
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · テレビ
79 Chs


I ignored him as Isaac said he didn't want to become a weak alpha, but he wanted Kali dead for what she did to Erica. I nodded slowly and I asked Boyd if he'd like to become an alpha by killing Kali if I brought the alpha pack down. He said he would and I sighed. "Your control isn't where it needs to be sadly. You would only end up consumed by the wolf and lost like Peter was. I can smell it on you, the rage, the near feral insanity. You need to center your mind and body my friend. I don't want that fate for you."

I sat down and kicked up my feet. "If we kill Kali, Ennis who is her mate, will come for revenge. The twins will be led to fighting and even if we killed them all, Deucalion is too strong for any of you to fight."

I looked to Derek. "He's far stronger than Kali and with his heightened senses and wolf vision, none of you'd stand a chance. He'd kill you all for sport. His power is the reason the others follow him and fear him. It's also why there's a dark Druid running around sacrificing people for power."

I turned to Scott who'd been listening. He asked why and I told them of the initiation that Deucalion forces all the alphas to do when they join him. I told them even the emissaries weren't spared and with their arrival this one decided to start killing them for power. "It'd take an idiot not to figure out one of the pack emissaries survived and wants revenge. Whoever they are, they're smart enough to have realized they need all the power they can get plus a lunar eclipse to take out Deucalion or they wouldn't be timing it this way."

I tapped the table. "If we kill Deucalion then this dark Druid will come after us for the revenge we'd denied them. Personally I'd rather not have those I care about killed while I'm poisoned with mistletoe, mountain ash and wolfsbane. So I'll help you kill any of them except Deucalion. You do that alone cause fuck you if you think I'm risking my pack so you can eliminate your enemy."

I turned to Boyd. "If I do this for you, give you revenge on Kali for killing Erica, will you join my pack?"

Nodded slowly and I sighed, standing up. "Consider the bitch dead then."

Scott told me to stop by grabbing my arm and I broke his arm in six places. I told him while he held his arm. "Get over yourself Scott. Every member of the alpha pack is a mass murderer. This isn't some Saturday morning cartoon where everyone walks away happy after learning a life lesson. If they don't die, they will torture and kill everyone you hold dear until you snap and kill them or they kill you for failing to become a true alpha like Deucalion wants you to be so he can collect you into his pack."

I turned to Peter and growled when he offered to take Kali's power. "I'd sooner kill the bitch myself than allow you to become an alpha again, asshole."

His eyes turned blue and my went red before he sighed. "Fair enough, so whose becoming an alpha then? Or are you really going to waste that power."

I grunted. "There are only fifty original alpha lines passed down from Lycaon and his sons, the rest are from those like myself who rose to become true alphas on sheer force of will for the right reasons. Their power was passed down as well like Lycaon and his sons who became true alphas. Wiping out five lines would be a severe waste for normal werewolves who're too weak willed to grow their own spark into an alpha spark."

I tilted my head and looked to Cora before asking if she wanted to learn to become a true alpha which is the most powerful or take a spark from another like Derek and Peter did. I told her if she joined my pack I could teach her secrets the Hales have forgotten. I told her she could become the first Hale true alpha since her mother, Talia Hale. She said she was Hale pack all the way and I nodded. "Then if I help you you'll have to watch your back against Peter at every turn. One wrong move by trusting him could lead to your death at his claws."

She said she didn't fear him and I shrugged saying it was her funeral. Scott said it didn't have to be this way and I shrugged. "You're right. We could just wait for the dark Druid to kill and gain power until they kill the alpha pack for us, but then Deucalion won't wait until that point to rope you and Derek into killing your friends and packs. Those are your only options and no wishing on a rainbow of unicorns and leprechaun shit will change them."

I turned to Derek and told him I'd help bring down Kali and he could take on Ennis while I distract Deucalion and the rest could fight and hold off the twins. Allison had her bow, Lydia had two short swords and Malia was ready whenever with Isaac so it was up to them when we take them on. Scott left to find another way and when it was time, we followed him to the abandoned mall.

The fight went down, Kali and Ennis died while Derek was wounded and Cora became an alpha. Deucalion and I faced off and I didn't use my venom to beat him back. When Derek and Ennis fell, I told the others to retreat and they did. I heard Derek make it out and told the others what happened. Ennis was still alive but nearly dead so Deucalion would kill him and take his power.

They were grim hearing that and I shrugged, telling them that it left the twins and Deucalion. Derek could and would recover in his own way so that left our agreement over and done with. Boyd joined my pack and that left Cora with Peter until Derek recovers and returns. I wished her luck and warned her he was psychotic.

Malia told her that they were cousins so she could come with us until Derek returns if she wants. That was a big mistake because she ended up in my fucking bed getting nailed without a condom repeatedly by the end of the night. Lydia called it an orgy at this point and I couldn't really complain, mostly. When morning came, I joined Boyd, Isaac and Scott on the bus headed to the track meet.

It was mandatory for the captain of the lacrosse team especially as the fastest runner on the team. Scott was still injured on the bus while Boyd and Isaac had healed. Ethan was on the bus and Lydia was with Cora, Malia and Allison following in Allison's car. When Stiles got Jared to throw up on the bus so we could patch up Scott at a rest stop, I sowed up Scott and told him I heard Derek leave before the alpha pack took Ennis.

We all got back on the bus since Allison's car was out of gas. I held Lydia while my pack sat around me. I closed my eyes and told them Deucalion just finished off Ennis, taking his power for himself. Ethan got the text and looked to me before I looked his way telling him to stop his brother and join my pack or risk dying by the Darach's hands.

I told him what happened and what the Darach was planning on the coming Lunar Eclipse before sighing. "It won't take a lunar eclipse for them to kill you and your brother though, they'll use that to take out Deucalion. Instead they'll kill you both when they've gathered enough power so Deucalion won't have anyone to help him."

He gave a helpless expression and I sighed. "Do what you need to, but know that I'd accept you both into my pack if you survive or if you choose to join me beforehand. The Darach may be powerful, but it won't come after those I protect and live."

I whispered something in Lydia's ear and she got up, asking the coach for his whistle. She tested it and found wolfsbane in it so I told her to show it to him and warn him someone tried to poison the entire school bus with it. She did so and I told him what it was and what it could do including make everyone hallucinate. I called the sheriff and told him what happened and that his serial killer Druid was likely the cause.

I handed the phone to the coach and told him that he should stop using the whistle and air the bus out while everyone should drink plenty of water to flush their systems out. He agreed and I took out a lighter when I sat back down and heated up a blade, pressing it to my arm. The sizzle of flesh sounded out and I held back a roar before passing it to Isaac and Boyd, telling them not to roar because we had to burn it out.

One by one I held them including Malia until it was done. I held Scott last and covered his mouth before it was over. Lydia and the others were fine with fresh air and water since they weren't exposed much. I went and sat with Danny, holding Ethan and helping him before telling him while he thanked me that he was likely the target of the Darach.

I went back to my seat and he seemed grateful all the same. Isaac and Boyd asked if I was sure about the twins and I shrugged. "Their strength can help protect the pack and if that means I have to protect them, I don't mind at all. Besides, I'm pretty sure Ethan is my twin brother's type."

Lydia hummed and said I might be right. I kissed her neck and told her she was my type and I loved her for it. She smiled and said she knew that too, but she still liked to hear it. We made out and she rested against my chest for a bit before she decided switching with Malia to finger Allison was better while Malia sat with me. Lydia and Allison were across from me and with Cora beside us, no one else could see what she was doing to the minx of a hunter except Malia and I.

I did the same to Malia who had her head in the crook of my neck, panting low. Later that evening we arrived at the Motel Glen Capri where Lydia said she didn't like the place. I told her it wreaked of death like a mass grave. She, Malia, Allison and Cora all ended up in a room with me while Isaac and Boyd had the room I'd picked.

I shoved the beds together and distracted Lydia first from the motel's aura. Allison had to stop me from taking her from behind to answer a call from her dad. I slipped out to grab new towels for the shower and saw Boyd broke the vending machine. I chuckled and he waved to me while Stiles grabbed some things.

I got the towels and emptied out the machine before buying drinks. I returned to the room and we returned to our fun. I reentered Allison's tight sheath and she moaned as we got back to where we left off. When I pulled free, Malia took the used condom off and blew me until she got me hard enough to enter her as well.

She rode me while I had Lydia straddled my face. After a long night and hot showers in the morning, we heard the announcement of the canceled track meet and got on the bus to ride back. Allison said her father was picking up her car and bringing it back. I nodded and told her that I'd brought the truck to the school so there was plenty of room for everyone to ride back with me.

Soon healers were being targeted and the police were very busy running around. Derek was fine and Cora was with him so things were fine with my pack. When Deaton was taken, Scott demanded to know if I knew anything that could help him find Deaton. I tilted my head and told him to shut up for a minute.

I closed my eyes and focused my hearing and sense of smell, mapping the town in my mind. I smiled before asking him and Stiles. "Did you know that normal wolves can track prey for miles on scent alone?"

Stiles asked how that had to do with anything and I snorted. "We aren't normal wolves. I've built a mental map of beacon hills in my mind and with it and the memory of a scent I've smelled before or a sound, like a heartbeat that's as identifying as a thumb print, I can track anyone in beacon hills at any time."

I turned to Scott. "While you've been busy with your self righteous crap that does no one any good, I've honed my skills and body beyond anything even Deucalion is capable of facing, with or without the venom in my claws."

Scott asked. "So are you going to tell me or not?"

I shrugged. "Deaton is at the bank in the vault where he's likely surrounded by mountain ash since it is a Druid you're facing. Do try not to be a total dumbass and charge off alone."

Scott and Stiles left quickly and I waited until after school before heading to see the Nemeton. The old stump had power in it, if barely, so I did what I should've done a while ago, I gave it more power. It needed life force and power so I sacrificed thousands of beasts from my painted world. It grew and I brought out Ben, the one from the alternate Buffy verse.

I slit his throat on the roots and the blood of a bonafide god gave power to the nemeton like nothing else before it. I'd drained that Glory of all her magic and mental energy so even Ben was a slobbering fool. But the power, the energy in his death, was enough to fully regrow the great tree to it's prime. I made sure to drain his body over the roots before storing it away.

When I went topside from the root cellar, the tree was fully grown and the dead field was now a grassy forested area. The very earth thrummed with power as Beacon Hills was a true beacon to the supernatural again. I carved runes into the tree and grove around it, protecting it from any further harm. When I was done, I returned to the others and spent the day training my pack.

From bows, daggers and martial arts with Allison, to martial arts and short swords with Lydia and control, martial arts and meditation with the rest of the pack. Boyd and Isaac had their own rooms, their own vehicles and soon, Malia would be eighteen as well so she could move in. Lydia was fine with her mother until college while Allison and I had words with Chris, which was awkward. He knew I was with Lydia and learned I was now with Allison, Malia and occasionally Cora as well.

He said he'd threaten to kill me, but he was unsure if I could even die or if he could pull it off. I told him that if it made him feel any better it wasn't entirely my decision either. I told him Lydia pretty much ruled the bedroom and decided who was in or out and I didn't get much of a say beyond no other guys. He asked Allison if that's what she really wanted and she said it was, that we made her feel accepted and I helped her get stronger with martial arts and other training while teaching her all about the supernatural.

He let it go and I told him that it was likely he'd be a guardian sacrifice with Stilinski and Scott's mom being that everyone can't keep their nose out of the dark Druid's business. I told him what I thought of the dark Druid's motives and the likelihood that it would turn very bad for anyone getting in it's way. Be that as it may, soon enough Cora had a concussion with a severel brain bleed from picking a fight with the twins and Derek gave up his alpha spark to heal her.

I since the Darach poisoned her with mistletoe. Instead of Chris being taken, I was hit with a mistletoe and wolfsbane mixture before being snatched by the bitch. I found myself tied up in the cellar of the Nemeton where Scott's mom and Stiles's father were taken. I threw up mistletoe and wolfsbane when the bitch came down to see us and taunt us.

I told her coldly that I'd stayed out of her way and she said she needed the power my death would bring her, though she did thank me for restoring the Nemeton. I growled and threw up more mistletoe as I began having breathing problems. She left and Malissa gave Sheriff Stilinski the low down on the supernatural. She turned to me and said Scott told her I was dangerous, asking me to please tell her that's true.

I grimaced. "If you hadn't noticed, I'm poisoned at the moment and my body's about to start suffocating me."

I threw up more and said screw. It's before shifting my claws. I cut the ropes on me and rolled over only to vomit and pass out from lack of oxygen. I coughed myself awake having landed on my claws that punctured my chest cavity which relieved the pressure. I sighed weakly before getting up slowly.

I shifted and roared while on my knees I fell over and cut the ropes on Malissa's bindings before the earthquake above shook the stairwell. My pack arrived and Boyd came down with Malia while Lydia used the truck and a chain to lower it down to us. Boyd and Malia held up a cracking beam and I stood up, helping them.

I threw up the last bit and told Boyd to burn me with the lighter in my pocket. He did and I roared before my strength returned as the wolfsbane poison was burned out. I shouldered the beam and told them to get the other two out. Malia said no, but my tail smacked her ass and I told her in a tone that brooked no arguments to do it.

I raised the beam as they got out and at the last second, I used all I had to drop it and run gold medal style before jumping free of the cellar. Stiles was helping his dad up when I got out and the cellar collapsed partially. Lydia said she, Scott and Stiles played human sacrifice to find us while my roar led them the rest of the way. I held her and told her she needed to meditate and close her mind or dark things can get in and possess her.

I turned to Stiles and told him he needed to do the same as well. He asked what dark things and I grimaced as Allison told him Nogitsunes, wraiths, spirit creatures like hellhounds and the like. We left there and met up with Scott and Derek while Jennifer, the Darach, was dead. Deucalion left town while the twins were alive, albeit no longer alphas.

They joined my pack and I bought a bigger place for all of us. Cora and I had a long conversation where she told me she was pregnant before taking off to South America to start her own pack. I bought the old Hale house property from the city and had it torn down before I put the old mansion from Sunnydale in it's place. We moved in and lived there while everyone had vehicles and licenses now.

Boyd, Isaac and the twins stayed there as well so I sold my old place. Even Chris, Allison's father, stayed in one of the wings of the mansion. I did help Lydia close her mind from the dangerous shit. She was fine and the twins were oddly protective of me.

Stiles and Scott were having issues and I helped Scott close his mind with my claws. I told Stiles he'd have to figure it out because if I clawed him that deep he'd turn or die. The next few weeks passed quickly while I taught the pack everything including how to fully shift if they can achieve balance between their human and wolf natures. I taught them how to meditate using the two known mantras: Alpha, Beta, Omega or What three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth.

Malia soon found the ability in herself to shift fully, but only during full moons because she lacked the energy without it. In the meantime I'd hired Braeden to bring me the Rowan wood chest and mountain ash in it when she was hired by Deucalion to retrieve Derek. She called me a week later saying she had it and was on her way back with tweedle de and dumb. I helped Sheriff Stilinski close the dozen cases open on Jennifer and pinned her murder on Ennis whose body would never be found.

The dozens of other cases were easily solved as they were mostly human crimes I helped him solve. His position was pretty damned solid by the time a shrapnel bomber escaped on mischief day. On the bright side I'd given coach his birthday present before class. An all expenses paid trip to Hawaii with a month long stay at the best hotels and restaurants Hawaii has to offer.

I told him it was a birthday present for my favorite teacher despite the stress the others give him. He was genuinely touched and thanked me. I told him the plane ticket was first class there and back with an open ended choice on all of it so he could leave whenever he wanted for a month, most likely for the summer. He said he'd do that and I left him to get to his class while he went into his office.

He had a miniature breakdown because of the pranks Stiles and the others played. I relaxed and did the class work with ease, moving on from class to class until Lydia and I were in coach's office. It was a mess so I suggested the guidance office and we had sex there. Afterwards, I met Kira in the history class with her father where I asked if she was good at Pai Sho.

We played a game thanks to my having the board and pieces in my backpack. We talked a bit and I told her I was a Buddhist along with a black belt in every martial arts she could name. Her father asked about a few and I spoke to him in Japanese, telling him as I switched to Korean that I'd mastered every language as well as the martial arts. I told him that I knew his daughter was a Kitsune and that since he wasn't one, his wife had to be one.

He was shocked, but I made my eyes change before telling him in Korean what I was. I switched to English and told Kira that I had a group of friends and three lovers that I hung out with so she was welcome to hang out with us as we were all different in our own ways. She choked. "Three lovers?"

I nodded. "My girlfriend is Lydia Martin, but Malia Tate and Allison Argent are my lovers as well. My girlfriend considers me too much to handle alone so she brought them to our bed. I had another, but she moved to South America and is pregnant so I expect a letter or a call sometime next year telling me I'm a father."

I got up and the fire alarm rang. Ethan and Aiden found me and I waved them off. "Go, make sure everyone is out of the school, stay together and make sure my lovers are out as well."

They left and I turned to the teacher, speaking in Korean to tell him that the shrapnel bomber is in the school and hunting his daughter because he could see her aura with a negative filter camera. I told Kira that we'd continue our game sometime if she'd like, but right now we had to leave. I packed up quickly and we headed out. I made sure to drag Scott and everyone basically to the dinner invite while warning Kira's father of the numbers.

We had a decent time and Lydia told them of the hand rolled fresh sushi that I make sometimes. She told them most of the food at the mansion is made by me as I was an excellent chef. I spoke to the old fox in Japanese and told her the ingredients I found best liked amongst the group in their sushi. I stopped Scott when he went to cover his sushi in wasabi.

I told him it was very spicy and not guacamole. I told him to try a dab of it before laughing as Boyd ate the piece Scott dunked in it and coughed a bit. I patted his back and told him it was best paired with saki in small amounts to offset the heat. I passed Kira's mother a bottle and told her I brought it as a house warming and friendship gift.

I smiled. "It's not the best, but I haven't been to Japan in years so I haven't had a chance to buy the hood stuff."

Kira asked if I drink and I shrugged. "Only in moderation when paired with good food to enhance the flavors. Wine with cheese, saki with sushi, beer with bratwursts and tequila with the worm, you know, the classics."

That made the twins laugh and even Isaac smile. Lydia told her it was only on my birthday each year to morn the passing of my biological parents. I didn't say a word as I basically ignored the conversation and asked Aiden if he had the time. Lydia told them of how I was born after my parents died in a car accident, hit by a drunk driver so I morned in my own way the people I'd never got to meet.

She told them my twin had it worse because he had far worse identity issues including inadequacy issues and rage. I leaned over and kissed her neck before saying I had to head out, but I was leaving the others and the truck so they could get back safely. I stood up and bowed, thanking them politely for the meal before telling Kira to have fun and remember, if they're mean to her, I'd be meaner to them or spank them if it's Malia, Allison or Lydia.

Malia asked if I meant if because she likes it when I spank her. I growled almost inhumanly before telling her to play nice. I turned to the old fox and told her in Japanese that she need not fear us because I am not violent by design to those who do not attack my pack. I gestured and told her that even foxes could be in a pack of the alpha is willing and as open as myself.

I left and headed to see Deaton later that night, I went with the others to help save Kira who'd been take. We got her back and Oni attacked us later that night. Well, attacked is extreme, they came to the mansion and I told the others not to attack them, that they were searching for someone possessed by a Nogitsune and were creatures can't be possessed. They marked us one by one and when they were done with the rest except me, I beat the were creatures until they healed.

I was surrounded so I told them to carefully burn the humans with a lighter to get them out of it. Ethan and Aiden wanted to attack with Boyd and Malia, but I waved them off. I looked into the Nogitsune's eyes as my own shifted red. My claws dug into my palms to induce pain and the Nogitsune's saw my soul.

They marked me and I dropped to my knees before they left. I helped with Lydia, Allison and Chris before telling the others to call and warn the other packs not to attack. The next day Ethan and Aiden wanted to have a black light party at the mansion so I agreed, telling them we still had power because of the solar powered generators so if they break them I'd break them as well. I told them I'd made them myself and the tech was beyond valuable so I'd be pissed if they screw with them.

The party was in the home gym area where everything was moved out of the way and the speakers and DJ were set up. I told those just coming in to enjoy themselves and crash in the first floor rooms if they get too wasted. I told them the wet bar was open and so was the buffet I set out in the foyer. I told them where the rave room was and to enjoy themselves.

Malia, Lydia and Allison painted me while I painted them before we danced and had a great time. When Stiles left a drunk horny girl at the party, Boyd and Isaac moved in. They ended up arguing until Isaac went and hooked up with another one. Lydia pointed it out to me while Ethan and Aiden found their lovers for the night.

I heard Derek's roar and soon Scott was singled out on the dance floor by them. They left at sun up though before they could mark Scott and the party ended after that. Many of the drunk people grabbed rooms and the DJ left with his bodyguard.

I told Scott what they were and that they were harmless to werewolves unless attacked or controlled by an evil Nogitsune. I told Kira who was with him that she was a rare thunder kitsune, but her mother was a celestial kitsune. I told her that she'd eventually slowly age for centuries and outlive us all if she's not killed before then. I told her everything including that her mother likely sacrificed a tail to summon the Oni and find a Nogitsune.

I told her what we all were before telling them I was headed to bed and Scott had nothing to worry about because werewolves couldn't be possessed by fox spirits. I took Lydia, Allison and Malia to bed since there was no danger. We had only a few hours of rest before school so sex was out. I cleaned up the mansion while they slept and the guests left eventually after we'd gone to school.

That night Scott and Kira were checked and fine. A couple weeks later Scott got a call from Stiles in the middle of the night and he called us for help. I'd been posing nude for Lydia and Allison to sketch when Lydia heard Stiles in a speaker needing help. I dressed and called the pack, telling them to form groups and get Stiles's scent to fan out and search the town.

I told them I couldn't catch a lock on his scent or sound, as if he was being masked by something. I called Stiles's father and told him what was happening before he called me back with a location of Stiles's jeep at the hospital. I told Allison to call Malia and stay with Lydia. I went to the hospital and to the roof where Derek and Scott were.

Almost a second later, I told them to tell the hospital and police to shut off the main power and switch to backup generators. I told them Stiles frayed the live wires and as soon as someone uses so much as an MRI or cat scan, the power will blow and a live wire will be left on the ground to kill anyone it bounces to. Derek took care of that and I told Scott that Stiles is possessed by a Nogitsune and they feed on chaos, strife and pain with a big yin for the last one.

I went from floor to floor, taking in the pain of every human in the hospital, starting with the cancer ward. I was a throbbing mass of agony by the time I left the hospital with Scott. I told them that I'd play bait to get the Nogitsune to stop hiding in him. I broke Scott's arm and took all of his pain away before watching the hospital switch to backup power and the electrical technicians get to work on the power lines.

We made our way to Eichan House where Lydia said he was. We searched the basement with the others and found a dead body. I punched through the basement wall for. The sword was there and I took it before telling Lydia and the sheriff. "It's the Nogitsune's original body. Likely this is the place Stiles's is imagining he's seeing. I think he's still asleep, though I have Ethan, Aiden and Isaac checking somewhere else he could be."

I got the call and they found him in Malia's old coyote den. I told them to get him out and wake him up while getting him to a heater in the truck. I hung up and told the Sheriff. "They've found him in Malia's old coyote den. It's the only place besides the city dump and chemical plants I can't track people's scent by. He's alright, nearly hypothermic, but they're getting him to the hospital immediately."

Sheriff Stilinski thanked me and I told him to be careful. "If Stiles is really possessed, then this is just the beginning. The fox's likely set other traps to hurt people so it can feed on their pain like werewolves take it away. Once he's warm, I'll help eject the spirit from him and hopefully capture the fucker and seal it away for good where it can't harm anyone ever again."

I turned to Lydia. "You did good and you weren't wrong. Stiles is still fighting the fox in him and this is one trick it won't survive."

Scott asked. "Didn't you say that you'd have to bite anyone possessed to turn them into a werewolf?"

I smiled. "No and yes. Don't worry, he won't become a werewolf, we just have to figure out which one is Stiles after I help you get it out of him."

He frowned. "Help me?"

I nodded. "You're his alpha and he's apart of your pack whether he's human or not. You'll be the one needed to help Stiles force it out. Once it is, it'll take Stiles's form so we'll need to figure out which is Stiles and which is the spirit and bite the spirit. It'll unravel and we capture it in a trap I've prepared."

We left while the sheriff told the deputies about the dead body. They ignored the sword I had thankfully until we reached the hospital. I gave it to Scott and told him Kira liked him so he should give it to her because it's a thunder kitsune's sword and she's a thunder kitsune. He left it in the car for now and the doctors checked over Stiles while we waited. Once he was freed up, I had the packs in his room and told them. "Whatever happens, don't kill anything that comes out. It needs to be bitten by an alpha so we can trap the fucker. Nogitsune's are immortal and can't be killed, but they can escape if we're careless."

I turned to the sheriff. "Trust me, it'll work and this nightmare will be over."

He nodded and I sat Stiles up. "Don't worry, let it feed. The stronger it becomes the faster we can get it out of you."

He grabbed my arms and I roared as all the pain in me was dragged out. The pain of all my deaths, the scars on my soul, all of it, the Nogitsune fed and he growled. "You're something else aren't you? All that agony, no mortal, not even an alpha, can hold so much without dying. It's unending but it's a good thing I'm insatiable."

I cracked him in the face and knocked him out. I snorted, lining up my claws on him and Scott. "Fucking tricksters."

I asked Scott. "You ready?"

He nodded and I clawed them both only my Kanima venom was in Stiles's neck as well. We entered his mind and found the white room where the nemeton was before. He sat on a stump with the fox spirit. I turned to Scott. "It hasn't taken control yet so it can't hide in his subconscious behind tricks. Go ahead, roar."

He did so and Stiles looked to us. He looked to the Nogitsune and flipped the board. I helped him force it out and we were jolted out with it. Stiles awoke and fell to the side of the hospital bed, spewing cloth bandages into a pile.

A clothed person came out of the pile and I told the twins to hold Stiles down. The clothed individual ripped off the bandages and revealed a second Stiles. I told Boyd and Isaac to hold him before Kira and her mother entered the room with several Oni. I told her. "Don't let them kill it. If we're to trap it so it can't be summoned again, it'll need to be in it's fly form."

She nodded and the Oni marked the one that came out of the cloth pile as Stiles. I turned to the one Ethan and Aiden held and he growled. "What are you?"

I smiled. "You're new warden. Welcome to the inescapable prison."

I grabbed him by the throat as I partially shifted. "Game over."

I tore out it's throat with my teeth in a bloody fashion. I grabbed the jar as blood spurted and his body cracked like glass. I waved off Ethan and Aiden caught the fly in the cylinder box Talia's claws had once been in. I locked it and told them. "It's going to be put in a safe place, buried under mountain ash, locked in a rowan tree chest and dropped in a place no one, spirit or supernatural can escape."

I turned to Stiles and told him. "My claws won't turn you because of the Nogitsune having been in you at the time. You're free and you'll recover now, just take it easy and try to remember where you've been so we can track any other traps there might be."

He nodded slowly and asked about the hospital roof. I told him it was taken care of and he asked about the traps on the track team trails at school. I asked about them and sheriff Stilinski got people on them. He said those were it so I suggested he take up meditating to fix himself after he gets some stress free sleep. I nodded to the pack and handed the cylinder to Allison.

She carried it with her and Scott got to give Kira the sword, telling her where he got it and what I said about it and her. Her mother asked how I knew and I shrugged. "Unlike the rest of the wolves and coyote here, my senses are unparalleled and highly trained. She smells like a thunderstorm to me, she has since I met her in class for a game of Pai Sho."

I held up a finger. "Soon she'll get her first tail from what I can see as well. Her fox is young, but strong. Now if you don't mind, we have five hours before school and I'd like to lock the Nogitsune away before getting some sleep tonight."

She nodded and we all left them there. Back at the mansion, Allison buried the cylinder in mountain ash in the chest before locking it. I told her to stand back before taking off my ring. I set it on the box without touching the box. Seconds later the ring and box disappeared while Allison asked where I sent it.

I smiled. "Some day all my secrets will be revealed to you all, just not today. Let's get some rest and know that it can never get free of where I put it."

Lydia was more than happy to agree so we all headed to bed. Time passed as the school traps had been found and disarmed. Eventually Derek went missing and Scott asked for the help of my pack since he only had Stiles in his pack. I agreed and we took a weekend trip to Mexico.

Trucks and cars mostly, except Stiles's jeep and the Aiden's motorcycle. Ethan was in London with my brother doing things I didn't want to think about. In the meantime I went in with Malia since Allison wasn't allowed to mess with the Calaveras which was fair. She stayed with her father in the mansion while we'd come to Mexico.

Malia and I danced, drank tequila and ate a few worms. Lydia and Stiles had a hundred grand for Derek to buy them back. I listened to the conversation they had with the Calaveras while enjoying Malia's flirtatious dancing. I told her to slow it down or I'd fuck her ion the dance floor and give these people a real show.

She growled and I kissed her before slapping her ass and telling her to dance with Kira so she doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. She smiled and sashed to Kira while I hit the bar. I ordered their best top shelf tequila and kept the full bottle. I grabbed a seat and watched Malia dance while listening to the old female Calavera spoke to Lydia.

I took out half the Calaveras in the compound with my venom. I put away my tequila bottle and captured Severo. I told the old woman over his radio. "Try gassing the place and I'll stop using my venom and start tearing off heads. Take the deal before I reach you or I make you tell us where Derek is."

I cut Severo's neck with my claw just over the spine so he'd be paralyzed for an hour or so. I moved through the building as all the hunters in my way dropped like flies. Soon the others joined me outside the office door and I ripped it of it's hinges. Six hunters plus the old woman put guns on us and I smiled. "I'm part Kanima. Those will only tickle me. Put them down and take the deal, last chance."

Scott's red eyed self was beside me as my own red eyes glowed and my tail came out. Venom dripped from my claws and Araya Calavera told her people to lower their weapons. She asked how something like me came to care about Derek Hale. I shrugged. "I don't, but my lover here is his cousin and the daughter of Peter along with the desert wolf."

She grimaced and Malia's blue eyes glowed. I asked Lydia. "Alright, love?"

Lydia snorted and stood up. "About time."

I chuckled and kissed her before asking Araya. "Where is Derek? He's not in this compound and I know Kate Argent is alive, so does she have him?"

Araya raised an eyebrow before nodding and I told her. "Then we're done here. Scott, you and Stiles can stay, but I've no interest in the hunters. Unlike Gerard, they're honorable and effectively the supernatural police and IA all in one."

Scott asked. "IA?"

Stiles spoke. "Internal Affairs. Big city police precincts have them to make sure the corrupt cops get busted. Basically they keep other cops in line or in this case, hunters."

I tossed Araya the walkie talkie. "Your people will be fine in an hour. Kanima venom to the spine heals quickly and doesn't do real damage, just a pain to heal."

She nodded and I turned to leave before she stopped us, wanting to talk. I told the others except Lydia to wait outside. Aiden and Boyd growled and I patted their chests. "Don't worry, we've not broken their laws. No one's died so they won't kill us. Besides, they don't dare hurt a banshee or risk pissing off every hellhound in this hemisphere. No one's that dumb, not even me."

They left and Scott stayed with Stiles. The hunters were more relaxed, but I waved Scott off and told him to go. He asked if I was sure and I nodded. He left with Stiles and I took Stiles's seat, relaxing.

Araya sat back down saying I was quite knowledgeable. I grunted. "I have a copy of the Argent and Hale's bestiaries. Thousands of pages of information will make anyone knowledgeable."

She asked about Scott and I told her what he was like as well as the fact that I suspect he'd soon make a beta of his own. She nodded slowly before asking about my pack. I told her each of their stories before ending with my brother's and the twins. I told her Aiden's a killer, but so was I, even if I was used to become one by a human playing god.

I told her Malia's story specifics including the fact that she's not really a killer, she just blames herself. I took Lydia's hand before telling Araya that I'd never turn a human into a werewolf unless they were dying and asked for it while being a good person. I waved to her hunters. "You're free to kill me for my perspective if you want, but I believe not helping a good man in a bad situation is worse karmically than leaving them to suffer and die when you can do something, though I'd never turn a hunter. You people are way too stuck in your ways."

She actually laughed and said she'd actually like me if I weren't a hybrid werewolf. I shrugged and told her I try not to judge stuffy hunters either. She asked if it was because I'm sleeping with one and I smiled. "Maybe, but I prefer to think of it as I might've joined the Argent hunters if Peter hadn't ruined that and pulled me into the shit storm that was his family drama as a psychopath's play toy. I didn't choose to be what I am like my brother and if there was a cure that wasn't death I might take it."

She nodded and said she wished more wolves were like me. I grunted. "Life's not fair, it's just fairer than death."

I grabbed the shot she poured and downed it before she turned to Lydia, asking to have breakfast with her. Lydia looked to me and I nodded. "Trust me, she won't hurt you. You're basically a human with gifts. You're safe or safer than I am anyways."

I downed the last of the tequila bottle and dripped claw venom into it. When it was full, I passed it to Araya. "Kanima venom can be a potent tool in taking down werewolves or most anything. I wouldn't recommend using it on a hellhound, they'd just burn it out one would think."

She thanked me and offered a sandwich she made while talking to Lydia on the porch in the shade. She asked how her abilities worked and Lydia told her. Araya tapped her knife and Lydia looked to one of the men just before Araya threw the knife and killed him. Araya said he was stealing from her and I grunted. "Cartels."

The old bat chuckled before telling us she was sending a guide. We met Braeden with the others and she warned Scott that when he makes a beta of his own she'd come knocking at his door. He asked about me and I grunted. "No one wants to knock on my door."

Araya chuckled and told him I wasn't like him in more ways than one, mostly because I wasn't naive about their code. Aiden and Braeden rode side by side while Stiles's jeep was in the front of the caravan of vehicles. When the jeep got hit, I pulled the truck up in front of it, hooked it up and told them to hop in the back of the truck. I pulled the bone knife out and sniffed it before keeping it.

We drove on and when we reached the church, I told Stiles to fix his jeep. I turned the flood lights on the truck on before telling Boyd to do the same with his truck. I told Boyd and Aiden to stay with Stiles and Isaac. The rest of us went into the church and I snorted when Scott said something not human was in there with us.

When I heard the berserker, I chased it and clashed head on with it before tearing it apart. I roared in dominance, shaking the temple and freeing their way to Derek. I caught up to them and tossed a skull armor to the ground as they showed me Derek. "Kate has berserkers or at least one berserker remaining. I destroyed this one."

I had Malia pull the bone dagger out of my back and grunted before telling them I was sleeping off the hangover on the way back to Beacon Hills. We got Derek out and Stiles fixed his jeep while Boyd asked how it went. I told him I killed a berserker and Scott found himself a boyfriend. Kira looked like I'd smacked her and Lydia said Derek was somehow younger than before.

Isaac asked what a berserker looked like and I told him they were basically any were creature with bone armor that smells like death. I added that their power is magnified by about ten times and they can be controlled or made by were-jaguars. I slept in the back seat while Isaac drove and Lydia painted her nails. Malia slept next to me while Boyd and Aiden were in Boyd's truck.

When we got back to town, we stopped at Deaton's clinic and dropped off Derek. Lydia stayed with Derek while the rest of us went home to prepare for school in the morning. The next day Derek's drama went down and he showed up at the mansion before we headed to school. I told him everything that happened with Kate and his family and he called me a liar before trying to claw me.

I knocked his ass out and told Boyd to drop him off at Scott's place on the way to school. Later that night I got roped in to the Hale drama when Scott needed help facing Kate and a berserker. I beat back and wounded the berserker before Derek fought it and changed back into his adult self. The next day I heard Peter lost the rest of his bonds and I laughed my ass off to his face.

He asked if I did it and I told him no, but I found it absolutely hilarious. He scowled and I told Derek that I'd tell him what's happening to him for Talia's claws and another favor he'd owe me in the future. He agreed and gave me the claws Peter hadn't taken before. I sighed. "What Kate did was more than she intended to do. She just wanted you young enough to trust her again to get into your family's vault. In actuality she strained your ability to heal, reversing the flow of your aging process like that by boosting your healing power to phenomenal degrees. I'm sure you'll experience the drawbacks in more than just your eyes soon. You'll likely stop healing while your senses will go next and your ability to shift altogether with it until you're basically human."

I sat back and sighed. "After that you'll weaken and begin to die if Kate's berserkers or someone else doesn't take you out first."

He grimaced, not loving the news. Peter spoke up. "But you know something or you wouldn't want another favor from him."

I nodded. "With the loss of your power you'll understand what few born werewolves remember, what it's like to be human. With this deadly chance, you can turn it around into an opportunity. You know what it feels like to be a werewolf, what if feels like to be an alpha, now if you can remember what it feels like to be human, even if you do die for a moment, you can balance yourself and your wolf, learning to fully shift and evolving as a werewolf."

I stood up and looked at Derek only now. "If you succeed then you live, if not, this will kill you and nothing Kate can do will change that. The process has already begun and just like making a true alpha, evolving as a werewolf can only be done at the brink of life and death."

I turned to Peter. "As for you, I could tell you who took your money and why, hell, I could even tell you how to get it back, but there's nothing in it for me."

He growled and I roared in his face, making him back down. He said he'd pay again and I tilted my head before sighing. "Twenty-five million and it goes to Malia. I don't need your money, I never did, but your daughter deserves it considering your lack of interest in her."

He clenched his fists and Derek said they'd pay. I nodded and told them about Peter's coma in the hospital and Meredith Walker, a banshee friend of Lydia's grandmother. I told them she was in Eichan house, but she had something over the head guard I don't actually know what it is. I told them she and he were using it for something I can only guess was along the lines of killing every supernatural in Beacon Hills by hiring assassins.

I told Peter it was one of the reason I called him a psycho beyond the fact that I know he covets Scott's spark and he wants it for himself. He growled and I told him Meredith ambushed him and took the money after the head orderly, Brunski, sent Kate the how to for Derek. I told them to act quick after telling them where the key and the servers were running the Deadpool. I suggested they do it legally with Brunski because something about him screamed psychotic predator, much like Peter himself.

I stood up and smiled. "Oh, and since the key is buried in mountain ash, you may want to bring a human along for the ride that can handle themselves, especially with Derek's weakening senses."

A week later they hadn't done much apparently because an axe murderer killed most of a family of wendigos. I brushed it off because they'd already given me the twenty-five million which I gave to Malia. I told her I'd made Peter pay again and seeing as how it's nearly half of all the money he has, it's hers rightfully since I didn't need it. I was a bit preoccupied by tryouts since coach said all positions were open.

I told the rest of the guys. "Bring your A game bitches, cause I won't hold back."

I put everything'd them all. The only one who came remotely close was Liam Dunbar, a new transfer. Stiles said using wolf powers was cheating and I told him that wasn't wolf anything. I told him I work out and practice on my own five hours every day when I'm not running errands in Mexico for them.

I patted Stiles's shoulder saying that was all me. When it was time to score, I broke the stick net of the goalie in one shot and was basically untouchable. I maintained my Captain title with ease even before Scott injured Liam. After practice, I went home to practice and train the pack before dinner, homework and other stuff like paying bills. By the time Lydia returned from finding a human meat locker in the wendigo's house with deputy Parrish, Allison and Malia had me distracted enough to put away the paperwork for the night.

Lydia took precedence and making her forget it all came first. I told her deputy Parrish is a hellhound and will likely be attracted to her just like the frozen hellhound in Eichan house. After that it was clothes falling off and orgasms aplenty for her. The next day Scott said he needed to bring his newest beta to the mansion to learn control.

A freaking party broke out at my place with Lydia hosting it. On the bright side the Hales and the police stopped the dead-pool and Brunski was arrested for hundreds of counts of murder. It was a good thing too, because Scott dumped his unwilling beta in my lap and asked me to teach him control. I beat Liam down when he started to attack and when it was over, I dug my claws into his neck and gave him the knowledge and experience he needed to control himself.

I left him heal and waited for him to get the control he needed. I told him that we were werewolves, but we didn't have to be monsters. I told him that Scott did what he did to save his life and only because it was the last option available to him. When Liam had his control, mostly, I told him all about werewolves and the supernatural.

I told him our worlds weren't separate, there was just more to the one world than he'd known before. When morning came, I told him he'd done good and from now on some heavy duty chains along with Scott watching him would be enough for now until he can control himself completely. I told Scott that he could handle his own betas next time.

After that, I dropped the news of the Orphans and the Chemist to sheriff Stilinski, singling them out since the Mute was dead. Lydia got the news that her grandmother was killed by a serial killer orderly from Eichan house along with her lover. I held her through the pain and soon enough she was a wrathful goddess on a mission. With the Deadpool servers in her lake house and her grandmother having been killed by the asshole who helped make it, Lydia and her mother sued Eichan house and pretty much everyone involved in letting him get away with it.

My adoptive father being a well respected attorney, helped them. Soon whatever issues they had with money stopped completely. As for Eichan house, it would remain due to some powerful backing from the city council. Apparently more people than I thought knew about the fact that it was a supernatural prison under the surface.

Back to the Orphans, they were picked up just before the skirmish and the girl's thermal cut wire necklace with the guy's dagger hidden in his lacrosse stick were found. Apparently this wasn't their first rodeo either. They were wanted for questioning all over and now they had a hell of a lot more to answer for. The chemist was found near the preserve about to poison a bunch of werewolves.

He'd killed himself via cop rather than being taken in alive. For a time the craziness stopped entirely while Meredith killed herself in Eichan house. Peter had killed the Mute for attacking him so that pretty much ended that stuff. Those hunting Aiden and Ethan were the next to come and since none knew where Ethan was, my pack and I dropped their asses.

Arrows, bullets and claws laced with Kanima venom along with a banshee's scream and a show of force that terrified the werewolves that came along with the human hunters. I killed the alphas that came as was necessary before forcing the packs out of Beacon Hills with the terrified humans. Then came Scott's abduction and Chris being injured by a berserker. Peter tried to convince me to leave Lydia and I knocked his ass out cold while I freed Chris and gave him a bean.

I told him to eat it and he did, trusting me. His injury healed in moments and I patted his shoulder. "Something very few people on earth know about and one of my assurances to not being killed so easily. I could rip your arms off and feed you one before they'd grow back as fast as that wound healed."

He grimaced and said he'd take my word for it. I nodded and told him. "Peter and Kate were working together. They took Kira and Scott and he's likely told her how to turn Scott into a berserker. Thankfully we can help Scott reverse it with Lydia's help, but then there's still Kate and another berserker. We can't fight a true alpha berserker and a psychotic werejaguar with another berserker on top of it, we need help."

He said the Calaveras would help us and I shrugged, telling him to have them meet us at the church. We all left while Deaton dealt with Peter who was unconscious and paralyzed. Shit went down, the Calaveras were injured, but with the beans they'd mostly heal and survive. Derek died temporarily and came back an evolved werewolf with the ability to fully shift.

Scott was saved by Lydia while my whole pack plus Liam and Stiles held him off and Kate, well, she got away from Chris and the Calaveras with my help. They hadn't known it, but I'd saved her from Chris's magic bullet. She'd live and for now, she'd learn true control in the painted world under old Bone's supervision. He'd taken an interest in her and with his guidance, she'd get her control and a lot more.

Chris told us Kate got away while we carried out Scott who was injured. He'd heal so I didn't give him a magic bean. Kira was injured, but she had a piece of obsidian she'd use to make her first tail. Chris stayed with the Calaveras and told Allison she was freed and no longer a hunter in training.

He told her that with protecting her and Scott, he'd agreed to stay and help the Calaveras hunt Kate. He added that some day, if I do turn her, she wouldn't be hunted because she took no oaths. I grunted and told Chris. "Kate will likely come after Gerard next. He screwed her up, manipulated her into killing the Hales and sent her back to finish the job knowing she was the target of Peter's wrath all so he'd have a justified reason to convince Victoria to declare war. She will come for him even if she has to go through you all, I know I would if he'd fucked with me that much."

Araya said they'd hold Gerard to the code and I tossed her a sack of beans. "Try not to die too soon. I can respect honest and honorable people."

She nodded and saw it was full of the beans Chris gave her people to live. I told her not to plant them and if she wanted them to last long, a rowan box was best. We left and soon enough our Junior school year ended. From an alpha pack to a dark Druid, to a Nogitsune, Deadpool and finally Kate and Peter, this summer had better be fucking quiet.