

A new day

I woke up, feeling tired nd exhausted…took some minutes then stood up to the bathroom to check my skin out as usual nd my body too cus I was always feeling insecure thinking dat one day I'll surely get my dream body…brushed my teeth took my bath nd went out to get something to eat

I had class but I couldn't attend cus I was not feeling too okay so I had to skip but I'm having exams next week. Thoughts of my ex bf started running through my mind….it was actually a fun story though how we broke up with each other nd I still wish I could turn back time

Follow for part two to read the full story


At this point of my life am not excited about anything…..I just let things come nd let them go, they would hurt for a while but with time I'll get over it

I just wish I could finally be happy, I want to be happy nd see dat am happy

I want someone to choose me love me want me nd I'll see nd feel it not just words I want to feel it

It seems everybody is trying to protect their peace nd am doin same too , I don't want to get too attached nd then start thinking or regretting

I need to put my whole focus on me, learn new skills upgrade my vocals learn more about my body nd my health nd also achieving my goals

I want to get busy yes I need to get busy so I won't have to think about anything

Sometimes I just feel lonely becus am becoming something else, I no longer feel loved even if the person loving me is trying so hard to show me…..I just feel they want to play with me I'll just belike okay u can say watever u want nd I'll listen BECAUSE THEY END UP NOT PUTTING THOSE WORDS IN ACTIONS😭 nd it makes me so sad….like why would u do this to me I won't even do u like dat , wat did I do to deserve dat, was I being too nice , I started asking myself a lot of questions dat is the reason I would rather stay on my own Dan getting to meet anyone at all becus after then I'll start thinking nd getting attached I just can't am tired