
Life’s Pareto Equilibrium - Between the Choppy Waves & Serene Field.

Special dedication “To the warriors of faith and survivor of the battle. Salute to the fallen heroes who pave the way ahead. You will be in our hearts forever.” Synopsis Growing up in a family where values and tradition runs deep, I often find the nature as my window of connection to the world outside where the waves and sea heals my sorrow, the stars and moon serve as my faithful companion to seek comfort and inspiration, the sun the life that never stop smiling to share my joy and the wind, my friend that never fail to whispers words of wisdom when I need it most in the quietness, the intuition that forms my beliefs when presented with cross roads in life. Learning to manoeuvre the game of chess was never my cup of tea but I watch and learn only to play it when survival is at stake like how the olden days of ancient dynasty works. Matters of the heart never gets in the way, love to me is sacred in its nature until someone can unlock it permanently. Between the choppy waves and vast serene field, can Ray find that space of comfort where he calls it Life's Pareto Equilibrium, balancing that with family values, fame and business stake - how can one strike a balance and win it all. C1: Growing up C2: The melody that fills the air C3: Even when it hurts to play C4: Home Sweet Home C5: When you found me C6: The dance that seal the past C7: Sweet melody on an Afternoon Tea C8: Learning the ropes and networking C9: When the heart doesn’t feel well C10: Entrepreneurship C11: Agreements from before C12: A silent deal C13: Let not the heart waver C14: When family support matters C15: Running Away from Hurt C16: Searching for an answer C17: Lantern from thé heart - Mid Autumn Festival C18: Afraid to Feel C19: Keeping Focussed C20: Love has no discrimination C21: Willingly Yours C22: Letting thé feelings run C23: Forbidden Chapter C24: Thé cold Aftermath C25: Never Again C26: Thé Red Rose and the White Peony C27: Thé retreat and Isolation C28: Drowned in sorrow C29: Let me help you C30: Stirring at the heart’s confusion 24.10.20

NorthStar · 現実
35 Chs

A silent deal

"I..I think you've got it all wrong Ray"

"Did I?" Ray was just suddenly distraught which caught Yi Ren by surprise. Everything came back in a flash, the times when Yi Ren would hold him when he cried into the night from misses of Jon, when Yi Ren would accompany him to sleep until he was sound asleep. When things got better Yi Ren retracted from being close and their friendship got a little awkward after Ray found out that he was Er Ge's mutual friend and Ray had been careful afterwards to deal with Yi Ren further limiting their interaction. It lost the little trust and closeness that they shared and they had not revisited any discussion on this. Yi Ren was conscious of the change in treatment from Ray but decided to just take it professionally after all they were both co-partners in their collaboration on music and dance event until Yi Ren offered to teach Kay to dance.

There's just something about Yi Ren that intrigue Ray at times. The way Yi Ren look at him those eyes, it pierced deep into his soul and Ray would often need to break away from those stare. Jon to Ray was like a very close brother almost like a family member which Ta Ge hates to make comparison to - always being there for Ray more than his brothers and they grew up in music and made music together.

Yi Ren on the other hand .....was different. Ray didn't think much into it as he needed to make sure their collaboration works well and that they had to drive sufficient client base to sustain their business.

"Let's finish up and see what you have" Ray offered in the end trying to stay rationale.

Yi Ren went through the papers and proposal on what his thoughts were but in that talking and explaining both of them were not focusing fully, their minds were elsewhere - they were each replaying their feelings. Yi Ren felt hurt ... that Ray thought of him this way, whereas Ray was struggling to find the right explanation for his erratic behaviour. Ray himself wasn't sure why is he reacting this way. He has to stop expecting that Yi Ren is supposed to fill any void or do anything for him apart from being there at his lowest point when he was mourning over Jon.

"I'm sorry" ....Ray said in between. He couldn't focus on what Yi Ren was saying, but was just angry that he had again been emotionally disturbed by the past which he had told himself that he won't be revisiting anymore and that he will move on.

Yi Ren stopped speaking and responded "No need to be" and continue with what he was sharing.

With that they went on discussing. After Ray had a better view what this whole proposal was about. He understood his grandpa a bit more while Uncle Li is still the holding our family to ransom due to some deals and my coming back to the stage was a negotiation deal with Uncle Li in replace for Uncle Li not to pursue an acquisition of grandpa's trade business which was used as a collateral in a separate discussion.

So complex as i thought about it further ...I can imagine what GuGu has to go through with grandpa. I now appreciate how Ta Ge and Er Ge is managing everything poised and composed all the time.

"I'll do a trade with Uncle Li" I said.

"What do you mean??...." Yi Ren asked.

"I'll add only on a few conditions" I offered

"Ray don't make it complicated he has all our hands tied...."

"What do you mean?" Ray asked with added curiosity

"Some of my songs are produced by them, I am somehow succumb to some conditions until end of the year.

"What do you mean?" Ray asked to which Yi Ren kept quiet.

It was something he had decided to do. Uncle Li has been pestering Ray's grandfather as Ray did not respond to their request to carry out a post tribute song commercialising Jon's passing and a live show to rake in more benefits from it.

His grandfather on the other hand were held ransom for this opportunity losses as they have agreed on a pre deal that uncle Li delivered. As a revenge to seek compensation they wanted to run some news on Kay to sensationalise the facts of what had happened.

To Ray, Jon was really a good friend and a very close brother to him and their team, they loved each other as very closed knitted family but the paparazzi created some misunderstanding sensationalising their relationship trying to tie the fact that Kay was neglecting Jon and how it all landed up where it is. The story continues through and Uncle Li wanted to instigate it further after Ray fail to deliver what his grandfather bargain for. "I'll run the news of them next week if you fail to compensate back what we agree on" Uncle Li told Ray's grandfather who was accompanied by his dad and Ta Ge and Er Ge as they visited him go try to resolve this.

In that when Er Ge accidentally told Yi Ren as Er Ge was worried how the whole situation was getting out of hand, Yi Ren took into his own hands to resolve it. Er Ge was flustered when Yi Ren caught him over drinks as usual with their mutual friends. He was worried what this would do to Ray and also the family reputation should Uncle Li seriously carry out what he said. Yi Ren was worried for Ray and decided to meet up Uncle Li through his family's connection.

He recalled his conversation with Uncle Li

"Li Lao Pan, I'm Yi Ren, Ray's friend"

"Ah so you are Wang's son, he called me saying his son wanted to meet me and I thought why so."

"Your dad did mention you are into entertainment as well.... hmm you mention Ray. Interesting, so which part of the earth had he escaped to? And why are you here? I've heard about you Yi Ren but didn't figure out you are also my good friend's son. So why are you here to talk about Ray?" Uncle Li had a long list of questions.

"I want to exchange something in return for you to not harm Ray or his family by running the article that you wanted to, I'll move my recording production over to your company for a year. You take half of the proceeds in return."

Uncle Li went silent - curious how close these two family were to be able to know even such intricate discussions had taken place.

"And why are you doing this?" He asked Yi Ren

"Just helping a friend" Yi Ren responded.

"That's it?!.....This surprises me even more, what is it between Ray and you that you are willing to extend a helping hand? Uncle Li stepped nearer to Yi Ren sneering at him and trying to read of the expression on this young chap but failed, instead he was greeted by a smirk and a confident response from Yi Ren.

"Yes that's it but the condition is you cannot harm Ray and you cannot let him know this conversation took place"

More curiosity now filled the air but Uncle Li a prominent business man cares only about profit making.

"I'm a business man I'm only bothered about whatever that brings me profit...your deal I can consider but I'm still curious who is Ray to you for you to do that? Any stories that you can offer me to dig into?" Uncle Li ask in return "Given that Old Man Wang hardly ask me for any favour even from our partnership days. I did find it interesting ... how he had ask me to pencil in this meeting for you, I thought you wanted me to produce something for him through my show biz but you are trading it in instead hmmm.."

"Like I said Ray is a good friend, I'll cover back the losses with my own work" Yi Ren explained.