
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

My Boyfriend

Tokyo was bustling with activity of Metropolitan people, with skyscrapers so tall that it was cool to look at from below.

Where the sound of vehicles passing by plus us being the center of attention of many motorists and pedestrians due to my motorcycle.

"Hey kid, where did you buy that?" I opened the visor of my helmet and saw the truck driver's uncle.

"Imported from US uncle" The uncle laughed and then gave me his thumbs up.

"Good, be careful on the road, especially your girlfriend, don't let her fall. Miss, you have good taste, I wish you love bird have a good luck" The light was green, the uncle turned left while we went straight, what a nice uncle.

I walked leisurely to enjoy the district one by one.

After a short while we arrived at the housing complex of Rinka's house, I saw her worried family, Rinka got off the motorcycle and so did I.

"Rinka!" Rinka's mother hugged Rinka warmly, while her father approached me and wanted to punch me.

"Dad, don't. He's not the one who kidnapped me, Uncle did" Rinka's father stopped before his fist touched my cheek, Rinka's father looked at Rinka who was staring seriously then Rinka's father looked at me with a look like an angry father.

"Son, you didn't do anything to my daughter, did you?" I looked into Rinka's father's eyes with a gaze full of determination and undaunted by threats.

"Uncle, I'm not that brave to touch your beloved daughter, I admit I was the one who protected her from your younger brother's pursuit" I looked into Rinka's father's eyes without blinking to show that I was serious and honest, Rinka's father stepped back and sighed.

"Son, take me to my brother.let me borrow your bike" I ran to the bike and Rinka's father hop in the back, I went into racing mode. We speed off to Rinka's father's younger brother's place, 170mph is nothing compared to shunpo, it's still normal speed in my eyes.

Rinka's father holds on tightly to the metal of my motorcycle, He's in Rage. Nothing will stop him for beating his brother.

I drove right in front of the apartment where Rinka's father's younger brother was, I tracked him with Shinsu so it's quite easy to track someone with this plus my medical skills and education, distinguishing people is quite easy for me.

Uncle got down and handed me the helmet, he ran to his brother's room and broke down the door then I could hear him beating the hell out of his brother.

Some of Uncle's neighbors came out of their room and wanted to watch, I closed the door with Shinsu so they wouldn't see what Uncle was doing to his younger brother.

I heard that Uncle's younger brother's jawbone had been shattered by the beating, Uncle was serious about killing his younger brother.

I went in and stopped him before he got out of control, he stomp him in the chest and spit right in his face.

I looked at the face of uncle's younger brother who was already "out of shape", I left an evidence of crime here, changed the CCTV footage as well as all forms of our traces.

"Uncle, let's go back. Let justice punish him, he's had enough of your tantrums" Uncle was still angry but he sighed and we left here, fortunately I covered Uncle's face with a mask so that was difficult to detect his face by using Shinsu is good in many way like this.

We left quickly before the police arrived in here, luckily my bike had been on the move since Uncle entered his brother's apartment so it was safe for us to find another pick up place.

"Son, thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't stopped me there" Uncle cried, a cry of disappointment he received now that his beloved daughter was kidnapped on his watch and the mastermind of it all was his own younger brother.

There is no enemy more dangerous than an enemy in one's own family, this is the condition what happened right now, Is just sad to witness this for my own experience.

I didn't make any comments for uncle sadness, I just needed to take uncle to his home safety because he need home and comfort from his family.

We arrived and Uncle's wife saw her husband with a wound in his hand, she panicked and bring her housband to their room in second floor, Rinka looked at us sadly.

I shook my head because I didn't want to say what I had just seen before, Uncle invited me into the house.

Uncle is being treated by Auntie, I'm sitting in the living room thinking about this incident, men who lose something lose their rationality, I'm afraid I'll become like Uncle, where emotions take over and almost take someone's life.

"Tatsuo, is my father angry?" I didn't answer because it was a tricky question anyway.

"Answer me" I shook my head and saw Uncle and Auntie coming down from the second floor, Auntie seemed to be crying continuously judging from her red eyes.

"Son, thank you. Now I ask you what your relationship with Rinka is" I got up and looked at Uncle's eyes seriously.

"Lover" Uncle looked into my eyes as if I was being executed by a jury in court.

"I approve of your relationship, take care of my daughter as she should be, I feel like I failed myself by not being able to" Auntie and Rinka hugged Uncle warmly because uncle word is wrong.

"Don't talk like that uncle, uncle is a good father, I know uncle can't control emotions but I understand uncle's disappointment, uncle can rebuild again because uncle has a wife who faithfully accompanies uncle and a daughter who loves uncle" Uncle cried and hugged his family, I was relieved that they were a whole family again as they should be.

<Helping someone in trouble>

[Singing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Special Cell Phone, Take?]

[Gambling skill, Take?]

<Stopping someone from committing a crime>

[Firearms skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Super Computer, Take?]

[Acting skill, Take?]

<helps repair relationships>

[Drawing skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Personal AI, Take?]

[Hypnotism skill, Take?]

I'll take the asset, firearms skill and hypnosis skill.

Clover Mart? It's not like this mart is near my house, I'll visit it after this. The firearms skill is needed to know the characteristics of whatever weapon the enemy is using and I know all the firearms in this world and even know how to avoid them easily and use them like veteran soldier.

Hypnosis skill is needed to counter a hypnotist in person, I realize that there are people who have this skill so I can counter them if they hypnotize me next time.

We sat together like a big family, I helped auntie cook with my skills as a professional chef, auntie was so outmatched by my skills, the smell of my cooking was so delicious that auntie was at a loss for words.

"I've been a housewife for over 20 years and I'm being outdone by a kid who's not even half my age?" I was flattered by Auntie's praise, Uncle laughed out loud at this, Rinka laughed too.

My food was so delicious that Uncle forgot that it was still hot, he didn't care about the heat as long as it got into his stomach whether he wanted to or not.

"Son, if you become my son-in-law. I would be even happier" I panicked because I didn't want to get there yet, Rinka covered her face with her hands, Auntie giggled at our expressions.

"I'm sorry uncle, I haven't thought of going there yet" Uncle looked at me seriously and he nodded.

"I know, you must have a second lover, right? I'm not surprised anymore because with your current abilities, many girls will fall for you but the problem is, can my daughter keep her place in your heart" Rinka's face was getting so red that steam was coming out of her head, Auntie was giggling even more at this. I was at a loss for words because I remembered a saying.

Only man knows what man thinks.

Even though uncle is old, he also knows about men's desires, you can't avoid the name of an experienced person like this uncle.

"Does that mean uncle has done it before?" There was a sudden silence, Oops I think I said something forbidden.

Auntie looked at Uncle with a smile that I was afraid to see, Uncle broke out in a cold sweat while staring at the coffee in front of him, Rinka giggled at her parents' behavior.

"Husband, let's talk. Rinka my daughter leave us alone for a moment, go out on a date. Your father and I have to talk for a while" I could see uncle swallow his saliva, I'm sorry uncle I didn't mean to, blame my education skills because I can reverse psychology.

We walked out and Auntie waved her hand with that devilish smile of hers and slammed the door, We have to go now before its too late.

Rinka and I went to the mall to buy clothes for me because I needed new clothes too.

I stopped at the lobby of the mall and Rinka got out to hand me a helmet, I put the helmet on our rearview mirror then I went to the motorcycle parking lot, After parking the motorcycle I appeared behind Rinka and surprised her.

"Ih, I'm surprised you know" I chuckled at her funny expression, We went inside the mall and did some shopping.

I tried on various styles such as whatever Rinka's choice from Suggar daddy to bad boy I tried it all, unfortunately my body is still not ideal anymore, just wait someday all these clothes will look appropriate for me.

I bought everything and left it at this shop first, We went to the Arcade to have fun until there was a both that I could win a prize for because the theme was fake firearms.

I paid and loaded the m1 grand like veteran soldier, cocking M1 grand beautifully.

I stood up straight like a sniper then took a moon breath, my gaze so calm and blank that many people saw myself got little curious.

I inhaled gently and released it slowly, In my aim I only targeted the wooden doll's weak point.

"Doorr" one shot instantly dropped the wooden doll with a thud, I cocked the M1 professionally and fired again and again, all the targets I shot fell and hit their weak points.

Until my box of bullets ran out and fell to the floor making a nice Asmr, I ready up like a soldier and sighed.

"Which prize do you want to take?" Rinka was still wide-eyed by my weapons skill, I snapped my finger at her and she awake from her delusion and pointed to the biggest doll in both.

The male employee was still gaping and then slapped his cheeks repeatedly, He took Rinka's chosen doll and I cleaned up the bullets scattered on the floor and handed this to the employee.

"Thank you for playing" The man bowed in respect, I also bowed to him in thanks.

<Giving respect>

[Dance skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Ring box, Take?]

[Dominant Aura special skill, Take?]

Dancing skills only, Dancing skills from many people to individuals and world-wide dances I can do.

This big teddy bear was hugged tightly by Rinka and she held my hand more tightly than the doll.

We walked around the mall and then there was a special event where an activity for couples.

"Rinka, come dance with me" Rinka was surprised and refused because of our large amount of groceries, I then took all these groceries to my house with shunpo and Rinka's doll to the front of her house, I heard uncle was still being executed by aunt, I saluted and went next to Rinka again.

"There, come on" I pulled Rinka's hand and we danced the Salsa, Rinka was confused at first.

"Follow my rhythm" I explained the moves to Rinka, little by little we started to get into the rhythm until we felt like professional dancers right away within 5 minutes, it seems like my education and hypnosis skills can help me to teach anything.

We mastered the dance floor so much that we even seemed to be dancing in a competition here, some couples gave us a rhythm by clapping their hands, some couples tried to dance like us by watching our movements.

We became a spectacle for all the visitors here until I then turned Rinka and myself to create an illusion where our clothes changed into a professional Salsa dancer with Shinsu I created this illusion real, Now Rinka was wearing a cute red dress to match her blonde hair and I was wearing a white and black suit.

Everyone cheered at our dance until Rinka and I almost kissed at the end.

"Rinka, I love you" I kissed Rinka's lips for a moment and Rinka immediately blushed.

We were immediately given a gift that was quite interesting, the gift of eating yakiniku for free for 1 day, Nene would definitely be satisfied if I took her.

We were photographed by a photographer who was somehow very excited.

"Miss, is this your lover?" Rinka covered her face behind my hand, she was shy to acknowledge our relationship.

"Please forgive my lover's behavior Miss, I am indeed this girl's lover. Is there anything I can do for you?" The journalist lady perked up and then wrote a memo.

"Have you done that?" What? Is there something wrong in her head? Rinka became even more embarrassed and hid her face behind me.

"I'll take that as a yes" I took her pen and looked at her seriously.

"We're not there yet, don't make bad assumptions" This lady gave me a "Really bro?" look. I took a breath to calm my mind.

"I see" I handed her back her pen and she went back to taking notes again.

"Yep thanks, you'll be the main characters of our game" Game? What? Then the woman left excitedly.

I sighed and took Rinka home, Rinka was silent the whole drive, maybe she was sick from exhaustion ?

We arrived at Rinka's house and Rinka immediately hugged her doll and went inside, I saw that uncle seemed to have been executed, aunt seemed to be satisfied with executing uncle.

"You're home? How was the date?" Auntie was immediately pulled by Rinka into the living room, uncle and I were left here.

"Tatsuo, I forgive you about earlier but next time please just nod. I know at your age, uncle had many lovers but Rinka's mother won my heart, but I'm sure you can behave fairly with"

"Husband, come in" For some reason Auntie's smile gave me goosebumps, Uncle walked in and Auntie looked at me.

"Thank you for the date with my daughter, next time" Auntie brought her face close to my ear.

"Bring a safety" Auntie then winked and went to the door, I sighed at her joke and i went to Clover Mart to buy a snack.

Hopefully they were still open

Ore Ga Kanojo o su Wake.

Suzuki Mirano Brand Cultured Anime who is famous about "Some weird thing" to be honest i like some of this brand Cultured Anime like you know. "Euphoria"

Do jot miss judge me about my taste of cultured video, sometime i looking for a gold but ended up found a toxic waste or diamond in Random recommendation.

anyway, There is 6 Episode available in your favorite Site, check them out give out some love and share it to your another Cultured Friend.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts