
Chapter 1 life’s shit

Hi my name is Jackson and I'm telling you my story about how my life was good until it turned into shit so this is my story

So it all started out when I asked this girl out and we had so much fun together we went on trips we went to the beach and rides and everything but then she started to ask me for money... so I thought nothing of it cause she said her mom was in the hospital and it was $10000 so I was really shocked but I said yes still so I gave her it and she started asking me for more and more each day I kept on giving her it until I walked to the park and saw her kissing another guy I said so that's why you wanted money so bad and she started to fake cry and said that he kissed me I didn't believe it cause that was one of my bff so I took my friends side and then let's just skip 3 months later I was walking and saw this girl getting robbed I helped her of course and we started to hang out a lot then we got really close then I asked her out the same stuff happened but she was loyal she loved me I loved her I took her to so many places until people were making fun of her and then she killed herself I cried every day I missed her so much until it came to the point to move on THE END...

Well this is my first time so I hope you like it

Kaeden_Akecreators' thoughts