
Who Is Damien?

"We? The play?"

Lydia tried arguing, but Ryan and Becky had to speak up. 

She actually would have no problem with acting a play, but with Frenado, the whole story changes.

"Please Ryan's mummy," Becky pleaded. She actually didn't know what was going on, but the look on Ryan's face made her realize it wasn't a calm situation. "Help us? Help Ryan?"

Lydia had to squat down to Becky, she whispered into the little girl's ear, "I want to help Ryan, I actually do. But, I don't want to act with my.. my husband, Frenado!"

"Why?" Becky asked curiously, "Did anything happen? Or are you just shy because there is a kissing scene?"

"A kissing scene… No…. Wait?!" Lydia gasped and looked at Becky who had a broad smile on her face, "A kissing scene? And you children wanted to act that part?"

"Well, No" Becky corrected her, "And we're not children. Ryan is eight–"

"Eight? I thought he was six!"