
Life In Another Reality

I thought my life was full of twists, but the biggest shock came after I died. Here I was, staring at a 17 years old guy in the mirror. Just your regular brown eyes, short black hair, and a good-looking face. Maybe I looked better in my past life, who knows? It's strange to wrap my head around the fact that I'm now this teenager after all the twists and struggles in my old life. Well, what can I do other than live it again? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. - This is my trial novel since I'm not that experienced with stories. I'll try to update it daily or every 2 days, just doing it for fun or to try something new. So, please be a little lenient on me with reviews.

I_am_good_today · その他
31 Chs

Chapter-29: Buying a House

Jim and Haley are meeting at her house today while also communicating with their friends on the group chat about where to buy the house for the set, which might be beneficial for future projects as well. Today, Haley and Jim planned to ask Phil for the house that would set their budget the most.

Initially, Rose considered covering the cost of everything involved during the film shoot, and she certainly could, given that her father, a big businessman, makes her the wealthiest in their group, even more so than Jimmy. However, Jimmy's money is earned through his own efforts, whereas her money comes from her dad. So, technically, she is not the wealthiest in the group.

Phil was unaware of their plan to get him to show them some houses. So, when they finally told him, he had to check out all the lists of currently available properties that matched their rough requirements and make a selection out of them. Fortunately, the list of properties selected by him are within this gated community. Others were already ruled out as they were quite far, not only from Jim and Haley's home but also from their friends' homes.

Phil was downstairs with Jim, Haley, and Claire, and they were discussing covering mostly all places today if possible. They were ready to go, but before they could, Claire was curious about it and couldn't help but ask them why they wanted to buy it rather than rent it.

Claire asked in a curious tone with a raised eyebrow, "So, you are going to buy the house, and you want it to be your set for the project you are working on as a club, but why buy it? Isn't it better to rent it out?"

Before Jim could say anything, Haley replied, "Well, we were going to actually rent it out, but then we all thought it would be better to buy it, as we could use it for future projects," and with a smile, she stated, "Well, it was my thought that we could stay there too if our friends came for a sleepover and all during our filming," and at the same time, she thought, 'Well, and we can have parties without parents' interference, but they don't need to know.'

"Okay, let's go if you want to check out all the houses," said Phil as both Haley and Jim followed him out. Since the properties were in the community, they are just going to walk to the location.

With Phil, Jim, and Haley planning to visit at least 10 places today, the prices of the properties are mostly the same as they were looking for simple ones. For each house they visit, they will send pictures of it to the group to get the club members' views.

The first, second, and third house have the same architecture according to Phil, relatively normal with 2 rooms on the ground floor, a kitchen, and a living room. The second floor had 3 more rooms with a washroom attached to one of the rooms and one more room for storage. However, it had a major flaw, which was pointed out by Ava.

Their conversation during this visit went unfruitful. Mostly the first half of the visit to these three properties was about changing their name in the group to make them feel closer, according to Sam.


Haley: Hey, everyone present?

Jim: Don't worry, I informed everyone beforehand to be free at this time or for the day, as we will check out the properties we marked for the set selection and ask for their view on it.

Haley sent the pictures and video of the house, and they did it while taking their time as Phil was introducing them to the house room by room.

Initially, Phil thought the decision for selection was on Jim, but after finding out that the decision was on the club as a whole, he started showing it to his daughter too so that she could make the video for the group more efficiently. But, before anyone could say anything, Sam made a demand from the club members; she wanted our club members to choose a name for the group.

Sam: We are now a group, and a filming-related one at that, so why don't we choose one title for ourselves and change our name to it in this group.

[Sam changed her name to 'Worrier Princess Sam']

Haley: Hey! that's a great idea, no?

[Haley changed her name to 'Gorgeous Haley']

Anna: Doesn't that look too narcissistic, Haley?

Gorgeous Haley: Hey, it's a good name and it reflects my quality, doesn't it, Jimmy?

"Whaa.. What? Why are you involving me in your argument?" asked Jimmy standing beside Haley, with a dilemma and confusion written on his face on what to say, and Haley also looked at him to comment in the group.

Haley's face turned sour looking at him as he didn't agree with her instantly but argued with her, and she took the mobile from Jim, who had it in his hands while he also had the group chat open.

[Jim changed his name to 'Idiot Jimmy']

Jack: Oh, quite a unique name you chose for yourself, Jim. But, whatever it is, we won't judge you. We are your friends.

[Jack changed his name to Captain Jack Sparrow]

Fighter Princess Sam: Yeah, Jimmy. We won't judge, Hehehe.

[Idiot Jim changed his name to 'Director Jim']

Director Jim: That wasn't my choice, and I don't have any weird habits for you to judge. Now, can we get back to the main thing?

Captain Jack Sparrow: That's what they all say.

Fighting Princess Sam: @Director Jim What's that?

Director Jim: Miss Samira BROWN, WE ARE LOOKING FOR A PLACE FOR THE CLUB PROJECT. How could you forget so fast, ~~sigh.

[Anna changed her name to 'Ann The Daring']

Ann The Daring: Yeah, she doesn't have a bigger mind to retain memories for the long term. Don't put your trust with these things of yours on her Jimmy. She is an idiot.

[Brenda changed her name to 'Warrior Brenda']

Warrior Brenda: @Gorgeous Haley (Photos..) This is a good place to shoot. But, I would suggest checking others too. We have time so, no need to hurry. Yeah, and Sam is a big Idiot.

During this conversation, Haley added the next 2 house's pictures and video to the group too.

Gorgeous Haley: Hey, don't bully Sam, Okay.

Fighter Princess Sam: Tee Hee, Jimmy, I remembered but got too excited. Love you, Haley. Anna and Brenda, you two don't bully me, or I will... I will... err... bite you. 😾

Fighter Princess Sam: Anyways, how were these houses to you all? I like them. They are perfect for camera placement.

Gorgeous Haley: Hm, I agree. We can just start filming if we select these, and they are cheap too.

Warrior Brenda: Agreed, its a good place. @Fighter Princess Sam Try me. 🤺

Ann The Daring: But the area is a little crowded, don't you all think so? If by chance we want a night shoot, then we will have quite a bit of a problem.

Captain Jack Sparrow: Yeah, I agree with Ann. We cannot just rush into this. And, we don't want someone to call the police at night thinking we are in some problem when we shoot some shouting or other loud scenes.

Haley, who was standing beside Jimmy, looked in deep thought for some time as she was looking at her screen and then turned to Jim, who was looking at the messages from the club friends, and said, "Well, we should cancel the ones with small basement. Ava said the one with the large ones will provide more options for horror parts."

Jim looked confused for a second on how Haley got his mom's suggestion and caught a glimpse of the chat group they were in for the novel, and it had many messages related to today's search and photos of the places shared by Haley.

Phil came back from inside the house to them and inquired, "So, how was it? This is one of the places near our house, and they are also quite affordable and convenient to use after your shoot too." With a smirk, Phil finished his explanation and was happy to provide both Jimmy and Haley a good and affordable place. Being a dad made him a little more lenient on giving his daughter some perks when buying this from him.

Jim, with a thoughtful look, hesitated because these options were pretty good. But thinking of his friends saying to wait and see the rest and his mother reminding him of the small size of basements in the places, a significant horror factor will affect the movies. Jim responded, "Well, we were about to get them, but our group chat members added some main factors that make these 3 choices a little not to our criteria..." as Jim also shared what was missing with these options.

Phil, looking at the list of the options for a second, crossed out all the names except for two in the second last and above it, and suggested, "These both places are in an area where a park is present, so the place is a little away from other neighbors who live there, and also these are close to each other, so no problem with neighbors till someone buys 1 of them," as Phil took them towards the place he hasn't crossed out.

It was a 1-minute walk away from their location, and both were next to each other with a park at one end and a flower garden at the other. The road was quite wide because of the park being here, and the places opposite to theirs were quite far. It was the perfect location for them.

Haley did the same with this place too and sent pictures and a video of this one as well. Even Ava liked it quite a bit, enough that her mind had a sudden urge to move places, but she preferred her current living space more, and their current house was like a small mansion, more luxurious with additional rooms and facilities. So, Ava ultimately abandoned her thoughts of moving to the one she liked in pictures.

"Hey Phil, I think this is the best option for us. So, when will we be getting everything related to it done, so that we can start our things soon," asked Jimmy as his anticipation grew after selecting the place and already wanted to acquire it.

When they were just about to get it finalized, the group chat received some more messages.

[Rose changed her name to 'Thorny Rosette']

Thorny Rosette: Hey, sorry for being late. Jim, why don't you get the other house too? I will pay for that. We will be able to do more things if we buy it.

Director Jim: Hmm, your idea's good, but wouldn't it be a waste?

Thorny Rosette: Not really, I will just buy it, and anyways one more property in my father's name doesn't affect him that much. That much he will do for me 😊.

Fighter Princess Sam: Yes, then we can also live in Haley's neighborhood. Haley, let's do a sleepover in that house after we get it. What do you say Rosie?

Thorny Rosette: Why, of course. I would love to spend some time with you all, and Brenda was already saying to go somewhere away from home, and I am also getting bored.

Gorgeous Haley: Yes, yes, I would very much like to go out and take a break without getting any suspicion from mom. She really worries about unwanted things.

Captain Jack Sparrow: I can also join you girls.

Warrior Brenda: Not a chance mister.

Ann the Daring: ...

While this chat was going on, Jimmy and Phil were talking about the property.

"Well, we will be taking both the properties, just put one on my name, or my mom's name, and Haley's friend Rose is interested in the other. Anyways, thanks for the help, Phil," said Jimmy and also thanked Phil for taking his time to assist them with all this.

"Ah, no worries, Jimmy. Haley rarely gets normal friends in case of boys. And now Haley, at least, is putting effort into doing something, and I am just happy for it. Anything for my girls," said Phil, getting a little emotional seeing his daughter getting excited day by day to do the shoot or whatever they have planned for the club, and making effort for it. But the excitement she showed to do something productive in her life motivated Phil to give his all today.

Haley, who involuntarily listened to Phil and Jimmy's conversation, felt a little happy and emotional. For her, it was more motivation to do something so that her parents would not see her as a burden. She had seen her brother and sister earning money from the game Jim created, but as the eldest child, she also felt a little useless. Now that she has the chance, she is going to give her all.

"Haah, and dude, I like you, so take care of my daughter," Phil said after his heartfelt words while he thought, 'If you marry Haley, I will give my blessing without batting an eye, kid. I know you like her, I was once your age; I know what kind of girls you handsome kids are interested in,' with a smirk and a gaze that told Phil understood something.

This confused Jimmy, and he ignored it, thinking Phil might be happy about the deal he made today, but all the determination and emotions of Haley turned to anger after her dad's words. His insinuation that Jim is going to be her boyfriend infiltrated her, but it's good that Jim doesn't know what Phil meant or their friendship might get awkward.

Jimmy contacted his mom and proceeded with everything while the house next to him was reserved by Rose. After chatting with Phil for some time, Jimmy went home, and the club members made plans to check the house out tomorrow as the purchase was nearly done, and they were confident they would get the house.

I've been a little busy these days. Here's the chapter; I've had it for two days but couldn't find the time to edit and check it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I_am_good_todaycreators' thoughts