
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · ファンタジー
31 Chs


The palace of Bellafiore was in chaos due to the visit of the Emperor of Mazzikim who came to make a business deal and establish a friendly relationship with the kingdom.

Oscar was dedicated to preparing the parliament while the queen reformed the rooms to host the emperor and his retinue. Henry heard about the diplomatic visit and appeared in front of his father to take the place of host to win over the emperor.

Upon learning that his brother Balthazar was appointed to be the representative of the kingdom on behalf of Oscar, his anger was not slow to manifest. He demanded an explanation as he saw as an insult that being the crown prince he was the last to know about the arrival of an imperial retinue.

Oscar responded almost mockingly, that Henry, being so busy taking care of the saint and having requested to be her personal escort, believed it more appropriate to assign diplomatic relations to Balthazar. Henry, not understanding what his father was aiming for, could not appeal the decision.

He left the office very angry to speak with his brother and manage to switch places while obtaining more information from his personal knigth, Ferguson.

-I can't believe he chose him, damn it! Could you find out more about Mazzikim? I never heard of that country and suddenly everyone acts upset as if it were an important place-

-Talk to the senators and Librarian Parker, they all said the same thing. It is located in the impenetrable frozen continent, apparently it is a country so rich in lands and precious metals that it would be able to buy two entire kingdoms-

-What?! Something like that sounds unheard of, although that would explain the effort in making everything perfect before their arrival-

-Not only that your highness, they say that in Mazzikim they do not invoke spirits, on the contrary, they can use magic freely and the emperor is known as an expert magician-

-Magic?! Like the witches of yesteryear !!! Hahaha with more reason I must be the one who escorts the emperor. Where is the useless Balthazar? -

-In the queen's office. He has been preparing very diligently without abandoning his royal duties-

They went to see Balthazar and when they found him he was arranging maps for expeditions and guided sightseeing tours to places of commercial interest. As he approached the table he spread the papers to get his attention.

-How can I help you, Henry? In case you haven't noticed, I'm hurry, planning outings for the emperor- Balthazar looked at Henry without emotion

- Too bad, that is supposed to be the role of the crowned prince and not that of a second son. Look Bal, because you are not going to play outside and you leave the whole organization to me. I'll talk to father and tell him that you left him for not being able to control the matter-

-I'm afraid it won't be able to be. I don't think you can get ready in time. I doubt that you even know how to follow the thread of the conversation without knowing the country of Mazzikim-

-What are you talking about? It's only been a week since you were appointed. What preparation do you boast of?! -

-That's what you think? I have something to tell you; I've been studying for more than two months because you refused. Don't come to question your actions at the last minute and ask to change places. If you're going to do that, don't count on me-

-When have I refused?! -

-Don't you remember when father asked you to study with Parker and help with the paperwork for the new investors? You refused three times to take care of Luciana Williams-

Henry was silent. He had vague memories of some requests from his father but he always refused as he believed they were just trifles. Both his father and his brother stressed his lack of seriousness and he no longer knew how to face the situation.

- if I were you, I would continue to take care of Lady Williams, the gossips say that the emperor is a man whose hypnotic beauty eroticizes women making them crazy with love. Can you imagine poor Xavier losing his fiancée, it would be mortifying-

Balthazar picked up the papers and gave a simple smile but his hurtful words from him were spoken with ulterior motives to upset Henry.

-So why don't you retire and catch up because the arrival of the emperor is imminent-

Henry got out and slammed the door in the direction of Luciana's chambers. Balthazar bowed his head, his eyes twinkling as he covered his wicked smile.

-Ungrateful unworthy, soon you will be playing with the devil. Hurry up and make more mistakes to justify your downfall-

-Your Majesty, why didn't you tell me? As the prime minister it is my obligation to carry out any diplomatic organization.- Luke Williams insisted on understanding why they left him aside

-You completely neglected your tasks as a minister, when I needed you you did not appear and now that we are one step away from obtaining a profitable deal, you come to claim me. I should take the charge off you and give it to someone competent and responsible! -

Oscar was furious and he wanted to get rid of the prime minister.

-You know that I have many urgent matters to attend to in the county. I do what I can but between coming and going to the palace, at some point he would have warned me ...-

-Urgent matters? As I understand it, your nephew runs the county and your daughter is stranded here with your wife. You are not earning points, on the contrary you are getting muddy. Gregorian will take over your position temporarily. Get out and come back when your "matters" are resolved-

The king continued writing without looking at Luke and he decided to go see his wife and daughter.

-Bastard. When they arrive, I will no longer have to wait for them to execute him- Oscar remained impassive completing the papers


-So he's rich, powerful and handsome. What else could you get from those gossips, Yuya- Luciana was excited by the news about the arrival of the emperor

-He is very charismatic and sociable. Everyone says that he has ruled Mazzikim with determination to give his people the glory that they show the world today but ...- Yuya doubted to continue


-He already has an empress and she is a woman whose face is always covered with a veil. They say that she is hideous and forces her servants to cover themselves as well. I heard from the queen's side, that the emperor prefers it that way before someone sees her and screams from her fright-

-Are you sure? Then I can get closer to a man whose life has been unfortunate in love. I will show him what beauty means. Beside the emperor, Henry is useless just like Xavier-

Luciana plotted how to approach the man of her dreams and then get rid of the empress and take her place. She sent her maid to bring the bottles she used with Xavier and Henry to get ready.


The next day, before the sun came up. The servants and guards waited at the entrance of the palace for the arrival of the imperial retinue to welcome them. Only the kings, Balthazar, and a few nobles from his faction showed up.

They omitted to warn Henry, the Williamses, and his supporters, while waiting expectantly at the entrance.

Suddenly an icy wind shook the place generating cold in those present. The lights were turned on throughout the garden and among tremors they saw how several people appeared in winter clothes mixed with the snow blizzard that emitted magical sparkles that disappeared in an instant.

The man in the black coat climbed a couple of steps and took off his scarf and hat. He was a young man with long black hair with eyes similar to rubies that caused with the beauty of him that the maids would sigh just by looking at him.

-Greetings to his majesties and the royal prince of Bellafiore, I introduce myself, I am Emperor Rigel of the Mazzikim empire, it is an honor to finally meet us- Rigel bowed in a formal greeting

-Your imperial majesty, the honor is ours. After exchanging many letters, it is pleasant to know that he was able to make time in his busy schedule to visit us- Oscar continued to pretend

-Oh in that case, sorry to make you wait. I should apologize before but I couldn't help bringing my empress, Ishtar. She wants to know this country and their customs.- Scuti came over to say hello as Rigel kissed her hand

They finished their greetings to start breakfast and unleash their plans before the victims appreciated.

Mazzikim or Mazikeem (מַזִּיקִין)

in Jewish mythology they are invisible demons that create minor annoyances and major dangers. The Talmud classifies them as harmful to daily life.

Ishtar (Inanna Sumerian) Mesopotamian goddess of war, sex and fertility. She is the Akkadian counterpart of the Semitic goddess Astarte (Egyptian Isis).