
let it rain everyday

Life, for Nidhi was a journey from one mask to another. She was happy or cold, crazy at times, reckless at others, funny and talkative or silent and broody, indifferent or charming, juggling across names and personas. She walked on and on, but ended up at the same places, only to realize the path was one big wide circle. One of those days, the fine thread that held , everything she deemed unrequited, locked away, snaps. Time to face herself. This is Nidhy's journey through self deception, identity crisis, depression, failures, towards reality, dreams, success and love. She sets out to see the world, meet people, to share, to learn, to rebel, to redeem, to find, to create a space and an identity for herself. ....... excerpt...... I was craving some grilled sandwich, since afternoon. So, as soon as the clock struck five, I set out , to my newest favourite sandwich shop in the city. I was the first customer of the day. The owner along with her friends who were having a conversation welcomed me and I placed my order. They decided to invite me into the conversation and I decided to play my usual game. Lost Tourist :) " your name ? "Anjana" I flashed my most innocent smile. They all introduced themselves. "so, are you from outside Kerala ? " You see, my accent is the biggest aid to my disguises. No one, ever, believes that I understand and speak Malayalam, even though am a native who never even travelled outside the state. "no. am from Mumbai" I lie easily. "oh, where in Mumbai ?" the handsomest hunk "ahhhhm, Andheri ??" "that's great" says the owner who goes straight into the kitchen to bring the chef back with her. " he is also from Andheri " Am already struck in the head. What's the possibility of meeting a person from a place you randomly choose ???? "aha...!" I give him a stiff smile. No, don't ask me questions. I would never say Andheri in this lifetime, I swear! "Andheri West or East ?" now the chef. Can I take it back ? Can I ? How would I know if Andheri has west , east, south or north...? I mean, generally there are four directions,,,,,,sigh,,, let's take a pic. "Andheri west" "awesome, I was born and brought up in there . So where exactly in Andheri west ?" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Niyathy · 現実
11 Chs

Traces of an old fire(3)

The night crawled on slowly. A light drizzle settled after the heavy shower , along with it a cool breeze and a peaceful silence. I was still in a trance, recalling memories, locked down in unknown corridors of my mind, for so long, enough to rust and rot; But they were still fresh, just as much as the last minute which went by.

Slowly, the void in my mind started to get filled with sounds, lights, flashes, of the past I so longed to be forgotten. Every experience that pained, every lesson I learned in the hardest way possible, every hurt that was hidden away clashed against each other in my head, creating more noice.

A beautiful painting out of a mix of contradicting colours, an epic drama with very vivid charectors, an opera with all available instruments; the chaos in my head was an artwork in itself , and I was the only spectator.

I was frozen on the spot, unable to move at all. It's been a while since I went back to myself. Usually I did everything and anything in my grasp to try not remember; and if incase something came up, to divert my mind to anything other than myself. I never even allowed a moment of silence to break, relax or reflect; but kept on going, filled up my ears with blaring music and pretended, to be fine, awesome and perfect.

Even then some sounds, like that of a conciousness, rose above all noices, to correct, advise, warn; but then again, hearing and listening is different, I only heard; Intention to act and action are different, I never did any. So, here we are.

Is this how a reality check is like ? It hurts like hell. My breath constricts, tangible pain seeps its way through my chest, along with a few other emotions. Anger, disappointment, fear, possessiveness, craziness, a wierd combination, if I may comment.

My emotions are changing from a peaceful walk to a desperate chase. They tumble down my soul and sweep me in a sandstorm. I can't open my eyes, can't stop it anymore, I have finally snapped.