a transformation, Which makes it susceptible to mana. It helps them connect with the world system. It also helps them awaken their innate ability if they have any.

INNATE ABILITY - Power people are born with. These abilities are resulted because of your bloodline or heritage. It can be inherited for generations.


UNAWAKENED - - The person who doesn't awaken can still train harder and learn to use aura to get stronger, but the disadvantage they have is that awakened can also learn it. So in general cases they will always be weaker than them.

-- Those who do not awaken till age of 18 can never awaken unless a God specially makes them their chosen one.


AVATAR/CHOSEN ONE- A God can give many people their blessing but they can only have one person as a chosen one. This person doesn't just receives a single power but gets the whole legacy of God.

- When an avatar dies, the gods bound to him lose a skill which their avatar was most trained and proficient in. That's why gods gotta be careful when choosing avatars too. Otherwise they may lose all their op skills one by one.

{There are some rules and limitations for this backlash which will be explained later in the story in detail.}

{Things related to gods are many and major - so no info here. Keep reading and learn the game of war they play between mortals.}



According to the world's system - power levels are simply divided into the following classes .

(1) MORTAL F < E < D < C < B < A

(2) LIMIT = L

(3) ARCH < S < SS < SSS

(4) ZEPHYR = Z


(Each rank is further divided into - , middle, + )



There are 7 main elements and almost as many as possible sub-elemants or complex elements.









[I know to some the world might seem small for a planet where different world merged. But this is just the tip of the world. The big things or names that'll be mentioned many times, so I just wrote it together. There r hell lot of other things, smaller kingdoms, vassel continents, uncharted territories etc and etc and etc - they'll come too, but with their time. All these details were just major notable players for now and later.]

A/N -- This chapter is pure world info.Sorry but it was necessary to know it all.

Thanks for reading.

I'll try to post 2 chs tomorrow. TRY TO

DevilDarknesscreators' thoughts