
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · テレビ
79 Chs


Jaya was both great and annoying for the same reason, because a lot of pirate assholes gathered there. It was a place for pirates and where pirates gathered, so did intel. Law beat the fuck out of Bellamy and his crew hardcore because I told him they served his enemy willingly. We restocked, Fujitora, the giants and I had a great time drinking and gambling and all that ended when Blackbeard wanted to fight and take me in.

It seems my bounty had gone up to a hundred and fifty million. Fujitora, Robin, Brook and Law's had hit a hundred million while the rest of the crew had bounties ranging from fifteen to eighty million with Gin leading the pack. Mock town ended up destroyed and in ruins by the time the fight was over. Blackbeard had lost to me and I carved out his left eye telling him he scarred my old man's eye so he could pay a bigger price for fucking with me.

Fujitora had beaten his wrestler shipmate and Brook had taken out the sniper with what he called soul song. That left Robin taking out the doctor. Nami robbed Doflamingo's underworld stash house that Robin had found. Blackbeard asked how and I roared. "BECAUSE I AM INEVITABLE AND I WILL NOT BE STOPPED! I AM THE CHANGE THAT WILL RAVAGE THIS WORLD AND FORCE IT TO CHANGE TO MY WILL!"

The sky boomed as thunder rumbled and lightning cracked to punctuate my words. My will was so suppressive that even Fujitora was barely standing while Robin had to lean on a building piece and the others fell to their knees. It was good that none of them had passed out and showed their training wasn't without progress. I pulled it back as Blackbeard coughed up blood and passed out.

I left a bit of treasure Nami stole from Bellamy's crew for the bar keep and the civilians to rebuild. I walked on and the crew followed slowly, joining me on the ship where Nami gave me the ten devil fruits and showed me the money. I nodded and put it all with the rest, telling them we'd need it for the proper ship for the giants and supplies at water seven when we get there.

We went to Cricket's place and met the old man. I sent Fujitora and Robin insect hunting, telling them what to look for and sent Brook to get a south bird. Fujitora had a tank for the beetles on a makeshift wagon I made of metal. For three days they emptied the forest while I called down, made and thickened clouds capable of carrying four ships to the White Sea and from there, the white-white sea.

Cricket agreed to come along and when the two monkey brothers showed up with Luffy and his crew, I facepalmed before offering them a ride up as well since we were at it. Law had helped fix up old man Cricket so he was ready to go and Luffy agreed because he wanted an adventure. Fujitora and Robin returned with a giant tank of beetles while Brook had an irate south bird.

I made the bird bend to my will and told it I wouldn't chain it, but it would come with us or the next time it takes flight it would be struck down and made into a meal. It agreed to help and sat on the rail obediently. I told it not to worry because it would be brought there and back safely and so long as it stayed aboard my ship it would remain safe. The giants put the ships on the clouds and everyone climbed aboard.

Seeing all the treasures on my main cloud, Luffy's crew grew excited until I offered to drop their asses off sky island if they touched my stuff and I'd make sure to drop their ship on top of them for good measure. Usopp suddenly had a great fear of me while I sat there unperturbed. A giant sea king island turtle tried to attack as we were rising so I gave it a ride and it became lunch, electric fried and good with saki.

The giants laughed and everyone partied while we rose up higher and higher. When we reached the right spot and ascended, I told them to be careful as the oxygen was thin here. I set their ships down apart from my clouds and moved all my stuff aboard my ships, dispersing the clouds until it was time to leave. I saw Usopp trying to jump in and zapped him, making him fall back into the deck of his ship.

Luffy asked what the big idea was and I scoffed. "I just saved your friend's life. The White Sea is full of sea king sized creatures and if he reached the bottom he'd fall ten thousand meters to the blue sea below, your welcome."

He tilted his head and nodded, telling Usopp he was pretty dumb and lucky. As if to prove my point a giant octopus and a huge sky shark appeared and attacked. I deep fried the sky shark and they dealt with the octopus so we ate the sky shark on the way to heaven's gates. When an old lady showed up taking pictures, she asked if we were there to pillage, tour or other.

I shrugged. "Tour and meet some old friends, but we aren't paying any fee."

She nodded and we were let through as lobsters grabbed all four of our ships. Luffy's crew made it not long after us to Angel beach. There we learned things weren't so good as Enel had returned with the spark-spark fruit, a similar devil fruit to my own and when amplified by thunder clouds, just as devastating.

Sanji and Brook hit it off with Conis and her father so I turned to Fujitora. "Deal with the four priests. Take the newbies and help them learn to better their haki. Enel's crew only knows observation haki they call Mantra. Kill the four priests and Enel if he shows his face. They've oppressed and killed people of this country for long enough. If any of the military get in your way, kill those you feel have vicious hearts and knock out those you believe can be redeemed."

He nodded and took the new crew members all the way to Gin with him and the ship. The rest of the main crew came with me while we made friends and traded for more dials. The giant's ship would certainly need a lot if it's to keep up with the Wicked Lightning. Jet and breath dials were mostly what we got, but lightning and heat dials were second on the list.

Once the giant's boat was loaded, I took everyone with us to the varth land alter, killing sky sharks left and right as we sailed there. When we arrived, Robin found it fascinating and I told the giants of the giant snake, warning them that it was an innocent and I'd be angry if it died, but to be careful as it was highly poisonous. I told them the Shandora history including the truth that the snake was in fact a friend of Cricket's ancestor, Noland.

Cricket was surprised and when we reached the ruins of the city of gold, Fujitora's fight with Enel had ended. Robin tossed him a sack and Fujitora killed Enel so his fruit was reborn in the fruit inside the sack. The natives were happy to see I was apart of the crew that took out Enel. I lowered the bell and the damned pillar busted off anyways, damaged from the original blast that sent it up from the looks of it.

They were happy regardless and Robin read the Poneglyph, freeing them from their duties to it. I carved my name next to Roger's like I had done to the last two Poneglyph without Roger's name on them. We partied and the giants ate the giant bird, dog and a bunch of sky sharks I killed around our ships and the alter. Hell, once the bell was ringing even the giant snake Nola partied with us.

I told Cricket it's name and introduced him to Wyper, telling him their ancestors knew each other as friends. Cricket had his proof and he decided to set out with the monkey brothers after this for a new adventure. I told them how to use the balloon octopus and the dials to get down without us since they wanted to stay longer. The locals gave us the pillar of gold and I chuckled, agreeing it would be useful.

Nami was in money heaven as her eyes turned into Belli signs. Seeing the awful condition of Luffy's ship, I tossed him the three bags of gold I saved and told him it was gold I swiped from here years ago. I told him it was sort of a rainy day fund and his ship looked to need a lot of care if it was to survive for much longer.

I told him it wasn't charity, just an investment so that he'd make it to our promised fight one day. He and his crew watched us train the newbies for a couple days before I beat Zoro down again. Gin beat down a couple crew mates he had and I smiled seeing Chopper. He freaked out until I petted him and offered cotton candy.

I told him he had to get strong to because Luffy and Zoro couldn't do it all. I suggested he learned to control his forms better and had him practice his giant form against Brogy and Dorry so I didn't hurt him. They had a blast and wrecked parts of the forest, but a blast was had nonetheless. I carved them a sturdier ship out of the huge ass trees that would last to water seven at least since the sky sharks had broken the glass pieces ramming the ship which meant there was no replacing them up here with no real sand.

Once both our ships were ready, I lowered us down and we avoided the G8 base while Luffy's crew made a splash. I helped Nami map it out before we left without being seen. Having destroyed a marine base with G8's reputation, Luffy got his hundred million berri bounty after all as we discovered a week later on Long Island. Foxy the pirate challenged me to a Davy Back fight and I agreed to the three challenges.

The first one he tried cheating with in a boat race so I dropped a bolt of lightning and fried his team's boat to ashes, leaving them unconscious and floating in the water while his power wore off and Nami won that race. I took his shipwrights. The next challenge was a two on two match with another third person on each side as a human ball. Zala was the ball and she fucked up the other team while Dorry and Brogy got to play and win the second round.

I took their ship next and the last one was a captains fight on said ship. Foxy tried his schemes and I deep fried his ass with lightning before kicking him off the ship. The moment he was out of the ring, I claimed their flag and told them they'd have to fly another banner if they found another ship anytime soon. I told Dorry and Brogy they could use that ship and when they tried it didn't work so I kept the flag and gave the ship back to the idiot pirates after Law and the crew took what they wanted which was mostly medical supplies.

Seeing as they wouldn't remove their masks, I dismissed the shipwrights saying I'd find my own in water seven. As for the flag, I changed the sails to look like a female frog with lipstick, calling them the toad princess pirates. Foxy spit blood and I told him at least the drawing wasn't a kid's art project. They couldn't argue because I let them keep their sails.

We stocked up on Long Island apples and left ice even the giants had enough stored up and I ate most of those left on the island. We ran into an island with a dumb seahorse trying to steal our memories and Sanji turned it into a fried sea horse delicacy I tried. The crew was constantly undergoing training and peaceful sailing for those not teaching or learning. Parties were had and so was fun and laughter until the next island which Aokiji showed up on.

He was there for Robin to confirm her on our crew and to give me a warning, the world government wasn't amused with me throwing their mark back in the public's face. He said they were debating on raising my bounty higher unless I was brought down soon. His eyes wandered to my sword and frowned. "Which brings me to asking. Did Hawkeye train you?"

I shrugged. "Assuming he did, he wouldn't know that I am a former slave. If it helps any, when and if I use this blade, it won't be against you. You're nothing but a symptom of the disease that is the world government, a disease I will one day cure the world of. For now, my haki and devil fruit would be enough to repel an admiral if you're looking for a fight. After all, Rayleigh did raise and train me and I don't give a fuck who knows that."

My haki broke the ground and expanded outwards while my skin turned entirely black, head and all until it became reddish and charged with electricity. The sky darkened and a massive thunderstorm covered the island as I asked him. "Shall we get this over with? Because I have work to do and it doesn't involve watching my back for a surprise attack."

He sighed as a fog left his lips. "Fine. I guess it's only fair since I initiated this confrontation."

I turned to Fujitora. "Take the others back to the ships and get the civilians off the island. Take the ships out six miles south of here. The climate and the landscape is going to change…drastically."

He agreed and they fled fast and hard while I squared off with Aokiji. He reached for Robin and the rest, but I redirected his arm upwards and made lightning covered haki fists slam into him. I wasn't fucking around and soon enough neither was he. He was forced to take me very seriously and started using haki with his devil fruit abilities.

My martial arts was rusty, but the rust soon fell away as we fought for hours, days and nearly a week straight as lightning constantly fell on the island now, forever stormy and covered in a frozen tundra forevermore. At the end both of us were injured, but he was far worse off because I'd impaled him on a chidori like lightning blade and electrocuted him before he was forced to retreat or die.

Law was able to remove the frost bite and save my frozen left leg even if it would pain me until the nerves regenerated fully. The island was a mess so we took the locals with us because we were headed to water seven where they could catch the sea train to the gourmet island. Still, we saw all of long ring island, island by island before we headed to water seven. When we arrived, Luffy and his crew were already there and having money issues as in Franky already stole it.

Water Seven was now a floating island and thousands of homes had been recovered when they raised the sunken sea level homes from before. Even water canal had spill way metal damns to regulate the water while those below sea level now had thick glass walls making them a sort of resort and underwater cafe like place. It was fancy and the rich paid a great deal to eat there and see it's charms as sea creatures passed by.

The island was still at the same level, but now that it was floating and cut off at the very bottom, it was like a bobber in the water and special weights ensured no more aqua lagunas would be so devastating, only enough for the far out town houses to get the salty water over their roofs which was profitable as k pointed out to Iceberg. Needless to say, when we arrived, things got interesting. Robin informed me in her own way that CP9 wanted her. I told her to find out what they wanted from her and go along with it for now as it could be interesting.

In the meantime, I met with Iceberg alone and in secret. CP9 tried to listen in, but I made a static barrier and made sure all they could hear was buzzing. I told Iceberg what I needed and he said it was a big job. I provided the dials and more for his troubles, saying I'd pay as soon as the pillar of gold was sold off, giving the one billion berri I had as a down payment.

Robin informed me of CP9's plan to assassinate Iceberg and I told her to play the part while I stop them mostly. I told her my plan to attack Enies Lobby for two of Brogy and Dorry's old crew along with making a statement and cutting out the corrupt evil there. Iceberg was with me when I received the call and I told him to play his part and whatever damage was done, my ship's doctor would ensure he survives.

He agreed and I smiled. "Worry not, in one fell swoop we'll weed out the government agents in your midst and destroy the root of your teacher's death. I care not for Pluton's plans, I can destroy islands on my own with a flick of my finger after all. No, I don't even care about the one who has them. I do however care about you and Water Seven."

He smiled and nodded. "Thank you Ren-San."

I waved him off. "Don't let the agents hear you call me that. Friendly with a pirate."

We laughed and had a few drinks before I parted ways with him saying tonight it would happen because Aqua Laguna was coming tomorrow. I told him to be ready for whatever pain was necessary before I left. Sure enough CP9 attacked and I stopped them enough to save Iceberg while they took Franky and left the island. Fujitora, Sanji and half the crew had boarded their train while Law healed up Iceberg and we left.

The ships were docked in Iceberg's personal dock and all of the crew joined Luffy who went after Franky with his crew on the Rocketman, a runaway train. When Aqua Laguna got in our way, I drew Yoake and split the wave into four. A clear path straight for us and the entire top of the wave for miles was cut in half horizontally.

Zoro was open mouthed in shock along with all those not on my crew. I sheathed my blade silently and sat down, telling the others to hold on because it was going to be a wild ride. They agreed and Brook sat down with us while we picked up the rest of the crew who were left on a lone train car rather than ruin my plans. Fujitora got rid of the train car and joined me sitting with the rest of the crew.

When we arrived, we crashed over a sea fence right into Eneis Lobby's front door. Dorry and Brogy were cheerful and when their old crew mates Oimo and Kashii joined us, we wrecked Enies Lobby. The giants were pissed for being lied to and taking it out on any standing structures or fools that got in their way. I knocked out most marines and took all the weapons onto my clouds along with all the supplies we found as we went.

By the time we reached the last building Luffy had beaten CP9's Blueno. Fujitora had killed hundreds of corrupt marines and the rest were left alone besides the destruction the giants did. I zapped over to Robin with a bag of fruit, freeing her and taking Spandam's elephant sword. He pressed the buster call button and I chuckled. "Even if a buster call comes, they'll be shooting metal balls and those I can send back or send your way. Fuck you and fuck the world government."

Lucci tried to kill me and I deep fried the kitty. He breathed out a puff of smoke and fell unconscious while I took Robin and all the treasures they had before floating over to the others on a cloud with Robin. I turned to Fujitora. "Once the Strawhats are done, destroy what remains and eliminate CP9. They are the worst crutch of the government's corrupt power, all of the Cipher poles are. If you don't wish to, I will."

He waved me off saying he had no issue with it, especially Lucci. We watched Luffy's crew fuck them up and I had the crew to gather the marines on the clouds because I had decided I was going to sink Enies Lobby and everything entirely. Clouds came down and we all got to work.

Once the Strawhats were all out, Fujitora finished off CP9, leaving Spandam for Robin who broke his neck in front of the fleet called for the buster call. I took three of their ships, sank another and snapped my fingers, dropping the marines onto the last one that had Aokiji on it. He watched me and I pointed to the sky as a giant beam of lightning crashed down, vaporizing Enies Loby and widening the already massive hole in the ocean until nothing remained of the judicial island.

Even the Strawhats were terrified while the marines practically shit themselves. The Franky family took one marine ship while the giants took another with help and my crew took the last, leaving before the gates of justice could close. Fujitora dropped a meteor towards the marine's last ship and nearly sank it while he waved at Aokiji.

Needless to say, our bounties went up because I'd dropped a recording dial that had everything from CP9's plot to kill Iceberg to Spandam wanting the ancient weapon pluton all the way to him admitting his father had gone after Ohara because he'd wanted the ancient weapons as well. Hell, it had the lies the world government told the giants and the fact that I'd given the order to Fujitora to eliminate those with true evil in their hearts and the will to be corrupt or otherwise outright hostile to civilians by abusing their positions.

It had Luffy's crew fucking up CP9 and both crews declaring war on the world government. It didn't have anything about the sea train conductor or the Franky family itself so they were safe. I'd been real careful with that much at least. Still, it showed me wiping out Enies Lobby as the final act and Fujitora dropping a meteor just as we left.

I gave Iceberg a copy of it all when we met him on a Galley-La ship outside the gates. The Going Merry went caput and the Strawhat crew said goodbye to it while I smiled, touching the Wicked Lightning mast, asking. "Are you the same Wicked Lightning? Are you my friend as well?"

I could've sworn I'd heard a faint yes which left me stumped. My gaze softened and I smiled as we headed back to Water Seven. We sold off the pillar of gold in chunks to gold dealers until a quarter of it remained. The rest the gold dealers couldn't afford and most of the money went to buying Adam's wood.

Iceberg designed and built the ship personally with what remained of Dock one's workers. Garp showed up and I laughed my ass off when he punched Luffy. He turned to me and narrowed his eyes. "You're that red haired brat's kid aren't you?"

I shrugged. "Are you going to blame me for my old man's sins? Because if you are, be sure how much you're willing to sacrifice because I don't like corrupt marines and I will kill you if I have to."

His eyes narrowed and out conquerors haki clashed, splitting the clouds above. Our wills branched out and many in and around us including his marines fainted. He grunted and withdrew his haki, hitting me upside the head telling me not to be like him. I scoffed and put mine away, rubbing my head. "I don't have the choice. The world nobles saw to that. I won't live my life like a coward, I refuse. They will pay and it will be their death knell. I could give a fuck about pirate kings or Roger's treasure. When I'm done even the red line will cease to exist along with that filthy pit they call the holy city."

I growled and he looked at me with narrowed eyes. "And the marines?"

I shrugged. "The marines will be needed for after, hell, they'll always be needed, but that absolute justice and bullshit laziness will cease. True justice is blind and views everyone equally, be they king, servant or criminal. The filth that gives pirates a bad name will be sentenced and killed, the rest will become what they were always meant to be, adventurers. The marines will become true carriers of justice, not the corrupt filth half the marines are now, those will join the bad pirates in death."

Garp looked at me oddly and asked. "I suppose you want to rule it all then?"

I snorted. "Fuck no. I could give a fuck about the world once my dream is complete. Assuming I survive, I sure as shit ain't going into politics. I'd rather stick my dick in a blender and my head in a cactus patch."

The guys laughed and Garp still persisted. "Then what will you do?"

I shrugged. "Find a woman, squirt out a few brats and retire to fuck knows where. I never wanted to be a pirate in the first place, your corrupt government made that decision for me when they captured and sold me to be branded as a fucking slave!"

I was breathing heaving and my conquerors haki was out again as it cracked the walls and made even Luffy's crew faint now. Luffy himself had subconsciously released his own conquerors haki and it protected him for the most part in small doses. I wasn't directly challenging him so it hadn't fully manifested, but it had caught Garp's eye nonetheless. Garp picked his nose and told me to calm down.

I sat down and threw a saki bottle to him as I withdrew my haki. He drank and my crew relaxed. I'd told them stories of Garp and they knew he was one person I wasn't ready to face and we would need to flee if at all possible if he attacked. Luffy's crew woke up and soon the marines did as well.

Garp's marines made him fix the wall while telling us of Luffy's dad being Dragon the revolutionary. I hardly cared and ignored it, telling Fujitora to train the crew, all of them. I told him I'd be out to face him later on a nearby uninhabited island to push us both fully and to measure our real strengths so I can help him understand his fruit's power and apply it in new ways.

Later that night after Fujitora and I left an island covered in electrical and gravitational anomalies, I told him how I'd apply his gravity fruit if I had it. He thought on it and I wrote books for each of my crew members with devil fruits. I paid special attention to Gem's devil fruit, suggesting things beyond his understanding for now. I had begun teaching Mikita tai chi and judo, taking your opponent's attacked and using them against them or nullifying it.

With her Kilo-kilo fruit added on that force could easily be lethal. The Strawhats watched us over the week as we trained and I faced Zoro several times, helping him improve a great deal. Gun and the rest sparred with Luffy's crew and Luffy himself once he was fully healed. I offered their cook the flame-flame fruit and a book on suggestions of how to use it when he said he lacked strength.

He was ecstatic to have both and ate the fruit right away. Fujitora disagreed with my judgement and I told them they were a good crew and in the end all the devil fruits would be locked away so it mattered little if a good man got one now. Luffy's crew spent a hundred million berries on a party that included the whole island. Soon enough it was time to go as Giant's Paradise, the ship I'd spent ten billion berries on, was finished.

Most of the cost was in materials alone because I insisted it be as strong as possible. On the bright side Nami had gotten to see the three islands the sea train goes to and add them to her map. Even better yet we got our bounties and I was up to five hundred million berri now. My slave mark, my power, the fact that I fended off an admiral, the destruction of Enies Lobby, my connection to Rayleigh and the suspicion of my connection to Hawkeyes as well as my words given to Garp and told to the fleet admiral no doubt who would've relayed them to the old geezers, let's just say I was a hell of a lot bigger threat than any rookie had the right to be.

The fact that they recorded Fujitora coming out nearly equal to me in a spar raised his own bounty to four hundred million. Brook, Nami, Robin, Law, everyone's bounty went up considerably. Nikita's bounty was the lowest at a hundred million, making everyone on my crew barring Robin and Brook, this era's rookies. It made the headlines that a crew of rookies had formed and my own infamy had skyrocketed as a monster of monsters for being able to lead such a crew.

Luffy's bounty went up to a to three hundred million for beating Lucci. Zero's was the hundred and twenty million while the rest weren't worth mentioning at the moment except Chopper's. His title was Monster Pet Chopper and it had two pictures, one of his first basic form and the second was a snap shot of his seventh giant form that fucked up a good portion of Enies Lobby. His bounty was fifty million because he only took out a no name CP9 agent even I couldn't be bothered remembering.

Speaking of the CP9, all their devil fruits had landed in my lap along with a devil fruit encyclopedia and the book on the six powers training manual. Back to the reason we were in a rush to leave, it seems Garp was ordered to bring me down at all costs including the destruction of Water Seven. This of course meant we high tailed it out of there with the jet and lightning dials on both ships and me using my own power to boost the devil fruit powered engines.

We left team rocket style and blasted the fuck off while I flipped Aokiji and Garp off and dropped a bolt of lightning that sparked into a shower, burning their sails and catching their ship on fire. Luffy was already collecting Franky and sailing when we did our team rocket getaway so his ship wasn't likely far behind. When we landed deep in the Florian Triangle, I insisted we move on because Moria was dead.

As it turns out a new warlord took over his island sized ship and was stopping pirates using the wood-wood fruit, a logia devil fruit. I hardly cared as the warlord was barely worth two hundred million and he wasn't a threat. Perona was off on some island retreat so there wasn't even anything interesting to find. Still, I sent Zala to kick his ass with her budding armament haki and she barely managed it, actually improving a bit during the fight.

He was fine and we left after taking his treasure he'd collected so there was that. We ended up in a resort after we exited the Florian Triangle. We relaxed there and I ended up helping a girl learn how to make artificial rainbow pearls through a chemical analysis. The resort owner tried to steal her work and ended up deep fried and dropped off the resort's very steep edge.

I kept the giant cannon he had though and Nami robbed the billion berries the resort currently had. We have the girl and her family a ride home after finding their father tied up in the resort and her younger sister with her. They thanked us and sent a rainbow pearl as a gift. I chuckled and had it made into a necklace I now wore.

The next shit show was a crazy ass waterspout storm that had the water spouts going every which way instead of just up. When we were through with that not so fun ride, we saw the red line so I had us sail to Saboady. There we met with Shakky and I told her in person of all the stuff my crew and I got up to before telling my crew we'd stay in paradise for a year to train before we set out to the New World via Fishman Island. I ate big and told them to explore and have fun, but to be weary of assholes.

Fujitora asked about what happens if we meet a world noble. I smirked. "You kill them of course. If an admiral comes then I'll beat the snot out of them and we'll go somewhere else to train. Fuck bowing to those scum, I'd sooner die than bow to anyone!"

Shakky laughed saying I hadn't changed a bit. I scoffed. "I have, now I'm meaner and I can do something about it."

She looked at me leaning over and nodded. "I believe you. Just don't hurt that Strawhat crew. I'm cheering for them after all."

I feigned pain in my chest. "And not me?"

She rolled her eyes, pinching my cheek and said. "I've always been rooting for you Ren-San, but you aren't after the same goals as Strawhat Luffy and the rest."

I scoffed and waved her before telling the crew. "Go have fun, there's a theme park, restaurants, hotels, a marine base, plenty of bad people to kill. Whatever floats you boat. Gather intel and Fujitora, do me a favor and end those other crews that kill civilians. I refuse to be whatever rookie under the same headlines as those scum."

He nodded and I waved the others off, telling them to meet me back here if there's admiral level trouble. Shakky asked me what I'd be doing and I grunted. "Destroying all the slave auction houses and freeing slaves. They can take the ships the scum Fujitora kills had. If I find any interesting people I'll offer them to join me, it could be fun and I might just find Rayleigh. Who knows, I could trick him into joining my crew as well."

Shakky laughed into her hand and agreed that I was never boring at least. I huffed and Nami followed me with Robin. Robin wanted to gather intel and Nami wanted to gather treasures. I destroyed dozens of big and small auction houses, freeing the slaves and telling them where to go to find safe passage off the island if they wanted.

Dorry and Brogy brought their friends to play so roofs were ripped off, assholes died and people screamed it was a giant invasion. Still, it was the lawless areas and some scum thought to capture them. They all died, horribly. I would sooner destroy the whole island than let my crew bear the mark of the soaring hoof dragon print.

When we reached the grove one auction house, Fujitora had killed Drake, Kid and Killer, Eustas Kid's right hand man. Their devil fruits were in the bag Fujitora had as he joined us. The auction owner said Joker was the backer and had to clarify once we didn't stop, saying Doflamingo was behind the auction house. I gave Law a call and told him to come have fun in grove one as well as why.

He came and killed everyone involved in the auction, from the employees to the owner. They didn't have people inside at the moment so we robbed the place unchallenged, meeting a giant that joined us. His name was Stansen and he was a giant shipwright which was both funny and great because we'd failed to get a good one when Polly of dock one had refused in Water Seven.

Rayleigh was there and complained when he saw we robbed the place first. I chuckled and told him I'd give him the loot if he joined us along with a billion berries besides. He smiled and said no so I kicked him in the shin and told the would be slaves where to seek freedom if they wanted off the island. I made damned sure the place was thoroughly robbed, the building was destroyed and the bodies were vaporized.

There was nothing but trampled rubble left when we headed back to Shakky's bar where Rayleigh insisted I buy him a drink. I told him it would cost him a year teaching most of my crew haki beside myself, Fujitora, Brook, Nami, Law and Robin. Even the giants needed to learn more of it to be useful in battle. Still, Rayleigh agreed knowing I knew how much he drinks.

We partied for a day at Shakky's bar while my crew had fun all over the island until the Strawhats showed up. Capone Beige was dead now while I gave Jewelry Bonney an offer to join my crew and eat the best dishes Sanji could make for every meal. She agreed since her crew was weaklings that she gave youth to. Her dream was to eat the best dishes in the world.

I personally killed Hawkins because he intentionally killed civilians with his powers which were tricky. As for the mad monk and the music man, I left them alone for now. Luffy's crew caught up to us and learned of the destruction we brought to the island. Even the marines were out in force looking for us until a bit later I heard Zoro killed a celestial dragon.

Fujitora and I hunted down and killed the last two who made it as far as grove one's auction house. They died and their guards summoned the admiral. They told the marines what I'd done to the bastard that bought me as a child, mostly torturing, a dash of flaying and drowning him in his own shit and piss. His daughter got the same treatment and once we left Fujitora said I'd been harsh.

I grunted and continued onwards without a word until we made it to Shakky's place. I told Luffy what was coming and Fujitora retrieved Zoro. Rayleigh asked if I need his help and I gave him a blank look. "Only if Garp or Sengoku comes in person. If the regular admirals arrive my crew and I can handle them even if all three comes. As for if they send Cipher Pole agents, it depends on who they send."

He shrugged and Usopp lost his cool asking what the crazy talk was about, saying it was an admiral for god's sake. I chuckled and drank my sake. "If they send one it won't even be hard. I can beat two out of three and I'm confident I can at least come to a draw with the last."

I gestured to my crew. "As for my crew, they aren't all weak like yours is. If all three comes, I'll take the hardest one, Borsalino. Fujitora can handle the magma prick and my other crew members can handle Aokiji if however by working together. At the very least they won't die outright like yours would."

Usopp called us crazy and Nami told him I'd already beaten Aokiji back once and ruined a perfectly good island in the process. Robin told them I killed Geko Moria and beat Crocodile while I was trained by Rayleigh for ten years before training with Hawkeye for three so if I said I could handle an admiral, I definitely could. Dorry and Brogy said I'd best not take all the fun for myself.

I chuckled and told them it depended on who came so I made no promises. Sure enough Aokiji and Borsalino both came alongside the warlord Kuma and a bunch of Pacifistas. I told the weak crew to stay and go with Rayleigh to train on Ruskania and I'd send the rest of the crew to them once the fight was over. I made sure the giants had their fun with the Pacifistas.

Luffy and his crew went fighting and I repelled Borsalino alongside Kuma when he came after my crew. Fujitora handled Aokiji and beat him down hard while Borsalino both ended up on the injured side of things. The rest of my crew took out the Pacifistas alongside the giants. Soon the seven Navy ships were destroyed, Luffy and his crew were gone and my own crew disappeared to a remote island in the calm belt.

I opened up a map when the rest of us arrived and sent those needing training and understanding to their respective islands, including Robin. I told them to meet back at Sabaody in a year with their progress. The giants stayed and trained on Ruskania with the weakest of my crew. I stayed and helped the others train with Fujitora and we trained together until the war of the best came.

Fujitora and I left with Law, telling them we had places to be and left the real work to Rayleigh who said I'd owe him for leaving him with all the tedious work. I shrugged Fujitora and I made a pit stop before heading to impel down where the weaklings were gone or dead from Luffy's mess. The truly evil were killed outright while those with their reasons were set free including those in the sixth level. We'd gotten there just as Luffy freed Jimbei, a warlord.

When Crocodile was set free, I killed him personally to acquire his devil fruit along with the fact that he was a cruel bastard. We escaped, the warden attacked and fought him off with ease since he didn't know haki very well. Luffy was baffled by the slaughter Fujitora and I participated in until Blackbeard and his crew passed us. We got out of there rather easily and stole the marine ships, heading to the war of the best.

When we arrived the ships were frozen at the top of a great wave Whitebeard started and Aokiji froze. I took Law and Fujitora while we bolted from the stuck ships before the others could complain. Laughing, I landed us next to Whitebeard on his ship while he blew out a magma meteor. He looked to us and asked. "Brats? Where did you come from?"

I pointed up at the ships on the wave. "Reinforcements stuck on ships up there from a raid of Impel Down. Ten thousand men, five navy ships and Ace's sworn brother, Strawhat Luffy along with Jimbei, some revolutionaries and whoever wanted out of that place."

Whitebeard looked up and huffed before saying he didn't need help. I chuckled. "Well I'm not here to help you old man. I do what I want and right now I want to kill an admiral. I'm not leaving this war until I do that. My friends here want to kill a warlord or two and thin the herd of marines. So it looks like we're on the same side, but really, I don't give a damn about what you want!"

My haki leaked out and he raised an eyebrow before laughing. "Gurararara. Just don't get in my way ya brat."

I snorted walked to the front of the ship, standing on the ledge. "I'll do whatever I want old man, even if what I want is to get in your way. Just try and stop me."

He laughed calling me an impatient brat. I turned to Fujitora and Law. "Go play boys and remember, if you get in my way, I won't hesitate to kill you as well."

They nodded and Law went looking for Doflamingo while Fujitora went straight for the nearest vice admirals. I looked at the battlefield and huffed before the sky darkened all across the battlefield over Marineford. Thunder clouds formed in massive quantities, black and angry looking. Humming with electrical power, they began dropping bolts of lightning down all over the battlefield, hitting hundreds and thousands of marines in seconds.

It was a lightning show and I was smirking until Oars Jr. made his move. I scoffed and flickered, disappearing for a bit to do some robbing, a bit of camera snail work and full on mischief. Cackling with laughter, I appeared on the battlefield once more where I'd left while Oars Jr. broke a while in the side of the plaza for the men to enter. Seeing this, I raised a finger and brought down beams of lightning like pillars, destroying the marine ships in the bay.

There I sat on Whitebeard's ship where I laughed with a bag of goodies tied to my back and more on a cloud beside me. Whitebeard asked what I was up to and I smirked. "Three, two, one."

The entire island of Marineford exploded from the very back., vaporizing buildings, killing thousands of marines and blowing the bay walls to shit. Garp and the admirals saved most of the marines with a unique use of armament haki like they used to block Whitebeard's first attack. Still, they had very little ground to stand on anymore. Those that remained were helping the injured while I laughed. "That was the bomb Crocodile tried to use on Alabasta to cover his tracks. Consider it a gift for all the devil fruits, information and treasure I just stole."

I tossed the last bag of treasures on the cloud and made it disappear back over Ruskania. I stood up as the marines realized who'd done it thanks to my announcement. The vice admirals on the battlefield all targeted me now so I jumped up and face over fifty of them, letting out my full strength now and going wild. I was so fast and with my armament haki, they soon died or fell knocked out and paralyzed for now.

They could only go so fast with soru and the marine arts, so they couldn't even keep up with me. I let out a roar as a blast wave of conquerors haki enveloped the bay entirely. Weak marines fell all over and the strong were pelted with lightning repeatedly until they fell as well. Seeing the mayhem and destruction I was causing, the admirals could no longer sit back and let me do as I wanted.

Borsalino and I got into a fight while pillars of lightning dropped down all over the plaza, and more fell all over. This time I did draw my sword he used his light blade, what-an-amateur. He simply couldn't hold me back with such tricks. Yoake and I cut through his light blade with haki and lightning combined. He suffered greatly for underestimating my swordsmanship, losing his left arm and not in the reattaching way either.

Our clash had lasted hours, but his pain would last a lifetime especially because I destroyed the severed arm. He backed off and ran like a coward while I chased him into the plaza until I noticed Law and Doflamingo's fight. Seeing Law actually get the better of Doflamingo with four years of haki training under his belt, all I could think was. 'Ehh, good for him.'

In the meantime Fujitora took on Hawkeye which left me open and bored. Whitebeard's began his march into the square, already injured from his own kid backstabbing him. Moria wasn't present due to being dead so Doflamingo hadn't injured Oars Jr. No, he was stopped by the magma admiral and severely injured at that. I grunted and dealt with more of the vice admirals until I ran afoul of Tsuru, a vice admiral just below Garp and above the regular admirals.

Her wash-wash fruit powers were fucking scary and she wanted to wash the anger in my heart away. I used a technique I stole from Doflamingo and left her to fight a lightning clone while I GTFO'd. I wasn't afraid of her, I just didn't want the headache her abilities and monstrous haki skills would induce. Dealing with such powerful and altogether experienced enemies wasn't why I was here.

No, I was here to do one thing, kill me a vice admiral and weaken the world government's hold on the lower world. I waited and watched in the thunderclouds while more and more marines were dropped thanks to my lightning. The Pacifistas were destroyed and Ace was soon freed by Luffy. I debated on letting him die and decided to bend cannon over and fuck it up the ass raw, no lube and with a glass shard covered fist I might add.

So when the magma prick went to kill him, I became a silent bolt of lightning that preceded the thunderclap. As the echoing boom went off, it silenced the square as the saw my haki covered fist penetrating Sakazuki's heart from behind. I spoke coldly. "Your magma may be hot, but lightning is thirty times hotter. Enjoy hell and take your absolute justice with you!"

A beam of lightning in the shape of a ferocious dragon dropped down and covered us, ending half an inch from where Ace and stood protecting Luffy. I stood floating over a crispy and very dead admiral as I pulled my fist from his chest and beheaded him for good measure. I tossed his body to Sengoku's feet and told the old Buddha. "I'm not through yet, but then you all aren't my next target. Consider this your lucky day."

At that moment Law ended Doflamingo, causing an even bigger shock. Fujitora and Hawkeye broke apart and I floated higher, watching Garp and the other dangerous marines. I landed not far from Whitebeard and told him. "You're old, weak and dying old man. You won't survive this war regardless so, how about you and I cut loose and show the world what we can really do if we work together?"

He laughed and agreed, telling his men to flee or be caught up in what comes next. I took on my giant thunder form and made it darken as lightning struck me continuously, fueling my change. I only had ten minutes in this form at full power so we made it count. We clashed with Borsalino, Aokiji, Sengoku and Garp, with me taking both admirals and him taking on the two living legends.

Both admirals came out severely injured from our clashing at speeds Aokiji could barely keep up. I wasn't much better, but I was grinning like a loon because I had several tricks up my sleeve. Metal began forming into a giant winged dragon from the ruins and it fought off the weakened Aokiji and Borsalino. I lightning punched Sengoku into the busted scaffold while facing him.

He was made of gold in his Buddha form and I couldn't help smile. "You're getting old, take a rest or I might seriously injure you old man. Gold conducts electricity and I am lightning."

He snorted and I seriously fucked his world up, frying his insides fast. His own devil fruit was a bad match against me. Then Garp tried switching out only to get quake punched into the ruins of the buildings that were left of the Navy HQ. I chuckled and went into a bolt, knocking out Aokiji and chasing Borsalino around while Blackbeard and his crew appeared and went after Whitebeard.

I returned to Whitebeard's side when Blackbeard's crew fired at him and sent the metal bullets back or most. Some were actually made of seastone. No wonder he hadn't outright trashed this group of assholes. I drew my sword and redirected their shots, killing the drunk bastard fast.

I went to kill Blackbeard and Hawkeye got in my way. I grunted. "Sorry old man, but I won't be stopped, not even by you."

We got into a sword fight that was fast and deadly. I supercharged my body, muscles and brain to think and simply be lightning, feeling a new sensation as a whole world of understanding washed over me. I silently asked myself if this was what they called 'awakening'. I didn't have time to contemplate it as a split second passed and Hawkeye exchanged hundreds of blows with me on a level he'd never seen from me before.

We were so fast it destroyed what remained of Marineford as an island in the blink of an eye. I pushed for more speed, more accuracy and more finesse until Hawkeye could no longer keep up. My last blow left him in the same condition he'd left Zoro and all of it was caught on snail cameras broadcasting to the world from clouds all over. I had precious seconds left before this boost was over and the thunder clouds were shrinking so I didn't miss a moment and appeared to Blackbeard's side as Whitebeard died standing.

I beheaded the darkness loving bastard and fell out of my supercharged form as his crew watched his body fall separated from his head. I stood there bloody, panting and dead tired. I raised my sword and told them as I created a massive chasm between us. "Anyone who crosses that line will die, be you pirate or marine, I don't care."

Law and Fujitora walked up behind me and looked ready for round three. Blackbeard's crew fled while the marines surrounded us on the other side of that line. Only the strongest had remained after Luffy had knocked them out so there I stood between Whitebeard and the marines, every last one of thousands that remained. My resolve set, I heard a voice and knew things would be alright.

Shanks, the old smug bastard, declared this war over and if anyone wanted to continue fighting they'd do so against him and his crew. Sengoku reluctantly agreed and I sheathed my blade, turning and walking away, leaning on Fujitora while Law checked me over. Whitebeard was given to Shanks for burial while Fujitora, Law and I caught the last of Whitebeard's ships out. Law treated my body which had a whole host of wounds including a few seastone bullets, cuts from Hawkeye, burns from magma mutt, frost bite, busted and broken ribs from getting kicked by Borsalino's light fruit body and over fatigue from overusing my powers.

I couldn't even charge a lightbulb at the moment so it was almost a month before I was back on my feet on Ruskania where Marco dropped us off. My crew were both happy we'd survived and annoyed I hadn't brought them. I chuckled and told Fujitora where to head for his training alongside Law's own training as a doctor. I made clouds and told them to get on for a ride, passing the six powers manuals.

I'd made one for all my crew so they weren't just practicing fruit powers and haki. They all had serious training ahead and so did I. With the awakening of my devil fruit came a whole new understanding and need for mastery. Rayleigh told me he planned to teach Luffy so I told him to teach them together and make them fight, practice and push each other.

I looked up and brought down my cloud, tossing Rayleigh a billion in cash in a big bag. "For the training and for everything else."

He nodded slowly and I told the others staying with him to train well or they'd only get in my way when we leave in a year's time. I left and headed to the New World, specifically an island I knew rained lightning all the time. A year went by after that and I stood amidst a quiet yet rumbling island. I'd spent all my time absorbing and understanding lightning, electricity, magnetism and all forms of energy connected to it.

I'd used my haki all the time and practiced the six powers because why not? Still, I'd refined and honed my swordsmanship, cutting lightning bolts in half, clouds and seas, everything and nothing. I'd worked so hard that I'd even found my ring I'd once tied to my soul in the DBZ universe. Yup, I'm a paranoid bastard alright and I'm not ashamed to say I abused the time and gravity rooms to bring myself to the peak of what I'd felt this world's powers were.

My own observation haki could now perceive a minute into the future though I'd never use it unless I had to. My armament haki no longer had color, it simply was, all around and inside me. It was my will and nothing more yet more than nothing. My conquerors haki…yeah, I didn't want to think about that.

Let's just say my old man and I are a lot alike when it comes to affecting the physical world with our unbending wills. I looked to the skies and flew up, swallowing the lightning storm temporarily. The island's magnetic pull was so odd that it would just charge up a new one soon enough no doubt. Still, it was a good meal for the road.

I caught a cloud out and headed across the red line to Sabaody. I was happy to see I wasn't the first to arrive, but with my arrival came nagging. Nami, Robin, Brook, all of the crew that hadn't gone to the war and hadn't been on Ruskania nagged the shit out of me. Still, I couldn't help but laugh when Law said Doflamingo had survived because of his string clones.

I told him that his survival wouldn't last long because we would be ending him soon enough. The giants soon arrived with Gem and Fujitora so we were all set to go. Shakky said our ships were coated and ready so I paid what we owed from the tab and told the others. "Let's go see the world, and change it!"

They all agreed, cheering as the giants laughed. I stopped for a second and brought down a cloud, giving the giants new armor and weapons before doing the same for the crew. I told them. "Once we enter the new world the giants will split off and take one direction until we all end up in Wano. From there I fully intend to bring down and kill the beast pirates. Kaido is simply too evil to let live and his oppressive rule over the country ends with him. Beyond that we'll see every island possible for Nami to map them and Robin to read the poneglyphs."

I turned to Robin. "Rayleigh said one is on Raftel so it seems we're going all the way. Once we know the true history of the world, we'll spread it and destroy the world government along with the red line so this world can begin anew. In the meantime, we'll find the all blue, secure each of your dreams and see the world!"

They all agreed happily and even Sanji smiled. We boarded our ships and extended the bubbles, sinking. We began our journey to Fishman island and when we found an underwater kraken in our way, I made it carry both ships to Fishman island. The giants laughed while we partied all the way there.

I'd seen my latest bounty and damned if it hadn't skyrocketed. For killing an admiral, wounding the fleet admiral, wounding another admiral severely and destroying Marineford with both the bomb and all my other destructive activities, nothing scratched the surface like what I'd done afterwards. I'd express delivered copies of the six powers manual and marine haki training manuals to every island in all four blues. Why? Because fuck them, that's why!

Hell, I'd signed my own work and ensured I'd become a right pain in the ass for all the good it did me. I'd gone from a five hundred million bounty New World level pirate to a five and a half billion berri bounty Yonko level threat. Hell, even my poster just said wanted dead. They didn't want me alive at all especially after the juicy news of the real crimes of the celestial dragons were delivered the common people along with my story, the meaning of the brand on my back and the truth of Fisher Tiger's death along with all the atrocities the marines and world government had done.

That's alright though, because another big book was delivered to the people on Ohara, the truth of my crew's stories, the warlord's reasons for becoming and staying warlords as well as the lies and tricks the government uses to fool the people, the truth of Cipher Poles and the fact that the empty throne hadn't been empty all this time. I'd taken a hell of a lot more than just money and devil fruits from the marines I'd they'd know it all by the time I was relaxing on Fishman island. Soon enough that's exactly what I was doing while storms raged above the seas.

The truth that the five old assholes served the one playing puppet master of the world government had been a severe blow and even the world nobles were outraged. Still, they couldn't stop that immortal fuck and Im was both named and outed as the de facto leader of the world government alongside the words that a giant straw hat sat frozen in his castle as the national treasure of the world government. The World Government called it lies and banned the books, but their secrets were out or some anyways. With the signed name the leader of the world government read, his hands shook in rage and he ordered the Gorosei to up the bounty even further and send Cipher Pole's deadliest after the would be upstart.