
Let me love you better

I become the wife of the character I'm simping for.

15 Chs

Chapter 3

I was so busy doing every document pertaining about this manor when I realized that spring is about to end and that means, there would be another ball. Will Krios also attending this ball? I hope he will, I want to dance along the music with him and he would put his manly hands on my waist as he sways my body, ahhh!!! Gosh! Stop it Liliana! I slam the quill pen and put both hands on my face to hide my red cheeks. It would be so embarrassing when someone saw me like that. I cough and composed myself, after taking a deep breath, I continue what I'm doing. While skimming through the pile of documents, I saw something that caught my attention. It was a report budget about Krios nephew named Xino, he was the only son of Krios's older brother, who have died during the war. I saw that the numbers of the amount that is being send to him every month are quite a bit unusual. Even though what said in every report are the same, but the amount of gold coins kept increasing as time passed by. I just put it aside and attend the other document.

It was already afternoon when I have finished reviewing every document, phew, I have won this war. I decided to walk in the garden as I let the sun touch my skin and as I walk, I saw some birds flying towards their nest and hear them chirping so happily. This kind of life is not that bad, simple and silent.


Seriously? I just have said that it was so silent and then this happened? Am I a joke to you? I immediately go towards where the sound come from and I saw a car. Oh, there's a car already in this era? Wow, that's cool! Anyways, when I got near, I saw a kid sitting on road and the other person was panicking how he can repair the car. They look so helpless so I decided to walk towards them and offer any help I can.

"ah- excuse me? is there something wrong? I heard a big bang and I decided to go here."

The kid looks at me and gosh, this kid is so cute and handsome!! I want to pinch his chubby cheeks! Ahem, but let's not do that because I would be considered rude I do it so let's restrain our self Liliana. The guy looks back at me and he look like as if he just saw an angel descend from heaven. He immediately clasps my hands and shook it back and forth.

"Oh, thank god someone is here! As you can see, our car just suddenly broke down and we need to go to the main manor before night, or else we will be in trouble!"

Oh, the main manor? That's just where I come from, well, it wouldn't hurt me if I guide them there beside it's time for me to come back. But who are they? I didn't hear that we will have any visitors today. As we walk towards the main manor, I saw that the kid kept staggering his steps, maybe he has hurt his legs when they got into an accident? He looks in pain so I decided to offer my hand to him.

"It looks like you have hurt yourself, do you want to hold my hand as we walk there?"

His steps halts and look at me. Maybe he's feeling a bit shy? Well, he's in the age where little boys like him doesn't want to be pampered. I think he doesn't want to hold my hand so I decided to pull back my hand when he suddenly pull my hand towards him. When I looked back, I saw him blushing so hard, oh my, is he being shy? Aw, he's so cute! When we have arrived at the main manor, I saw the head butler standing in front and his eyes suddenly widen up when he saw us. He immediately greets us and bow down.

"Greeting to the sword of this Kingdom, Duchess of Eagleton. Also Greetings to the young master of Eagleton."

Eh? Young master? This kid? I look at him with puzzled expression and he immediately let go of my hand and bow down in front of me.

"Forgive my rude behavior, I'm Xino Eagleton. It was nice to meet you Duchess."

My jaw almost dropped when he introduced himself. Is he really Xeno?! Gosh, that's why he is so cute!! I cough and composed myself before smiling at him.

"It's okay young master Xeno, I didn't know it was you. It may be late but welcome back young master Xeno. Then, shall we go inside now? You also need to take a rest."

I smiled at him and offered my hand. He was a bit doubtful first but he eventually took my hand. When we were walking in the hallway, most of the servants was looking at us, well, I understand why. Based on the novel, Liliana hates Xino, because for her Xino is just an obstacle in the process of achieving her goal. She doesn't care about Xino's wellbeing, especially Xino is the heir to this Dukedom, being someone who has the full blood of Eagleton. When we have arrived at his room, I look at him and let go of his hand. I was about to speak when he cut me off and talk first.

"Ahm, can I eat breakfast with you tomorrow? Is it okay if I talk to you again my lady?"

Acck!! I hold my heart because I feel like it's going to fall!! This boy is so cute! Gosh, I don't understand why the original Liliana hate this kid, like he's so cute!! I stopped myself from pinching his very cute and chubby cheeks before I look back to him. I smile at him as I kneel in front of him and hold his small hands.

"Of course, as long as you're in this house, we can eat our meal together and talk with each other. "

I ruffled his hair and I saw him blush. AAACCKK! My heart can't take this too much cuteness!! I wave him goodbye and I happily walked back to my room. Well, this day isn't bad at all, all of my hard work was paid off by Xino's cuteness hehe. I entered my room and my jaw fell into the floor when I saw someone was inside of the room. A tall guy with a very good build was standing in the middle of the room while taking off his clothes. He has a very built body, a wide shoulder and big biceps that I'll be glad to be chocked on. It was Krios! Oh my! I though he was coming back next week? Wait a minute! I'm still not ready! My heart can't take this. Let's breath in and breath out, I was doing that when Krios turn his back and out gaze meet. AAACCK! I felt my heart fell into the floor and I feel I can't take it back.

"Are you just going to stand there? Do you really hate to be with me in the same room?"

Wait no! I immediately composed myself and walk inside the room. I slowly closed the door and after that I look at him. Gosh, I don't know what to do, he's the character I'm simping for! I just can't do some fan girling here! I inhale deep and took the courage to speak to him.

"Yo-you're back, h-how was the raid? Was it s-succesful?"

Ahhh! It's so embarrassing!! Why did you stutter?! That's Krios! The only guy you're simping in your whole life!! Oh Lord, please guide me and give me the courage not to pounce on this guy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NIRRINcreators' thoughts