
Life in DXD

A young man dies and finds himself floating in the Void. After floating there for years he encounters a being which allows him to get reincarnated in one of the world's of his choice along with some wishes.

overloaded_maxima · アニメ·コミックス
301 Chs

Training the boys

Later that day the rest of the residents of the Shiba house came back along with Isami, who immediately got shocked on seeing the members of Khaos Brigade in bandages and immediately got on alert.

But before she could do anything the rest of them immediately stopped her and explained the situation to her making her stop. She just looked at the bandaged people with a suspicious look after which all of them went inside to change into more comfortable clothing.

Soon after that Loki came back with a satisfied look on his face and covered in dirt and blood. There were two teenagers along with him whose faces were totally unrecognisable and their bodies covered in blood.

"Ahh~ I never thought that using magic could give me so much satisfaction." Loki then looked at the two beaten up teenagers and said, "Know your place trash!!"

Vali and Cao Cao who heard that wanted to attack him, but their bodies didn't even moved a bit.

Tatsuya who saw their state looked at Loki and said, "You did quite a number on them, huh. Anyway, Asia take care of these two."

Asia got up from her seat and walked towards the two of them, grabbed their legs and started dragging them to their room while a trail of blood was left behind by the corpses she was dragging.

Vali and Cao Cao groaned in pain as their injuries were hurting because of being dragged by Asia. Hearing their groan Asia turned around with a small smile on her face. She tilted her head slightly and said in a sweet voice, "If you both don't want me to bury both of you six feet under the ground then stop that groaning." and then raised her fist and showed it to them.

Both Cao Cao and Vali trembled a bit once they heard that and immediately the male members of the Vali team and Hero faction came and carefully carried the two of them.

"Don't worry Asia-sama we will take them to their room, you need not bother about this. Just please help us in healing them."

Asia just nodded her head with a smile and led them to the room.

Once they were gone Tatsuya cleaned the blood on the floor with his magic and looked at Loki and said, "Go and get treated by her as well, and I am sealing your powers once again."

Loki whose powers were once again sealed by Tatsuya sighed and said, "Fine..." and then went to where Asia and the others were.

Tatsuya then got up from his seat as well and decided to check whether Koneko was fine or not.


In another room in Tatsuya's house Kuroka was looking intently at her sister who sitting cross legged while her body was releasing a white aura which was fluctuating a lot.

"Shirone, focus once again, your aura is getting unstable."

Koneko who already had a frown on her forehead furrowed her brows even more, trying to concentrate on stabilising her aura, and soon the fluctuating aura oozing out from her calmed down a bit.

Kuroka who saw her sister focusing so hard smiled a bit and decided to help her. She then place her hand on Koneko's back and then help her stabalize her aura.

Once the aura was totally stabalized Kuroka nodded her head and said, "Now spread it evenly in your body, and do it slowly, no need to rush at all Onee-chan is here to help you.

Koneko nodded her head and tried to do just as her sister instructed her. Her cat ears and tails soon came out as well once she started to distribute her aura.


Tatsuya who decided to check on Koneko went to her room and knocked on the door, but recieved no reply in return.

He then entered the room without knocking again and was a bit surprised to see Koneko who ears and tails were out, sleeping on the bed. The thing that surprised her was that she was now looking a bit older and more mature compared to how she looked earlier.

Tatsuya looked at Kuroka who had a playful smile on her face and asked, "So...do you like how Shirone is looking now~?"

Tatsuya stared at her with a deadpan look on his face and said, "Instead of 'calming' her down, you decided to do this....*sigh* she is underage you know. And she still have to go to school as well."

Kuroka chuckled at that and jumped on Tatsuya's back and said, "Don't waryry Tatsuya-nyaa, Shirone is not underage nyaa. We spent a lot of time in the time chamber, so she is perfectly fine, also this form is only temporary since she herself is not yet able to stablize her senjutsu in her body, so it will wear of in a week nyaa~."

Tatsuya silently caressed her ears and looked at Koneko who was sleeping peacefully with her now barely covering anything clothes. He then used his magic to adjust the clothes to her size and then tucked her in and let her rest.

Kuroka who saw Tatsuya taking care of her sister smiled and then hugged him. She then started thanking him for taking care of her relationship with her sister to which Tatsuya just flicked her forehead and told her to not think much about it.

Soon both of them left the room leaving behind Koneko who was sleeping.

Once they were back in the drawing room both of them met Cao Cao and Vali, who were standing along with their male teammates behind them.

Kuroka and Tatsuya stared at them who were looking at Tatsuya intently.

Tatsuya looked at Kuroka who nodded her head and got off him and went to the others after giving her a peck on the lips.

Tatsuya looked at them and before he was able to say anything Vali and Cao Cao said in unison, "PLEASE TRAIN US!!!" and bowed their heads seeimg which the other four bowed as well.

Tatsuya who already knew what they were going to ask didn't look that surprised and said, "Follow me then." and started walking

The others immediately looked up and started following him.


Tatsuya brought all of them in a separate space and asked, "What is the food that you guys like the most?"

Hearing his question all of them got confused and wanted to ask what did it have to do with their training but still told him what Tatsuya what they liked.

Tatsuya nodded his head and then snapped his finger and immediately six figures appeared in front of them.

All of them were shocked once they saw who the six people were but before they could ask Tatsuya clapped his hands inorder to gain their attention and said, "These are you clones, who are identical to you in each and every aspect. You need to defeat them in.....3 hours or else no dinner for you tonight....oh before that here eat it." and gave each of them a small black pill.

All of them looked at the pills suspiciously but still decided to do as he asked.

But as soon as they gulped the pill down their stomachs started grumbling and all of them immediately felt hungry.

Tatsuya looked at them with a satisfied smile on his face and said, "Good now let's begin, remember 3 hours or no dinner for any of you~." and snapped his fingers once again and immediately all of them appeared at different locations with their doppelganger standing in front of them.