
Life after Death Mission

Story of a lady that dies for an unknown reason. Was a shock to be reincarnated into a different person. But it was not what it seems. Being reincarnated to a dying person. And need to fill the dying wish before the time is out. Is this a blessing or a curse? *** I will pause this novel but I will continue it using my main account.

PattyBoo · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 3 Beautiful Nightmare

It was a shocking revelation that I reincarnate or transmigrated to this new world with a new identity. Well, keep it to me.

But it made me feel weird. That I have a character panel or player stats window. It seems that I only can see it. I try to show it to Claire but she didn't see anything.

At first, I thought it was all a dream. And played me for a fool. They are aware of the situation.

I'm in the hospital for two weeks. They claim I was severely injured. Doctors performed numerous tests on me while I was in the hospital.

At the very least, they had no idea I wasn't the real Red. They simply assumed that losing my memories would result in a change in my personality.

I inquire as to how I normally act and behave. But they say I'm fine the way I'm behaving right now. And they add that there is no reason for me to know so much about my past.

At the very least, they claim that everything was fine. At the very least, I don't have to act in a way that I don't want to.

Exactly one week ago

"What happened to my son, Sir David?" Marcus inquired.

"We ran a battery of tests on your son. His talent did not change, but he did improve. Prior to the accident, his food preferences and other personal tastes were similar. The only thing that perplexed us was that he has become more masculine in comparison to his previous appearance, which was a little girly "Sir David responded.

"Girly isn't the right word; he was shyer and reserved."

"His personality was completely different from what we were used to. He behaves similarly to my brother "Christine stated the following.

"It's a shame if that's the case," Sir David says.

"Honey, Let's not get into it; I think it's more acceptable for Red to act like a man now than he did before."

"True, but are you certain, Sir David, that our son isn't possessed or cursed in any way?" Christine inquires.

"Unfortunately, he is not," Sir David says.

"What exactly do you mean?" Marcus looks into it.

"Either he has two personalities or this is his true personality," Sir David responds.

"In any case, it's not a good situation," Christine said.

"Perhaps he has a suppressed personality that was triggered."

After some time, the couple finishes discussing Red's condition. The couple talks about it with their family. To avoid complications, they all agreed not to tell Red about his past personality.

When we arrived at our residence. I was surprised to find out it wasn't a house or a mansion, but a castle. I try hard not to show how surprised I am.

It was far too large. It was the same size as the city I used to live in. I'm fortunate in that I can pretend I've lost my memories.

Green, my brother, showed me where my room was. It was interesting, and I liked the design, which was mature and elegant. The room's color scheme was based on sunset. It was one of my favorite color schemes.

However, the peace was shattered one day. We're having dinner right now. My father suddenly drops a bomb.

"Red, your wedding is at the end of the month; you and your brother will travel to the north to send the dowry. And escort your fiancee back here"


The amusing thing was my brother's reaction. Because they're all looking at me.

I just let out an awkward laugh. The Stats panel is still looking for me.

I want to enjoy myself in this life and in this world. Because it contains magic, and they claim I possess talent as well. However, the mission only lasted two years.

And it's been three weeks already. I have no idea what will happen if I finish it, but it was worth a shot, right?

When I opened my mouth, the awkward silence was broken.

"No problem, father. May I ask you a question?" I asked

"What! Do you agree?" The colors green and blue react.

"What's the harm?" Grey responds in my place.

Grey has been close to me for some reason over the last few days. But, as a brother, I noticed that it was not a concern because a child discovered a new toy. Well, I'm not opposed to it. At least he isn't as annoying as Eliza and Green.

"What it is Red?" Marcus responded

"When we marry and have children. Can I still attend school?" I asked

"To be honest, I was worried. This year marks my 15th birthday. And my goal is to have two children within the next two years. At the same time, you're a top student.: I added.

"Would you like to have a child?" Christine

"How many children do you want, Brother?" Blue inquires

"Minimum of two," I said. "When do you think you'll be able to do it?" Grey inquires, "Within two years?" I respond.

By the time I realized what I said was suspicious, it was too late. The awkwardness in the dining room was broken by a loud chuckle.

"hehe, you're a brash young man, but I'm proud of you, my grandchild."

Victor Wallace was his name. What surprises me is how age vs physical appearance has changed from the one I used to have. He appears to be a little older than my father.

To be honest, my father still appears to be too young.

He appears to be a recent college graduate. My grandfather adores me because he claims that I resemble him in his younger years.

"Yes, you can go to school, but your wife can take a leave to ensure the child's safety," Marcus replied cheerfully.

This family is strange. Perhaps the norms in this world differ from what I am accustomed to.

The dinner went smoothly after we talked about my marriage.

In any case, Red is oblivious to the reason for his family's reaction. Red's ambition was to have two children in two years.

Although it is not impossible, the type of pregnancy depends on the race. Some women can give birth within a day of becoming pregnant. Some may even take ten years. There was a rumor that other races would take more than a century.

They live in an Empire that allows multiple marriages, but not all kingdoms follow that tradition.

In the case of Red, he needs to marry two or more people in order to have at least two children in two years. It also creates the strange impression that he was sexually active.

Red: Wow these people are weird

Others:... We think that you are the best example of being weird

How you will respond if you misunderstood someone's intention and was put into an awkward situation.

"Poor MC, don't have memories and worst he doesn't remember about what is norms of the world she lives in"

PattyBoocreators' thoughts