
life of a high schooler

"Being a detective is really stressful Hun" A story about a girl who has to create a balance between her mystery solving,her family and love life.

Ebube_Nwokeji · 若者
16 Chs

Chapter 2

 "Jones, Jane, Leo and Anna, how I met and became friends with them is still a surprise to me.We started off as strangers who go to the same school and was obliged to see each other once in a while when we see,we just say hello and pass.

 I met Leo at first.We were in the same club (robotics) and sat together.At first glance,he looked like an aloof person with a lazy posture and only saying few words once in a while.He was very tall had an athletic body with sharp features that made him look both handsome and mysterious with those eyes of his «they were black with a hint of gold in them…With all these descriptions, you might think I had a crush on him but that was far from it; rather I felt like he was a mystery that I needed to solve.Well that when my mystery solving trait in me was awoken.I wanted to know him so I decided to talk to him next time it was time for co-curricular activities.

 Luckily, the next day was club time and in our club,we were paired in twos for a project (each group was to come up with a robot that could do a unique thing which must be different from the other groups) we were to pick who to pair with and once it is said,it was final;so I chose Leo who was sitting in the back as always writing something on about before any other girl could pick him.When he heard his name he looked up with that weird eyes of his but he didn't need to ask what happened as he saw me smiling and some girls in the classroom looking downcast like their trophy had been snatched from them.


Leo's POV

 "When I saw her smiling at me,No! smirking is more accurate,I knew that I was done for. I avoided talking to her all these while because I knew that she was a wild but sincere person whose life can wreck my peaceful one.Mere looking at her was making my insides scream" RUN!!!" but it's too late to go back as she had already said my name to the whole class.Even if she wasn't as attractive as most girls,she is very confident as many people don't like looking into my eyes but she is doing it and even smiling and again am sure what I am seeing is smirking not smiling.anyways,she has a friendly aura unlike the other girls who just want to date me to get popular or get back at their boyfriends so I am going to accept and see where this leads me"


Amelia's POV

After a while of staring which was tiring to be sincere, he finally smiled and beckoned me to come over which made the other girls looks to contort with jealousy and anger I laughed internally as those girls are really shallow minded to think I will date someone like him.

  Later as I sat down, I started the conversation as I saw he wasn't going to talk unless I talked "Hi! So what's your name " at first he was silent then when I thought of giving up,he muttered "Leo".His voice was surprisingly better than I thought.."okay! Is not like I haven't heard his voice before is just that hearing it upclose had this kind of vibe to it like the kind when a quiet guy just talks for the first time."So Leo I noticed that you are new in this club so I was wondering if you were here just for the fun of it or just to escape detention "


Leo's POV

  From the looks of it, she is really chatty and also friendly.She seems like she just wants to be my friend instead of using me. Maybe she will make a good friend.Let's try out first.


Amelia's POV

  "Seeing him quiet,I knew he was thinking about how to answer my question so I let him be "look it's okay you don't have to answer me I was just trying to —"its ok I understand sorry for not responding earlier. To be honest I am not really into robotics. I am more into mystery solving but since there is none like that, I just choose my second hobby which is building and then destroying"What?!! that's what I also like except destroying thing I created haha; and here I am thinking you were some loner not knowing you were really cool.I am really sorry dude""Nah no hard feeling I also thought you were a really weird person but talking with you made me realize how much better it is to have some as weird as you ""Ouch man! That hurts but to be fair, you are not wrong I really am weird ""well like they say, two weird birds flock together "I am such that's not right"who cares?!! Don't you see,I modified it to be weird like us.So friends? "FRIENDS"

 Since we were now friends,I had to know where he lived so I could pay him a visit sometime "so Leo?" Where do live "oh! I live at the Winfred mansion in Stockholm street "wait! Winfred mansion in Stockholm Street?!!"Yeah what's wrong ?"No is just that that mansion is one of the oldest and wealthiest house in the city one of my dreams is to enter the building and dine with it's inhabitants;who knew that the heir to that mansion is currently my friend.what a stroke of luck""ok! You don't need to announce it like that.I am keeping a low profile or if my parents find out, they are going to send me to one famous school in France which is filled with weird teens who are spoiled rotten to the core "oh I see,it is that bad well dude we are now friends and I don't tell on my friends fortunately, your house is just a stone throw away from my house so we could just walk to the house together "really! That's nice finally; it's lonely using the car to go home when I could walk with you."then it's perfect; I will call my parents to not send the driver "will she not freak out if she finds out that you are walking with a girl home "actually, doesn't mind me walking home with a girl neither does my Dad "now that's perfect! when we close,we go home together; don't forget....and that's how my friendship with Leo started .

Just know that I love y'all so much so I really need your encouragement

Ebube_Nwokejicreators' thoughts