
Life Bestower in the Apocalypse

A summer trip to see his father ends with Mark's confused awakening to an apocalyptic nightmare. Around every corner, grotesque monsters lurk, promising a horrific death. As Mark acclimates to his new environment, he discovers an unlikely partner thanks to his unique talent. Together, they pave a way in this new world, growing stronger as they struggle to survive.

Hakoer · ファンタジー
20 Chs


Staring back at Mark with its single, giant eye, was a cyclops nearly ten feet tall. In its hand was what looked to be a bar chair with a single, metal supporting pole it was using as a weapon.

It began growling at Mark, warning him to back away or else. Mark, ignoring the creature, spoke slowly to Jor. "Try to get some webs connected to us to start draining him."

Mark ran up, dodging to the side as the chair slammed into the ground at his previous location.


The floor tiles shattered under the attack, as the creature was slightly stunned by the rebound. Mark, not missing this opportunity, dove in and sliced at the cyclops' Achilles tendons.

The cyclops roared in pain, as it tried and failed to stand up. Spider webs connected to it, draining its vitality as the creature swung the chair around it.

Mark backed away, watching the futile struggle as he waited for the webs to do their work.

Soon, the cyclops began panting and its swings grew slower and weaker. The fighting intent once present in its eyes now wavering, but it had no where to run.

Putting up one last struggle, it walked on its knees as it approached Mark. It lifted the chair and smashed it down once again.

Mark easily dodged to the side, using the opening to approach and slice at its throat. The cyclops clutched its bleeding throat desperately, hoping to stop the inevitable. Alas soon after, it succumbed to its fate and perished.

{Cyclops killed}

{[Mana Circuit] progress 65%}

"It really is a lot easier to fight with you around Jor, thanks for the help!" Mark was all smiles as he looked around the cyclops to see if there were any useful parts he could harvest.

'Maybe the tendons, but I have no idea how to process them...' Mark lamented, hoping to find someone with more experience in these matters soon.

After finishing up here and checking on his condition, Mark headed off to the next territory. Taking a peek inside, it looked to be goblins. There were around 50 in total.

'I won't be able to do this without some injuries, will I?' Mark thought, before realizing something.

"Clye, I find it hard to believe that this many people turned into goblins... what the hell is going on? No way they reproduce that fast." Mark looked at them, confused.

"Something weird is going on in there." Clye pondered the possibilities.

"Only one way to find out I guess." Mark prepared his sword and rushed in, employing a surprise attack.

He immediately sliced one of the goblin's thin necks, its head flying high and surprising the others.

They all looked at Mark with hatred and surrounded him, Mark used this to his advantage and told Jor to sneakily connect their legs to him. He was hoping if the web was loose and out of the way, they would ignore it.

Jor complied, and after a few seconds, around ten had been connected and were being drained. Mark smiled as he indeed witnessed a complete lack of care towards the webs. The goblins seemed to have tunnel vision as they dove at him.

Mark began his slaughter, always aiming at the necks for quick kills, as Clye fired periodic mana bolts, killing the goblins aiming at his exposed back.

After killing thirty five goblins, Mark finally heard the notification he had been waiting for.

{[Mana Circuit] has reached Beginner Stage 2

Lower stages will give 1/10th the progress.}

Mark was pleased that his strength improved, but disappointed at the second half of the notification.

He continued his slaughter, finishing off all the remaining goblins. Sitting down he looked at his status.


Name: Mark Tellin

Age: 18

Race: Lesser Human

Health: 9/ 10

Mana: 8/ 10

Title(s): None

Class: [Warrior]

Sub-Class: [Artificer]

Physique: 22

Spirit: 11

Core Density: Hollow (14%)

Mana Circuit: Beginner (Stage 2- 1%)

Innate Talent: [Life Bestowal]

Active Skill(s): [Slash]

Passive Skill(s): [Warrior's Body] [Nimble Fingers]


"Clye, remind me next time there's a group battle to leave the last one alive to fully heal myself." Mark requested, annoyed with himself for not thinking about it before hand.

"Will do." Clye responded quickly, sensing he wasn't happy.


"Alright, time to figure out what the hell caused so many goblins to appear." Mark said, standing up and walking into the restaurant to investigate.

Entering the back room, what stood in front of Mark shocked him, causing his mouth to hang agape.

A giant, pitch black rift sat there, pulsating. Spatial cracks continuously appeared, before quickly repairing around the edges of the rift.

"Mark, that's a dungeon!" Clye excitedly told him, as she explained in more detail.

"If we go in there and complete it, we can get rewards! Like new skills or gear! And considering what we battled here it's definitely a goblin den! We can do this!" Clye was extremely happy as she encouraged Mark to dive in.

"...It won't disappear while I'm in there right?" Mark asked, slightly worried.

"No, these rifts are permanent. As long as there is mana in the environment it is extremely stable." Clye comforted.

"Alright I trust you." Mark said as he took a step forward. "Let's go Jor, time to get stronger!"

"Jor rubbed its front legs together in confirmation, prepared for whatever was to come.

Entering the portal, Mark's eyes adjusted to the dark environment. A damp smell permeated his nose, as dripping sounds echoed around him.

'Seems to be a cave.' Mark was amazed at the change in environment. He began walking briskly, looking forward to what awaited him.