
What is Love?

Love!Love!Love! --one of the most precious things of the world. We are surviving in the world due to love. We can make bonding with our closed one thank to love. We can find our soulmate because of love. It's pretty unfair when someone says, Love is one of the cheapest things of the world!! May be someone can start arguing with that person for whom love is cheap thing. But I think It is cheapest thing as well as precious. It varies from time to time. When you find someone who are in love with you,who respects your emotion, your feelings,then we accept -yeah love is the best thing in the world. But unfortunately when we are broken,we got betrayed from our partner then love becomes so torturing word of life.

From my view,Love becomes precious thing for everyone throughout world

only when we love unconditionally, when we love someone without expecting anything from our loved one.