
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · テレビ
79 Chs


There I was reborn into Chance Harbor Washington and raised by my grandfather with my twin brother, Nick Armstrong and our older brother, Jake. Why? Because our parents died in a fire in some boatyard. Fast forward sixteen years and there I was in bed with Faye and Melissa.

As for why or how that happened, all I can say was that they knew what they wanted and it certainly wasn't my annoying twin brother who listed after them. Faye hadn't even wanted Jake like I'd expected of her. No, for whatever reason, she and Melissa wanted me. I could only guess it was because they looked so much like Max and Hayley.

Faye had gotten me first while Melissa watched her be deflowered and fucked into orgasmic bliss. When it was her turn, Melissa only asked me to be gentler. I growled and she squealed as her laughs turned to moans. Faye was controlling, but nice to Melissa and after our first time it was hard not to have them again and again.

Even before they'd found the grimoires, I'd possessed an unquantifiable magic aura and power because I knew I was a witch and I'd trained said power every single day. I could've become immortal on sheer power alone, but I was holding that part back so I could age properly. Unlike my twin, I looked like a young Chris Hemsworth. I was already 6"3 and full of muscle that Faye oddly enjoyed scratching up when I had her on her back, against a wall of on the counter.

Melissa enjoyed the opposite, licking them. All I could think were they were odd and I liked it. Anyways, a year after we'd begun having sex, we all turned sixteen with the rest of the group except Jake who'd run off and stolen money from Adam's father. As it was the group consisted of Adam Conant, his girlfriend Diana Meade, my brother Nick, my lover's Faye Chamberlain and Melissa Glasser as well as me.

The six of us had tried binding the circle once when Diana wanted to try. I'd warned her it wouldn't work because you need six bloodlines, not six witches. Besides my family's grimoire which Nick played around with since I'd taken it from Jake before he left, only Diana had her family's grimoire so they'd depended on us. When it inevitably failed, I told her I wasn't interested in binding the circle regardless because I already mastered my magics and I didn't need a circle which was only training wheels.

They asked how and I told them I meditate and practice martial arts for self discipline which gives me focus and control of the anger inside of me and through it, the magic as well. I told them to do as they pleased, but I wouldn't be apart of it and if Nick was, I'd break the circle if it tried to control me or bind my power to theirs. I tossed the grimoires down and told Diana and Adam. "You two lovebirds can fool the others, but I know that the moment a circle is bound our individual power will be lost, bound to the will of the group. I don't need nor will I ever rely on others for power."

Diana flinched from revealing the secret to the group and Adam said it didn't matter because it needed to be done if our powers go out of control. I snorted. "My power can't go out of control because it's already bound to a will, mine. If you're all to lazy or weak willed to control it then maybe you shouldn't be playing with magic at all."

I turned and walked away while Nick said I needed to cool off because I was hard on myself, but I was right. He told them that just because they wanted to lie to everyone and bind the circle doesn't mean everyone will agree. Faye told Diana and Adam it was a dick move trying to trick us. Diana said the three of us were always together anyways so we'd always have power regardless.

I didn't care and instead Melissa and Faye came with me to get some things. We stopped by the mine where I told them iron held off dark witches and no dark witch could get in so my grandfather hid a crystal of power inside. I found the crystal and Faye said she didn't like the place because we couldn't use magic inside. I chuckled and we left while they asked about the crystal.

I told them about our ancestors and the witch's hammer or crystal skull. I told them how it was divided between each family and that each of our parents or grandparents had a piece. I showed them how to feel it before connecting with them and teaching them how to control their magics in their minds while I made out with them and fucked them both in the back seat of my Impala while they lay there dazed and in bliss, I helped them dress and we left the mine.

I told them that all witches were psychic, but not all psychics were witches. I told them some psychics and witches could see the future, but most only had access to telekinesis and telepathy or empathy. Faye held my hand as I drove us to the high school next. They asked what we were doing there and I told them I was getting another crystal piece I'd felt in the school since we started our freshman year.

We went to the trophy case and I broke the illusion spell, taking the second piece and handing it to Faye. I told her that it would let her use some individual magic if they bound the circle. Melissa asked about hers and I drove her home, telling her where to find it and how. Once she had it, she kissed me and I warned them it amplified our power ten fold, but it would drain if used too often.

I suggested they use it wisely and only if the circle was bound. I waved a hand and two rings appeared. Passing one to each of them, I told them what they were and how to hide the crystals inside them. I told Faye where her grandfather hid his so the one she had wasn't the one her family owned.

She nodded and we spent the night in Melissa's bed while I showed them sex magic. Over the next week I helped them learn control and showed them that sometimes control was overrated. Cassie Blake soon arrived in town nearly a month later. Nick was all too happy to perv on her while I was busy getting the Balcoin medallion.

I stored the medallion with my crystal in my ring before meeting Cassie the next day with Faye and Melissa. I wasn't impressed, but Faye messed with her a bit before we left. We met Cassie again at the Boathouse restaurant and introduced ourselves officially. When Cassie went to leave, I told Faye and Melissa she doesn't know anything. They asked how and I told them to read her mind.

They did and were disappointed so Faye tested her with a fire on her car. When Cassie failed to put it out, I did with ease while Adam saved her or so she thought. I told Melissa and Faye we should head to my place. Faye said I just wanted to get high, listen to music and have easy bootie calls.

I asked if she had a problem with that and she shook her head while biting her lip in a teasing way. "Not at all. I was actually just going to suggest we see if Diana wants to come since Cassie and Adam are sharing looks."

I snorted lightly. "Adam wouldn't know what to do with two girls if they beat him over the head with their tits. As for Diana, she's a bit too righteous for my taste. Let me know when she learns to be a bad girl."

They both snorted in laughter as if that would ever happen. We left in my car with Faye on my lap and Melissa next to me. Faye stopped kissing me as we all three turned to Adam and Cassie as we passed them sitting on the tailgate of his jeep with Diana next to them rolling her eyes. I turned my attention back to kissing Faye while I drove with ease, not needing to see the road with my eyes because my magic showed me everything my eyes could and couldn't see.

My other hand was down Melissa's pants fingering her into an orgasm. Adam called me a show off as we drove away and warned Cassie not to get too close to me because I'd have my way with her as well. Cassie called me a weird guy and Diana said it wasn't my fault entirely, I was just different from everyone else even in their group. The next day we relaxed at the abandoned house while I held the sway in my hands, twiddling it in my fingers.

Faye lay against my chest on her phone in the hammock I'd set up while Melissa leaned against the wall on her own phone, going over the pictures of the grimoires I'd taken from both family books. Adam came in while Nick hopped down from the rafters when Diana brought Cassie in. Faye got up and Melissa barely looked up, taking her place in the hammock as Faye told them she had a right to know.

Cassie asked about what and Diana told her who she was. I scoffed and told them. "Just one of the gang, no better or worse. Do try to keep up."

Faye smirked and got tired of Diana side stepping the issue minutes later. She told Cassie she was a full blooded hundred percent witch. They laid it out for her and when she went to leave, calling us seriously messed up, I told Faye to let her go, if she can. Melissa moved and I stood up with my arms folded.

Cassie looked to me and I smiled. "Go on, stalk off and pretend we're crazy or this is all a dream."

She tried to step and move until she found she couldn't. I walked to her and spoke. "A low level binding spell. Can you feel the power in it holding you in place like tar?"

She told me to stop it and Adam stepped forward. I looked to him and shook my head. "Try and interfere and you'll find out how your own blood tastes the hard way."

I turned to Cassie and told her. "Make me stop. Feel the power that binds you and find the power inside yourself. Use it to break the bindings or soon you won't be able to move at all. It'll grow until speaking becomes an issue, then breathing."

She struggled and I told her to tell her magic openly what to do, how to guide it and stop my spell. She managed to pull it off and then some, blasting me into a wall. I chuckled, wiping off the dust and shaking off the rest. "Rusty and definitely untrained, but raw power wise you're stronger than the rest. Still, I'm not like the others. I've known about magic since the day our parents died and I was just a newborn."

I waved a hand and magic became a visible raw force that poured out of me like tendrils. I repaired the abandoned house entire, removing the age, dust and dirt and leaving everything brand new looking. I walked passed Cassie who stood there in shock. "Still think it's all just a dream or perhaps we're crazy. But then, if we are then so are you. Welcome to the mad house Cassie Blake."

I walked over to the hammock and laid down in it. "Now storm off and ignore the facts like a child or stay and find out why I'd even bother to waste my power showing you we aren't crazy."

Faye and Melissa smirked and Cassie looked at me before shaking her head. She asked a lot of questions and most of them Diana, Adam and Nick answered them. I got bored and tossed the sway to Nick. "It's a sway. It can take away a witch's power and give it to a human or strip them of power regardless. I'm bored so I'm gonna go play since our powers are magnified."

Faye said she was coming and Melissa agreed to come as well. Diana said it wasn't wise and I told her to lighten up or get fucked to remove the tension and stress. Faye and Melissa laughed while we left and headed to the docks to start a storm. It worked and we enjoyed the rain, the feeling of power and all until Diana and Cassie said we shouldn't be messing with the weather.

I grew bored and held up a hand, blasting the clouds as my voice rang out. "Stop, Stop, Stop!"

The rain ceased and the thunder stopped rumbling. I turned to the two amateur witches and smirked. "We had it under control so buzz off and be someone else's moral compass."

I pulled my arms around Faye and Melissa's waists before we left. Faye stopped and told them that she and Melissa were in control as well even if they didn't have as much power as I do for now so they didn't need a minder. We headed back to Faye's place where Miss Chamberlain asked Faye why she insisted on bringing me home when she knows she's not supposed to be having sex.

Faye told her that at least we're safe and if she does get pregnant, well, she was the same age as her mother when she did as well. Miss Chamberlain flinched and Faye slapped Melissa's ass saying that if she gets pregnant then odds are Melissa would be pregnant with her so they could raise the children together. I barked out a laugh and told them we'd be fine without kids for now, but if they wanted them id be more than happy to provide. I turned to Faye's mom and told her that it wasn't like I didn't have money coming to me when I turn eighteen after all and we stayed at my place a lot already.

We headed to Faye's room and I ravaged them with the door open so Miss stuck up could watch if she wanted. Both of them were loud throaty moaners so it wasn't like Dawn Chamberlain couldn't see or hear as I fucked them both into bliss. While Faye and Melissa held each other sleeping now, I pulled free of Melissa's well fucked cunt and slid the condom off. I saw Dawn there in the doorway and raised an eyebrow before walking to her, naked, powerful and unafraid.

Smirking, I asked if she wanted to feel what she hadn't in sixteen years. She said no at first, so I shrugged before walking back and she changed her mind. I grabbed the box of condoms and we headed to her room where I burned through rubbers. Unlike Faye and Melissa, Dawn had stamina and experience.

I actually broke a condom busting a nut in her tight cunt. She thrashed and moaned while my hot seed filled her depths. When I pulled free, she cursed and I shrugged, telling her there was no point in condoms anymore. I held her arms over her head and we both groaned as I entered her without one.

By morning she had more seed in her than the world's largest bird feeder. I left her in her bed and well stuffed, sleeping. I showered and went to bed with my two well fucked lovers. Faye told me as she laid across my chest that it was the last time I fucked her mother or we were through.

I told her I wasn't interested in her mother, I was just horny and she and Melissa were asleep on me. She huffed, sliding on me without a condoms and riding until we both groaned. She shuddered as she got a full stomach before collapsing on me. I kissed her forehead and agreed not to touch Dawn again.

She curled up against me and Melissa did so as well, not saying a word, but having heard everything. Our relationship was weird mostly because they never even looked at other guys while I appreciated the view of several women and only fucked the two of them unless I was caught in the moment like Dawn had done. Faye held it over Dawn's head the next morning while we went to school. Dawn was too well fucked and embarrassed to say anything more, but damned if she hadn't felt my use of telekinesis to fuck her psychically.

I never laid another hand on Dawn and didn't need to. Still, it was a bit awkward when Faye's granddad showed up as we were leaving. She gave him a hug and I stepped outside with Melissa saying we'd wait in the car. When she joined us, she told Melissa she was in her seat.

Melissa slid off my lap and I chuckled as Faye sat down in a huff, grinding her rear into me as punishment. I just sighed and told her to be careful or she'd lose the only virginity she had left if she pushed me too far. She bit her lip and Melissa laughed lightly while we drove off. We split up at school because I was in all advanced courses in my senior year having skipped two grades.

After school and a chem lab accident, Diana said Adam was taking the blame and I told Diana. "Tell Cassie I said to bring her grimoire to the hangout spot so I can copy it like I'm doing ours. I know she found it because I saw it in her mind earlier when she and Adam were being all secretive in the hallway. Tell her she can either share like the rest of us or she can stick to her own grimoire because I'm not gonna put up with secretive fools. And quit it with the binding circle crap will you?"

Faye, Melissa and I headed to the pier and messed around until Nick showed up with the magic drugs. We each took some and went to have fun while on a magic high. I made out with Melissa while Faye danced with Nick until he got handsy. She told him she was with me and not interested in his issues.

She then swatted Melissa's ass and took her place making out with me while Melissa grabbed the railing facing the water right next to us. My right hand slid down her pants and finger banged her while my left was on Faye's right ass cheek. Faye did her best to rid the taste of Melissa out of my mouth and put hers in until she pulled back and asked if she should let Nick have a go with her. I growled and squeezed her ass saying that she could, but I'd never touch her again.

She called me a hypocrite and I nodded. "I know. Do you hate that about me?"

She bit her lip and shook her head. "I don't hate anything about you. I love you and I have since we were thirteen."

I grunted and asked her. "Would you then? Sleep with my brother knowing I'd never touch you? Because of last night?"

She shook her head saying. "You were high on drugs and magic and I don't blame you one bit."

I grunted. "But I'd blame you."

She nodded and kissed me, pulling back to speak. "I know, but I don't want to lose you, ever."

We kissed more and Melissa shuddered as her cream soaked my fingers. When her climax passed, I pulled my hand free and licked the gooey proof of her release from my fingers. I put one finger left up and Faye looked at me as I gave her a challenging look. She sucked it into her lips and cleaned it off while I watched her, satisfied.

When she bit my index finger lightly, I grunted. "Careful or I'll bend you over and fuck you in front of everyone here. I think I saw your mom and grandfather in the crowd."

She released me and I stroked her ass telling her we'd go once I find Nick and get the extra vial. I left her and Melissa together as I swatted Melissa's tear and rubbed it once. She was all submissive all the time and Faye only submitted to me so it was how we worked. I was speaking with Nick and Adam when Faye flung Sally off the pier.

I put away the vial and told Adam where his family grimoire was. I told him I did the spell so he could find it in the Boathouse. After Dawn saved Sally, we all gathered at the Boathouse and I took the grimoire Adam offered. Cassie asked why he'd give it to me and he told her. "Ryan has an eidetic memory. He's copying all the spells and grimoires so all of us can have copies of them. Ever since he and Diana found theirs we all agreed that we share everything because having no knowledge or partial knowledge can be as dangerous as doing magic without caring what happens."

Diana spoke up. "He may not look it, but he's the smartest of us and the most powerful. It's why Faye and Melissa put up with him."

I grunted. "My chiseled jaw and ability to fuck until none of us can walk straight has nothing to do with it either."

Diana wrinkled her nose and Faye said it had something to do with the large cock I had and how good I am with my hands and tongue. "Cause if eating pussy was an Olympic sport he'd gold medal it every day of the week and twice on Fridays."

Melissa said it was my rock hard abs and ability to know exactly what she needed. Adam said he didn't need to hear that and Diana said she had her own stud. I grunted and Diana brought up binding the circle again because of what happened tonight. I growled and said I wanted nothing to do with it and k wouldn't be apart of it.

Adam said they only needed my brother to agree anyways. I looked to Nick and he apologized to me before agreeing. Diana said they'd do it tonight at midnight on the beach. I drove Faye and Melissa home, Ellington them I wanted no part of binding the circle so I'd protect my own magic from the circle's influence.

I reminded them of the stones and told them to be careful. Faye nodded and I headed home myself, waiting and preparing. I used telekinesis to give myself enochian tattoos to hide myself from the power of the binding spell and all other magics that may come my way. I felt the binding happen at midnight and I remained untouched by it's influence.

The next day I helped Faye with her locker lock. I spent the day copying the grimoires for each of us and when we met up at the abandoned house, I passed binders to each of them with the grimoires. They told me Cassie was attacked by a human guy and I suggested she get a taser or practice her magic until she could control it better and use it outside the circle. Faye mentioned the rings for storing the binders and Adam asked where the spell for that was.

I tapped my head. "In here. You won't find it in the grimoires because I made it myself."

I took off my shirt and showed them my tattoos. "Just like I made these. See, binding a circle binds that entire generation's bloodline to the circle. When Nick agreed to bind it, he bound our older brother Jake as well and would've bound me except for these tattoos that hide me from all forms of binding magic and scrying. Not even human cameras can see me now so I call it a win."

I put my shirt back on and told them. "Do what you want with your circle, but I won't be handing the rights to my magic to anyone. I decide when and if I use magic, not some collective vote or other's using it through a telepathic bond. Screw that, no thanks."

I turned to Cassie who offered her grimoire as a peace offering saying she'd found it and she didn't want to take the others and not contribute something. Diana asked if I could make more rings or teach them how to make them and I nodded. "Sure, but I want one thing in exchange."

I held out my crystal and told them what it was, what it could do and that it belonged to a full set that made a crystal skull our ancestors brought over on the Mayflower. I told them I'd give them a ring per stone they bring me before telling them where the stones should be. Cassie asked. "If it can do all that, is it worth a ring that only stores stuff?"

I chuckled and raised my hand, driving her to her knees as my ring glowed. I released her. "It amplifies power as well the more control one has, the more it amplifies. It does what the crystal does only it's less dangerous."

I turned to Faye and Melissa. "Which is why I gave you yours with the crystals. I trust you."

Faye smiled and brought out her crystal before handing it to me with a kiss, saying she trusted me more. Melissa handed hers over as well before saying that since they didn't need it, I was the safest one it could be with. I sighed and told them how to channel their power through their rings to amplify it regardless of whether they're near other members of the circle or not. I turned to the others and told them to find the crystals for the rings to gain their individual powers and learn control faster.

The next day I woke up in my own bed with Faye and Melissa before spending most of the day there with Faye and Melissa before Melissa wanted to go to the dance. I kissed Faye who said she wanted to stay a while longer and figure out how to break the circle safely. I told her I'd stop by after the dance if she didn't show up. She nodded and kissed me once more before calling it lame.

Melissa told her it may be, but she wanted to dance. She got her wish and we were the only ones dancing for a time while everyone else stood around until some people joined us. Soon the whole school was dancing so when the others came over wanting help including Faye, we left. Faye said the same guy that attacked Cassie attacked her only she threw his ass into a wall and ran because she didn't have the power she did before.

I told her she needed to continue practicing control. When Luke showed up, I put him to sleep with a spell, telling them to be careful. We headed to the principal's office to get information on the guy that came after them. I danced with Faye in the hall before asking if she still thought dances were lame.

She shook her head slowly and Nick showed up. When Diana, Cassie and Adam came out, the guy chasing them showed up and I sighed, telling them I'd handle him. I lit a joint and walked over to the guy. "You're going to want to walk away while you can. I'm in no mood to play with normal humans."

He said he had to break the circle by killing one of us and I sighed. "Alright, now I'm done talking."

I flicked the joint in his eyes and kicked him in the solar plexus. He stumbled back and I shrugged off my jacket, dropping it as I dodged his knife, twisting and braking his arm in six places before taking his knife and putting it in his side, between the fifth and sixth rib. I told him loud enough for the others to hear. "I'm going to let you live just this once. If I'd gone between the fourth and fifth rib, you'd be dead right now. Don't worry, I got the fifth and sixth, a body cavity. You'll need a hospital, but you'll live."

I moved and tore out the blade, burying it in his right shoulder blade before heating it up as he cried out. I burned my finger prints off of it and let him go as he fell to the floor. I told him coldly. "Come after them again and I won't be so nice. Enjoy the scar, it'll be something to remember me by."

I stepped over his body and walked over to the others. "If he's smart he'll learn his lesson. If not, well, I've always wanted to try an incineration spell."

I picked up my joint and put it out before putting it away. Principal Chamberlain came over asking what happened after having witnessed most of it to my senses. I grunted. "We saw him selling drugs. He pulled a knife saying he'd kill us and I defended myself. Feel free to call the cops, I'm sure they'll find plenty of drugs on him along with his crazy ass ranting when he wakes up from blood loss."

She did just that and I gave my story to the cops who asked the others whom all agreed. Sir douche was hauled off with several dozen bags of weed and ecstasy. Faye asked where the drugs came from and I grunted. "Nick's stash."

Nick scowled at me. "You're a dick."

I shrugged and we all left. Faye, Melissa and I went back to my place where I won my gold medals and put my hands to good use. The next Monday after the weekend, Cassie and Adam went searching for Heather Barnes, a link to Cassie's mother's past and the boatyard fire. The next day I gave Cassie back her grimoire and the others copies of it.

I spent the rest of the day with Melissa while Faye was on a magic using kick at the abandoned house. Melissa and I had a decent date before heading to my place. While we relaxed in the after glow hours later, we heard banging and I went to the window seeing Faye yelling for help. We ran over with Nick who followed and found Cassie and Faye there with Heather who ran screaming from us, getting hit in the street by a car.

I pulled Faye and Melissa away asking Cassie what the hell happened. She said she didn't know and I told her to shut up and relax her mind. I touched her head and saw it all before cursing and releasing her. "Demons. Great, that's just what we need now."

I closed my eyes and didn't open them until the ambulances came. I told the others what happened and that the car accident wouldn't have killed the demon so we all needed to be careful or it could get into us and become even more powerful. I handed Faye and Melissa a crystal apiece and told them they hurt demons. We went back to my room and I held them both, going to sleep.

I had fitful dreams and knew something was wrong the next day. I was agitated and dark thoughts kept clouding my mind. It fed on my rage and chose me for the power it felt inside me. I was edgy and mean the next morning, twitchy and aggressive.

When I got to school, I barely made it to my locker before pain assailed me. It was white hot agony that dug into my mind and body. I knew I'd fucked up because I couldn't do anything physically. All I could do was retreat into the back of my mind with all my memories.

The demon that possessed me got a blank slate while I used all the mental abilities I had to cloak my mind from the demon and hide the core of my being. I needed to bide my time and gather myself so it told Nick I needed his help. It couldn't use my rings because they were bound to my soul which was the core of me. Later that night I assaulted the demon, taking back control of my body while the others had me tied on the couch.

I sat up after having seizure like moment and barked for them to get back. My neck strained and I told them. "Burn or drown the bag, it's demons, kill them!"

I looked to Faye and Melissa. "The stones."

They held them up and I told them telepathically to put one over my heart and head. I breathed easier and told them. "It won't last long. It's pushing it's way back into my mind. I need to hide myself from it. Don't trust anything I say until it's gone alright?"

They nodded and I grunted. "Goodbye."

I closed my eyes and convulsed before it got back inside. I had a hard enough time keeping the beast inside me from getting out of the ring to eat it. Even in the ring it was still a part of me and my soul, just sectioned off safely. The demon went wild and when it tried to kill Nick, I roared to the surface and dropped Nick.

I dropped the sheers I'd had at his throat and told them to run. I held up a hand and growled. "Phasmatos incendia."

The case caught fire and I fell to my knees. I growled again as the plunged it's way into my mind once more. I fought it on a mental battlefield while growling. "Phasmatos Incendia."

Black veins covered my face as my vision wavered. I breathed out. "Phasmatos…"

Faye finished it. "Incendia!"

The case incinerated to ashes with the demons inside before I lost consciousness. It soon left me and I woke up only to find out Nick had fled. I chased after him immediately, knowing he'd go to the Boathouse for Dawn. I got there but unfortunately it hadn't gone there or they'd already left. I ran out towards the dry dock and ran into Cassie with her grandmother.

I told them he wasn't there and ran as fast as I could, only to be too late. I found him already drowned and started CPR immediately. I begged him not to be dead and did chest compression, magic with the stone, everything. Cassie's grandmother forced me to stopped literally with magic.

I told her to save him and she said he was already gone. I broke her spell on me and roared. "Nooo!"

Magic poured out of me like a sieve, shocking the old woman as I held Nick and cried. The world shook with my pain and regret until I had no more to let out. I felt hollow, empty and alone in this life, like my insides had been ripped out and I'd been left in the snow to bleed but not die from what was done to me. My power was felt by witches and beings around the world and yet I couldn't spare them a thought through my own suffering.

Cassie and her grandmother, Jane Blake, pulled me away when the paramedics showed up and took his body. Jane stuffed the crystal is had into my pocket saying she didn't know where I got it from, but I'd best not lose it. I mumbled something and stumbled away, heading to the abandon house via walking. Faye and Melissa hugged me and briefly the feeling of being alone left me.

I stayed at the abandoned house all night, holding both Faye and Melissa as they felt horrible for me. I'd already cried all I could do I had nothing left except red eyes by the time I'd got there. One night later Jake came back to town and I fucked his face up while a witch hunter's mark burned in our yard. I told him that if he came back expecting a happy welcome he could leave again because that's all he was good for, leaving.

I stopped and looked up to see Cassie watching us so I released him and put the fire out with a wave of my hand. Jake spit out a tooth and some blood before following me inside and grabbing the beer I set on the table. He asked what happened and I scowled before telling him everything, the possession, the demons, all of it. I tossed our family grimoire to him and told him Nick only got possessed because I couldn't last long enough to kill the demon while it was in me.

I clenched my fist and told him that it was all my fault because the demon latched onto me because my power was individually stronger than everyone else's. I downed my beer and told him when he was done, he was going to tell me why he was back because he sure as shit didn't come back for Nick or he'd have never left to begin with. He didn't give a straight answer beyond saying he felt the circle magic and came back because he'd lost most of his individual magic.

I nearly kicked his ass again before he asked what the tattoos were about. I told him they were enochian, the language of the angels and sigils that hid me from others unless they can see me with their own eyes. I told him it prevented things like circle bindings from afar and since I wasn't present when they bound the circle I'm not in the club like he is. He asked me serious. "You aren't bound?"

I shook my head. "I'm not anything. My power is my own and so is my control over it. No one controls me or my magic, not demons, not a circle, not anything. The demon and I fought all damned day and half the night before it was flushed out by Jane Blake. How else would your precious circle be alive right now?"

I tossed the empty bottle in the trash and told him. "Our Bible thumping aunt is out of town with her side of the family. Stay, go, do what you want, but fuck off with your pretending to care shit. I need your lies like I need another demon in me."

I went to shower before meeting Faye and Melissa at Faye's place for the night. The next night I heard a crash next door and ran over seeing Jake run in as well. He stopped a witch hunter so I left quietly and went home. The next day I got high with Faye and Melissa at the wake while Jake and Adam got into it over Cassie or so it seemed.

Faye and Melissa dragged me to my place to take my mind off the wake. Weeks later I went shopping with Faye and Cassie, finding Faye an artifact that left little to the imagination in the upper body area. Only her breasts were covered and I hugged her from behind growling. "Yes, this looks great on you."

She turned her head while holding my arms around her waistline. "You think?"

I nodded. "I know so. I'm definitely buying it for you."

She smiled and kissed me before going to tease Cassie and get her a date to a party Cassie was having tonight. I ended up in my old leather armor with my swords strapped to my back. Faye went as little red slutty riding hood and Melissa went as a vampire school girl so when we slipped away, both of them came limping back leaking under their skirts. I was much calmer even with a satisfied strut.

Melissa winced when I grabbed her ass lightly because I'd punished her for not swallowing everything so her last virginity was gone. I rubbed and healed her with a spell before she thanked me. I shrugged and told her to finish her meal or she'd be sleeping the party off in Cassie's bed instead of coming back down with us. She nodded and sucked my thumb into her mouth before Faye said she was bored.

Cassie asked us to distract Jake and I asked why. She said he knew more than he was telling about the witch hunters. I frowned and told her to stay and distract him herself because I'd get to the bottom of it now. Unfortunately when I went outside an asshole witch hunter chloroformed me.

I woke up tied to a chair with everyone else there. I growled and the witch hunter leader said to give it up because we were surrounded by a line of iron sulfide. I snorted and wrenched my shoulder, making a loud crack as I popped it out of place. I twisted my arm and popped it back into place in front of me.

I smirked. "Big mistake not taking my ring. Now it's gonna cost you."

I spoke coldly. "Vozdukh, Priyevratis v Kulak!"

A fist of air form and shattered the witch cruid he'd made of bracelet of mine with my blood. He'd been holding it at the time and the witch hunter named Luke next to me hit me in the back of the head with a plank. It was lights out nearly, but I still managed one last spell. I spoke in a mumble. "Excudo!"

A blast of energy left me and hit Luke, make his head explode into a shower of blood that hit everyone. I woke up again only this time with Faye's help. They had to half drag me out of the burning boat house. I took a pill and recovered before asking what happened.

Faye said that after I killed Luke, the witch leader had some other guy try and kill everyone. She told me someone killed that guy and they barely got their rings back before getting me out of there. We found Jake bleeding from the arm and I frowned. When he lied, I told them I was going home to wash brains and blood off before I'd even discuss dealing with witch hunters.

The others agreed and the next morning we ended up heading to Faye's grandfather's house. I drove Melissa, Faye and myself with Adam and Diana in the backseat. We got there while it was raining and Faye acted off. I asked her what it was and she shook her head so we went inside. I checked the hidden compartment when we got in and shook my head. "I guess your grandpa has the crystal or Jane does."

Faye shrugged and pulled me upstairs for a hot bath. We were a bit too focused for other stuff but once we simmered down, Faye freaked out over seaweed only she could see. I told her nothing was there and held her, telling her to look at me and let it go. She did and we got dressed a bit later before telling the others what happened.

Faye wanted a drinking game so she chose truth or dare. She told Diana who chose dare to take off her shirt for the next three questions. Diana complained about it not being fair and I chuckled when she did it and she asked me for truth or dare. I took a shot. "Alright, fair warning, I'll choose dare but I'm not doing anything perverted with Jake. I don't swing that tree and while I don't swing guys either, I'd fuck Adam in front of you if it meant you and Cassie would quit the pissing match over him."

I winked to Adam and told him he'd be catching. The rest of them burst out laughing and Diana nodded. "I dare you to kiss Cassie like she was Faye."

I head bumped the table and groaned before getting up and lifting Cassie up, looking her in the eyes as I laid her across the couch, having her wrap her legs around my waist. I brushed her hair aside and Faye told me to take my shirt off. I huffed and gave her a glare. "Stop enjoying this so much."

She quirked an eyebrow and I groaned before pulling my shirt off, leaning back over Cassie as my one hand brushed her hair aside and the other went under her shirt, massaging her left breast. I kissed her openly and with passion until she moaned into my lips. I released her stunned gaze and grabbed my shirt as I pried her legs from my waistline.

Adam had a sour expression and I walked over to him, taking his hand and putting it on my soft dick. He jerked his hand back and I chuckled. "Just making a point sour puss. I'm not attracted to either of you so save your butt hurt looks for when Jake kisses the girl of your dreams or whatever you are."

I turned to Melissa. "Truth or dare?"

She sipped her wine and said dare so I dared her to give Adam a lap dance like she does me. I turned to Diana who frowned and smirked. "I don't like being toyed with between your love triangle. However, I guarantee you Adam won't be as soft as I am when Melissa's done."

I took out my stereo and put on some music. I stood up and told her to go all except naked for me. She agreed and we shared a kiss before I sat back down. Faye whistled and I cat called as Melissa worked Adam up and came over, sitting in my lap when he nearly busted a nut in his jeans. I made out with her and she rubbed her ass against my dick which was now getting hard.

I told her to go next so she truth or dared Jake. He said dare knowing I could tell when he's lying. She dared him to kiss Cassie so she'd know whose better of the two of us. He did his best, but he wasn't getting a moan.

I shrugged as Faye told him I was a born lover. He asked her truth or dare and Faye chose truth so he asked her how many people had she been with. She told them smugly. "One guy and one girl. Our three ways are epic, but I also like it when I have Ryan all to myself and he looks at me like I'm all that matters to him in the world."

I grunted. "Yeah, though seeing Faye and Melissa go down on each other is hotter than anything that's happened so far in my opinion so, your turn Faye, round two."

She dared Diana to take off her pants next and Diana dared me to prove my words and kiss Adam. I held a hand over my heart and scoffed, giving hero hairdo the kiss of his lifetime. All of the girls were fanning themselves by the time Adam stopped resisting and closed his eyes. I'd told him to imagine I was Cassie or Diana so he'd stop being so uptight.

When I got his legs off of me, I told him not to freak cause at least he hadn't been catching this round. I dared Cassie to give Diana her best lap dance without the shirt or pants like Melissa did. She told me I kissed like it should be a sin and I shrugged before Faye said I eat pussy like it's a way of life so that was fair. Melissa said I was made for sex and damned good at it.

Cassie gave Diana an awkward lap dance while we chuckled and laughed over alcohol. Cassie went on to dare Jake to give Faye a kiss. He did and Faye told him I was far better. I coughed on my Jack Daniels and asked if he needed tips.

Jake scowled and dared me to kiss Diana like I'd kissed Cassie and Adam. I huffed. "What a challenge, repeating an exercise in futility."

Diana was a far better kisser and she'd gyrated into me as her nails dug into my chest. When I finished, she grabbed my bulging dick and told them she'd gotten me hard. I shrugged. "So I'd fuck you if you weren't in the love triangle from hell, so what?"

I grabbed Faye and Melissa saying I needed to take care of that issue. Faye said she'd stay so Melissa can take care of it. She swatted Melissa's panty clad rear telling her to swallow or she'd get punished. Melissa swallowed it all and I fucked her until we were both satisfied. We came downstairs to find Cassie had pissed off Faye and the game was pretty much over.

I sighed and grabbed my shirt, telling Melissa to get dressed so we could find Faye before she catches a cold or leaves in this bad a storm and wrecks. Cassie joined us and we found Faye freaking about and leading to Cassie finding Faye's dead grandfather. I held Faye and stopped her from seeing him, telling them to call the police because he was weighted down so someone murdered him. I held Faye through all of it and told Dawn what happened when she showed up.

Three days later I was at a fundraiser with Melissa because Faye and Adam were on a Jake crusade to find out what he was up to. When they found out Jake was a witch hunter, Cassie was taken and I killed two witch hunters at the docks before Jake left with the lead witch hunter who was all that remained. My bloody swords burned with fire as I glared at Jake and the lead witch hunter as they fled on a boat made of ash wood that prevented magic.

I waved a sword and incinerated the bodies before sheathing my blades as the fire went out on them. Faye said she knew I was a badass, but the swordsman type she hadn't expected. I huffed as I turned to Cassie with Adam. "Your circle is weaker without Jake, but what I heard the lead witch hunter tell him-"

I shook my head and Adam asked. "What is it?"

I grimaced. "Cassie isn't the only one in the circle with Balcoin blood. John Blackwell is someone else's father and it isn't Jake or me because they'd have dealt with him sooner and I'm not apart of the circle. That means one of you is Cassie's half sibling and half dark witch."

Cassie asked. "You know about the Balcoin family?"

I nodded. "I know everything there is to know about witch families from our ancestors times all the way back to the beginning of the Blakes and Balcoins. Two sides of the same coin. You're doubly blessed and fucked if you have both. Let's head to the abandoned house and I'll fill everyone in."

She nodded and when we arrived, I started. "The Balcoin family line is at the core of dark magic. Like Middle Age witches sacrificing babies and other witches for power kind of dark magic. They were supposedly hunted to extinction centuries ago, but if Cassie is a Balcoin because of John Blackwell that means they changed their name and went into hiding to survive."

I flicked the paper Cassie had and continued. "Just as the Balcoins were evil, the Blake's were good. They were healers, scholars, teachers and practitioners that served nature and the balance of the world. They were what every one of our families aspired to be and probably why Adam's dad got all hot and bothered about Amelia or Adam does Cassie. Her magic is pure or was before the boat house fire when she awakened her darker half."

I turned to the others and sighed. "If there is another Balcoin amongst you then you all are in serious danger."

Adam asked. "Why? What's so bad about it?"

I grimaced. "Here's a history lesson for you. There were originally eighteen powerful witch families that came over on the Mayflower. Over time they had bastards and offshoots, but the original eighteen families claimed settled territory nearby because the ley lines are thrumming with power here, specifically under this abandoned house which is why our parents practiced here before us. It's where they're the most powerful and it's why the six most powerful families stayed here in Chance Harbor."

I grunted and told them what ley lines were before moving on. "The reason it's so damned bad if another of you is John Blackwell's child is because two in one circle means he's likely done the same to the other circles, infected them from the inside out. If there's a second it means John Blackwell is alive and he intends for the two here to kill the rest of you before the others meet up and make a dark circle of Blackwell's children with him at the center and worst of all, these-"

I showed them the three crystal pieces before telling them how it could be reformed into an infected dark magic artifact that could kill every witch on the planet that wasn't of Balcoin blood. Cassie said her grandmother gave her their piece and offered it to me for a ring.

I made the trade and told them. "Supposing you all survive what's to come and somehow don't end up dead or mindless dark slaves, I won't be staying in Chance Harbor much longer. I intend to take the crystals and leave to ensure John Blackwell or his dark magic using coven children don't get their hands on the crystal skull."

Faye raised a small hand and asked how we were supposed to find out if the witch hunter is lying. I smirked. "Easily. We go to the iron mine before. Seeing as you and Melissa were able to enter it you aren't dark witches at all. That leaves only two possibilities if the witch hunter wasn't lying."

I pointed to Adam and Diana before saying. "You little snuggle bunnies are coming with me. In fact, we'll all go so Cassie can prove my point when she can't enter the iron mine shaft."

We headed there and found out quick enough after Cassie tried and failed to enter. Adam entered and Diana was stopped and rebounded, landing on her ass. I chuckled before stopping. "Imagine that, sisters competing over the same guy. Looks like Charles couldn't keep his wife satisfied. This is both ironically hilarious and terrifyingly not funny. Man this sucks."

I held out a page, telling them it was how to unbind the circle. I gave Cassie her ring and told her that it required control to magnify power so it wouldn't work on anything inherently uncontrollable like dark magic. Adam asked where the other two crystals were and I checked when we were outside before telling them. "One is in Dawn's purse in a pill bottle and the other is in Charles Meade's hands."

I turned to Faye. "He either killed your grandfather or robbed the cabin before we arrived. Either way the crystal he has belonged to your grandfather. The one your mother has belongs to the Meades and is drained of power."

I tossed Adam a ring. "That means the one we found under an illusion at the high school was your family's crystal."

Faye said she'd get me the one her mom had and Diana said she'd find out the truth from her father and get the last crystal. I nodded and told them to break the circle as soon as they have the last of the rings. I turned to Diana. "And make no mistake, if Charles did kill Faye's grandfather, you'll know what it's like to lose the only parent you have because will make his death slow and agonizing before I skin him and burn him alive like I plan to do Jake for betraying his family and his own kind to work with witch hunters and kill our people."

I stood up and told them coldly. "I care about two people in this world and Charles Meade may have hurt one of them because of his actions, but I know Jake tried to kill both of them with his. I couldn't give a fuck whether I live or die, but no one comes after Faye or Melissa and lives."

I clenched my fist and told Diana she had until the end of next month to get the crystal and the truth or I'd make him give me both and he might not survive my methods of extracting them regardless of whether he's guilty or not. Diana swallowed and nodded while Cassie told me to stop the death threats only to find a blade at her throat before I even turned my gaze to her.

When I did, I told her. "These aren't death threats, these are facts. Jake crossed a line and if Charles did he'll pay the same price as Jake will when I catch up to him. This isn't a game where they can try and murder off those I care about or kill people Faye and Melissa care about and walk away. There are consequences to their actions and they will face them regardless. God help them if they had anything to do with Nick's death as well because hell will be their heaven by the time I'm through with them for killing my twin brother."

The blade disappeared and I turned to Diana. "You have your time table. Get me the crystal and I'll give you the ring to boost your power and control once the circle's broken. In the meantime I have a brother to hunt down and kill alongside every witch hunter on the western seaboard and John Blackwell if I can find him because I highly doubt he died in the fire now that I know he's a Balcoin."

I left and over the next month I hunted down and slaughtered witch hunters until I found Jake heading back to Chance Harbor. I made him tell me everything before I killed him and incinerated the body, breaking the circle forcefully since I couldn't be tapped for it. I returned after I killed Eben and found out all of what happened back then. Diana gave me the crystal and told Faye that Dawn killed her grandfather and had Charles cover it up because they wanted the crystals and the circle so they could get their power back.

She told Cassie as Faye gave me the dead crystal and I gave Diana a ring that Charles killed Amelia to lure her back into town. She turned to me and told me that he drowned Nick because he was possessed and trying to kill the entire circle, Faye and Melissa included. I put my fist through a wall and ripped it out wheeler the others flinched. I gripped my fist and Faye hugged my side, asking me to leave it to her.

I blinked and shuddered before kissing her forehead, telling her that I'd do anything and kill anyone for her and Melissa. She smiled before telling me not to kill him then, for her. Melissa said Faye was right and I should let it go since they knew I killed Jake. I growled and said Jake was a traitor and deserved what he got.

I put my head against Faye's and closed my eyes before telling them. "Alright, but we leave town the moment we finish whatever shit John Blackwell is up to. My sources say he's alive, but unfortunately all my sources were also my witch hunter victims so they could've been lying."