
Hinata 2.0 The heroes didn't come late this time

-Hinata, we received a request from the fourth Kazekage for some back up. Akatsuki has attacked and kidnapped Gaara who had become the fifth Kazekage just a few month prior.

In Tsunade Office 8 other person were standing, the whole of team 7 plus Maki, Sana, Sakura and Itachi. That last one had finally been put under my system and recovered his sight after upgrading his sharingan further. If my guess is right Itachi would act as a jounin instructor for the three other while we go to Suna.

-I understand, so you want us to go there and help out? But i ask one thing, why is it necessary to have four Uchiha in the group?

-It is not necessary but i believe it is the prudent thing to do, after all if the Ichibi end up getting loose they might be able to control until you can seal him away.

-That one way to see it, and i don't think it is bad. When should we go?

-Immediately after you have packed, the journey will be long so…

-Actually i can just take everyone there immediately if needed i have marker in a hidden place near Sunagakure.

-Then prepare and immediately go, Kakashi take this scroll to Rasa dono it contain the information Itachi has given us about Akatsuki and the various location they could use to hide the fifth Kazekage away.

-From my knowledge, the extraction should not be performed immediately. They will need to call upon all the remaining member and have them use their chakra. It was what Itachi said.

-We can use that to our advantage, Itachi perfect clone could dispel itself right before the extraction. i said following the Uchiha on that.

-That a good plan, but how will you get the clone to do it?

-I left him with a special seal paper that would give a marker for time like that. Using that i could send him a message. Just let me do it a few minutes.

I wrote a message on a scroll before sending it to the clone of Itachi. Surely he would act accordingly, i was sure we could use that to stall for time. After all the betrayal of Itachi would certainly cause a delay in the chain of command.

If we took into account that we will arrive much sooner because of my teleportation scroll and marker we might make it before Gaara get has been emptied of all Shukaku chakra. Like that we would save the life of Gaara but also Chiyo, normally something like that would give bonus from hidden quest. I have been taking notice of those think over the years and i'm quite confident this mission would give bountiful of experience point and system point maybe even a new technique or bloodline.

After everyone had taken their material and equipment, i took my scroll out in the middle of a room it would be better like that since my technique will no being secret could leave us open to outside attack. The time it took to make it work was almost half a minutes, but after that we would be instantly transported to Suna directly to my marker.

Sana looked a bit under the weather, either because she had to work with the man who killed her mother or because she didn't like the content of the mission. Well i would not blame her, in my previous life it had taken me year to look better after they died. I was certain the love of Sasuke would play a good part in her recovery, if they could have a handful of chibi she would certainly become much better.

Having a family after such a long time of being alone had helped me a lot recover after awakening into this world. Sana still had an aunt, an uncle and a cousin in Maki family, but that would not help her heal the wound more than that. Wound take time to heal, but some time they need something more so the wound doesn't get infected. I believe the current Sasuke might be able to provide the healing she need, and working with Itachi might show her that the world is not always black or white.

What the ninja world lack is people capable of helping the ninja get over their mental injury. One day psychiatrist and the like would make a fortune in this world if ever they come to exist.

I channeled my chakra in the seal, i could sense Naruto stare on my back he had gotten quite proficient in sealing technique of all kind. The Uzumaki blood was a mysterious thing capable of helping a seal master to increase their capacity by a lot. Naruto could practically replicate seal from just seeing them once, the hard part was drawing them but other then that…

Finally i connected the two junctions together, the seal absorbed a great deal of my chakra, but i had lot to spare and could produce more if necessary using senjutsu and the gates technique. We arrived in an empty room that was only a few kilometer from Suna. I had created this place with my mokuton some time before joining Akatsuki, i was thinking it could come handy. I had other such place hidden in the country of lightning, the country of water and the country of rock, but that is beside the point.

We exited the place and started going our way toward the village hidden in the sand. From where we were it would take only a couple of minutes to arrive. I had left some scroll for use in Konoha just in case we could use reinforcement.

The surprise the guard at the entrance of the village was not faked in any way,after all the message send to Konoha should have just arrived because they had use the fastest bird at disposition. We were sent before the Kazekage, Gaara father, after brief inspection.

-So you are the ones Konoha send us? Can't you help with the problem at hand? My eldest son has been poisoned and my youngest has been taken by Akatsuki, I can't do anything if i leave our village would be a target for anyone to pick.

-We understand, Kazekage sama. Sakura over there should be able to help with the poison, she is Tsunade sama apprentice.

-No you?

-With respect although i have skill in Iryojutsu mine are only at the level of injury and detox, while i would be able to prevent Kankuro to get back on his feet, i would suggest we have Sakura do it since she could concoct an antidote. Did i say frankly, as it was not a lie but the reality.

-What Hinata say is true all the more if Sakura can provide us with the antidote it could come in handy later. Said Kakashi to explain the decision.

-I get it, after all you are the one going after them no me i will side with your judgment. Rasa confirmed.

After being shown to Kankuro room we met with a scene i had not anticipated old Chiyo to attacks Kakashi thinking he was his father. After Naruto had stopped her her brother made her calm down and come to the realization he was not Konoha white fang.

After some more time Sakura and i ended up looking over Kankuro condition. I provided her with pointer as how the poison acted inside his body and she detoxified him using Tsunade method. I let Sakura up to her task after that since i knew she could do the rest herself, after all i knew her since a long time ago. Kankuro was up and he provided us with the piece of cloth from Sasori puppet.

After that we only needed a few hours to get on track in the direction of Akatsuki lair, Itachi helped out a lot since he knew more then me about the various hideout. I had two year to learn them but there was more then five hundred all over the elementals country and while i memorized most of them i could not exactly pinpoint all of them without a map.

Some time you need to go to a place to know where you're going it just the difference between experience and simple knowledge. Itachi over the more than nine last years had gone to most of those place at less once. Over the last two year i had only made it to 67 of that lot, most of them in Kaminari and Tsuchi no kuni.

Most of those mission were retrieval or assassination, i had not mindlessly murdered everyone only the target. Tobi, was playing around and i had to drag him around all the time while playing my role of cold blooded murder, it was not hard i only needed to exercise my killing intent on him half the time and froze him over the other half. Obito knew very well how to act to get on one nerve, personally i found it fun, but that was me who knew who he truly was…

While i was reminiscing all that we go yourself Itachi body double along Kisame body double blocking our way. That was perfect timing, like that we could send Itachi perfect clone the signal to dispel itself. After Itachi got dispelled a man Chiyo obasan recognized as a jonin from her village fainted on the spot leaving Kisame in a bit of a tight spot to say the less. I immediately jumped him opening all the gate and calling upon my senjutsu, I smashed him with a big ass rasengan on samehada. After that i kicked his hand from his sword using a wind chakra coating to cut his wrist with the end of my foot. Sasuke came in too attacking him with some raiton elemental blade directly to the heart.

All in all it all only lasted less than one minutes and we were on our way again old Chiyo was stunned from how fast we had managed all that. Naruto was a bit angry having been stolen the spotlight, but it was better like that.

****Kisame POV****

-Leader same, i think we are having a problem.

-Kisame what is it, don't tell me they already beat the spy?

-There is that too, but it appear Itachi just dumped us?

-What!!!??? How?said the voice of Deidara

-Well he just dispelled himself beside me.

-Impossible, we saw him only a few hour ago and that didn't look or feel like a clone.

-Yeah i am also a bit over my head here.

Seriously how did Itachi manage to bluff us like that plus that clone was clearly as strong as him. How the hell did he get his hand on a technique like that that can reproduce so perfectly a real human being? If we had that we would not need to risk our life on the battlefield. Shit, maybe i should leave Akatsuki too and return to Kirigakure to protect my sister. All of that smell bad like really bad.

Deidara was cursing Itachi telling everyone he was his prey from their on. Well, i don't want to disappoint him but there was a team of 8 coming up and each of them might rival Itachi if not being stronger. The two that had killed my human receptacle were particularly fierce, and one of them had been in the bingo book since three year back for retrieval alive. Since the time Deidara and Sasori failed to get her.

-We need to change plan Sasori Deidara you will go to another hideout, this one is compromised. There should be another one 130 miles away that is brand new and no one know about, i will send you a map.

Like i though this is a really bad day for Akatsuki i would not be surprised if the two artist died today. Well that mean more work for me at worst. Maybe i could get Tobi has my new partner, he is quite fun to be around of.

****End of Kisame POV****

We finally arrived near where deidara and Sasori had bought Gaara. I recognize the place from the drawing of the manga, it was recognizable from the big boulder that was before the entrance. If i was not wrong me and Itachi could use our chakra signature to open it up. After all they probably didn't change it for someone who was death and Itachi treason would have come only a few minutes ago therefore, not enough time to change the seal chakra password.

That would greatly simplify thing for us. I took the time to insert my chakra and configure the seal for it to open the entrance. I could heard the cursing of Deidara behind the boulder, it was not a wonder we must have interrupted the extraction from before. Most likely we had come way faster than the manga and anime had made it, even if Kisame had managed to stall longer that would still not be enough.

That was certain a big change to the plot of the story, if the Akatsuki failed to get a bijuu then the security around the jinchuriki would become tighter. The group had some ample resource, but it didn't mean in anyway they could spare so much every time on a mission that gave them nothing, and that was with the fact this was their final goal.

Konan had always been again the hunt for the bijuu if they failed too many time i didn't doubt she would end up convincing Nagato to stop. After all the man used a lot of his vital for just sustaining his none living counterpart, if he needed to find too many man power or replace his path that would ring the end for him. The woman would certainly follow him along with everything, but she would not stand for him to go directly to his grave.

The only time i knew Konan would left Nagato die was because in the manga he wanted to raise from the death all the ninja of Konoha he had killed himself. This had a lot to do with Naruto talk no jutsu at the time, i didn't doubt it could still happen, but it was highly unlikely. The boulder finished to move and our group of nine could finally see the two missing nin.

-Well who do we have their? Itachi you damn traitor, i can't believe you were the on who forced me to join Akatsuki just for you to leave it.

-Thing change Deidara kun, some time the ally of yesterday become the enemies of tomorrow.

-I suggest you give us back Gaara and then give yourself up. You would not want to die so young now would you? I said without much remorse i never like Deidara after all, he call Tobi loud but he is just as much.

-Tsk, a little girl is trying to intimidate us? How about no and you can take that too it's on the house.

Shit! it was one of his clay bomb and not a little on. I created a barrier of multiple elements using senjutsu to strengthen it further. Mokuton and Hyoton succeeded themselves in a big physical barrier who ended up shaking to the point i thought it might actually blow up with us. We had been a bit too arrogant making an entrance like that and not immediately disabling Deidara, had i knew i would have jumped to him to pierce him in the heart from the back.