
Let Him Love You First

After leaving everything behind, Zoey needs to go home and face all she have left. She thought time can heal all wounds but after reuniting with her friends, she has to face her mortal nemesis as well as her ex boyfriend. Little did she know that there is a guy who is watching her from a far that will help her mend her shuttered heart. --- To: America Message: You know what? If you thought that Zoey was wrong for treating you badly, wouldn't it be better for the two of you to sit down, relax and talk? Remember that you've been friends since childhood. Reply: Earl it's easy to say but hard to do. Yes! We've been considering each other as best of friends but why did she decide to believe other people's hearsay? For their seven years of friendship, Zoey could say that America is a hard-headed person. Zoey pretended to be someone just to have a decent conversation with her. All she wanted was to know the truth. It started when one of her classmates saw both America and Michael, Zoey's boyfriend, at the mall. At first, when she heard about this, she thought that what was the deal of seeing them? What if they were buying some stuff together? She naïvely thought that it would be better than her best friend was on good terms with her boyfriend. In that way, she can help and understand them if they were fighting. But all of those thoughts disappeared in an instance when her classmate showed her a picture wherein they caught in the act of kissing and holding each other's hands while buying Cinema Tickets. She dialed America's phone number and tried to ask where she was last weekend when someone saw them together. America answered her calmly, "I was at home sleeping. Why? You knew that Mom was mad at me, and I grounded and forbad going outside last weekend, right?" After she had heard her reply, she thought that her response was like a big slap on her face; she knew that she was lying because her friend's evidence was authentic. The photo has a date on it, and it was impossible for anyone to edit or change the said photo because she used a film camera. Zoey thought of it before she called Michael and asked the same question. After Michael had answered her phone call and heard her question, his forehead instantly covered with cold sweat. Did Zoey found out about them? He tried to calm himself first before answering, "Babe I've told you that Dad was still mad at me and ordered me to stay at home and that was the reason I couldn't pick you up after your ballet lesson." Little did he know that his answer was exactly the same as what America has said to Zoey? Zoey started to have a doubt about them. After that week, Zoey found more about their illicit romance. They indeed are having an affair behind her. When most of her friends tried to convince to break it up with him, Zoey finally decided to do it. She then again called and asked him to meet her at the park near our village. When he arrived she immediately said, "Mike, let's end this." At that moment, she was already shredding her tears as she was asking him to end their relationship. Mike wanted to hold her hand but before he even had the chance to grab her left hand Zoey already stepped backward to avoid him. "Z I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. I know I wronged you but please don't this to me. I was tempted, I seduced. I don't like nor love America. Babe, please don't say that." Who would have thought that Michael has the audacity to say that? Zoey was confused about what to believe; she didn't know if Michael was telling the truth or if it was another set of lies. But before she turned around and leaves, she took aback when she saw him kneeling and crying on the ground while asking for her forgiveness. She took them back her words.

Phannawadee · 一般的
153 Chs

Like mother like daughter.

"What should I do?" She softly said to herself.

America lost its rationals for that short period, thinking of a possible plan to keep America away from Michael. She cannot bear to let go of him; she gave everything to this guy, her heart, soul, dignity, and V card.

America felt that she is about to get crazy thinking hard when suddenly she saw a picture frame place at the edge of his desk. It was dark in the room; only the moonlight gave her the guide to see the outline of the portrait in the frame.

From the looks of it, it is a girl with short wavy hair. It didn't take her a minute to distinguish who was on the photo.

"ZOEY!" She said while grinding her teeth.

Letting go of her last thread of patience and understanding towards the man sleeping and she used to be her best friend, America fished her phone inside her bag and dialed an unfamiliar number. This person will surely help her to get rid of that slut.


Zoey came back home with Happy on her arms. No more surprise parties or instant festival happen when she arrives. When she arrived home, Alfie, who she hasn't seen after the wedding appeared in their living room. Sometimes she thought that this guy had a radar whenever Manang will be cooking her favorite foods. The aroma of the dishes Manang prepared can be smelled at the front door. And with the aroma of it, it is Sinigang na Yellowfin sa Miso.

It is almost lunchtime when she reached home. After dropping off her luggage at the front door, housekeepers took it and brought it to her room then arranged according to where it is supposed to be.

"What a pleasure to welcome you back Zoey?" Alfie spread his arms wide as if he is about to hug her when Happy started barking at him.

In an instant, Alfie with only his socks on climbing on one of the couches and used the pillow to cover his legs against Happy who run towards him barking and growling.

"What is wrong with that dog?"

"It has a name, Happy this is Alfie, Mommy's friend. Alfie this is my baby girl, Happy."

Alfie wasn't happy meeting Happy. Because he was afraid of dogs, he was once bitten by a neighbor dog before.

Actually, Zoey forgot that Alfie had a bad experience with dogs that is why she wasn't eager to calm down Happy as she kept barking against Alfie.

"Didn't you mistakenly eat a dog before? Maybe that is why Happy doesn't like you. You ate one of her kind." Zoey laughed after saying her theory why Happy isn't happy seeing him.

"Zoey, I was bitten before! Please remove her away from me." Zoey then later remembered that incident. She carried Happy away from him and place her to her carrier.

When Alfie secured that he is safe, he went down the couch and arranged the pillows that got scattered because of him.

"I didn't know you own a dog. All along I thought you were a cat person."

"So you thought wrong then. It doesn't mean that because I like Garfield when we were young makes me a cat person. I also like Snoopy you know."

Leaving him with no words to say. Alfie shuts his mouth for a while.

"Why are here? Do not tell me you set a CCTV camera around our house to see if Manang will prepare delicious food."

"It is actually just a coincidence. Hahahaha! I'm here because when I paid a visit to you two days ago, Tita Fatima said that they'll be expecting you arrive today before lunch. Anyway, where did you go?"

"You already talked to my mom, but you haven't asked her where I went?? And why would I need to tell you plans?" Zoey placed her hands around her waist while asking Alfie.

She looked mad and intimidating whenever she places her hands around the waist.

Alfie was about to answer her when Manang informed them that lunch is ready.

The Alcantaras plus Alfie sat around the dining table. Mrs. Alcantara leads the prayer before they dig their claws to the dishes in front of them.

"Did you settle everything there Zoey?" Her dad asked while taking out the fish bones on his plate.

"Yes, dad. Although I left some stuff, I won't be needing inside the apartment. And on our last night, Greg, you guys remember Greg, right?" Mr. and Mrs. Alcantara nod their head while Alfie lost on who was Greg. "He treats us for a meal in his parents' restaurant."

"He's really a good lad." Mrs. Alcantara remarked.

"Yes, he is mom. Mom is my forehead that wide and bright? Does it really shine from afar??" Zoey asked her mom with that worried weird face she always used when she felt shy and worried.

Zoey grew up insecure to her appearance, despite her beautiful small face. When they were young, Zick teases her piglet with pigtail every time she sees her with pigtail.

Like a normal kid, Zoey was cutey-chubby before. Not a chubby obese kind but chubby health. Even though she possesses a gorgeous look, she started feeling less of that she is because of her brother continue teasing.

Later on, she began being insecure about her appearance. "Did your brother tease you again?" Mrs. Alcantara asked.

Poor Zick!

Before Mrs. Alcantara scolds his older child at the back of her head, Zoey clarifies that I wasn't her brother but Greg who her mom a while an ago complementing.

"It was actually Greg." Zoey scooped a spoonful of soup then put it on her mouth.

"I take it back! That guy is good!" Like mother like daughter. Mrs. Alcantara pouted and scrunched her nose.