
Life in another world: Scratching Boundaries

Discord group for discussions about the novel: https://discord.gg/8wDAZTv26t. Reincarnated in a world of magic, a gifted girl discovers her prodigious abilities. After excelling in magic and swordsmanship, tragedy strikes when her squad is wiped out, and she too perishes but transforms into a 'demon.' Seeking answers, she unknowingly attracts attention and her parents are killed. Filled with rage, she eliminates the individuals responsible and flees from pursuing soldiers. In the depths of a forest, she must confront her identity, battling suspicion, paranoia, and a relentless quest for vengeance.

Laurian_Avrigeanu · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Re: Birth /Part 1

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking against the dim light filtering through the fleshy walls surrounding me. Where was I? This cramped, pulsing place felt alien yet familiar. I tried shifting around, but my limbs felt weighted and clumsy.

What is this strange place?

A sudden spasm rocked my world, squeezing the air from my lungs. The walls trembled and rippled, fluid gushing around me. Panic rose in my chest as I thrashed about. After a few frantic heartbeats, the grip released and I gulped in air, my body going limp with relief.

Someone help me! I'm trapped!

Exhaustion overtook me and I drifted into a fitful sleep, lulled by the rhythmic pulsing and sloshing sounds around me. Some time later, I startled awake to a noise I couldn't place. A strange scent tinged the air - sharp, metallic and primal.

Is that blood I smell?

A piercing scream shattered the air, vibrating through the fleshy chamber. The walls convulsed violently, clenching down on my body with crushing force. I shrieked in terror, sure I would be crushed to death.

No no no, make it stop!

After an agonizing eternity, the grip loosened and warm fluid gushed out in a torrent, sweeping me into a narrow tunnel. I tumbled and slid, banging against the spongy walls, blinded by the deluge.

Where am I going? Someone please explain what's happening!

I struggled to open my eyes, my eyelids feeling heavy and swollen. Bright light seared my vision as I finally pried them open, blinking in confusion. A blurry face swam into view, pale skin and waves of gold.

Who is that? An angel?

My eyes slowly focused on the figure holding me close - a woman with porcelain skin, pink lips and eyes as blue as the sky. She smiled down at me, her expression radiating warmth and tenderness.

She's so pretty. I feel safe in her arms.

"Hello, little one. Welcome to the world," she cooed, her voice melodic and soothing. She hugged me gently, her soft skin and floral scent enveloping me. I snuggled into her embrace, comforted by her presence.

I like her cuddles. She smells nice too.

"My name is Charlotte. I'm your mother, and I already love you with all my heart." Her words were infused with affection as she gazed at me adoringly.

Mother? Does that mean she's the one I heard screaming earlier?

Charlotte leaned down and placed a tender kiss on my forehead, her golden tresses tumbling over her shoulders. In that moment, I knew without a doubt this radiant being would cherish and protect me always. My panic and confusion faded away, leaving behind an overwhelming sense of peace in the arms of the woman who gave me life.

I'm so confused about this whole situation, but it feels good.

Charlotte laid me down on the soft bed beside her, propping me up with pillows. Two women approached, gazing down at me with kindly interest. One had ink black hair, emerald eyes and a shapely figure. The other was petite, pale as snow, with crimson eyes and long, ivory hair that shimmered like silk.

The white-haired lady is so pretty. Like a fairy!

The raven-haired woman scooped me up into her arms, cradling me against her bosom. "What a precious little girl you have, Charlotte! She's absolutely perfect."

Girl? I'm not a boy?

The pale woman smiled, her ruby eyes gleaming. "Congratulations, Charlotte. She will bring you much joy."

They think I'm a girl too. But how can they tell?

Charlotte beamed with pride and joy. "Thank you, friends. My little Lilly is the light of my life already."

Lilly? Is that my name?

The ladies fawned over me, complimenting my ten perfect fingers and toes, my button nose and blue eyes. I stared at the strange women in bewilderment, their words slow to sink in.

They all seem quite certain I'm female. I guess they'd know better than me!

The pale woman traced a finger down my cheek. "Sweet Lilly, you will grow up to be as fair as your name. I bless you with beauty, wit and kindness." Her strange words left me puzzled. But the warmth and affection in her gaze filled me with a sense of promise.

This is so strange, but I feel happy they like me. And my name, Lilly, has a nice sound.

My eyelids grew heavy, the excitement of the day catching up with me. As I drifted to sleep in my mother's loving arms, a single word floated through my thoughts: Lilly. The beginning of my story, a story just waiting to unfold.

My name is Lilly. Let the story begin!

I was dozing in Charlotte's arms when the door suddenly burst open, startling me awake. A tall, broad-shouldered man stormed in, his face creased with worry.

Who's that? He looks worried.

"Charlotte! Are you well?" His voice was deep and rich, hinting at a gentle nature behind the imposing exterior. He knelt by the bed, taking Charlotte's hands in his own callused ones.

He must care for Mother very much.

Charlotte gave him a tired but radiant smile. "I'm fine, my love. And see? We have a daughter." She angled me towards him, pride shining in her eyes.

So this is my father.

He gazed down at me, his stern visage softening into an expression of wonder and joy. "A daughter. She's beautiful, just like her mother." His massive hands gently cradled me, his touch filled with reverence. I felt small and delicate as a flower in his hold.

Strong but kind, like a bear. I feel safe with him too.

"Welcome little one. I'm your father, David." His deep voice rumbled with emotion as he smiled at me. In that moment I knew, with a baby's intuition, that this formidable man would protect and love me for all of my days. My world, once strange and frightening, was now filled with the warmth of my parents' devotion.

Father. Another special someone to love and care for me.

The pale woman and her dark-haired companion took a few steps back.

David pressed a tender kiss to Charlotte's forehead, his eyes bright with joy. "Rest now, my love. Our daughter and I will watch over you." He cast me one more look of fatherly adoration before striding from the room.

He's so happy I'm here. I'm happy too.

The raven-haired woman leaned down to me, her emerald eyes warm and kind. "And I'm Marie, a good friend of your mother's."

More new people to know! So exciting.

The pale woman approached, her steps graceful as a fawn's. Everything about her was delicate and ethereal, from her diminutive stature to her porcelain skin and ruby eyes. Silvery tresses cascaded down her back like a waterfall of molten starlight. She seemed almost too perfect to be real.

She's like a little fairy princess! So pretty.

"I am Ginny." Her voice was music, soft and melodic. She gathered me into her arms, holding me with tenderness against her slight frame. Her sweet floral scent and the gentle thrum of magic enveloped me. Drowsiness stole over me as I gazed up at her lovely visage.

Magical Ginny...she makes me feel peaceful...

"Rest, little one." Ginny's lips curved in a beatific smile and she began to hum a lullaby, the notes resonant with magic. Her slender fingers traced arcane symbols through the air, leaving trails of glittering light. A warmth infused with protection, blessing and ancient power washed over me.

So soothing...can't keep...eyes...open...

Lulled by Ginny's lullaby and her innate magic, I drifted into a deep and peaceful slumber. My dreams were filled with pale forms and the trill of ethereal music. And behind it all was the comforting sense of tender affection and safety enfolding me like the softest blanket.

Thank you, magical Ginny...for this sweet dream...