
Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

This is the tale of an average nobody, who after his death got transmigrated in a new world. The memories of his average life flashed before his eyes, as he found nothing that was noteworthy about him. So in this new world should he try to change that, should he wish to be supreme, rise to the peak or to rule the heavens, but he's too lazy for that. "And how come all the names are so familiar. Don't tell me, am I in that novel?" Soon after waking up he realised this world was based upon the very first novel he read years ago. At first he felt happy that finally something unexpected happened in his life. But that happiness was short lived as he remembered the plot of the book and the crisis that was coming for the world. If that wasn't enough he was living in the body of Rio Raven Blake - avatar of Nyx. Known by his other names like The last dark spawn, The first fallen or The infamous Devil. In a world brimming with dungeons, towers, Gods, Demons, monsters and magic - our MC finds himself trapped in the body of the last villain. "I don't care about the novel plot, I'll just ignore it, and live my life peacefully." At least that was his plan, until he heard a voice in his head , that he's been waiting for all this time. [DING] [TING] [TIDING] [DID YOU MISS ME??? ] 'The great villain system, what a funny name.' You can earn points by ruining the plotlines, and can get whatever you want. Let me see, I'm a master at messing things up. [What, someone is going to do a prophecy that I will become the villain after growing up - kill him while he's still a kid.] [what, this potion was made for the protagonist and the alchemist heroine - I'll take it with me.] [ohh you're the one who saves the protagonist when he was about to die - go to prison, you traitor.] [wait, you have a sister. but she is sick and needs help - here take this potion and work for me.] Got a money making slave for life. [What, my parents are fixing my engagement with the princess, who's also a main heroine, but will betray me later and help everyone kill me - Humph...just you wait...] Once the plot started many years later, at the academy entrance exam. Protagonist was shining brightly, breaking all records, taking first rank, but no one was talking about him. As the news came out that the genius of humanity Rio Blake, will be joining the academy too. Not only mortals, even Gods and Demons were surprised at this sudden development too. {Nyx nods at her believers achievements} {Odin says you've grown a lot} {Gauri/Kali challenges you to fight her believer} {Jesus prays for your souls redemption} {Anubis awaits your enemies doom} {Lucifer writes down your lines, as you take on the Devil persona} The protagonist just stared at the guy who took all the limelight from him, but his surprise turned to shock, when his sister ran and hugged the man, while crying her eyes out, saying she missed him and she was sorry. "What is happening? Who is he? {Apollo curses...} ## -- A/N - 1) NO HAREM. (I believe in soulmate love 2) MC doesn't care about right, wrong, good, evil - as long as he gets what he want, he'll do it. 3) He hates the so called righteous hypocrites, so don't think he'll be friends with protagonist. 4) MC is serious when it comes to relationships, so don't expect any kind of pokemon collection harem. 5) MC hates the plot, so he'll ruin it. Do not expect him to follow it or him trying to keep it same as written. 6) I don't like hiding my strength tropes, so not happening. He will be OP, and a badass. ## -- Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · ファンタジー
384 Chs

Darkness & New Beginning for Nobody

As I closed my eyes I found peace surrounding me. There were no more regrets , no more pain , no more sadness .

I could feel myself reliving everything that I've gone through in my life - the memories that I cherished , the friends I made , the people that I loved , and people I've lost , the mistakes I made , the choices I regret , I chances I missed - everything was in front of my eyes.

I could feel all the different emotions hit me like a tidal wave but then next second everything became calm , serene and peaceful once again.

If I had to describe this feeling I would only say one word - liberating.

I knew I had made a lot of mistakes and I knew there were still people who loved me , cared for me and will miss me after my death. But in that moment of calmness I wanted to forget it all.

This peacefulness was something I never had in the last few years of my life.

When I was alive, I wanted to feel pain , the misery and I wanted to be alone - cause I think I deserved it.

Some people left me , some gave up on me and some were whom I ignored - yet despite how hard I tried to punish myself there were those who still stood with me , supported me and cared for me - Aaya , Ali , Aarvi , Ria , Queency.

These people helped me without asking anything in return and I was grateful for that , but now I regret why I didn't actually say that to their face. Had I been a little more honest I could've told them - I could have told her - that I needed you in my life and sorry for my mistakes. Or just a simple thank you - but I guess I won't have a chance now.

As memories in my head started becoming hazy I started losing myself in that darkness.

If anyone asked what I wanted now , my answer would be that I wanted time to stop there at that moment. I wanted this peacefulness to last forever .

I wanted an eternity of this numb darkness where I couldn't feel a thing.


*****A/N - Tell me in comments what you think death would feel like. ****


I closed my eyes and left myself floating in the darkness as I enjoyed the peace.

But when has anything in my life ever gone according to my wishes and what I want.


I didn't know how much time I was lost in this darkness - could've been a moment or a day or maybe an eternity as I hoped for , but suddenly I started hearing voices around me , breaking me out of my calm sleep.

I couldn't understand what they were saying . I started looking around to see the source of that voice but I couldn't find anything except darkness - I stopped trying to look. Hoping that the voices would shut up and I could go to my sleep again.

But as I tried harder to ignore everything , the voices started getting louder and louder.

I could make out some words of what the voices were saying -

[wake up]

[why isn't he waking up]

[Why hasn't anyone from the church arrived yet]

[the priest is here]

I was trying to close my eyes again when with a loud flash, a crack started forming. I could see the pure white light radiating through it - pushing the darkness away. I could feel myself slipping towards that crack and as I passed through , I could see the darkness from before trying to swallow that light .

I was wondering what was happening , when I heard some voices again

[is something wrong with my son]

[will brother be okay]

[he's fine, he just needs rest now]

Son and brother - as I heard these words the memories that I thought I'd forgotten when I came here started coming back to me. Memories of my family back on earth my mother and my lovely little sister Ria.

(It's been a long time since I heard her voice in my head)

That was the last thought I had before the light completely blinded me and I could feel myself again.

It was a strange sensation as in the darkness I couldn't feel anything - not myself neither my surroundings.

But now I could feel the wind touching my face and I could feel someone holding my hands.

I tried to feel my eyes and was hoping to open them but then a pain came assaulting my brain. It wasn't as bad as getting hit by a truck but it wasn't something to scoff at too.

I clenched my fists and tried to suppress it - migraines weren't something I was new at. I had them everytime I had a panic attack or after waking up from my nightmares but this was more than that.

If the pain of getting your body completely wrecked by a truck was a 10 and the panic attacks were 5 , then this headache would be around 6 or 7 probably.

I was thinking like this , waiting for the pain to be over but then I heard a 'click' sound , like something breaking. And like some trigger or chain reaction it kept echoing in my head repeatedly like someone placed my head on an anvil and was now hammering it constantly , I thought I was finally going crazy.

I tried to cover my ears but before I could do that the banging stopped . I tried to take a deep breath to calm down but then the headache started again and this time it was worse, so much worse than before.

(it broke the pain scale and went far beyond a 10)

After what felt like eternity to me , the pain stopped and came the peaceful darkness again surrounding me in itself.

After that just like before - the different feelings and memories started playing in front of me. I relaxed and started paying attention.

But As I continued to watch , I noticed something different from before - these memories, these feelings - they weren't mine.

The scenes that were rolling in front of my eyes portraying the story of someone else's life.

They were of a 10 year old kid - RIO BLAKE.

A/N - Fantasy world here we go.

So after so long - we start his life in the new beautifully marvelous world.

Please wish a happy journey to the Nobody.

Don't forget to give your power stones and Reviews.

DevilDarknesscreators' thoughts