
Life In Another World

In the World of Eldeon, whereas Magic and Magical beast exist. Kiro was summoned into this unknown realm with the help of the SYSTEM. He strived his way to overcome the tribulation of this new life. Follow him on the journey to this isekai-world. * * * Have some suggestions? Join my discord channel. https://discord.gg/mKypCxc *Disclaimer* I do not own the cover photo. *Source* Pinterest: Kel, Holy Marksman

Black_Rabbit_Oz · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Invincible A-ranker

Staring at the platform, Kiro and Co were glancing in bewilderment from the old man who is named Kyros.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kyros, I'm Alyva." The quick-witted Alyva said while glancing at the others as a signal, indicating them to introduce themselves.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Aldin. The other girl is called Alina, while the man behind me is Kiro." He said, giving a quick glance at the two.

Alina and Kiro nod in approval while curiously looking at Old Kyros.

"Mn, okay, you guys have a good name," Kyros said. "Just like what your instructor said, I came here to check if there is a hidden gem that I can nurture, this old man is getting old, I want to find a suitable successor."

Hearing the explanation, Kiro and the others could not help to be stupefied from those words.

They all look at Instructor Ralph asking for more clarification. Seeing Kiro's group were looking at him intensely, he added more explanation. "As I said earlier, you guys are in luck. The name Kyros doesn't ring the bell?" He said with an amused tone.

"... Don't tell me... The Invincible A-ranker Kyros!?" Aldin said stupor glancing at the old man in front of him.

"Yup, you are right, my Instructor is 'that' Kyros."

While the other is staring at Kyros admiringly, Kiro was the only one who cannot comprehend what is happening. He doesn't know who this Invincible A-ranker is, and what it means.

"Ahem, stop calling me that, I'm not Invincible, it is just an empty title for this old man," Kyros said while giving a slight cough to mend the atmosphere.

"Well now, you who I am, I would like to know if any of you guys were using a bow as their primary weapon."

This time the group of three finally came back to reality; because they don't use a bow for their main weapon. While the others became discouraged, Kiro was watching the scene in confusion. Suddenly, he remembered with his high CON it heightened his marksmanship. Nonetheless, Kiro didn't have any chance to use a bow, more so to verify it.

"I guess you haven't tried using a bow huh, but would you guys give it a try?" Kyros said. "Don't worry I'll be here to teach you guys a proper posture for using the bow and arrow."

"If that is the case, please pick me!" Alyva said with full enthusiasm.

"Okay then, you guys follow me at the archer's ground." After he said that, Kiro and co followed Kyros.

In Archer's Training Ground.

Two types of target archery could be found, the most basic one is the thin circular target with a red mark on the middle, and for the second is a humanoid target with dissimilar sizes of red marks on contrast places.

While the level of difficulty is adjusted by the range of the target. There are three types of levels at the training ground.

The first level at the 7 meters range. The next level is 17 meters long-range target, the third one and the most difficult level for the beginners was the 27 meters distant-drawn target.

"Here we are, please stand at marker line Ms. Alyva,"

"Okay, Mr. Kyros," Alyva said, standing straight on the painted 'X' marker on the ground.

"Mn, now please move your legs shoulder apart, while maintaining your center of gravity," Kyros said as he hands over the basic crude bow and arrow he took inside the wooden crate.

"Yes, Mr. Kyros," Alyva said while holding the crude bow on the handgrip, and placing the arrow inch above the tip of her thumb.

"Hoho, at least Ms. Alyva knows how to hold the bow and arrow, now let me teach you a few tricks." He said. "Please maintain the posture and try to stretch the bowstring with a straight-up chest."

Following the Instruction, Alyva tried to do what Old Kyros said while maintaining her balance. Straightening up her chest, she stretched the bowstring, making the crude bow bend in a half-moon posture.

Glancing at Alyva's figure, Old Kyros could not help to give praise. "Good! Nice posture, now try to aim at the 7 meters mark."

Upon hearing Kyros' voice, Alyva tried to aim at the 7 meters long-range target.


The arrow flew at the circular wooden mark, but she only managed to hit the edge of the frame.

"Haa~ I guess I'm not good at using a bow," Alyva said dejectedly.

"Now, Ms. Alyva is doing a great job, your posture is nice, with proper training and dedication, I think you have a potential for using a bow." He said, but deep inside Kyros' disappointment because what he needs is a genius in marksmanship, not a person who is 'Good Enough,' to handle the bow and arrow.

"Is that for real, Mr. Kyros?" Alyva's dejected feature suddenly disappeared after hearing his praise.

"Do any of you want to give it a try too?" Kyros said with high expectations. He was hoping there was a hidden gem beneath the mud.

This time Kiro's curiosity took his place. He always wanted to try using an archery's bow but given the event yesterday. He did not have a chance to do so.

"Hmm, Mr. Kyros, can I give it a try? But please don't put your hopes up, I never held a bow before." Kiro said while giving him a quick glance.

"Mm, it is alright I am the one who asked you guys to come here."

"Okay then." After Kiro said that, he went forward, grabbing a bow and arrow inside the crate.

Kiro moves toward Alyva's direction while giving her a slight nod for praise. "I did not know you have some hidden talent inside you Alyva," Kiro said. "Not at all, it was all thanks to Mr. Kyros' pointers that I can do something like that." She said while stepping aside.

Kiro tried to mimic Alyva's position, widening his leg with a shoulder-length, maintaining his straight posture, grabbing the crude bow using his left hand while putting the arrow inch above his thumb.

He tried to mimic what he heard in his former world, stabilizing his breathing, as he stretched the bowstring, bending the crude bow with a perfect half-moon shape.


The arrow flew to the target, but this time it hit on the mark. Looking at the scene, Kyros' eye glittered in excitement, but before he could say a thing.


A crispy sound of a broken arrow shaft echoed inside the training grounds. The arrow that supposedly stops after hitting its target, pierce through the circular wooden target.

"Hehehe... How is it, Mr. Kyros? I'm sorry I can't control my strength. I didn't know the arrow would pass through the target." Kiro said while looking at the crude wooden bow on his hand that it was impending to crumble.

"... Young man, you indeed have the strength and marksmanship to become an Archer, but wait, you might give us more surprise, can you hit another archery target. This time the 17 meters mark?" Kyros said with full of anticipation.

"But... The bow is about to collapse Mr. Kyros." Kiro said bitterly, he did not expect after following a piece of simple advice like that will lead to this.


-New Skill Learned.

『The User learned a Basic Archery Skill!』

-New Combat Skill will be added to the section.

-Skill [Basic Archery] Lv.1

A sound of notification echoed inside Kiro's head.

"Congratulations Master! You finally learned a combat skill! Fixie is happy for Master!" This time Fixie's childish voice could be heard.

"What? I learned a new skill just like that?" Kiro mumbles.

"Hmm? Is there something wrong?" Kyros said, looking at the confused Kiro.

"It is nothing, Alyva can you lend me that bow and get me a single arrow?" Kiro said while glancing at her. "Okay, here hold this," Alyva said as she headed toward the crate to get a single arrow, passing the shaft to Kiro.

With a new arrow on hand, Kiro tried to repeat what he did earlier, but this time he suddenly noticed it was easier to move unlike before, it felt like he was using a bow for years.

Taking an aim, Kiro stretched the string releasing the arrow at the 17 meters distant-drawn mark.


This time Kiro's aim is much sharper than before, the arrowhead hit the target pierced all the way through the back of the circular wooden frame. The arrow keeps flying for another meter before it finally died down.

"... What?" Kiro looked at the scene In front of him. He could not believe what he saw.

"Hahahaha! Good! I finally found you!" This time Old Kyros maniacally laughs.

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