
Day 2

Good morning a happy Sunday yah all! I just woke up it's currently 9 am.

Now I am just getting ready to have my breakfast, usually, I don't eat breakfast, but since the view was so nice so I decide to eat.

Before I eat I check my Facebook and check the messages when I check oh Dasha just text me.

and she said.

"Hey Skye are you bc, I would like to invite you to dinner later at 6 pm with my hubby's friends if you are not busy"

"Sure Dasha I don't have any plans today so I can go later Thanks for inviting me"

"No problem I will text you later I'm just gonna do something"

"ok thanks again"

After that text, I went to their cafe to have coffee because for me coffee is life.

because I can't live without coffee, after drinking coffee I went up to have a pumper day and to get ready for tonight's event chaos.

Dasha just texts again

"hi Skye I just sent something for you at the front desk can you get it it's for you"

"Oh There is no need to do that Dasha but thanks I will get it later, I'm just gonna do something see you later bye"

"Bye Skye mwuah see later"

After that text, I went down to get the gift that Dasha gave me, wow this is a beautiful dress this will be my outfit later.

now I will go and grab lunch because I'm starving Because I just had coffee.

after I eat lunch now I get ready for the day because I have dinner later in the restaurant at 6 pm, it's now 2 pm in the afternoon so i have much time to prepare for dinner later.

after i prepare Dasha text me

"Skye what time are you coming here"

" I'm just getting ready ands i'm on my way there see later"

"ok see you later"

now i'm on my way to the restaurant.

now i'm here, i just saw Dasha so i went there .

"Hi dasha who is this guy"

"oh i would like you to meet Alvin"

"Alvin this is Skye, and Skye this is Alvin"

"Hi nice to meet you alvin"

"Nice to meet you Skye"

"oh Hi, Skye like you to meet Alexa and her bf"

"Nice to meet you both"

"Dasha i will just go to the restroom for i while"

"ok i will wait for you Skye"

why my heart is beating so fast i just saw alvin, maybe i like alvin because his handsome guy and charming person omg what's happening to me now i'm starting to like a guy omg.

now i head back to the table and chat with them.

They are so humble and kind, friendly as well, after a long chat now we order are food.

the food was so delicious i enjoyed it.

after that we went to the beach we just chill and relax.

after we say are goodbye i head up to my room after.

Alvin and Liam

"Liam can i ask a question"

"Yah sure Alvin what is it"

"Do you know the Fb of Skye"

"No why do you like here"

"no i just want to be friends with her"

"Are you sure i think there's more, i know you Alvin when you like a girl you always as me if i know there Fb."

"I will as my wife, maybe she know's"

"ok thanks"

"Hey Love can i ask"

"yes what is it"

"Do you know Skye's Fb, because alvin is asking me"

"oh yes it's Skye Maude"

"Alvin Gf told me"

"what's the Fb"

"it's Skye Maude"

"thank you so much bro"

"Your welcome anything for you bro."

"Bye guys see you again,and now i'm going to head back to my room"