
LIFE A compilation of diverse genres of short stories

A compilation of diverse genres of short stories. The predominant genre is short stories, not urban (male leading) fiction. Several tags are not included in the list. horror, drama, inspirational, spiritual, etc. Despite the (General Audience) reader limit, it must still be under supervision. - Monday : Inspirational/Motivation - Tuesday : Romance - Wednesday : Comedy - Thursday : Horror/Thriller - Friday : Spiritual - Saturday : Fantasy/Fiction - Sunday : Sad Story/Drama DAILY UPDATE

S_Galaxy · 都市
50 Chs

Tuesday - Aquarel Technique


"Hmm, what should I paint?"

Goot tapped the brush against his chin then glanced at Viet who was focused on painting.

"What are you painting Viet?"

Viet just ignored Gook's question, he continued to focus on painting on his canvas.


"You didn't see I'm painting?"

"I asked a question, what's so hard about answering?"

Gook cruelly pinched Viet's waist.

"Ow, Gook what are you doing, what if the palette falls?"


"I'm painting my hometown, my grandmother's house."

"Why are you painting that?"

Viet paused for a moment then continued his painting. Seeing the sadness in Viet's eyes, Gook did not ask further, then he picked up the palette and poured some watercolors and then started painting.

"Viet, do you know the Aquarel painting technique?"

Without waiting for an answer from Viet, Gook continued talking.

"Aquarel technique, painting with light, thin and transparent strokes, the resulting painting is odorless, the color is sharp but the texture is smooth. One of the most difficult painting techniques, because it is very influential with the type of brush and paint, it also requires accuracy, patience, and perseverance because if not, the resulting strokes will be too thick and rough."

They usually do their painting assignments together in the painting room after class. There are usually a few other people working in the painting room too, but it seems that today only the two of them are using the painting room.

"There are two basic techniques that can be used for Aquarel painting, Wet on Wet, a technique of controlling moisture to guide and limit the paint pigments. The wetness of the paper, and the weight of the paintbrush affect the behavior of the paint when painting with this method, so we really need to have a good idea to find the right balance of moist paper and wet brushes."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"The second technique is Wet on Dry, applying wet paint to dry paper or wet paint to dry paint areas. This technique allows us to get more detail, sharper edges and well-defined shapes. Within the Wet on Dry technique, there are also other techniques Wet on Dry Flat Wash, Graduated Blending Wet on Dry and Variegated Blending with Wet on Dry."

"If you have something to say, just say it."

Goot pinched Viet's waist again, harder, making Viet stand up and move away.

"Why are you pinching me again, it hurts you know?"

"Why do you paint like a fool, why do you paint so beautifully?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are a human Viet, why do you have to suppress your emotions into your paintings, why do you have to eliminate your feelings into your paintings, are you an A.I?"

Viet was silent.

"You are clearly painting with the Aquarel technique, but your strokes are thick and rough, there are some parts of your painting that look like they are crying, because you didn't adjust the volume of water you mixed with the paint, the colors even look pale without emotion."

"I was just missing my grandmother, but I wanted to bring a bright and cheerful impression into my painting, not sadness."

"So pour it out, because a painting is not how good it looks, but how deep the emotion is."

Viet smiled.

"You're right, thank you for reminding me about Aquarel where you have to paint smoothly so that it's transparent, not just the paint, but the heart too."

"Good, anyway, if you want to go visit your grandmother, just use the day off tomorrow and don't forget to bring me along too."

"Hahaha, alright."