
Chapter 6

— God —

Knowing what's going to occur only helps someone prepare for it, but the eventual betrayal of my son is some deep shit to prepare for.

I wasn't prepared; it's almost sad how underprepared I was. This was the path necessary, the path I needed to take, and thus, it was out of my hands. I was a slave to the future, a future where Trihexa is defeated, and the bible can be fulfilled as it should be.

For that, the bible had to be written; it had to be shaped in a way similar to the one I knew and the one my future self had created.

That was the way. The only way.

I stared out into the depths of Sixth Heaven. It was the place where all the souls of those who died would go. Not the bad people, of course; they could expect an eternity of loneliness; maybe that way, they could stop calling me an asshole and start calling me by my rightful name. I gave up my power so that they could come into existence; what's a little bit of hardship for a whole eternity of peace?

I was frustrated; that much was true. I didn't even acknowledge Michael as he stopped by my side and watched the depths of Heaven's eternal goal with me.

"Are you okay-"

"I'm not, but I have to be." I cut him off.

It didn't matter how I felt. I am God, and God is Almighty. There is no room for tears, sadness, or regrets. I would see this through to the end.

This was the most challenging part after all. Saying goodbye.

"Would you like to be alone?" He asked, and I didn't have an answer, not an immediate one.

"...No, I enjoy your company, son."

Michael perked up at my words, humming softly to himself as we stared out into the golden emptiness. In a couple of thousand years, this emptiness will be filled with the souls of thousands. By the time the Trihexa rolls around…hundreds of millions, if not billions.

They would need to be protected. They earned their right to an eternity of peace, and I would ensure they keep it.

Thus, the first obstacle that stands in the way must be cast out.

I sighed, listening to Helel's conversation with Asmodel, Leviel, and Beziel. I don't know why Leviel thinks that weak seal would keep my ears out; to do such a thing, she'd have to be at least my level when it comes to sealing.

Which is impossible in all of existence to come; not a single soul carries my level of sealing ability; no one comes close.

They were gearing up for an attack on Heaven, the Great Rebellion. They wouldn't succeed, of course; I would see to that myself. We were hours away from such a thing. I had already finished my construction of the Underworld and put Lilith down there. Those who decided to rebel would join her down there, and they will go on to start the devil race.

A necessary evil.

One that would breed powerful souls to combat the Beast of the Apocalypse.

Also, devil women were hot. Helel does good work; I'm impressed.

"Michael, I must step out of Heaven for a while; keep a watchful eye on Helel," I ordered/warned, and Michael stood at attention.

"Yes, Father! I will not fail you!"

It was honestly adorable how eager he was to follow my orders; he was similar to Gabriel in that regard.

"I know you won't."

With those parting words, I popped out of Heaven and reappeared under the purple skies of the Underworld.

"God." A feminine voice greeted me from behind me with unconcealed anger.

I turned around, smiling at her. "Lilith."

She snarled at me, summoning chains of light to wrap around me. I let her do it, unconcerned about my safety. With her level of strength, she couldn't create any lasting injuries.

"Why, why have you decided to cast me out while Adam gets to rule over Earth?!"

"Everything happens for a reason."

"That's not an answer to my question!"

"Is it not, or has the answer slipped your mind?"

She paused at that before she grew even more angry than before. Spears of light appeared at her command, pointing toward me with dangerous sharpness.

"Adam, that ass gets to sit on the throne of Earth while I am cast down here…to do what?!"

My smile dropped, and my gaze softened. She didn't understand my words, not that I was surprised.

"Lilith. Understand, I love you. The reason you were sent down here is because you wanted this."

"I wanted this?!" She asked, looking around the barren underworld. "What am I to do here?!"

"A kingdom." That was my curt response. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but I could tell she was confused by my words. It sucked knowing a lot; having everyone else around me less knowledgeable made conversations longer. "You asked for a kingdom to rule." I broke the chains, causing her to step back in fear. "I gave you a kingdom."

"It's nowhere near as beautiful as Earth!" She countered, and I had to admit she was right, but that's because she hadn't moved from this spot.

"The Underworld is a plane all its own, much like Heaven and Earth. Heaven is infinite, Earth is finite, and the Underworld is several thousand times the size of Earth."

Lilith paused, eyes widening in shock.

"You call the Underworld ugly and rugged, but that's because you have not looked around. I ask of you, my dear Lilith. Look around your new kingdom, and you will find it much better than Earth ever was. This Underworld was made with your ideal home in mind." I explained, and never once did I lie. When I constructed the Underworld, I did so in a way that would leave Lilith happy. The animals were somewhat similar to the ones on Earth, albeit a great deal stronger, but nothing she couldn't toss around.

"You…" She said slowly, her fists clenched.

"If you do not believe me, allow me to show you." I snapped my fingers, and we appeared in the sky. Lilith almost fell downwards, but I floated her into my arms in a princess carry. A deep blush warmed her cheeks as she looked up to me before remembering she was supposed to be mad at me and scowling. "Look down, Lilith."

Her red orbs eyed me cautiously for a moment before looking down. A soft gasp left her lips as she stared at the beautiful sight. Where we were was a forest filled with trees of black bark and blood-red leaves.

A bloody forest, if you will.

"Oh, my God."

You're welcome.

"Do you see now, Lilith," I said, her attention returning to me as we floated above the beautiful forest. "Though things didn't work out with Adam, they were never intended to. My intended purpose when creating humans was for you to make mistakes and learn from them. You believed Adam was your destined one, but I never told you he was. All I said was to be fruitful and multiply. You learned through hardship and pain that he wasn't truly the one for you because he didn't respect you and your choices, and now here you are, with a fresh start and a chance to start something new."

Lilith looked at me in shock. Never in a thousand years did she expect me to say such a thing. Her cheeks once again gained a deep red hue.

"Then what am I to do here?" She asked, this time a lot quieter as she looked away from me, hoping to hide as much of her face as possible.

I held her tighter in my arms, giving her a genuine smile. "That, my dear Lilith, is up to you. You may create whatever you wish and rule them as you see fit. Here, Lilith, you are a god; I will not put any restrictions on you, barring one."

Lilith's eyes widened at me, giving her the full command of a realm. Even more than that, I gave her more power than I had ever given Adam.

"What's your restriction?" She questioned, her eyes shining as they looked into my rainbow-colored orbs.

I closed my eyes, my smile dropping, and my severe and stern persona returned as I opened my eyes.

"Should you attack Heaven or Earth, you will face my wrath. Am I clear?"

I felt her body shiver in fear and…something else as I sighed internally.

She was the future queen of devils for a reason, and as I sensed the pure lust for me flowing off of her in droves, I realized that I was done here.

"Yes, My Lord." The look on her face was the same one she had given Adam many times, only amplified a hundred times. I could sense the burning desire she had for me.

Not that I minded. My memories of the future were fading fast, and I knew by the time Helel attacked Heaven in hopes of overthrowing me, I would no longer have that influence on me anymore. This means I would merely be a very knowledgeable man with memories of a past life instead of being Yahweh, who lived through everything up to the Great War.

This may bode well for the future if Lilith was so enthralled with me.

I floated downwards, landing on the ground and gently allowing her to leave my arms.

"I'm glad we cleared that up, Lilith. I will be taking my leave now."

"So soon, my Lord?!" She asked, almost desperately. I could tell she hated being alone, but she wouldn't be for long.

"Yes, unfortunately, Helel, my eldest son, is planning a rebellion on my throne."

"Helel? Is he an angel?" She asked, tilting her head cutely, and I ran my hand through her hair, causing her to blush again.

"He is. He's the same one who helped fill your head with such anger. Had he not, you wouldn't have had such thoughts, not for a few centuries." I thought it best to leave out the fact that by then, Adam would have been finer with allowing her to be an equal. Such a thing would only cause her to be angered at Helel, and thus when I kick his ass down here, she wouldn't want to start a race with him.

"Will you kill him?" She asked with concern. Helel hadn't been very nice to her, but he had helped her see what she wanted, even if it went against my wishes. To her, Helel was the second-best person she knew.

Considering she only knew three, it was not really a high bar.

"No, I will send him down here. Do with that what you will. I leave his fate in your hands." I said, my hand glowing with light. "Farewell."

Before she could say anything else, I returned to Heaven.

I gave her a bit more power. Enough to be Helel's equal, and with her affinity for light and chains, she could bind and defeat him should she decide to punish/kill him.

Though I knew she wouldn't.

I walked into the room where my first eleven angels would spend their time and was greeted by all of them except for Helel.

""Father!"" They stood up, making their way to me.

"I have returned," I smiled at them, looking over each of them. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Yes, you missed me dogging Uriel in Connect-Four!" Azazel grinned.

"You're unfairly good at games, I don't even care anymore," Uriel grumbled.

"Would you like to play again, Father?" Azazel asked, looking at me expectantly, a slight blush warming her cheeks.

"Of course I-"

"Father!" Another of my angels, Metatron, ran into the room. Distress was shimmering off of his aura in waves.

"Speak, Metatron."

Metatron stumbled on his words several times before walking towards me and gripping my robes, tears streaming down his face.

"Helel's attacking Heaven!"