

The story of a boy who was born in a poor house and grew up playing the same game where he could hardly find a house. One day he saw another child dressed nicely and went and looked at himself in the mirror Ran away to And he said, 'Father, buy me good clothes.' The father did not turn away. The child realized that my father could not give me this. The girl belonged to the boy's uncles who came from Dubai many years later, but the boy always hid his face from the girl.Nor did he ever tell his family that he loved the symbol and wanted to get married. The boy did not want to shake his father's head. He decided that he would forget the symbol.After that he stopped going to his uncle's parties. He started hiding himself. He began to separate from the world. There was no love, no poverty in life. On the one hand he wanted to fulfill his father's dream He wanted to get love, but despite being poor, he did not love money.One day the boy's uncles came home and told the boy's father that he would take Ali to Dubai. He would go and work there. Ali's face smiled a little. After 2 years, Ali called his uncles and said, "How is Ali among the uncles?" He said, "Well, when Ali said, 'Uncles, when will you take me to Dubai?' Ali thought for a while and hung up. Ali kept thinking all night and fell in his own eyes.