
[365] Trio

Chapter 365: Trio

"Too slow, why did it take you so long to open the door?"

Upon hearing this unmistakably familiar voice, Alice widened her eyes in disbelief.

Wha...What? It's...It's Erina?

What is she doing here? Could it be that she has the same idea as me?

No, I have to stop her. After all, I was here first.

With this thought in mind, the girl attempted to rush out, but was promptly restrained by Saeko and Kotonoha, who were behind her.

With her mouth still covered, Saeko whispered in Alice's ear, "Calm down. If you rush out like this, how will Erina see you?"

"Yeah, Alice, let's first hear what Erina wants from Hachiman-kun," Kotonoha added, also trying to calm her down.

Hearing their words, Alice recollected her current attire and instantly regained her composure.

Yes, if I let Erina see me dressed like this, she'll surely look down on me.

No, I absolutely cannot let Erina find out.

With this in mind, the girl shrunk back, determined not to reveal any flaws.

At the door, seeing the slight blush on Hachiman's face where his bath towel revealed his chest muscles, Erina's face also turned slightly red.

"You idiot, go put some clothes on."

"Were you taking a shower just now? Why did it take you so long to open the door?"

"Yeah, just finished taking a shower." Ignoring the girl's complaint, Hachiman stepped aside to let her in.

"At this hour, Erina, what are you doing?" It was already 10 o'clock, and Hachiman thought the girl would have been asleep by now.

Upon hearing Hachiman's question, Erina's face turned even redder as she glared at him.

"Isn't it because of you, you jerk? You kissed me out of nowhere, and now I can't sleep."

Before Hachiman could respond, Alice widened her eyes in disbelief under the bed.


That jerk Erina actually let Hachiman-kun kiss her.

But considering my current situation, the girl decided to hold her tongue.

At that moment, Hachiman spoke up, "Well, even though you say that, Erina, you also responded to it, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Alice was once again surprised.


As expected, Erina likes Hachiman-kun too!

It's a good thing I came today. Otherwise, Erina might have become Hachiman-kun's girlfriend in a few days, and then I would have lost to her again.

But for now...

Hehe, I've won. Hachiman-kun agreed to be my boyfriend just now.

With this in mind, Alice felt a sense of triumph.

Finally, I've won against Erina, and it's in matters of the heart.


However, after hearing Hachiman's words, Erina naturally felt displeased.

"W-what do you mean by me responding to you willingly? Th-that was just a natural bodily reaction."

Unfortunately, the girl's words were stuttered, and coupled with the persistent blush on her face, it was obvious she was trying to make excuses.

She really is a big tsundere.

Seeing Erina's reaction, Hachiman couldn't help but find it amusing.

"Alright, alright, it's my fault. How about this? I'll stay still, and you can kiss me back."

Unexpectedly, Hachiman could say such shameless words, leaving Erina momentarily stunned before her face twisted into a look of disdain.

"Ugh, you wish. You expect me to kiss you willingly? Dream on."

"Since Erina didn't come here to kiss me, what did you come for so late at night?" Ignoring the girl's retort, Hachiman shrugged.

She really thinks I'm here just to kiss her. You must have a thick skin to say something like that!

Hearing Hachiman's question, Erina's expression became even more disdainful.

However, she quickly regained her composure and stated her purpose.

"Didn't you promise to cook for me once? When are you going to fulfill that promise?"

So that's what it's about.

This was the condition Hachiman agreed to after asking Erina to solve a problem during that forest summer camp bear hunt.

"I can do it anytime. If you can't wait, we can do it when we get back." Hachiman replied with a smile.

But this response didn't sit well with Erina, who puffed up her cheeks slightly and glared at him.

"What do you mean I can't wait? It's as if you're saying I'm some sort of glutton."

"Do you not want to eat?" Hachiman smirked.

Hearing his words, Erina fell silent.

Recalling the deliciousness of Hachiman's cooking, she couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in her godlike tongue.

But to save face, she continued to speak with forced confidence.

"W-who said I want to eat? This is just a condition you promised me, so you need to keep your word."

Girl, your voice is trembling even as you speak, so don't act tough.

Seeing Erina's feigned nonchalance, Hachiman couldn't help but find it amusing.

But he didn't expose her facade.

"Alright, alright, I'll make sure to repay Miss Erina's kindness properly."

"So, this weekend? I have some things to take care of when we get back, but I should be free by the weekend."

Hachiman had already arranged to meet Saeko's and Kotonoha's parents after returning home.

It was Wednesday today, so they needed time to prepare for tomorrow's return. Then on Friday, he planned to meet Saeko's father, and on Saturday, he would visit Kotonoha's mother. The only free time would be the weekend.

"That works for me. Let's make it this weekend." Erina agreed readily.

"Alright, it's settled then. I'll see you this weekend." Hachiman nodded.

Seeing him agree, Erina's face broke into a smile.

"In that case, I'll head back now. I'll send a car to pick you up this weekend."

With that, she prepared to leave Hachiman's room.

After all, it was already late, and it wouldn't be appropriate for a girl to stay alone in a boy's room, especially if someone saw her.

Seeing Erina leaving, Hachiman naturally didn't stop her, knowing that there were three other girls hiding under his bed.

But just as Erina decided to leave right after agreeing to cook together, could she really claim she's not a glutton?

After seeing Erina off, Hachiman closed the door and let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, Erina's gone. You can come out now."

The three girls hiding under the bed crawled out one by one.

However, once they emerged, they looked at each other, unsure of how to start the conversation, creating a somewhat awkward atmosphere.

Eventually, Hachiman broke the ice.

"Alice, this is what I wanted to discuss with you earlier. So, what do you think? Do you still want to continue?"

Upon hearing his words, Alice fell silent.

Just when Hachiman thought she might back down, Alice lifted her head again.

"Of course, I do. Let's continue, Hachiman-kun."

This naturally surprised Hachiman. He didn't expect Alice to still want to proceed after seeing Saeko and Kotonoha.

What he didn't know was that when Alice first saw Saeko and Kotonoha under the bed, she felt a bit hesitant. But as soon as Erina arrived, she immediately abandoned that thought.

In her mind, if she didn't give it her all, she might lose in both love and emotion to Erina.

So, today, she decided to go all out.

Since Alice didn't mind, Hachiman had no reason to decline.

"Well then, let's continue, Alice." He looked towards Saeko and Kotonoha.

"Saeko, Kotonoha, would you like to join us?"

After saying this, Hachiman hugged Alice and laid her down on the bed.

Lowering his head, he kissed her cherry lips and began his preparations, while Alice awkwardly responded.

Seeing this scene, Saeko and Kotonoha exchanged a glance.

Although they were both a bit shy, since Hachiman had invited them, they didn't refuse.

And they figured since Alice was probably inexperienced, they, as "experienced" individuals, should provide some guidance.

As Saeko and Kotonoha joined the fray, Alice quickly got into the mood. Her skin flushed with a faint pink hue, and her eyes gleamed with moisture.


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