
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · ファンタジー
31 Chs


A month passed and the girls stayed in their new home helping their grandmother. They herded the herd, milked the cows, tended the chickens, or spent time riding horses or playing games after their magic studies. By day, the city was illuminated by sunlight that filtered through strategic holes in the mountain and passed through magical crystals that spread the light throughout the area giving the feeling of being constantly illuminated by lanterns. At night, the light stored in the thousands of crystals gave off a pastel blue vibe that seemed like the night sky at dusk.

Scuti and Siri carried the egg with them all the time at their grandmother's request. They spoke to him, rocked and caressed him to warm him and thus convey her emotions. One of those many nights, while contemplating the artificial night, they sat opposite each other to be able to hatch the celestial egg. They infused their strength and mana into the egg.

After a few minutes, they waited and the egg had hatched. The hatching revealed a small reptile-like creature. It had two small horns and a flat snout. With golden eyes, a mane of soft white fur mixed with blue and violet scales that against the light seemed iridescent like the shell. Its body was about 60cm long, its tail was 15cm, its legs were short and a pair of wings protruded from the front ones.

The little dragon shone with joy and when he noticed the girls, he was so moved that its blinding shine reached the house, alerting her grandmother, who ran out to see what happened.

The light that dazzled them disappeared and when they removed their hands from her faces they found that the dragon had split in two. Now the beings were half their original size and their colors had been divided: a white dragon with blue tones and another with purple tones.



The girls were happy with their new guides and guardians. The dragons had been reborn to accompany them and show them the way to destroy the charix and restore the stars in the sky. The dragons quickly climbed onto each other's shoulders and began stroking their heads against Scuti and Siri's cheeks. Ellen arrived and was happy to see the achievement of her granddaughters, she could finally rest easy as the little ones recovered what they had lost.


In the capital, the lack of control had seized the royal palace. The king and ministers were madly trying to sort out unfinished business. The location of the saint and the star was a priority, but since they could not declare their true intentions before the people, they camouflaged the situation as a census, tracking and mandatory inspection to avoid another massacre. Although the population was almost decimated, they did not look down on the actions of royalty.

Quentin's stomach turned every time he witnessed a meeting. Each noble had a more twisted and even psychopathic intention of what to do once the star was found. He had made a decision, he would find the saint on his account before they did, to prevent them from approaching his daughters. He preferred a thousand times that the girls remain with the witch than in the hands of the madmen at court.

He began an alternate and secret search with the help of his knights, both about the saint and the origin of Andrea. Since then he has remained in the capital to avoid unexpected surprises, leaving Seth in charge of the marquisate, along with the new ones. guardians of him. As minister of education he ran with the advantage of going to his home if he wished, but since he never used that to his advantage it was not strange to see him so diligently working in his office.

He always left the window open wherever he wanted him to go waiting for news and as if they were reading his mind, today a crow flew into his office and landed on the king's bust. The raven tilted its head and watched him as he sat. Quentin turned to the raven in hopes of getting some help.

"I need to find the saint before they do. Those madmen want to lock them up inside the palace." I swear that I will not use the saint to look for them, I just want to have him under surveillance so that no one can seize them. I need your help, I beg for your help Madame Trudy- closing her eyes awaits confirmation

A squawk makes her eyes open. The raven was now perched on a map on the table and pecked at a specific area. Suddenly an overlapping voice is directed at Quentin.

-Hahaha ... I'll take care of the saint. You take care of the task I gave you- the playful voice sought to alter the heart of the marquis -By the way, the girls are fine. I am sending you a gift, I hope you enjoy it. If you want to leave something let me know. Until next time-

Quentin seemed to be relieved when he heard the words of the witch, when the crow raised one of its wings revealing a kind of small black bag that adhered to the bird and was camouflaged with the wings.

He took the supposed gift. It was a square envelope and when he took out the contents he couldn't help covering his mouth to end up crying. The content was a photo of the girls laughing as they sat on the grass holding what look like stuffed animals.

The photo struck him because it was recent and in it his daughters looked happy. He understood that he failed as a father, but it was too late for an apology. The photo was a clear message from the witch: "This is what you lost, now live with your mistake." Quentin's heartbroken cry was being studied by the raven at the table, who cared little and nothing about the sadness of the man.

After venting a bit, he remembered the witch's last words and wrote a note. He folded the letter well and put it in the crow's bag along with the photograph.

-Please take it to Seth, he needs this more than me-

The raven nodded and flew off toward the marquisate. Now that he had solved most of his problems, he made one final decision. He took one last look at the bird moving away, took a deep breath and began to put away his personal belongings from his office.

He would call the doctor and hand over his resignation as minister. The image of the girls laughing pierced his head and heart every time he closed his eyes and this gave him the will to continue.


King Oscar noticed Quentin more than emotionally destroyed. The doctor ruled that he was under depression and that the cause could be belated grief towards his daughter. He recommended that he rest indefinitely but Quentin chose to resign and apologized for the situation. He would return to his marquisate or possibly to the family villa to rest and if the king asked for help, he would not hesitate to lend it to him although for the moment he should abstain due to his mental health.

The nobles and aristocrats of the court who coveted the position were more than satisfied, since they could run as candidates and the eagerness to see the Marquis Lennox who was from a neutral strip outside the capital, encouraged the race in the factions of the princes. in the fight for the throne.

The least happy at this meeting was Duke Fisher. His son had lost his future fiancée, and with it he lost the possibility of making plans to take over the land of Lennox. To finish ruining everything, the marquis submitted his resignation and was in a deplorable emotional state that prevented anyone from starting any type of business or dealings with him. He set out to find another alternative to seize power and land and began to devilishly observe the prime minister, Count Williams.