
Leveling Up My Authority

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BlackSheepMaster09 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 12 (Answer)

while Kim and Seven are eating.


Miss Kim, I have wanted to ask you this for a long time. What were you doing on the mountain at those times and why were you injured during those times?


Hmm? Let's not talk about that here. Let's eat first.


Okay, sure.


After they ate, they went to one of the tourist spots in Baguio.


Wow! Kim, this place is beautiful.


It is one of the tourist spots here.So to answer that question you asked earlier, I was on that mountain because I used one of my skills to escape and I landed there.


Huh? escape? from what?


From the Chinese! I only survived because of you.


Why are they chasing you?


Have you heard the news that the country has a missing treasure?


That was the news the other day, right?


You're right, that's why they're chasing me because of that.


If I heard the news right, it's missing now, right?


Yes, because of me, the National Treasure of the Country is gone.


What kind of "thing" is the National Treasure of this country?


It's still Confidential and I can't tell it to anyone.


Oh, is that so? the important thing is you answered my question earlier. 






Seven fell to the ground in pain.

SEVEN, ARE YOU OKAY?huh? your eyes are glowing and it emitting a Red light.huh? it's gone.

O- I'm okay Kim.haHahaHa

I'll just take you to the hospital to be sure.

Don't worry Kim, just take me home if it's okay with you

I'll take care of it, as long as you rest when you get home.


After four hours, they returned to Manila and Seven returned home to the hotel where he was staying.


Ah, good morning, Miss Kim.


Miss Kim looked at her phone and then at the time.


Good morning to you too, Jane.


Only now did I see you wearing that, Miss Kim.


Huh? What do you mean?


I mean your necklace. Just now you wore a necklace.


Ahh, this? A special person gave it to me.


Is that so? Did Mr. Jason give that to you, Maam?


Jason? Is that the leader of the Monster Guild you're referring to?


Yes Ma'am.


It's not from him, and don't ask too many questions. GET IT!


I'm sorry, ma'am.




Inside the Iron Guild main branch Rumors have surfaced that the Guild Leader of the Iron Guild has a boyfriend.The news also reached the internet and people talked about it.


ANON: Wow, is it true that the Guild Leader of the Iron Guild has a boyfriend?


ANON: It's just a rumor.


If this is true, many men will be angry with him.


ANON: I thought it was impossible for Miss Kim to fall in love with a man, but we were wrong. HAHAHA




It has also reached the Monster Guild Headquarters.


What in the world did you say?


Sir Jason, calm down. That is just a rumor, and it has not been confirmed yet.


I have been courting him for a long time. I gave everything to her, and this is what she will do to me.


Sir Jason I will just let you know that she did not accept what you gave him and returned it to you.


Who are you to speak in front of me?


Sorry sir,


Get out of my sight right now!


Okay sir.


During his stay at the Iron Guid Headquarters in Quezon City

The Board of Directors asked Miss Kim the same question.


Is this all true, Miss Kim? [GERALD PANGANIBAN]


Well, I want to clarify two things, Sir Gerard. First, he's not my boyfriend, and second, why are you interfering with someone's life? And what if I'm in love with him?


I'm sorry, Miss Kim, but we just need to know the truth because there are many rumors about you.

Tomorrow morning we will call the press to clarify this issue.

By the way, Miss Kim, your necklace is beautiful.


They had a little discussion and planned what they would say to the press.


They were successful, and a week later, the issue subsided.





Hi Seven, why did you call me?


I just wanted to say hello. It's been a long time since you've been able to visit here at the hotel.


I'm busy right now, but I'm glad you called.


Me too. By the way, where are you now?


I'm in the US now. You know, because of that issue, you have to calm it down.


I understand you, Kim. When are you going home?


It will be a long time before I get back there, and it will take me six months.


Is that so? I'll just call you Kim, so you won't be sad.


HAHA, thank you. I will still give you the location of the gates to make you stronger.


Thank you, Miss Kim.


I have to say goodbye. They are looking for me at the meeting.


Always be careful, Kim.


You are also TOTT.


I need to get stronger soon so that I can keep up with the powerful hunters in this world.