
The Green Haired Immortal

"Well, what's the progress?"

"Since last week, nothing noteworthy, we are currently observing the reaction to different poisons, and so far, it's the same. They enter the bloodstream, and her white blood cells destroy them before they can do anything. It's the same for every biological poison and virus."

"What about chemical poisons? One's that don't need to mix with the bloodstream?"

"They don't affect her at all, the reactions that should happen, all the conditions are present, just don't. Her state of existence is almost stuck; her hair does not grow beyond what it is. If we cut it, it grows back but never beyond the original length. Same with all other parts of her."

"We need something to show for it, we have spent over ten million pounds on this, and we have nothing to show for it. The blood we collect just turns back to normal once it leaves her system; we have nothing to do."

"We can just keep trying to see if there is an Achilles heel to this power. All powers have a downside."

"That's all stories, this is the real world, and this woman has been alive for more than a hundred years, according to what we could find."

Suddenly a huge explosion rocked the place, the walls above them started to tear, and the place started to crumble.

"What is happening!! Run!!" screamed one as he ran towards an exit, however before he was able to reach the exit, a huge piece of debris fell on top of him, he mobbed no more.

The other stayed there in shock as the passage around him got covered in debris. Somehow the ceiling above him stayed together, but he was stuck, not knowing what to do. There was still an air vent that he could see the light from, thankfully.

Suddenly he had a splitting headache and fell to the ground. As he lay there, he remembered, "HFP, we stored it in blast-proof containers; whatever caused this collapse must have somehow caused a leak in the container. This is it, I guess."

Soon he too moved no more, and the whole area fell into silence as all the base had crumbled and reached a sort of equilibrium with no more collapses. However, no other voices were heard as well, as the poison had swept the whole area of all life.


"The explosion in the base of Narita has caused many problems for people living around. Fortunately, there were no civilians near the epicenter of the explosion, supposed to have been the result of testing by the JLF terrorist group, who are known to have their base in the area. No one has been reported missing as of yet, and no casualties are assumed." Came the voice of the announcer as he presented the news.

"Being of the book helps you stay hidden but also prevents help from coming if needed. So are you going to tell me how you did it? Or are you gonna keep this as a mystery too? You almost make me think you have more mysteries than me," Came the voice of a green-haired woman as she laid on the sofa in Leylin's office.

"Noone can have more mysteries than someone who's been alive since the middle ages. You even knew my ancestor, it seems. Plus, I had nothing to do with the explosion; I had been investigating the facility. However, some JLF goon decided it wool be a great place to test explosions," said Leylin as he sat on his chair, working on his desktop.

"Yes, how lucky that the explosion caused the release of HPF causing anyone who would have any information dead, along with burying the place in the rubble. Somehow it still left a tunnel up directly from my cell to near a pizzeria. A pizzeria where you had stopped to have lunch at and welcomed me as soon as I entered."

"I was just bored of the office and decided to explore; it was a coincidence the I saw you. But I had known about your appearance, and I assumed you had somehow escaped."

"You could come up with a more believable story if you wanted, no you know, no matter what your story, I would doubt you. So you are putting no effort into it. Plus, that still does not explain why the princess does not know of me."

"Simple, I feel you would be happier if I just let you go and not tell about you to another royal heir."

"So you will let me leave just like that?"

"Just like that. As I said, I have nothing against you, all the information on the experiments was destroyed, and any atempt at repeating what Clovis started would cause too much attention to be placed on me. Along with giving me more work, work I would rather not deal with."

"A man not interested in immortality huh, those are rare."

"Immortality is overrated anyway, so what do you plan to do now?"

"I'll be out of your hair soon; I have other things to do. I just need to order another batch of pizza."

"You haven't finished this batch yet," Leylin deadpanned, looking at the half dozen unopened pizza boxes.

"They take 30 minutes to deliver, plus I have had pizza after so long, they thought because I was immortal, I did not need to eat."

"Yes, yes, you don't need to eat, but still feel hungry if you don't. I've heard it already; order away, just don't cause problems around here. I have gotten you in as an informant, so at least act like that."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, boy, I know how to handle myself around military bases. I might be immortal, but I still have pain receptors."

That was good to know.