

It's Ok

Hay hay mom are you listening to me...

Yes i can listen to her but i pretend to be sleep. I have no patience to there blabber all that over again..

I am truly upset and want to die... But my heart have so many wishes that i can't die yet... What to do ? I don't have any ways to fulfill my wishes nor do i have time... I am at hospital bed waiting for my life to slip away slowly.. only i can do is saw the window of hospital and keep dreaming and thinking if... If... And if...

There nothing left suddenly i can hear some woodpikers are pikking at the window glass lite they want to come in or may b they want me to come out...

And as i thought i an see them no one else can...

Is it possible i am still dreaming no its not a dream its a real thing... It's a system... Inside my mind... Ok ok let me calm down first i am so happy i want to cry...

....... .....

Now finally my hormones are settled and now i can think..

Ot may b talk to my little woodpiker..

Yes little woodpiker is my system..

" Hello, little woodpiker.. what are you here for.."

" I am not a woodpiker (a bird), you can call me something else..."

"Than can i call you system.."

"No, it's boreing"

" Than let's think a good name for you...

May be i can call you hope..."