
Life of a Mafia: A shadow reborn

Melony_Rodriguez · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 15: the coming of a new age

It's May 10th I wonder what life has for us, now? I know I am getting old but at least I know that throughout my life I've made many discoveries and fascinating things. So now I see everything for what the world became, it became a clear future. Now it's spring, everything is now in bloom; my kids are grown up helping the town and becoming "Saviors" I now see that to become a hero you would be willing to sacrifice everything even if it means yourself in the process. Clarisse and Nathanial are strong they know how to take care of themselves but now...I believe that after everything death is coming for me and it's time for me to pass on my legacy to the next. So, I will write my final letter and seeing things will forever be the same and maybe I can see my father once again...I now leave this journal to Nathanial and Clarisse Charlotte Carlson my beloved children

                                           - ⚜ Diana Charlotte Carlson ⚜

Diana Charlotte lived her life from a mafia to someone new and now some even follow in her footsteps, the new generation has improved her children now made a statue in her honor stating "These Letters once belonged to Diana Charlotte Carlson (2014 – 2050), in any way possible these letters will forever remain and be owned to the Charlotte Family once these letters started Diana was living her life and now they belong to Nathanial and Clarisse Charlotte the children of Diana and Alexander Charlotte. Diana Charlotte had many ideas, but no one listened to her however her career is an inspiring settlement, and our mother will forever remain our idol for her responsible doings and as from one mafia leader to the next "There's always a reason life has its secrets, but one may ask this; What would you do if You were given this opportunity?"

- Clarisse and Nathanial C. Carlson"