
Life in the Pokemon World

Would you be happy if you received a system? But how about a system you couldn't use? Ed who has a system but it doesn't have any use aside for sign in was living a normal life forgetting about isekai fantasy. Nearing the end of his college life as he has only one year left. But God has other plans and with the wishing pokemon, Jirachi, instead of graduating in college the one he graduated to was his life in his past world. Now reincarnating in the pokemon world and taking challenges along the way and learning the mystery of the new world he was in. _-_-_-_ Hello, This novel was my rewrite of the first novel I wrote, well maybe when I was in my senior years, 2016, turning it into my diary with my pokemon fantasy I was hoping maybe if I wrote a fanfic of my favorite show maybe I will be Isekai'd to it. I wrote this fanfic when the newest game was sun and moon, also the last pokemon game I got to play. Now with new regions and series such as Galar and Paldea I'm trying to integrate it with the story so the rewrite. Well I'm sorry but I'm not a writer I'm just doing it for myself.

Leery · ファンタジー
34 Chs


Pokemon Rank 

Lvl. 1-10 (Child) 

Lvl 11-20 Begginer

Lvl 21-30 Challenger 

Lvl 31- 40 Advance

Lvl 41-50 Quasi Elite

Lvl 51-60 Elite

Lvl 61-70 Champion (Quasi Master)

Lvl 71- 80 Master 

Lvl 81- 90 Grandmaster 

Lvl 91- 99 Epic

Lvl 100 Peak 

Lvl 100+ Fantasy (I-X) 

Fantasy I (101-110)

Fantasy II (111-120)

Fantasy III ( 121-130)

Fantasy IV (131-140)

Fantasy V (141-150)

Fantasy VI (151-160)

Fantasy VII (161-170)

Fantasy VIII (171-180)

Fantasy IX (181-190)

Fantasy X (191+) 


-Wood (Pokemon that don't know any moves and only for food) 

-Steel (Normal pokemon) 1-5 

-Bronze 1-3

-Silver 1-3

-Gold 1-3

-Platinum (1-3)

-Diamond 1-3 

-Myth 1-3

-Legend (God level pokemons) 


Pokemon rank limitations: 

Wood : until level 20 

Steel: lowest is level 30 but to level they need more hard work and training or materials that could help them level up.

Bronze: Quasi Elite - Elite. When reach level 41 they will slowly progress. 

Silver: Champion

Gold: Master

Platinum: Grandmaster 

Diamond: Epic

Myth: Peak

Trainer Rank

Beginner: Have pokemon 

Normal class: Have one challenger rank pokemon and have 6 or more pokemon

Great Class: Have Advance rank pokemon and 6 or more challenger rank 

Advance: Have 6 or more advance rank 

Quasi Elite: Have a quasi elite pokemon 

Elite: Have an elite rank pokemon and 2 or more quasi elite

Champion: Have a champion rank pokemon and 1 or more elite pokemon (Title champion is if you defeat other elite in your region or given by alliance) 

Master: Have a master rank pokemon 

Grandmaster: Have grandmaster rank pokemon and 2 or more master rank 

Peak Trainer: Have 3 or more Grandmaster rank pokemon/ Have an epic pokemon. 

Legend: .....