
New Acquaintance

The feline led me out of the forest and into a city full of different species. There were humans, angels, demons, animal hybrids, and more. The city was bustling and the roads were busy.

"Welcome to the City of Glence. It's one of the biggest cities in the world!" The woman smiled.

"I see." I said then crossed my arms. "Take me to an inn or something. I need another bath."

She looked at me then nodded. She walked ahead and led me to a hotel. I looked around the city and noticed some people looking at me with hatred. They knew exactly who I was and knew I wasn't here for a peaceful vacation. She stopped in front of a tall building and held her hands together in front of her.

"The Glence Hotel. It's a beautiful hotel, quite luxurious if you can afford it." She said.

"Afford it? How much are we talking about?" I asked.

"$900 Astral Dollars a night." She answered.

"The fuck? That's kinda expensive per night? I'm a villain, I don't have money like that." I sighed and crossed my arms. "And I'm not getting a stupid job."

"I already have a room, you can stay with me as a reward for saving me...and so you won't kill me later on when you do destroy this world.." She said and mumbled that last part.

"I heard that last part." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'll stay with you since I don't have anywhere else to go."

She nodded and we walked in together then the guards stopped me. I looked at them and closed my eyes.

"Let me pass..." I said then turned their shadows into monsters of darkness.

They looked at their shadows and gulped then let me go with the feline woman. I turned their shadows back to normal and walked with the woman to the elevator. We walked inside and she pressed the number five.

"So...what is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Khiarok." She answered.

"Yeah I'm not calling you that bullshit name. I'm calling you Snowflake." I said.

"What's wrong with Khiarok?" She looked at me and her ears twitched.

I looked at her and held my arms. I couldn't sexually say the name Khiarok. It sounds too stupid to even say it in my head. It sounded stupid. "It sounds stupid."

'Fuck. You and your thinking out loud Seraphim..' I thought to myself.

"I mean, it isn't a name I would've chosen, but it's a name passed down from generations on my mom's side of the family. But, I'll allow you to call me Snowflake. I like that name." Snowflake smiled and looked ahead.

The elevator stopped and we got off the elevator then headed to her room. She took her key card out of her satchel and held it against the scanner of the door, unlocking the door. She opened the door and we walked inside of her hotel room.

"This is where I'm staying until I find myself a permanent home." Snowflake smiled.

"How the hell are you affording this?" I asked.

"Well I am working with a team called the Survey Corporation. We just go around different areas and however good we do, we get paid. Some more than others. That's why I have this satchel. It used to be my grandmother's satchel when she used to do this." Snowflake smiled.

"I see." I walked around the hotel room. I sat on one of the beds and sensed someone trying to contact me. I opened the holographic interface and saw it was Stella. "The hell do you want, Mother of the Year..?"

"And a fine good evening to you as well, Seraphim." Stella giggled.

Snowflake walked walked over to me and tilted her head to look at the interface, seeing Stella on the other side. She looked amazed and her ears twitched and her tail swayed.

"What do you want Stella? I'm on a 500 day time clock." I said.

"500 days for what?" She asked.

"I have 500 days to conquer Valera. As if it's gonna take only 500 days. It takes roughly 20 days give or take to conquer a singular world and 180 days to conquer an entire planetary system. 500 days world only allow me to conquer 25 worlds. That's not even half of a realm not even a quarter. My brother is planning something and I know it." I said.

"He's always planning something. I didn't call to talk about him, I called to talk about you. I know how much you hate being an Overlord now." Stella started.

"It's not so much that I hate being an Overlord, it's just that it's become boring. I love the power and the luxury that comes behind it, but I enslave and destroy constantly and I barely have anytime to focus on me anymore. I want to just focus on my love life and have fun with it at the same time keep doing what I do." I responded.

"Hm. Love life huh. Didn't you have like 6 husbands already?" Stella asked.

"I'm going lesbian now. The men aren't working out for me anymore." I said then stretched.

"I see. Well if you want to do things your own way, then do it your own way. If you want to keep the Realm for your own desires and fantasies then do that. Your brother can't force you to destroy if you don't want to." Stella said.

"Mmm...You're absolutely correct, but my brother is a maniac. If I don't destroy the Realm then he'll come and destroy it and I already have plans for this Realm." I sighed and looked at Snowflake.

"I don't know what else to say other than go for it. If you need anything, I'm just a call away." Stella smiled then hung up.

"Who was that beautiful woman?" Snowflake asked and her ears flicked.

"That was Stella Bushi, Goddess of the Nether Realm or something like that." I said then closed the interface.

"Whoa...she's really pretty." Snowflake said.

"Yeah well she's married unfortunately. I would kill to make her my wife, but I like her husband so I'll leave it be." I said then yawned. "I'll just take a bath in the morning. I need to rest up and get ready to destroy some shit tomorrow."

"What?" Snowflake asked.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy it all at once. I'll only destroy things that I deem unfit for my standards. If the entire planet is unfit, I'll just destroy the planet. Simple." I said then crawled on the bed and got under the covers.

Snowflake looked at me and blinked. She walked over to the other bed and laid down. She looked at me then closed her eyes and sighed. She soon fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up and groaned lightly. The beds weren't as comfortable as my queen sized mattress. I sat up on the bed and rubbed my eyes then looked around. I looked at the other bed and noticed Snowflake still sleeping. I got out of bed and stretched then walked to the curtains and opened them.

"Nooo...Close the freaking curtains..." Snowflake whined.

"Get up, it's time for you to show me around." I said then turned around to look at Snowflake.

"Show yourself around...I'm tired..." Snowflake whined more.

I sighed and used my telekinesis to raise her off the bed. She hissed and meowed for me to put her back down. I walked to the bathroom and she floated behind me. I entered the bathroom and made her stand up and sat her beside me.

"Fiiiine..." Snowflake rubbed her eyes.

"I could've taken away your freedom, but I like this a lot more." I smiled then snapped my fingers and her clothes were destroyed. "We shall bathe together."

"You're a lunatic if you think-"


"Can you wash my back for me..?" Snowflake grumbled.

"Gladly." I smiled and lathered the wash cloth with soap then watched her turn around in the tub then I proceeded to wash her back. "This isn't so bad right?"

"You're insane and a pervert." Snowflake sighed and began to smack my face lightly with her tail.

I grunted lightly and closed my eyes. I grabbed her tail and she smiled and looked back at me. "That's enough."

"What? Can't handle someone doing things to you?" Snowflake smirked.

"Why you.." I said then pulled her ear.

"Ow! Ow! Not the ear! Stop pulling so hard!" Snowflake cried out.

After a little play fighting in the bath, we finally finished getting washed up and got out to get dressed. She allowed me to borrow some of her clothes and other products.

"You should join the Survey Corporation. You'll be able to do a lot with us and probably even still do your Overlord stuff." Snowflake said as she brushed her hair.

"As if I would join a bunch of mortals to do my usual business. Besides I'm known across the multiverse as if I could join any organization." I said as I fixed my hair.

"You never know...but before all that I guess I can take you to a mall to get you some clothes and other stuff. You know just so you can get accustomed to our world." Snowflake said.

"You are very trusting of someone you just met. Even though you know my intentions you still are willing to help?" I asked.

"Well I can sense you don't have the strong desire to kill and that's about it. You seem trustworthy to me just a little bit. I trusted you enough to take a bath with you while you studied my breasts the first few minutes. Plus you did save me from the hunters yesterday evening." Snowflake put her brush down and smiled at me through the mirror.

I looked at her and closed my eyes then set the comb down then placed my hands on the counter. I opened my eyes then looked in the mirror. "Such foolishness spewing from your mouth. Whatever, and also I rate your boobs a solid 8.9 out of 10."

Snowflake blushed and covered her chest. "Why are you rating my bust?! You are a pervert! I should've known by the way you were admiring my naked body, you even asked me if i was in...in heat..!"

"That is a very valid question!" I said.

"Whatever! Let's just go into the city!" She stormed off.

I smiled at her then followed her out of the bathroom and out of the hotel room. I was starting to like Snowflake and anticipated the day I make her one of my loyal followers.