
Life of a Mafia: A shadow reborn

Melony_Rodriguez · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 7: A new destiny

"Boss... the crew wants to know what their next plan of action...boss?" said Damian and Diana replied "Group One goes to the east group two goes to the West alpha team goes north I can handle South on my own but we all meet back here within a week if one of the groups doesn't come back the deal is off I'm leaving you in charge make sure to mess up headquarters for me while I'm gone" and just like that Diana grabbed her bag got on a plane and head South, "you must be Nyx correct? One of my agents told me that you would be arriving soon and just we clear this is only about the deal nothing else" said Revon as the two leaders discussed the deal, the meeting was over, but Revon had some words to say... "Nyx what was the reason you became one of the best mafias? Was it family trauma? A messed-up childhood? What was your one motive that made you who you are?"

The only thing I could say was nothing my motives I don't know what they were I could never really think straight because I tried to forget my past for some reason it always came back to me I just can't take it anymore but at least I kept myself sane... the only thing I said was I didn't really care if people kept mocking me and seeing me as a disgrace why would I pay attention to fools like that? So, I shut them all away and move on since that was the only thing I could do I couldn't go back even if I wanted to I was forbidden to go back but I was never really the person to "follow" the rules I didn't want to explain my full story so that was the only thing I said I had to wait till next morning for my plane in order to go back home most of the time I didn't even feel homesick could I just kept moving forward I guess the only thing I did was that I never forgave, I never forgave my parents I never forgave anyone...