
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · テレビ
79 Chs


I told Misty that Togepi had learned Metronome so it was officially old enough to be captured. She asked if I was sure and I nodded. "You can capture it, but you can leave it out afterwards like Pikachu. It's just capturing it will keep others from being able to take it if it wanders off."

I petted Togepi and told her. "Togepi's ready now and even able to start it's own training if you'd like to begin. I'll make a list of all the possible moves it can learn and Sam can tell you how to go about teaching all the non water type moves you'll need to know about."

Misty thanked me and we left the island the next day. We all rode Gyarados for a bit to give Lapras a break and let it play along the way until it found a message in a bottle asking about the crystal Onix. I knew enough about it that we headed to Sunburst island. I told them along the way that it was a rare breed of Onix mentioned in the scientific community as a rumor.

I told them that I theorized that just like the giant Onix of Mt.Hideaway, it had grown differently based on it's own diet and environment. I added that it must've eaten a lot of crystals from Sunburst island to have become crystal like. I told them that I'd catch it if only so I can get Professor Oak off my back about researching Pokémon. I patted Gyarados and told them Professor Oak had bugged me ever since I caught the shiny Magikarp and wanted me to study shiny Pokémon because it was a new topic few have ever looked into.

Gyarados growled lightly and I told him to go full speed before telling Ash to recall Lapras. Ash did so and we arrived very quickly at Sunburst island. When we found Marisa, the little girl who wrote the note, a shop merchant next door came to buy her and I told him to piss off before I make him eat his own work and beat him in the stomach until he pees glass shards and blood. He left afraid and I grunted. "Freakin humans. Pokémon I get, but why do humans have to be such-"

I shook my head seeing the little girl. "Anyways, sorry about that Marisa. My name's Ren, I'm a Pokémon trainer and researcher. I'm here about the letter you wrote."

I handed her the letter and her eyes brightened up. "You got my letter?"

I nodded and she asked. "But how did you know it was mine?"

I shrugged and Misty told her I'm a psychic so I heard the mean guy's thoughts and used it to find her. She nodded slowly before asking. "Do you know where the crystal Onix is?"

I shook my head and she got down until I gently flicked her head. "No, but I can find it if it's on this island or nearby. All I have to do is sit and meditate for a minute and if there's an Onix nearby I'll know where it is."

She seemed to get happy so she brought us inside to meet her brother before telling him k was here to find the crystal Onix. She told him I'm a Pokémon researcher and a trainer who can read minds. I sat down and floated up as my eyes began to glow. My power stretched out and brushed up against all the human and Pokémon minds on the island. When I found the Onix, I got up and stopped, stretching. "Found it. It's not on the island per say, but on a smaller nearby island that's connected to this one by a sandbar. If you all are coming, let's go."

Marisa's brother agreed and we headed out. I lead them to the beach where the sandbar was. Low tide soon came and the sandbar revealed itself. We fell into a hole while team idiot did their skit before running off.

We found them in front of the cave and stuck in their own traps. We went inside and I pointed to the crystal water while recording the whole place even as the crystal Onix revealed itself. The glass maker attacked it with a Cloyster until I told him it swims in water so clearly water doesn't effect it. Team rocket ran in and gotten beaten until Onix bitch slapped them through the roof.

The glass maker used Charmeleon and got his inspiration, deciding not to capture the crystal Onix after it fainted. He said he doesn't have to anymore so I caught it before sending everything I had gathered to Professor Oak including a giant piece of crystal, water samples and soil samples. We stopped at the Pokémon center and I sent Onix to Professor Oak. Mateo gave us each a souvenir, mine was of Mewtwo and Gyarados who posed for theirs.

Ash got a Pikachu and Misty got a Staryu while Tracey got a Marill. We left Sunburst island and headed onwards from there. We soon got caught in a whirlpool and ended up on a beach of Pinkan island. I stopped Tracey when he wanted to explore Pinkan island. "Pinkan island is a protected preserve by the league. It's for researchers only and it's illegal to trespass because of the poachers that keep trying to get on the island."

I told them of the research center and the pink fruits that turn Pokémon pink temporarily unless they eat a lot then they stay pink. I told them that if this is Pinkan island then we need to be extremely careful as Pokémon here were hostile towards outsiders due to so much poaching. I suggested we go around the island until we reach the bay and get a ride out beyond the whirlpools so we don't get arrested and mistaken for poachers or simply for trespassing on league protected land. Tracey agreed hesitantly because I was in the know while Ash complained.

I flicked Ash in the forehead and told him that if a Pokémon rushed at him it could run right off the cliff and get injured because of his dumb arrogance in thinking everything would be alright if he sticks his head in a Beedrill nest. Ash calmed down and we got Lapras to give us a ride around the island where I met up with officer Jenny, gave her my credentials and kept us from getting arrested.

We helped her stop team rocket and got to see the pink Pokémon before she gave us a ride out beyond the whirlpools. I let out Gyarados and rode it with the group while Lapras took a break and I got to snatch another Magikarp submarine. Days passed before we had to dodge a speed boat heading to an abandoned island. We followed on Lapras and Gyarados while I fiddled with my Pokédex while writing a program to adjust the sensors and make them both more focused and wider ranging to detect more.

When we arrived I heard the buzzing of a millions of minds and fell to my knees, passing out as I heard Mewtwo's voice faintly. I woke up in a tent with Mewtwo there alongside nurse Joy and the rest of our group. Nurse Joy was happy to see I was awake and said my Pokémon wouldn't allow them to come near at first because they were hurting me. I groaned with a throbbing headache and wiped the blood from my face which seemed to be a lot.

I sighed and thanked Mewtwo as things silenced further while I washed up and told them. "This island is a nest of Kabuto. There are millions of them hibernating inside the island, not fossils, just sleeping Pokémon. I think the reason they supposedly went extinct was because most of them were in a swarm during mating season and an underwater volcano covered them in lava while the sea cooled it quickly, making them stuck so they went to sleep."

I gestured to the island. "My psychic abilities are a curse when I'm around so many minds this closely compacted together. It's like a chorus of voices all so loud you can't pick one from the sea of them, even when they're dreaming. I can't be here when they wake up because even Mewtwo won't be able to shield me then like he's doing now."

Nurse Joy had a lot of questions, mostly around the voracity of my claims and how dangerous I think it's going to be. I showed her my credentials before grunting. "This entire island will collapse into the sea the moment they begin waking up fully. Now that your people have begun excavating it's only a matter of time. All our lives and the lives of your team are in danger because the moment one of them wakes up, they'll inform the rest and they'll all wake up. I don't know when or how, but it seems the inevitable collapse of this island is coming. You need to inform your people and get them off of this island."

Mewtwo spoke in all our minds. (Tonight. With the red moon the first of the Kabuto will awaken and with them all Kabuto on the island will do the same. It is their time to flourish as a species.)

I turned to Mewtwo and I told them. "I'm taking Gyarados and leaving the island now. Mewtwo will stay and help your people get off the island if that's what you want. Once he's no longer protecting me he'll be free to help you do whatever you deem necessary."

Nurse Joy thanked us and the television crew asked to record everything. I told them I don't like researcher documentaries and had no interest being on tv besides as a trainer. Mewtwo came with me to the beach and I brought out Gyarados while Ash and the rest said they were going to help evacuate the people. I wished them luck and left the beach.

Once I was far enough out, Mewtwo turned back and went to help them. I fiddled with my Pokédex and called Ash, telling him to hand his Pokédex to Misty. When he did I asked her to record everything before telling her how. She said she would and I thanked her before laying on Gyarados and getting some sleep.

I woke up and it was night time so I fed Gyarados and Ghastly before we watched the destruction of the island. Ash and everyone barely made it off in time and Mewtwo came back with a gift for me. A green Kabuto floated in the air asleep. He said he'd help me catch shinty's because they were unique like him and Gyarados.

I sighed and told him. "Between you and Professor Oak, I'll never get to slack off."

He shrugged and I caught the Kabuto before putting a sticker on it's ball like Gyarados's to mark it as shiny. Nurse Joy said it was thanks to my warning that they'd all managed to get out ok. I grunted and told her it was thanks to Mewtwo that I didn't die from a psychic backlash of millions of Kabuto screaming in my mind. I added that if he hadn't saved me I couldn't have said anything to help them.

They thanked Mewtwo and he went back in his ball. I chuckled and told them he got shy when praised by others. On the next island we got to see a Pokémon show and hitch a ride on a Pokémon showboat to the next island. Along the way team rocket tried to rob the boat of all the Pokémon and I sent them flying with a psychic blast that prevented them from blowing up the boat. After defusing the bombs and repairing the boat, I took the Magikarp submarine they had and wondered where they keep getting them from. Shrugging, I put it on the keychain with the other two before we continued on our way.

Ash helped a Raichu and it's trainer get along before we made land the next morning. Ash got to participate in the next show which we all helped for. On the next island we relaxed a bit while I trained Kabuto and Ghastly. Misty's Psyduck went missing and we met a female water trainer.

Misty ended up having a Pokémon battle with Marina since they both specialized in water Pokémon. When a Golduck appeared, I told Misty that it wasn't hers, just a wild Golduck that likes to show off for girls. I told her to get Psyduck's ball and she'd know for sure. She did so and was irritated to find it true. Still, I had Ghastly beat the Golduck around until it fainted before telling Misty she could catch it if she wanted it because I didn't. She caught it and thanked me which I shrugged to before feeding Ghastly, Kabuto, Gyarados and Mewtwo.

Marina loved my Gyarados and asked how I got it to be red. I told her about shiny Pokémon and catching it as a Magikarp before raising it into a Gyarados. I told her it was golden yellow as a Magikarp and I caught it just before I met Misty in fact. Misty was happy with her new Golduck and offered me her Psyduck which I shrugged and told her I'd just train and evolve it for her so she'd have two Golducks because I didn't need one.

Misty happily forfeited her battle with Marina while we relaxed and I treated her Golduck with potions. It was happy to have Misty as a trainer and perved out a lot when she hugged it. She said it was hers and even if it acted like Brock she was happy to have it. She only had Goldeen, Staryu, Golduck and Togepi because she left Starmie, Horsea, Tentacruel and Clefable with her sisters.

They helped with the shows and the gym battles so it was fine I guess. I had her Psyduck, my Mewtwo, Kabuto, Gyarados and Ghastly now. Psyduck was confused, but being a water and psychic Pokémon I was able to connect with it and teach it far easier than Misty could so it's training began in earnest. Team rocket showed up, but I sent them flying and got another submarine. I put it on a keychain and told Misty I planned to give them to Professor Oak so the science community could do better water Pokémon studies in the ocean.

I shrugged saying he'd know how to get it done once I made them motorized. We soon left the beach on Gyarados and Lapras, heading to the next island after saying goodbye to Marina. A couple days later we were passed up by a nurse Joy in a canoe with a paddle at speeds only I was capable of with us. We followed her and got to an island where we found a giant Magikarp.

I tossed it back into the water with ease before Nurse Joy came to give it calcium tablets. I hardly cared about her differences or the Magikarp, I was too busy drooling over the thought of having a Chansey. I asked Chansey if it had any Pokémon eggs or knew of any Happiny or Chanseys that would like to become my personal Pokémon healers for my Pokémon. I promised to make them titanically strong, so much that it could beat the elite four on it's own.

Ash and the others swear dropped while Chansey shook it's head. Ash said I wasn't kidding about the super strong training or wanting a Chansey. I scoffed and told them Chanseys were the most versatile Pokémon besides Mew, Ditto and the Smeargles from Johto. I told them they could become so powerful they could obliterate any non legendary Pokémon with ease and they could heal and patch up Pokémon fast while their Gravity ability allows them to actually help in the training of Pokémon and speeding up physical training by combining it with heal pulse.

I sat on a rock and looked at Chansey. "Besides legendary and mythical Pokémon, they're the most brokenly powerful and useful Pokémon in the world I've ever heard of and I know every Pokémon from Kanto to Sinnoh by heart. I'm not ashamed of wanting a Chansey, they're so powerful yet so nice."

Chansey cheered and I massaged her with psychic before petting her and letting her go. She waved to me and Nurse Joy said her Chansey really was special, but she hadn't known how special until now. I chuckled and told her that even humans can train under the effects of gravity and benefit from heal pulse even for short intervals so they could in theory fit a months worth of workouts into a single day.

I got up and sighed. "Unfortunately Kanto has rules and finding a wolf Chansey is hard because they're so heavily regulated."

Ash's stomach growled and we were invited back to Nurse Joy's place where we ate while she and Chansey checked out our Pokémon. They volunteered us to help out with the Pokémon. I was soon rowing with Misty in my Canoe while following Nurse Joy closely. Misty told the others to keep up and they complained because I was the one rowing and they simply couldn't do the same.

Misty and I helped Nurse Joy with helping Pokémon all day. When she went underwater to help a Cloyster, I went under and helped her. I got to play with a Dewgong who enjoyed the attention even while Ash and Tracey showed up. I stopped playing and it tried playing with Ash only he nearly drowned.

I apologized because it happened while I was going up for air myself. We ended up back at Nurse Joys place while Ash recovered. When Nurse Joy went to leave to help some baby Seel, I offered a ride for her as it was safer than a boat in a storm. She thanked me and Ash said we'd all go so I made a barrier around all of us and flew as nurse Joy directed, shooting forwards at high speeds.

Inside it was like we were standing still, but outside the ocean flew by and a trail formed below in the water as the wind howled. We arrived very quickly and Nurse Joy helped the baby Seel before team rocket showed up as the hurricane passed. I sent them flying and added another submarine to the group. Nurse Joy's big Magikarp friend showed up worried about her and evolved.

I was stumped because it was a huge Magikarp, but as a Gyarados it was only average, making it small compared to my own massive Gyarados. Nurse Joy told us about Navel island and the gym there before I teleported her and Chansey back to her place with Gyarados. I brought out my own Gyarados and waved bye to the Seel before we got on and left towards Navel island.

Lapras needed rest because it was young, but Gyarados had stamina for days still so we rode it and switched a day later to Lapras to let Gyarados rest. We soon arrived to Navel island and met Danny who flirted with Misty. We headed to the gym doors that were just to big doors connected to a wall outside. I pushed the metal doors open with ease and let them in.

We found a sign that welcomed us and told us to climb the mountain on our own without Pokémon or be disqualified. I chuckled and told Ash. "I warned you your laziness would bite you in the butt some day Ash."

I took off my weighted clothes and dropped them one by one creating loud bangs that cracked the hard packed dirt and sank in places. I stretched and put on regular clothes before jumping and sighing. "I feel so light now. It's like I can almost fly even without telekinesis."

I put away the weighted clothes while Danny tried to pick up wristband, finding it shocking that it weighed five hundred pounds. I grunted and took it from him. "All in all just over two tons of weights. I even had to use telekinesis while I was sleeping so Gyarados and Lapras didn't get hurt. I haven't felt this light in ages."

Ash huffed saying I might as well be a Pokémon with how strong I am and my psychic abilities. He said it just wasn't fair.

I flicked him and he fell on his ass. "I offered to help you train a lot while we were growing up and even when you first started out. You quit after less than a week. As for the psychic abilities, blame Sabrina besides, it's not like I'll need them to climb a mountain."

Danny said we should get going then and I smiled before stepping forwards, making a footprint in the hard packed dirt before getting into a racing position. "I'm going on ahead, I'll see everyone at the top. Misty, can you carry my bag with my Pokémon belt? I don't want to drop them going too fast."

She grabbed them easily because of the silph co tech and agreed. I turned to Danny and Ash. "I guess I'll wait for you at the top then."

I looked forwards and shot off like a road runner cartoon. I literally left deep foot prints and went fast enough they blinked and only saw a dust trail from then on. I left finger holes in the side of the mountain where I climbed to the top. I even beat the lift up to my surprise and waited in the snow, making sculptures out of the ice. I'd gotten most of the legendary Pokémon sculptures made by the time Danny and Ash arrived.

Misty and Tracey had watched me work them by hand so it was fun to hear them comment on my work. Misty hadn't known so many legendary Pokémon species existed. Danny complemented my work and asked about them. I told them which legendaries and mythical go to which region before finishing Arceus. I told them it was supposedly the Pokémon god who created this world and all Pokémon in it.

I finished saying that it could change types like a ditto changed forms so it was every type of Pokémon including dragon and all the unknown types yet to be discovered. Pikachu's eyes shined in wonder seeing the sculpture of the Pokémon god. I told them the myth of creation including of Polkia, Dialga and Giritina before looking to Danny. "I'd like to officially challenge you first now that you're here."

He smiled. "That won't be necessary. Both of you can challenge me at the same time because it's not a battle style but a competition style gym."

I nodded and we went to three geysers before he told us we had to freeze them with our Pokémon the fastest to win. I brought out Gyarados, Danny brought out Nidoqueen and Ash used Lapras. When we started, Gyarados finished in under three seconds. That surprised Danny and when he beat Ash, he asked how.

I chuckled. "I've taught all my Pokémon to be efficient with their moves in accuracy, power and speed. You'd be surprised at how powerful they are, especially Gyarados. He's one of the Pokémon I used against the Elite Four when I challenged them."

I returned Gyarados and he nodded before telling us we had to carve them with our Pokémon to look like the design on the sign. Seeing it, I nodded and he said to use no more than three Pokémon. I brought out Mewtwo and he touched the pillar and turned it into a perfect sled while the rest became discarded snow that blew away. Danny was shocked until he looked to the legendary sculpture of Mewtwo and back before nodding. "I guess someone whose beaten the Elite Four is bound to have a legendary on his side."

I flinched and Ash asked. "What? Really? You beat the elite four Ren?"

I shrugged and brought back Mewtwo. "Finish your sled Ash."

He grumbled and got toasty when he brought out Charizard who burned him and ended up making a perfect sled. Danny said I didn't have to compete since I'd won two out of three. He gave me my second badge and I carved my name into the sled, setting it in the Mewtwo sculpture's paw. I told Danny he could keep it with the sculptures since I didn't need it.

He thanked me before apologizing for outing me about the beating elite four thing. I waved him off. "It's only a secret to those I don't care about. I just never brought it up to these guys because I didn't want Ash to get discouraged or bug me about training he'd never keep up with again."

Ash grumbled and I sighed. "Besides, I declined the champion position so I'm just a regular trainer."

He nodded and thanked me all the more for the gifts. I waved him off and joined Misty with Tracey in the cable car. We waited and watched Ash barely win his race to get the sea ruby shell badge. We left Navel island after that and arrived at the seven grapefruit islands.

There on the first island Ash nearly got in trouble for picking a grapefruit. The woman that stopped us told us how they raised the trees and now they had issues with thieves. We ended up finding a Snorlax when the workers yelled for help dealing with it. They got the bright idea to pick all the grapefruit before Snorlax could eat them so I brought out Mewtwo and we picked all the grapefruit on the island at once together, making a mountain of grapefruit.

Snorlax tried to take them and Mewtwo bounced his fat ass of the island to do the world's most painful belly flop. Snorlax passed out and I told Ash to catch it. He did so and I told him he was lucky because this Snorlax knew how to swim or it wouldn't have been able to get to the island in the first place. We helped pick the grapefruit from the rest of the islands, sending team rocket flying and taking the sixth submarine.

We ended up with bags of expensive candy grapefruit peels as a reward. We headed out as the sun set and heard about a orange league trophy before finding it was stolen. We soon ran into team rocket and chased them out to a haunted ship. After finding the trophy room, a Ghastly and Haunter told us their story using Meowth as a mouthpiece.

We left the trophy and their Pokéballs after I suggested a safe place in the Orange islands to put the ship, the crystal Onix cave. Our next island we were ran off of because we'd sent Meowth and team rocket flying to it. I got a seventh Magikarp submarine from them so I really couldn't complain. We ended up on Merkot island where it was full of bug Pokémon.

Misty wasn't happy while Mewtwo flew off so I had to chase after it. I told Ash and the others I'd see them later and followed Mewtwo. Mewtwo was on a shiny hunt and he really wasn't giving up anytime soon. I facepalmed when he told me what we were doing.

I couldn't really say no because he was just so damned excited. I sort of felt bad for leaving him in his ball when we weren't training now. I flew to a tree branch with him and he picked up a deep green Weedle. I looked around and a swarm of Beedrill were watching us wearily.

I sighed and caught it before he had me pulling my hair out. We hopped all over the island, from Weedle to Venonat and Pincer, it was I riot I'm sure, but the Pokémon we took were already kicked out of their swarms already or destined for it. Their differences made those like them hate them sadly so we did do a bit of good as Mewtwo put it.

We met up with the others while Mewtwo was Scyther shiny hunting. They fought off team rocket and Tracey himself got a Scyther, though not shiny. Mewtwo found a shiny Scyther, but it was still too young to catch and still in the swarm so we left it. We soon left the island after I showed them the now full party.

While we traveled I worked out training regimens for my new Pokémon. Mewtwo stayed out as per my request and sat on Gyarados's head, watching the sea like a young fascinated Luffy or Ash. I groaned at the thought of there being two Ashs and went back to working on my Pokédex to build a training regimen for Weedle and the rest. We made it to a Farfetch'd filled island and ended up chasing them off before having a vacation there.

I took the chance to train my Pokémon and Ash got bugged that I was spending a vacation day training. I told him we were rarely on land long enough to train so I was getting it in while I could. Misty said Ash should do the same and he disagreed saying he was going to have a vacation day for all his Pokémon.

I didn't care what he was doing because I was training. After a while they said the food was ready so I came over and Snorlax ate it all. Shrugging, I made a fire and brought out some real food. While my Pokémon relaxed and ate, I cooked and took the time to massage them out before serving steaks and salad to the group.

We ate before cleaning, washing up in a stream before I grabbed a bath in it, cause why not? Tracey and Ash went off so I grabbed Misty for some fun. While we washed off afterwards, she brought out Togepi and washed it as well. Later that night Tracey asked me if I and Misty were a couple.

I told him not anymore, but when you're on the road together for so long and have that kind of history it's hard not to be together sometimes. Later that night team rocket was sent flying by Mewtwo while everyone except Ash, Pikachu, Mewtwo and I were asleep. The next morning we headed off to Mandarin island where Ash and I battled people back to back all over the island. We even battled each other with my newer Pokémon.

While we ate lunch we heard about Prima Lorelei, aka Prima or Lorelei of the Elite Four, being on the Island. She showed up while we ate a few minutes later. She hung on my shoulder and invited us to her demonstration later. I grunted and she mentioned wanting to use me as a battle example for the demonstration.

I groaned and told her no because she'd lose thanks to Mewtwo and Gyarados being my only to Pokémon on her level with me right now. I told her the rest were new and simply couldn't keep up. She shrugged and let it go while Ash challenged her to a battle. Ash ended up getting ignored while Prima flirted with me and talked about the ocean.

Ash ended up getting into a battle with another guy and I advised him to forfeit. He said he wasn't a loser like I was because he had a winning streak unlike me. I shrugged and told him that I was building experience in my Pokémon, not looking to win battles. He waved me off and used Charizard after his Squirtle was beaten and it didn't obey him. Sighing, I watched Charizard go on a rampage until Mewtwo shut it up for spilling his pudding cup.

Charizard fainted and I told Ash he was an idiot. I told him training wasn't the same as battling and w hike he battled with all his other Pokémon, he hasn't trained or battled with Charizard since the Indigo League fiasco. I told him that his pride wasn't what needed training, his and Charizard's bond was. I flicked him in the forehead and told him that he needed to understand that he didn't win those badges alone, his Pokémon won them for him because they cared about him which made them fight harder despite his lack of training them almost entirely at all.

He fell on his ass and I shook my head. "You hardly ever really train your Pokémon and while battling for experience is fine, it takes more than that. It's working day and night side by side to learn new moves, techniques and strategies. It's training your mind by learning all you can about Pokémon and how to best help your own grow stronger before applying that knowledge with them, strengthening the bonds of friendship, companionship and camaraderie."

Ash asked what camaraderie meant and I facepalmed before shaking my head. "Never mind, I might as well be talking to a wall."

I headed to go eat before Prima invited us to see her battle again and we watched her trash a few trainers. I ended up being one of said trainers because I worked to help my Pokémon gain experience. Venonat and Psyduck evolved into Venomoth and Golduck. We still got trashed, but it was a great learning experience for my Pokémon. Ash got to battle her Cloyster afterwards with Pikachu and lost terribly.

Misty had her Golducks now and Ash learned a lesson from her that was essentially the same as my own words only hers stuck a bit. Team rocket showed up only to get sent flying by Lorelei's Jynx. We headed inwards and they had a team rocket run in while I trained my Pokémon. When we continued inwards, having to cross the island by foot, Misty and Ash complained that it would take three more days to reach Trovita, the city on the other side of the island.

A lightning storm soon came and we headed to a rock shelter where we saw Magnemites harvesting lightning from the storm. A Jolteon came and wrangled them for some old guy from straight out of a western movie called Ethan. He told us able lightning farming and gave us a ride for a while. Another storm came that night and the next morning I trained my Pokémon while they rested until an emergency call came in from a town with a black out who were running low on backup power at the Pokémon center.

Team rocket tried to steal the Magnamite so Mewtwo blasted them off after taking the Magnamite back. We teleported to the small town and have them a refill with the Magnamites while I swapped out Venomoth, and Pincer with Scyther and Electabuzz. Electabuzz helped charge up the town's Magnamites while I got some metal coatings from Ethan's Magnamites.

Electabuzz was so damned charged and powerful he called a thunderstorm on his own and helped fully charge all the Magnamites. Ash asked why I got Scyther and I smirked, giving Scyther a metal coating. Scyther roared and glowed, evolving into Scizor. I handed Tracey one of my two extra metal coats. "If your Scyther evolves it might feel and be young again mostly. The energy from evolution tends to repair the damages from before and fill a Pokémon with renewed vigor. I'm not saying it will, just that it might help."

He thanked me and I told Ash. "Metal coats are a secret few know about. Certain Pokémon evolve differently and sometimes it takes rarer items like a kings rock or metal coat to evolve the Pokémon who are naturally powerful. Onix can evolve into a Steelix with the same metal coat while Slowpoke and Poliwhirl evolve into Slowking and Politoad with kings rock. There are other examples, but that's the best one I can think you'd understand."

I thanked Ethan and he said it was no problem, especially since I told him he could stock up and advertise the news to sell metal coats since a bug island full of Scyther's isn't that far away. One of his Magnemites evolved after being cleaned of a metal coat. When we went to leave Mewtwo found a shiny Magnamite following us, attracted by Electabuzz's electricity.

We tried to give it back and no one owned it so Ethan suggested I keep it. I caught it and tossed him an extra thunder stone, telling him that when his Magneton gets strong enough, he can evolve it again with that into a Magnazone. I showed him a hologram of a Magnazone before we were off to the next town. I'd had the extra room thanks to Misty taking back Golduck anyways.

Electabuzz taught my shiny Magnamite and Ethan's Pokémon some moves along the way. I told Ethan that I needed a rarer item called an Electirizer which boosts electric Pokémon's power if I'm to evolve Electabuzz. He looked around in his wagon and found one, albeit old and warn out. Electabuzz was ecstatic to see it and evolved the moment it grabbed the Electirizer from Ethan. It grew massive and it's power sharply rose up to compete with my Dragonite's from the feel of it.

Scizor and it had a fierce battle to practice their new bodies and I ate popcorn. Ash asked if I planned to stop them and I scoffed. "They do this all the time. Don't worry, their power is about the same so they'll even out and calm down after a bit once they get used to the changes in their bodies."

They made a canyon fighting fiercely and several craters besides before calming down. They were both happy with the results, especially Scizor. It had been lagging behind lately since before the Indigo League and with this boost it was back as one of my strongest Pokémon. I congratulated them and Mewtwo repaired most of the desert they ruined before we moved on.

Ethan's Magnamite were all fully charged and about half of them evolved just from feeling the power Electivire let off. Even with triple the reserves they were soon full from ambient electricity so Ethan didn't need to stop for storms for now. Ethan was so happy he complemented Electivire and made the big softie blush. When we parted ways, Electivire wanted to stay with Ethan so I parted ways with the big guy, giving his ball to Ethan and telling him I'd be angry if anything bad happened to my friend.

He promised to take good care of him and we headed on further beyond where he dropped us off. For the next two days I trained my Pokémon when we stopped for breaks, went to sleep or woke up, working in as many hours as I could. Even Mewtwo, Scizor and Gyarados battled when we stopped long enough to make a crater and use rain dance to cause a shower to fill it for the water Pokémon. The hot desert wasn't so hot for us because we literally made lakes along the way.

When we saw Trovitopolis from the road, said road collapsed into a tunnel leading to the sewers. There Mewtwo and I took off following a presence until we found a Bulbasaur with a necklace on it. It was huge, bigger than most Ivysaur at least. Seeing this, I scanned it and saw that it had both the king gene as well as an everstone for the bell on it's necklace.

Seeing that much, Mewtwo and I stayed quiet, waiting for the others and feeding both Bulbasaurs. This one had abducted Ash's Bulbasaur as well so we sat together and relaxed, waiting for them to find us. Soon enough Misty and Togepi joined us. She was irritated we hadn't come looking for them and I pointed out that Bulbasaur brought her here for us.

Ash and Tracey soon caught up to us as well and though a bit freaked, they calmed down when they realized the sewer monster was just a Bulbasaur. I told them who the Bulbasaur belonged to and why he threw it away before telling them why it never evolved, gesturing to the bell. "The striker inside the bell is an everstone, an item that prevents Pokémon from evolving when they hold it. Odds are the mayor knows little to nothing about actually raising Pokémon or he'd have fixed his error. Still, abandoning your Pokémon in a sewer to die was messed up."

We ended up overflowing the sewers with Gyarados and bursting through the mayor's home pipes, sending his naked ass into the streets where the water dissipated. The Mayor moaned and groaned before telling his thuggish private security to kill the Bulbasaur. I stepped up, showing them my credentials as a league official. "Not so fast! The mayor has admitted to Pokémon abuse, abandonment and attempted inhumane Pokémon murder. As a representative of the league I hereby declare his status as a public official stripped and his rights to own Pokémon or be a trainer revoked. If any of you so much as touch a trigger you all will join him!"

The mayor's Bulbasaur threw his naked ass flying and he landed stuck in his cardboard election statue. Officer Jenny arrested him and took him in for public indecency, sexual harassment and all the crimes she and I both could lay on him. I had to fill out an ungodly amount of paperwork, but I got to keep Bulbasaur in the end as well. It was so pale I hadn't realized it was a shiny until I removed the necklace and it evolved.

It's flower was a golden color and it's eyes matched it. I petted Ivysaur and sighed. "Your last trainer was an idiot. With your potential and uniqueness you could be a very powerful Venusaur by now if he hadn't failed you by being stupid."

Ivysaur leaned into my touch and I smiled, promising to help him live up to his potential. Officer Jenny told us about Trovita island and the gym there not far off the coast and about the ferry so after Nurse Joy checked over Ivysaur, we left and my party was full once more. On the way there Misty spotted and saved a little girl and her Seel stuck in a whirlpool with her Golducks and my Gyarados.

Once we made port we met Rudy who flirted with Misty while I recalled Gyarados. I challenged him with Ash after things were less awkward. Ash and I had to pass Rudy's test. Ash chose Charizard and I chose Gyarados who easily swept my targets while tail slapping team rocket away when they got in our way. Ash ended up missing one target before he recalled Charizard who failed to do anything beyond singe Misty's hair and ruin the mood between her and Rudy.

Since I got the highest score, I got to battle Rudy first the next day. Since he matched types, I chose a Psychic, Bug and Fire type so Ash could battle with Grass, Water and Electric types. Rudy invited Misty for a tour and to stay after we leave tomorrow. We went to speak with Professor Oak while Misty got her tour and dinner.

Tracey showed him a picture he drew and I told him it appeared to be the top of an Elwood's head. I showed the Pokédex hologram and told him I recognized it from raising my own Elekid into an Electabuzz and now an Electivire. Professor Oak was impressed and understood when I let it stay with the thunderstorm chaser. I told him Electivire had reached my main Dragonite's level at the time of the tournament which impressed Professor Oak.

I chuckled and told him he was so excited to chase storms that I couldn't be mean and say no. Professor Oak agreed that sometimes parting friends was a necessity to help them stay happy. I traded out my Kabuto and Kakuna for my Magmar and Poliwrath. The next morning my Mewtwo wiped the floor with Rudy's Alakazam before Scizor did the same to his Venomoth. Finally it was his Ninetails versus my Magmar and Magmar wasn't pulling any punches, literally.

Magmar used a Focus Punch to knock Ninetails out of the ring and into another rock pillar that got it stuck and unconscious. I won the third badge and Rudy handed it over before facing Ash after I recalled my Pokémon except Mewtwo and flew over to Misty and Tracey's balloon. Ash lost the first round with Pikachu against Rudy's Electabuzz. The second round Ash won against Rudy's Exeggutor with his Bulbasaur by putting it asleep with sleep powder and letting Exeggutor sleep walk right off the cliff.

The next match was an easy win for Ash thanks to his Squirtle having learned Hydro Pump and Ice beam from my Gyarados a while back. We left Travita island soon afterwards and ended up on a giant Pokémon island which literally had giant Pokémon, most of which seemed to be all natural while some like a Pidgeot and a massive Rhydon had the king gene. Mewtwo was disappointed when we didn't find any shiny ones.

Still, we enjoyed the search while everyone else had their own adventures. We met back up afterwards and headed out. I'd returned Magmar for now and got my male Dragonite from Professor Oak so I was prepared for anything. We nearly got hit by a boat speeding at us and Misty got pissed. Tad, the asshole driver of said boat, challenged me and Ash to battles and lead us to a nearby uninhabited island while Misty cooled off.

He battled Ash first using his strongest Pokémon, a Poliwrath. Ash's Pikachu lost outright because it was electric proof thanks to the same technique I taught trainers in Vermillion city. Poliwrath put Pikachu to sleep and hit it with a Hydro Pump. Charizard was sent out next and it refused to cooperate.

Charizard flew up and away before Poliwrath hit it with a water gun and pissed it off. Charizard used flamethrower on Poliwrath repeatedly before losing out to a water gun and getting hit by an ice beam, frozen solid entirely while Ash lost the battle.

Seeing Ash loose, I challenged Tad and my Poliwrath fucked his up. He sent out Seadra and a smooth thunder punch left it knocked out in a crater against the cliff. My Poliwrath took the championship belt his had and wore it happily. Seeing this, I apologized while Tad shrugged and left.

I helped with Garados using flamethrower to light fires around Charizard. We massaged Charizard all night and by morning he was feeling a lot better. Team rocket showed up in a digging machine and took Pikachu. Ash and Charizard flew after them and saved Pikachu.

We found them as team rocket went flying and attracted another ship. We met Marion and she agreed to give us a ride to the next island. Along the way it was so nice we let out our Pokémon for a bit of fun and relaxation. Then a storm came and we were forced to call them back.

Sensing the storm Mewtwo spoke in our minds. (It has begun. Someone has messed with the balance of nature by capturing the legendary bird Moltres and causing the other two to become unbalanced. The magnetic pull of the islands, the seas and the moon will only get worse from here.)

I flew up with Mewtwo and told Ash. "You all get to Shamuti island. We'll see what we can do to get Moltres back and quell the coming war between legendary Pokémon."

Maren nodded and Mewtwo flew off with me to fire island where I took the fire orb. We headed to lightning island then ice island, getting the orbs. We returned the orbs to the alters on Shamuti while dodging the birds. From there Mewtwo and I went to the ship hiding in the clouds, freeing Moltres and sending the asshole to Shamuti with mewtwo while I put away the ship in my ring.

I smiled seeing the Mew card before joining Mewtwo who tossed Jirarudan to the police there, telling them of the war he started that won't be quelled so easily. They asked Ash to retrieve some treasure or other and I told them the treasures were at the alter already. I turned to Mewtwo. "We must go. The war has begun between Moltres and Zapdos. Articuno will soon join in. We need to buy as much time for them to summon Lugia as possible."

He nodded and we teleported to fire island. I got a league call from Professor Oak and informed him of everything while bringing out Dragonite and Gyarados. The ensuing battle was rough, especially when Articuno joined in. I had to hang up with Mom and Oak, clashing head to head with the ice legendary myself in a psychic barrier.

I was almost relieved when Lugia came, helping us to quell the beasts of the sky and seas. Still, Articuno and I seemed to have formed a sort of mutual respect of strength at least once they were calm. I even got a feather of each of the birds, Lugia included, putting them on my necklace. Ash had empowered the treasures or they wouldn't have worked to calm the birds so he did his part at least.

Mewtwo and I relaxed while Lugia took Ash on a ride with the other Legendary Birds circling peacefully. Slowking said I was unique and caring to have gone so far yet to step aside because I wasn't the chosen one. I shrugged and relaxed with Mewtwo who said he chose me so I was more special than even Ash in my own way. Mom, Professor Oak and some others arrived in a helicopter while I recorded the legendary Pokémon before Ash returned.

Mom chewed me out for fighting such powerful Pokémon in person on Kanto's national tv. I cringed and closed my eyes as Mewtwo told them I was exhausted from spending most of my psychic energy holding off Articuno. Even he was tired for holding off Zappos while Dragonite and Gyarados had beheld back Moltres. I was woken up the next morning and we said our goodbyes before catching a ride out after putting the treasures back.

I was made to rest by Mewtwo and not even allowed to wear weights so I could fully rest. It did hurt that I'd gotten a piece of Harmony and her older sister before we left, leaving them both very satisfied. Even Marion was no exception to my charms while we relaxed and everyone else slept on the way to the next island. It seems she was a fan and loved a great rough and tumble.

She'd been tight because it'd been years since she'd used more than a vibrator, but I really didn't mind helping her work out the kinks. By the time we made land she was more relaxed and far happier though sad we were leaving. At the next island Gyarados and Poliwrath helped put out a fire at the warehouse by the docks. Ash's Squirtle and a squad of other Warturtle firefighters competed as well while helping.

A bit later another fire broke out and I went with Mewtwo to put it out, saving a kid and finding the cause was a freaking shiny Ditto that kept running into trouble while looking for food in alleyways. I caught it and blamed Mewtwo once the fire was out. Ash and the others didn't understand until I showed them the Ditto before Mewtwo explained what happened. It told them how it kept turning into a Charmander and lighting things on fire with it's eyes closed to make the scary stuff go away.

The blue little Ditto bounced on my shoulder and the townspeople could only blame themselves. Apparently it was an abandoned Pokémon and people had treated it meanly because it was weird and not even the same color as a normal Ditto. We soon moved on to the next island after I put Dragonite, Poliwrath and my other big hitters besides Mewtwo and Gyarados back. I got Kakuna, Kabuto and kept Ditto, leaving me with five Pokémon now.

I spent a lot of time on the next island just training my Pokémon and battling trainers. When they said their Pokémon were hungry, I brought them a massive building sized crate of Pokémon food after hopping all over Kanto to buy food. I even tossed Ash a jar of Poké blacks for Snorlax, telling them what they do and one was enough. The trainers celebrated even when the crate of Pokémon food from an air drop was stolen.

We got it back and team rocket was sent flying, but it hardly registered. I got some training in and battling experience with both Kabuto and Kakuna who evolved into a Beedrill to Misty's horror. It was green and awesome looking with blue eyes, yet Misty acted like it was a plague. I shrugged it off and taught Beedrill a lot of new moves before we moved on to the next island.

We arrived at the next island where we headed to the beach. Ash was mistaken for Travis, the son of the gym leader. Soon a giant Rhydon bot of team rocket's arrived and caused trouble. Mewtwo teleported team rocket and their Pokémon back to lightning island where Zappos was bound to find them.

I shrank the giant robot and put it next to the now seven Magikarp submarines. Luana introduced herself and I challenged her to a match before she could say she was a gym leader. She agreed and told the rest she was the gym leader. Ash challenged her first thing after that and she told him he'd have to wait for tomorrow.

I fought her with Ditto and Mewtwo who became two Mewtwos. Luana used Alakazam and Marowak so Mewtwo took Alakazam down and Ditto did as I instructed and took Marowak down, making them hurt each other until they both fainted. Ditto was exhausted afterwards, but I fed it a big meal and massaged the jello like creature. Theater night I relaxed with my Pokémon at the spa and used the gym to train up before Ash and Luana's match the next morning.

Ash had a rocky start with two on two battles, but it ended in a win nonetheless. I headed to Pummelo island with Mewtwo first while the others bought supplies. Gyarados and I beat Drake, getting our trophy and honor at the palace of victory. We left after that and headed to meet up with the rest only taking four hours all in all.

I didn't say anything to Ash as we left Kumquat island. Our next detour was a migrating Magikarp thing. Gyarados wanted to see it so we went full speed ahead with the weird Pokémon watcher we met. I recorded the whole event from Magikarp river jumping to the full moon evolution cycle dance my Gyarados joined in for.

It made the new Gyarados look small by comparison and yet it was fun to see. Team rocket hadn't caught up to us yet so there was no big trouble. Instead it was a memorable experience and good to know they weren't some trickster gods or whatever, just persistent idiots. We even made it to Pommelo island in peace when Ash made his reservation to face Drake.

They were surprised to see I'd already won and I showed them the trophy before flicking Ash's nose. "You're going to have a tough battle ahead Ash, but your Charizard and Snorlax are powerful so they should be able to do most of the job despite you having barely trained Charizard and not having trained Snorlax at all."

Ash held his nose and sighed, asking if Drake was that tough. I tapped my chin. "Only his Dragonite is really difficult for normal trainers. It is barely elite four level so you still have a chance of winning. You've grown stronger despite your lack of work ethics at all."

I yawned and walked away. "If you lose I'll be disappointed in you Ash. You've come far and now it's time to bring it all the way and win a tournament of your own. It's a full six on six battle so don't disappoint."

I sat in the audience as Ash battled later and rubbed my head, asking how one kid had so much luck. I shrugged when Mewtwo said I had my own form of luck. I smiled and watched Ash barely pull home a win. When we left the island, we found poachers hunting Lapras.

I recorded everything before Mewtwo and I stopped them, freeing the Tentacruel and Lapras schools before sending the would be pirates to Trovitopolis's jail with a note. I sent the recorded evidence to Trovitopolis's Officer Jenny as well via Pokémail. After the Tentacruel fled, the ship was destroyed and the Lapras captured in Pokéballs were set free. The baby Lapras returned to it's pod while we said goodbye and left on Gyarados.

I'd done more for Lapras though, I'd sent Mewtwo to collect the sold poached Lapras the pirates knew about and had them all returned and freed. It kept Mewtwo busy for a couple days while we made land at an abandoned town. There Mewtwo caught up to us and we met a man trying to wrangle the Electrodes and Voltorbs. I had Mewtwo send all the Electrode to the place Poncho mentioned.

All the Electrode were teleported to the safe haven Poncho mentioned so when the mayor called Poncho told him the job was done. We caught a ferry to the mainland and headed to Pallet town. We headed home for lunch and found Brock there cleaning. Brock explained how he stuck out with Professor Ivy.

Even mentioning her name made him cringe. Mom was the same when she arrived and explained when Brock arrived before Tracey mentioned seeing Professor Oak. Ash gave mom his Orange League trophy before we left. When we arrived, Muk tackled Ash and revealed Professor Oak was feeding Muk.

I showed Professor Oak the GS ball and my necklace of evolution stones and legendary feathers. Professor Oak was very impressed to say the least. Gary arrived and Ash challenged Gary to a battle while Gary challenged me saying he heard I'd beaten the elite four. Ash and Gary went first with a one on one and Ash lost.

I told Garry it would be a two on two double battle. He agreed so I sent out Kabuto and Ivysaur versus his Arcanine and Nidoqueen. Both Kabuto and Ivysaur were pushed to the limits before evolving almost in sync. I smiled. "Thanks for the push Gary. I've been looking to help them evolve since they'd mastered all the moves and techniques I had for them."

He said it wasn't over yet, but it really was because Venusaur's solar beam and Kabutops's Hyper Beam slammed into his Nidoqueen and Arcanine seconds later, knocking them out. He smiled wryly and returned his Pokémon. "I guess that was to be expected of a trainer who could beat the elite four without using all six of his top Pokémon."

I shrugged and returned my Pokémon before sighing. "You'll get there someday Gary, I can tell. You're already further along than Ash is at the moment and from what I can tell, at least you train your Pokémon."

Ash fell over and complained, but I ignored him before shaking Gary's hand, wishing him luck. He and Ash parted on odder terms as Gary left. I yawned and told Professor Oak. "I'm going to head to Johto to challenge the gyms next. I won't be taking Gyarados or any fully evolved Pokémon. Even Mewtwo won't help me beyond finding shiny Pokémon or fighting a pseudo legendary to capture."

Professor Oak nodded and suggested I take the GS ball to Kurt for more information. Ash agreed to go as well so we stayed home while Tracey stayed with Professor Oak. We all had a great dinner and Professor Oak gave us new models of the Pokédexs over the dinner celebration. When team rocket broke in, I looked up and teleported them to the middle of the empty island where the Farfetch'd roamed.

Later that night Misty and I had one last night together in a real bed. The next morning Misty was wrecked and tired so I carried her on my back. Brock kept quiet while Ash asked what was wrong with Misty.

She was asleep so I told him to quiet down before saying I'd gotten carried away last night actually having a bed to sleep in. We got lost on the way to New Bark town and Misty woke up when Togepi got excited. Togepi lead us to Suicune and I smiled as I told Mewtwo telepathically that I wanted it. Mewtwo's eyes light up and trapped Suicune.

Like all three legendary dog Pokémon of Johto, the Suicune was only a pseudo legendary in power so a battle broke out and soon Mewtwo had Suicune pinned down. I tossed a great ball and caught the exhausted water dog Pokémon. When the great ball went still and clicked, I smiled and floated the ball to my hand while I told Ash, Brock and Misty what it was. Misty said it was no fair because it was a water type so I promised I'd give it a choice between her or me after it was healed up since it was only a legendary Pokémon in name with Dragonite level strength at best.

Ash fell down the hill and we followed, heading to New Bark town. When we found the sign, Ash said he was ready before asking if I had any cash in case they charge a fee. Brock told him we sign up at the Pokémon center and there is no fee. When we arrived at the Pokémon center, Nurse Joy wasn't there so I left Suicune with Chansey.

I stayed at the Pokémon center while they ran off to deal with team rocket. When Nurse Joy and Professor Elm arrived, Professor Elm tried to get me to be his assistant field researcher instead of professor Oak's. I told him no with a blank expression before asking Nurse Joy to help Chansey treat my Suicune. Professor Elm's jaw dropped and he demanded to know how I caught one of the legendary dogs of Johto. I showed him the video of Mewtwo being a badass and told him once Suicune was healed I'd give it the option of staying with me or Misty.

Nurse Joy treated it and helped Ash and I sign up for the Johto league while I told Misty the tail of the burned tower and Ho-Oh. I told her my theory that the three Pokémon that died and were brought back were the first three Eevee evolutions who had their power and bodies augmented to become the three legendary dogs, Suicune, Entei and Raikou.