In the bustling world of Yan Country, Han Guang stood as the prince of the largest alloy knife group. He was renowned for his expertise in alloy knives, and Xin Feiwen had just emphasized that black alloy was the most coveted material for crafting these exceptional blades.
Liu Yong, their stern leader, promptly issued an order, "When you return, procure some black alloy, around ten kilograms should suffice."
Without hesitation, one of his subordinates replied, "Okay, boss, I'll arrange it immediately."
Now armed with a deeper understanding of this remarkable alloy, they had abandoned their brutal cutting methods. Instead, they opted for the more refined approach of melting the alloy and then meticulously crafting it. With a melting point exceeding 2,000 degrees, the process was not as daunting as it might sound.
After a brief interval, Xin Feiwen returned to the workshop.