
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · テレビ
79 Chs


Life as a meteor infected wasn't fun, but being born a nobody in Smallville not knowing k was a meteor infected was somehow even less fun. On the bright side, I looked like Jared Padalecki, aka Sam 'Moose' Winchester. The downside to that being I was freaking tall by the time I got to high school and I sort of stood out being jacked with pure muscle. For normal people that would be a plus, but standing out in high school where I was an academic god, I was like a lone wolf and too intimidating for anyone to even try to start up a conversation with.

Add to that I was an orphan thanks to the meteor shower and being raised with my older cousin, Whitney Fordman, I stood out even more thanks to his football quarterback status. I shied away from football until Lana Lang, the only person to bother sitting with me, encouraged me to try out. She wasn't intimidated in the least for whatever reason. She said she understood what it felt like to lose everything that meant something in the meteor shower.

She showed me her necklace saying it was from the meteor that killed her parents. I lifted my shirt and showed her the scar on my side. "The meteor that killed my parents blew me from the truck and left a bit more than a trinket. By the time the firemen r cooled off the metal that landed on me, the meteor rocks had worked their way inside."

I lowered my shirt and told her. "The doctors say the skin and part of my ribs isn't entirely organic there anymore, only appearing to take on properties of bone and skin while still being nearly all meteor rock, whatever that means."

I sighed and asked. "So Whitney tell you my sob story so he could get me to the team huh? He's been trying to get me to agree to join all summer long."

She frowned lightly. "It wasn't like that."

I shrugged. "It never is. Sadly, he doesn't understand that no means no. The last thing I need is to be accused of cheating if someone hits my side and breaks their bones. I don't want to hurt anyone, bad karma and all that."

She raised an eyebrow and I lifted her necklace. "This is easily broken, but heated and applied to bone and skin, it turns into something the doctors called beyond diamond quality and density."

I released her necklace and apologized if I was being too pointed before she asked if it was that or the rest of me I was afraid of getting hurt instead of hurting others. I grunted. "Touché."

I closed my eyes before agreeing. "Fine, tell my annoying cousin I'll try out. But I'm warning you now, it's not a fair game when diamond hard bones and skin are added to a full contact sport."

I made the team with ease a couple days later and became the wide receiver with both speed and power to bust through the defense lines. I was still a bit of a loner, especially when I'd stopped Whitney from taking Clark as this year's scarecrow. I told Whitney to knock it off and helped Clark up, taking the necklace off of him and pocketing it. I told him to go before suggesting he not try and make moves on other guy's girlfriends because normal guys don't do that unless they're looking for a fight.

He left and I turned to the others with a glare. They backed away, each having seen me tackle and break tackle dummy boards before. They left and I shook my head to Whitney saying that dumb tradition could get him arrested for assault and both physical and mental trauma which he can't afford. He realized his mistakes and I headed inside, meeting Lana and giving her the necklace.

I told her how her walk and talk with Clark got on Whitney's jealous side and what he'd nearly done before telling her. "The next time you go for a late night stroll, do try not to find guys who've lusted after you since puberty. I've been to the Kent farm and I know for a fact Clark has a telescope pointed at your house. I don't really care what Clark does, but I'd rather not see my cousin in jail for assault and battery because he's jealous."

I walked away and she thanked me for stopping him. I shrugged it off telling her she was the first person willing to be my friend in high school so I'd help her where k can, however I can. Later that night I bumped into Jeremy the electric scarecrow. He'd been about to mess with the fire sprinkler system at the school dance and we fought.

He electrocuted me and wouldn't or couldn't let go until he passed out. I grunted when my hands sparked with electricity and that's how I knew I was a meta human. I looked up to see Clark before looking back to the roasted truck and pointed to Jeremy. "He did it."

He said he saw so I shrugged and called the cops. After telling them what happened, Clark backed me. Jeremy Creek was sent to the Belle Reve psychiatric facility. Whitney and I got into an argument over telling his girlfriend things he didn't want said to her about his less than stellar actions.

I told him not to do them then before saying I'd only said anything to her because I had to explain how I got her necklace in the first place and I wasn't going to lie just so he could look good. A couple days later Clark sat with me at lunch with a hesitant Pete while Chloe asked all about what happened in a typical news reporter fashion. I gave her a bland story and told her I recognized the guy the scarecrow from twelve years ago.

I told her when your cousin is a football star that coerces you to play, you learn a few things or end up like Jeremy did. Clark said I shouldn't have to play if I don't want to. I snorted lightly and told him that my only friend was the head cheerleader he false all over himself for because she's the only one who can stand to be around a half mutilated orphan who lost everything in the meteor shower.

I got up and told him to win his brownie points with Lana some other way because I wasn't a way he could use to get in her pants. I told him he and everyone else ignored my presence before now and I was just fine with it being that way. I told Pete good luck out there and suggested he get a better helmet that fits. When I heard about Whitney's truck going up in flames and Lana being kidnapped, I headed to the treehouse near the old abandoned foundry.

There I found Greg Arkin with an unconscious Lana. We fought, his fist hit my diamond ribs and I hit him with more strength than I'd realized I had before. He went flying through a hole in the treehouse and landed unconscious while the bugs left him and tried to swarm me. I zapped them all and felt the strength leave me.

I simply woke Lana up and told her what happened, asking her not to tell anyone about the power I had because I didn't want to be labeled a freak. She thanked me for saving her and we waited for Clark who showed up before Whitney. They called the cops and I simply said he'd tried jumping and whatever weird crap he was on busted through the place and knocked him out when he landed. The next big issue saw me quitting the football team.

Some kids were caught cheating and the coach supplied the test. When he burned a kid with his touch, I confronted him and he burned my arm as well, only I seemed to have become immune to it after one go and he lost the power temporarily. He got it back huffing meteor rock steam so I knew it was possible for the powers I take to be restored. The fact that I kept the electricity powers made being a meta barely worth it.

Coach got his own fiery ending from what I heard, but I'd missed his death and his two hundredth winning game. I'd been in the ER getting a second degree handprint burn on my arm checked out. The skin has blistered off in the area and it wasn't pretty. I ended up with an arm bandage and a lot of cleaning and maintenance instructions.

As it turns out my having quit wasn't recorded anywhere so I had to do it again when the assistant coach took over. Whitney and Lana wanted to know why and I told them the same thing, the game's not worth it when cheaters play. Regardless of what they cheat in or how, they'll be tempted to cheat in football the moment they think they can get away with it and I don't want or need that in my life. Lana asked about the scholarship and I Whitney told her I didn't need it because my parents had life insurance and when I turned eighteen I'd be set. I snorted and told them I wasn't relying on that.

I told Lana right then and there that I had and maintained a 4.0 ever since I'd started school. "I would've already graduated at fourteen last year if I'd agreed to skip grades. Instead I'm doing online college courses so that when I graduate high school I can get my masters and doctorates in over fifty subjects including every language known to man."

I grunted. "I never planned to rely on or even touch that money. Getting money because my parents died and I was nearly burned alive didn't sit well with me as a five year old when my aunt and uncle explained it to me and it doesn't sit right with me now."

Lana agreed and asked if I knew French. I told her I did in French and offered to tutor her when k switched back to English. She thanked me and I nodded, telling them I had work to do. She asked about my arm and I told them about the old coach's weird power and what I'd seen as well as how I'd confronted him and quit the team the first time.

She hesitated and I told her I had to go. A couple weeks of tutoring Lana at lunch while Whitney sat with us and listened in passed by quickly. When I heard Lex Luthor robbed a bank, I bumped into the man himself and offered to tell him who it was and how it was done for fifty grand. He agreed easily enough, but I had to prove my words.

I told him he'd have to prove he had fifty grand to just give away so we went back to his place and he held out an envelope to me after putting the money in. I told him. "Her name is Tina Greer. She's a bone morpher that has a skeleton a bit like that of a snake's due to the meteor shower. Whatever radiation is in the meteor rocks and her own early on set bone condition fused when she got experimental treatment for it. She can make herself look like anyone she's ever seen and heard, but she can't copy their handwriting which is why the bank manager was held up instead of just giving her the cash. Her mom owns the antique store, but the money's probably in her locker at school and be careful if you confront her. Her bone density can be altered which means she can hit like a rhino and be anyone including her own mother if confronted at the shop. The easiest way to tell would be to have her locker searched and to speak with her mother who probably already knows about her ability."

I took the envelope and told him. "I won't be pointing her out and if you mention my name I'll deny everything because the last thing I want is for a pissed off bone morpher who can look like anyone and break my neck like a twig to know I pointed the authorities her way."

He said it that was fair enough and I told him he knew who I was and where to find me if I was lying about anything. I left and headed back to my life such as it was. I'd been right and Lex stopped by to thank me before asking how I knew. I told him that I'm a loner with a genius level IQ and boredom was my best friend so I figured things out as fast as he dates super models and dumps them according to the papers.

He smirked and said he'd be seeing me around. I told him only if he was willing to fork over cash because I don't owe him anything and I never would. He didn't say anything to that and I didn't care to comment. When Whitney, Lana and I went to some party out by crater lake a couple weeks later, it was freezing out. I made a bonfire and when Lana saw how I started it, she asked if I'd gotten it with the burn the coach gave me.

I nodded slowly and she asked how my power worked. I showed her and told her that it was pyro kinesis. I told her that I seemed to be able to absorb the powers of those used against me, but like coach, they could get it back with the meteorites. I gave her a lead lined box for her necklace and told her it was probably best she not wear it lest something happen and she end up a freak like me.

I told her lead stops radiation which the meteors are radioactive because everything out in space is. She thanked me and we sat by the fire that roared to life. Whitney told me he was ordering pizza and I nodded, telling him to put some music on and grabbed the bag of marshmallows. He did so while I made us stick spears and spoke to Lana in French.

She was a quick study and knew the gist of what I'd say before repeating it until she understood it. She'd also write it down as she did so which helped her improve two fold. I switched to English when Whitney came over and Lana asked if I could teach her any other languages. I told her to pick one and I'd teach it to her after she learned French entirely.

When everyone else showed up, I'd hacked down a tree, cutting the branches off for kindling and using the logs for seats. The sticks were turned into spears for marshmallows and s'mores. The three bonfires roared to life, music played and people gathered around the fires to talk and stay warm. I sat with Lana and Whitney until Whitney asked if I was game to throw a bit.

I told him I'd pass and Lana asked why I'd really quit. I told her that every day out there on the field was a day I'd be willing to cheat more than I'd already been. I told her three guys messed up their shoulders trying to tackle me out there during a couple games and I didn't have a real answer as to how beyond being a freak. She told me I wasn't a freak and I suggest she look up the meaning of the word.

She changed the subject to French and I continued to teach her until Clark came over. I apologized to him a few minutes later for assuming the worst just because I was having issues of my own that day. He said it was cool before asking what I was teaching Lana. I told him about my super brain and how I knew every human written and spoken language on earth.

He asked what other languages there were and I told him there were some animals that mimicked human speech, but more importantly there were some hieroglyphics that have been spotted around the world which are unlike any other language on earth and I can't decipher them from just what's been released to the public. He was curious, but I didn't say more, instead offering him a handshake before asking if we were cool. He said we were so I went back to helping Lana learn French.

Chloe came over with Clark and asked how many languages I knew. I told her after looking to Clark. "Over five thousand including regional and traditional dialects and dead languages only written. The English language alone has evolved multiple times since early man and I speak all of them besides the grunts. I'll leave those to Whitney when he wants to watch football games."

Lana snorted lightly in laughter, knowing exactly what I meant. Chloe asked how I learned so many so quickly and I looked her over asking if it was an interview or off the record curiosity. She asked if it could be both and I told her I didn't do interviews, nor did I desire to be famous for learning to speak or write anything. She put the inner quill to bed and said it was just off the record then.

I told her that I did a lot of learning the two years I spent in and out of the hospital. I told her my aunt and uncle started with kids books to occupy my time since I couldn't move much. "When I finished every book they brought and asked for more, I pretty much had an all access pass to the public library. I grew bored of fiction fast and learned pretty much everything as fast as they could bring it to me when I wasn't in and out of surgery or getting my body ultrasounds because MRIs were out when they didn't know how much metal was left in me."

I told them about what happened and how the solid right side of me was as harder than diamond. I told them that it prevents X-rays and without them they had to use ultrasounds and exploratory surgery to get all the shrapnel out or risk an MRI ripping it out and killing me. They grimaced and I shrugged, saying it ruined any chance of being normal I'd had, but I learned fast because the minds of children are elastic and mine was more than sponge like. I told them I'd gone through encyclopedias, learned languages, sciences and pretty much everything under the sun.

Shrugging, I told them. "While Whitney was out chucking footballs and playing with others, I was in one book or other because if I played any contact games I could seriously hurt someone. Like with the hospital, I adapted and absorbed knowledge instead. It sucked, but I grew used to being alone until a stubborn brunette insisted on bugging me the first day of high school and called me a coward."

Lana snorted and smiled. "At least you made friends."

I shrugged. "Minor acquaintances and I sort of alienated them when I quit the team."

Clark said I made two more then and I smiled lightly, thanking him, though asking not to play hoops if I come over because I don't want to accidentally hurt him or Pete if they hit my side and break their bones. Chloe offered me a place at the Torch and I shook my head. "No thanks. I've heard of your wall of weird freak board and I've seen my face up there on it. No offense, but I want nothing to do with prying into other's pain just for a story. I lived that day once and every night for years so I don't need to relive it every day I see that wall."

She flinched and Lana asked what it was. I told her it was Chloe's attempt to claim the meteor shower was responsible for everything that went bad afterwards or just plain weird. I told her the magazine photo of her was up there as well. She flinched and I let it go, changing the subject after Chloe assured me what I'd said wouldn't be mentioned in any newspaper article.

The next day I met Sean Kelvin in the hallway at school and he looked near hypothermic. I tried heating him up with a handshake less intense than coach's and he absorbed the heat instant. I groaned as I felt cold myself and he felt instantly better. He still went psychotic and killed some girl he'd been sleeping with, but he hadn't done so with powers.

Instead I was busy meditating and learn how to turn his heat absorbing power on and off. I didn't even need oxygen anymore and I got a minor strength boost so hey, I was doing fine. I told Lana what happened and how I'd tried to help him because I though he was sick only to end up with a cold and some bland but decent abilities. I touched her warm soda and it became frosty for her.

She said it was a good thing because who knows how many people he'd have killed if he kept his power. I shrugged and told her I didn't feel different so it'd made me wonder if I was immune to the psychosis or if I'd been too young when mine triggered so I'd ended up an eidetic memory freak from the psychosis. She slapped my arm telling me she'd stop hanging out with me if I kept calling myself a freak. I sighed and told her emotional blackmail was a low blow.

She smiled saying it was worth it if it worked. I grunted and gave my word I'd never call myself a freak again, but I'd understand if others did. Weeks later I was doing community service for my college application portfolio with Lana. We were working at an adult rest home where I learned an interesting fact and got twenty-five grand from Lex.

The old lady there was a seer and I gave Lex the information of what she was and how her power worked for the money. He found it fascinating and tried to lower the money, but I told him to think about any unanswered questions he might have or perhaps questions he might have about those she sees. I added that the price wasn't negotiable from his side because he didn't need the money and he spent more on earrings after getting blown by beautiful women.

He grunted and gave me the envelope which I pocketed. He asked what made me so confident to do business as equals with him and I grunted. "I don't care if I die Lex. Nothing you can possibly do to me even in a secret lab would make me afraid of you. You can't intimidate someone who isn't afraid to die because they have nothing truly worth living for."

I lifted my shirt and told him. "I was told at a very young age that I could die any day from missed shrapnel or simply from my body rejecting the meteor rocks fused into my side. I care about nothing and only a few others barely at all. All things die and pain is apart of life. I've lived with those facts my entire life."

I held up the cash. "This is because I like you and yet I don't give information freely unless it has no value. As twisted as our business it is, you're as close to a real friend outside of my cousin's girlfriend that I have. Even Clark and Chloe don't come close because I can tell he lies and she's always looking for a story even if it hurts others."

He looked me over and sighed. "I guess that makes us friends then."

I snorted. "I said as close to, not real friends. But I'd accept mutual acquaintances or no doubt in your mind, a beneficial source."

I tapped the chair arm before he agreed and I sighed. "Honesty is really the best policy so I'll sell you a few secrets your father doesn't want you to know about if you have the real money."

He raised and eyebrow and asked how much. I grunted. "A hundred grand for the smallest one and a million apiece for the two larger ones. Consider it a consulting fee that'll pay back in possible dividends to give you controlling interest in LuthorCorp if you maneuver it right."

He told me to give him time to pull the cash together and I wrote down the first secret, passing it to him and telling him. "I'll trust you know that it's the cheapest one. Take your time and get all the money together. When you're ready to talk, bring it and I'll give you the real money earners. That's not free, just a show of my trust that you'll pay or you know I won't give any more secrets away."

I stood up and he nodded, saying he'd have to confirm it first. I wrote down a name and told him to discretely have him tailed while in the facility. I left and missed the whole dance crap after the serial killer was stopped. I missed the hunger girl as well because that was something I didn't need.

During a class field trip to LuthorCorp after partying at the Kent farm, a man named Earl held us up at gun point. Whitney wanted to take him down so I told him I'd do it since my side was diamond hard and could take a bullet. I got shot in my side alright and Earl got knocked the fuck out. The bullet ricochet and hit a pipe which leaked gas.

I carried Earl and passed his gun to Whitney while telling everyone to get out because of the gas. I passed Earl to the police and Lex said it was a brave thing I did in there. I grunted and told him I didn't need pats on the back or platitudes. He nodded and said I really didn't fear death.

I huffed saying I didn't need to fear death from a fool because he couldn't aim for shit and my side is diamond hard as we both knew. He didn't deny it or my understanding that he'd gone through my medical records. He knew now all of what the doctors had given me and the estimates on my life expectancy so he didn't need to hide it because he knew I knew and didn't care. A few weeks later he asked about Clark and anything I could tell him.

I gave him a droll stare and told him I give the information, not take requests. He asked if I knew Clark's secrets and I nodded. "I know more about him than he does. Just like I know every deep dark secret you and your father have Lex. So, you gonna pay for the other two now or do you want to talk about a farm boy whose secrets aren't for sale right now?"

He dropped two duffle bags in front of me and sat down to drink his mocha. I passed him an envelope and told him. "It took some doing, but I managed to locate the first one. If your father hears about this and threatens me Lex, you won't get any more secrets from me. Though he may learn of your secrets instead or have me killed. Whichever is more convenient for him. Isn't that amusing?"

I smiled and sat back with my coffee while he shook his head at my smile. He asked if I was going to count it after reading the secrets. I shook my head. "I trust you Lex, well, when it comes to money anyways. The moment I stop trusting you'll pay, I'll stop doing business with you and your enemies will become my next consulting fee payers. Or you'll have me killed I'm sure, I care not which."

He smiled saying he really did appreciate my collective honesty and lack of fear. He told me when I was done playing secrets merchant I could work exclusively for him. I huffed. "I'm no one's kept woman. I don't work for anyone, I sell secrets to those who hold my favor and have the money. The secrets I choose and the price is set at my whim. I control my life so long as I live Lex, not live it by other's rules and dictations. Go rule the world and when you're done, come have more cocoa and coffee with me. Trust me, I don't judge unless you kill innocents and lose your way and even then I don't care, I just won't sell to you."

He smiled and shook his head. "You really are one odd kid, Ryan."

I shrugged and he finished his mocha before leaving. Lana came over and asked what that was about. I told her I was working under the table as a consultant per case for Lex and finding secrets or truths for cash using my intellect. I opened one of the duffle bags and her eyes went wide. "How much is that?"

I smirked. "Two million one hundred thousand dollars. Lex pays his invoices well and I always deliver on my end."

She asked what I'd do with it and I shrugged. "Start up a small company when I graduate maybe. Maybe I'll solve world hunger or cure diseases, I haven't decided yet, but I guess I could do both. Perhaps I'll make tech to stop earthquakes and tsunamis or build spaceship. The skies the limits when you can learn everything as quickly as you can breathe."

I zipped up the one bag and set a ten grand in front of her. "Consider it a gift. It's petty cash and I can always get more."

I bumped into a naked guy in the locker room after gym class and told him to watch where he was going. I saw my hands vanish and reappear when I focused. I grunted. "Woah, trippy."

I saw the shock on Jeff Palmer's face and told him to wear a towel if he's going to buff in the locker room. I turned and closed my locker, heading to see Lana and show her my new power. I told her who I bumped into and she told me not to perv on her in the showers. I grunted, saying I wouldn't because I'd have to be naked to be fully invisible and getting caught would be very awkward.

Still, I winked saying she had a nice ass. She blushed and shoved my shoulder before saying I wasn't so bad myself. I grimaced and told her the scars were pretty bad. She said they were a mark of a survivor and I tilted my head.

I shrugged. "I guess you're right. I should probably start dating."

Clark and Chloe sat down with Pete and Whitney. Whitney asked who I should be dating. I grunted. "This is hicks ville so if we're playing the odds it's me and you. That's it cus, I've found my truest love, sweep me off my feet for I cannot stand it."

We all broke into laughter and Chloe said I had serious dating potential being a brain and looking like an Olympic swimmer. I huffed. "Always interested in my looks and brains, can't someone appreciate my personality or is it my large penis people should be after? I've not dated so I don't know how it works outside romance books."

Clark and Pete choked while Chloe asked how large. I raised an eyebrow and told her she could find out for herself. Pete told me to hold on and he'd lay some tips on me. I shrugged and asked how many meaningful relationships he'd had.

He shut up and even Clark didn't answer so Lana suggested I ask Whitney since he seemed to be doing something right. Whitney said I'd encouraged him to tell her everything a week ago when I paid for his father's medical bills in cash. Clark asked where I got the money from and I told him. "I do freelance consulting for Lex on occasions and he pays under the table since I'm still a minor. It pays well and we both benefit so I can do things like paying for my uncle's hospital treatments."

Pete said he wasn't a fan of the Luthor and I shrugged saying it was business and amusing to see someone like Lex paying a teen large sums of money for things I spend an hour each time solving. I told Lana I couldn't do the blood drive because of the meteor rocks fused into my bones making my bone marrow weird or so the doctors say. She nodded and said she understood so I was on cookie and button duty.

I groaned and asked if I could be left out today because I have business after school with Lex. She nodded and Pete asked if I was going to solve some rich boy problem. I shrugged and told him. "Only in the multimillion dollar payday way."

I left them there and went to see Lex after school. I saw him kissing Victoria Hardwick and coughed before asking if he was sharing because I've been told recently that women find scars sexy. He grunted. "This is-"

I waved him off. "I already know. Victoria Hardwick, your scheme to screw over daddy Luthor. I don't care."

I poured myself a drink and saw Amy. I looked to Lex and told him. "Your house is a zoo with everyone everywhere. Have any place quiet we can talk?"

He nodded and told Victoria to excuse me, I was blunt and didn't care about much while having balls as big as Texas. I scoffed and drank his scotch before setting down the glass and following him out. We went to the balcony and I closed the door behind us. I stretched and walked across the balcony like a tight rope walker.

He asked what I was doing and I stopped when I was sure no one was there. I turned to him and waved him over, leaning on the stone. "Ten million and your word my name is left out of it. There's a secret under your nose that could make you billions if you succeed in pulling it off and I'm not talking about your scheme to screw the Hardwicks."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't comment beyond saying I really did have my eye on him. I scoffed. "As if you'd screw over your father without killing or imprisoning him for life. You and I both know his vengeance would be swift and brutal like the fall of Rome."

He smirked and asked what the secret was. I tilted my head and told him about the green roses in his garden, Amy's klepto shrine and Jeff's own work that made him invisible when he applied the solution to his skin. I told Lex the military applications alone would make him billions and put America so far ahead in stealth tech that it would be hands down untouchable. I waved a hand saying. "The flip side is that the same tech if used right could potentially be used to create solar batteries and super panels to suck up sunlight and funnel it into said batteries, shunting big oil and other power sources out and taking over the clean energy race. Solar powered reactors, solar powered cars, cloaked cars and cloaking armor for so many other applications. Now, is it worth ten million to you or are you more worried about some woman that screwed your father and came to you second?"

He quirked an eyebrow and sighed. "I'll get you your money after I'm done with my own business."

I chuckled. "Just the tip of the iceberg Lex, just the tip. Though I'm sure you've said the same thing to more than a few lucky women."

He snorted and asked why I was in such an perv mood. I shrugged, telling him some high school girls found scars attractive and my less than caring mood all the more so. I asked if he could talk Victoria into a three way because I've not had sex and I'm curious to find out more. He rolled his eyes saying he doubted it, but it would be amusing to have proof of her sleeping with a minor for blackmail.

I shook my head and laughed as I went back in. I drank another glass while Alex dealt with the crazy siblings I'd warned him of. Victoria was curious to know about me and what I said to Lex. I told her he was doing a big brother program or simply felt charitable because he gives advice and I tell him the rumors floating around town.

I handed her a glass and asked if she'd ever had a three way where she was the only woman receiving pleasure from two men. She quirked an eyebrow and I told her I'd definitely like to be one of those men if she wanted to feel what it was like to be fucked stupid for a time. She drank my scotch and asked if Lex was the other. I nodded. "I don't mind sharing since I'm single. I'm sure we can make it happen and trust me, I've got the cock and stamina to get you all the way to mind blowing orgasmic coma."

She looked me over and asked how old I was. I told her it didn't matter because I was a broke ass orphan with a big cock and no morals. She felt me up and said I wasn't lying about the cock at least. I chuckled and asked if she needed me to strangle a baby or kill a priest to prove the others or if she'd take my word for it and feel that big cock in her until she passes out climaxing around it.

I squeezed her ass and she asked how Lex felt about it. He spoke from the doorway. "You know me Victoria, I'm all about what can satisfy my most immediate desires."

Several hours later, Lex had watched me fuck her into literally passing out while I busted a nut in her depths. I pulled free and stretched her already used rear, waking her up as I pounded where only Lex's smaller rod had been allowed before. Her eyes rolled up into her head as I failed her guts and added to the mess while she squirted. I laid her on the bed and showered before dressing.

I waved for Lex to dress and follow me. I suggested he edit out himself from the video and keep it as blackmail in case she has something else up her sleeve. He asked if she did and I tilted my head. "I'm not all knowing Lex, just very good at seeing patterns and connecting the dots, or watching people and predicting the outcomes of each interaction."

I tossed him the camera I'd hid while he'd warmed her up and wished him luck. He told me they'd all been expelled from the house and the roses had been pulled for testing. I waved him off saying I don't care, so long as he pays my price which next time will be higher unless he has more women he'd like to share or his half sister cause I'd fuck her stupid every day to get my rocks off.

He called me a deviant and I chuckled before leaving and wishing him luck with his endeavors. A few weeks later Lana's horse got spooked while she was on a ride with Chloe, Clark and I. We'd both been riding it together because the horses don't exactly like me and after getting kicked in the side a few times, I didn't much like them either. Lana was able to calm them and offered to take me with so when it dropped us, I caught her and apologized when she hurt her elbow on my side.

She said she was fine and Kyle Tippet helped us up. She still held her elbow so when Clark appeared, I told him what happened before picking up the snake that spooked the horse. The rattlesnake was calm when I picked it up and stayed that way. Lana said horses hated me but snakes didn't mind.

I shrugged saying animals were weird sometimes. I set the snake down and touched a rock, heating it a bit before putting the snake beside it. It curled up and went to sleep so I walked back to them as Kyle left. I told Clark I'd let him get the horse because I don't favor being kicked even if it doesn't hurt.

Later that day Whitney was up in arms and happy Lana was ok besides a bruised funny bone. When I heard of Bob Rickman, I went to see Lex and found him at Rickman's little gathering with Victoria. Lex asked what I was doing there and I told him I was looking for him. Rickman offered a hand and I shook it, squeezing his hand and nearly driving him to his knees with a smile. "It's good to meet you."

I released him and he said it was quit the grip I had. I grunted and told him I had strong bones and I worked out more than he talked people into suicide. His grimace turned into a frown as he said he didn't know what I was talking about. I shrugged. "And horses have wings and shit rainbows."

I turned to Lex saying I was growing bored so if he was ready to talk, I could use a walk. He nodded and I turned to Victoria suggesting she enjoy whatever qualities a lady can find in a place like Smallville. Lex told her to meet us at the cafe and they'd head to the restaurant from there.

She agreed and we walked away, taking a stroll. I told Lex that Bob Rickman could influence people with a handshake and talk them into anything like on the spot hypnotism. I told him all the crap Bob has done and how he gets away with it before handing him a file and saying I could convince him since his power doesn't work on me due to my bones and skin.

Lex asked if it'd already reached that level and I nodded. "Over half the bones in my body are as hard or harder than diamonds. The docs say even the skin is starting to spearfish and they're unsure if it'll kill me when it's done because not even bone marrow transplants have been able to slow it. I've got maybe three more years before I find out if I'm a dead man or if I'll somehow live as hard as a diamond statue."

He grimaced and asked me to let him get his personal doctors and people on it. I shook my head chuckling. "No, I don't care about that. I do however find it funny that you're meeting and greeting with a guy who can talk you into blowing your own brains out with a simple handshake."

He grimaced and said he'd handle Bob Rickman. Handle he did, Rickman was dead and Kyle Tippet was on the run. Lex just got lucky is all because damned if he was prepared to go up against any meta. I'd given him time to prepare though and he'd given me a promise of another five million once Victoria's issues were taken care of.

A couple weeks later I got paid while Clark dealt with a super charged asshole who had his powers named Eric. I did help him and outed myself as a meteor infected after Clark was hurt. I'd walked in on Clark telling his parents he had to stop even if he doesn't have his powers. I spoke up, garnering their attention. "Then I'll help, especially considering I haven't stopped him because I don't want your powers."

They looked to me and I raised my hands, electricity and fire sparking in each one. I sighed and told them that I was one of the meteor infected Chloe likes to write about. I gestured to Clark saying I'd seen what happened and with how often he disappears and reappears, I'd put two and two together and found another meteor infected hiding and trying not to make waves.

I told them my power was to absorb powers used against me and make me immune to them. I told them about the powers I'd taken and that if Clark gets a meteor rock, I can hit them with a blast of lightning just like before and get him his powers back if that's how it works. Clark agreed and I stilled before sighing. "And please don't say anything to anyone. I'm trying not to become Chloe's next big scoop. I don't want to be labeled a meteor freak or whatever you call us."

Clark agreed that I'd keep his secret and he'd keep mine. I chuckled saying he might not have to keep mine long because in three years I may be dead. I handed Clark a meteor rock I had from the field trip. "This should help."

He agreed and we took care of Eric, getting his power back without Eric having ever seen me. Eric was taken to Belle Reve after being hospitalized for electrical burns. I'd left and met with Lex loading up my truck with duffle bags of cash. I bought the Talon as a silent partner for Lana and warned her I wasn't interested in the coffee house business so she'd have to figure it out with Nell.

She thanked me with a hug and I sighed, telling her to do her homework because there's a long way to go if she wants to revive the place. She asked what that was pushing against her stomach and we broke apart. I grunted. "Oh, that. It seems ever since had sex it just keeps popping up when I'm near a beautiful girl."

She blushed and I told her there was nothing to shy from because she was beautiful and my body was just having a physical reaction to the desire it feels. She cleared her throat and asked who I'd had sex with. I shrugged. "Some prostitute I found when I stop by Metropolis. I figured I might as well have safe sex and know what I'm doing than fumble my way through it and hurt someone I may be interested in later. You can relax, I'm not going to strip you and take you on a table next to the stale popcorn and spilled whatever that is. You know I don't think with my penis, it just reacts on it's own nowadays."

There was that blush again and I shrugged, setting the contract on the counter. "Have Nell look it over. I got a lawyer for it so it's all on the up and up, but it's mostly legal jargon I have no interest in. While I'm sure I could pass the bar, I don't care enough to read contracts. If you want I'll have whatever it is you don't like changed."

She nodded, clearing her throat and thanking me before suggesting I find someone that isn't paid to take care of my other issue. I huffed before tilting my head and saying Chloe offered so I might take her up on it since she's with Whitney. Lana said she wasn't ready for that anyways and I nodded, telling her I understood because now that I've had sex my body seems to crave it like a drug, all the time. I shrugged and told her to try not to be offended if she hugs me again because I think it'll be a more permanent issue from now on.

She said she'd try and I smiled before we left the store, meeting Clark outside while she went to lock up. She told him the good news and he said that was great news. I shrugged and told him Lex came through with the money he'd owed me for the last two consults so while most of the money was put back for the company I'd planned to start, some of it was put to more immediate and better uses of my time. Two weeks later I'd been shot down by Chloe when she learned I was serious because she wanted her first time to be with Clark.

The next night she and Clark were attacked at the Luthor mansion by some robbers that could walk through walls. I found said robber's hangout easily enough after they left and stole the disk they'd taken from Lex. I took their stash of stolen goodies and unfortunately they came back before I could leave. A fight broke out and one of them shoved his fist in my chest, only to be shoved back out.

I coughed and their leader told the other two to hold me. I watched as he tried again and failed, only to break his hand on my chest. While I felt it and it hurt a bit, it hurt him far worse. I kicked him back and dropped his two boys before knocking him out with a wrench. I tied them up, dumped them in the back of my truck with the stuff and drove to see Lex.

I got paid, mostly by the money and diamonds in the bags, while Lex got everything else back. He had his security take them and I told them how they did it, but said it must be some kind of drug or something because when he tried it a second time, he broke his hand and wrist on my chest. Lex said he'd get what he needs from them and I waved him off. "The less details you can prove I know, the happier I am."

He smiled and told me to keep the cash and jewels, but he needed the Rolexes and disk. I told him to take what he wants, just so long as I'm paid and my name is kept out of it. He smiled again and said I really could make a lot of money with business rules like that. I snorted lightly and told him I wasn't wasting what could be the last years of my life playing currier to the rich and powerful.

I stepped on one of the guy's left arm and he woke up screaming as I shattered it. I told Lex having not broken eye contact. "I only did it this time because he hurt a friend of mine and I am the type of guy that believes in karma."

I kicked the fool in the temple telling him to shut up or scream quieter. He passed out and I left with my money. I got paid for outing an asshole out for revenge on Lex two weeks later who was hunting old members of an even older incident in Lex's past. A while later an incident put Johnathan Kent into the hospital and the next day Lana dumped Whitney.

I was shocked until she pulled me into the pull room a minute later. I told her to skip the skinny dipping and let's hit the showers. She agreed and walked in all innocent, walking out less so. I'd asked if she was sure and she said yes so she got me, all of me.

We'd fucked like bunnies for hours and when we were done, she passed out in my arms, exhausted and until a bit later, sick. I carried her fully dressed thankfully, to the hospital. It was hella awkward when I explained what happened to the doctors and had to get tested myself. Whitney was pissed at me and Clark wasn't too happy either, but damned if Lana hadn't forgiven me.

I explained things to her and how I'd just thought I'd hurt her or something in me had. I told her everything including the fact that I repeatedly asked her if she was sure she was ready. Clark explained the flower rather awkwardly and it having been an experiment of Dr.Hamiltons. I frowned and clenched my fist and he said I knew something.

I sighed. "Lex had him looking into viable lucrative alternatives to using meteor rocks for whatever. I don't know much, but I do know none of it had to do with extinct flowers. Hamilton must've gone off script and experimented on his own. Either way when I get my hands on him-"

Lana grabbed my hand and asked me not to do anything. She said she didn't want me to change like that and I growled before relaxing. I rubbed my face and sighed. "What a shit storm our lives are. Everything would've been so much better off without that meteor shower."

Lana agreed and Clark just looked sad. Whitney asked to speak to her alone and I winced before apologizing to him. He told me to drop it so I did before he gave me a hug saying I'd protected her and that's all he could ask for when shit gets weird. I left them to talk while Clark asked if I really felt that way. I told him I'd give every power I had and even being with Lana for one minute to tell my parents I loved them.

I gestured to him. "I'm sure you feel the same being adopted from what I hear."

He nodded slowly and I asked him why it meant so much to him. He asked if I could keep a secret, from Lana and especially Lex. I nodded. "I may figure shit out for Lex, Clark, but I'm not on his payroll and I don't owe him anything except maybe a thanks for coming through on the cure. I can keep secrets when asked by friends."

He smiled before telling me to stop by the farm after the hospital. I nodded and told him that whatever it is, I'd take it to my grave before I told anyone without his permission. He thanked me and I bought us some cheap coffee while asking about his dad who was fine. I had words with Lex at the hospital and thanked him for helping save Lana.

He said it was good to have something worth the passion he saw in me behind the cold exterior. As for Lana and Whitney, they were back together and my cold exterior was in place again. A few hours later I learned Clark's secret and the older Kents were weary of me. I told Clark he had my word that be it three years from now when my bones all turn to diamond and my skin with it or a century if I somehow live that long, I'd take his secret to my grave.

Weeks later I met another Ryan at the Talon and groaned, falling to my knees as a psychic power formed in me. I was now a receiver type telepath only so I could read the surface thoughts of minds at best. Ryan asked what was wrong and held his own head. I got up shakily and told him and Clark that Ryan was a mind reader and he used it on me.

Clark caught on and I told Ryan that I had the power to absorb powers used against me. I asked if he could still read minds and he squinted through the pain before nodding. I sighed. "Then your power is natural or a mutation. It's from something since you're human, likely a tumor since you're too young to be meteor infected by the meteor shower. You should get checked out at the hospital. Tumors like that grow and get worse with time."

Ryan agreed slowly and I turned to Clark. "Thanks for the heads up. Cause I needed a migraine to go with my already complicated life."

He said he hadn't known and I grunted. "At least I have to focus to read minds. It would really suck if there was no filter. Your mind is safe Clark. Well, at least for now. The power isn't very advanced. It only reads surface thoughts."

Lana came over and I told her I came for her Latin lessons while she works. I helped warn Lex of Ryan's step father and step mother or whatever she was. Weeks later I was a bit busy in the hospital and convincing Whitney to be there for his father. It was Lana that convinced him in the end and when Tyler, the reaper, showed up, I electrocuted him only to get thrown through a window.

Clark talked him down and I paid Lex twenty five million, nearly all he'd paid me before, just so Whitney could have one night as a quarterback for the Metropolis Sharks. My uncle and aunt watched him play while I talked to Lana. She went to thank me and I told her I did it so he could have what we never could, a lasting memory of his father. She said it was sweet and I said it was for family so it was worth the twenty-five million I spent setting it up.

Lana told me to remind her ask for a subsidy for the Talon once I have enough money. I chuckled and she said the Beanery has been trying to put them out of business since the Talon opened. I sighed. "Well, if you've an aversion to topless waitressing-"

I watched her blush and she said no thanks so I continued. "Then you can always drop a line to the county health inspector's office. The Beanery has rats, roaches and all kinds of infestations which is why I didn't drink coffee until the Talon opened."

She smiled and thanked me before sighing and telling me I shouldn't mention crude stuff after the flower incident because it might upset Whitney. I nodded slowly and asked if it bothered her that I'd gone so far the moment she wanted me. She fidgeted and said it was the flower so I winced and sighed. "Say no more."

I went and stayed quiet while watching Whitney play. She was quiet as well before saying she didn't blame me, she just wasn't ready for such things and didn't want me to expect anything because she was with Whitney now. I shook my head and sighed. "It's fine. You don't need to coddle me Lana. I get it, trust me, I do. I wasn't exactly thinking with my head then either and it nearly tore us all apart. Even if things never change between us now, you'll still have me as a friend. After all you're the first real friend I've had and that means more to me than a few hours of shower sex."

She coughed. "Hours?"

I nodded slowly without looking away from the field as Whitney and his dad shared a moment. Lana said I never told her and I shrugged. "It's not something I'm proud of all things considered. By the time we were dressed you were so tired you passed out in my arms and got sick. I thought I'd hurt you somehow or passed my weird bone and skin stuff to you. That's when I got a physical and learned…it doesn't matter. Anyways, I'm happy you're happy with Whitney and I'm sure once you both take that step you'll be happier for it and far less terrified afterwards than I was."

She went quiet and thought for a bit until she asked. "What did you find out at the hospital?"

I winced and told her it doesn't matter because it doesn't have anything to do with anything important right now. I asked her to drop it and leave it alone because there was already so much bad going on that my issues could wait until another time. She dropped it and weeks later the Beanery was shut down and Clark was running for class president.