
Let's Try To Have Fun With Out Being OP

a random guy met his end bey a crazy feminist but thanks to the god of all-male gods chose to restore the guy by giving him wishes and killing the feminist and sending her to hell {{ don't worry the mc is not gay }} {{ the mc will only have one lover, not any more maybe later in the novel max is 2 {{ all content are not mine only my idea of the fan-fic that is all if any owner wants me to take something down I will any day any time }} {{ English is not the first language I am using an app to help me correct the errors}}

suicide_Elf · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

chapter 1 fuck you all feminist

It is ( 2021 17-JUN )

what a bad day maybe not I don't know anymore let's start with my story of how I died by a crazy feminist of gen Z ( I am one of them and I am hating the day I was born because of them ) the most retarded gen In history what do you want to hear wolf retards gay retards trans retards vegan retards and the most retarded one in all of them feminist like come on ( kill all men ) why just why I know you are fatherless and all but come on who is going to continue the human population and who is going to work the hard work like let me just list some for you all so you retards can understand

Brick Man


Installation, maintenance, and repair worker

Adhesive bonding machine operators and tenders

Construction carpenters


Mining roof bolters


Reinforcing iron and rebar workers

Structural iron and steelworkers

And many others that I have not mentioned

I mean what is there to say with all due respect to women but those feminists need to shut the fuck up. there is a reason why men get more money in any job more than many women because they can not do the same kind of quality and time spent as men

ahh~~ I got carried away again with my talk about retards it's not my fault they are just so frustrating and dumb that someone needs to talk about it

anyway here you go with a flashback of how I died

[ flashback jujutsu ]

'When will my puberty end I am horny all the time and I still can not get a girlfriend AHH fuck this world I have been thinking of ending it all I mean I have nothing to lose what family fuck them I don't care about them that much maybe my mother a little bit Nah she is a bitch what kind of a mother cares a lot about her new lover than her children'

'what is that woman looking at do I have something on my face or something I mean I am from another country wait!! is she racist I mean I am one but to a country that my country considers as an enemy after all I respect my country on not the whole country just the people fuck the police and government they are just money fuckers anyway now that I think about here is another thing I hate the most in the world and that is { America } you know why it's because they just hade to go to war with my country and kill the king that we all respect and love you know why... because of oil and the worst thing is they made my country look like it's full of terrorist that only want to blow things up ahhhhh! I have so much to talk about right now that I think my mind is going to blow up

'but that doesn't matter let's see what this woman needs'

I look at the woman for a minute then tried to say something but the woman cut me off " do you, men enjoy dominating women and raping them answer me " what the Fuck is this bitch talking about? let's just get this over with

" no why do you ask and can you stop saying, men like all men do the same thing ohh let me guess are you one of those feminists retards. " 'just my Luck of encountering a feminist ahh~ fuck this era of retards will I am one of them but I will never act like them I bet there are 80 random flags of random made-up genders, ahh this world is going to hell for sure like 100℅ '

as I walking past the woman she suddenly took a pistol out of her bag and looked at the mc saying something before shouting the gun " I know it you are looking at me like an object you rapist I will make sure of killing every man in this world I hope you go to hell with your other rapist friends "


"AHHHHHHH you fucking bitch I have never even touched a woman ( family not excluded ) fuck I know you were a feminist I ~~~."



[ random overpower guy pov ]

"ah another guy killed for being a man I mean come on lady's look at the background of your victims first don't just kill any man you see ahh feminist of this era I kinda want to see the future but that would be boring I still need entertainment ah "

"let's get this guy in here and send this bitch to hell I bet the devil would like her hahaha Ahm"



[ mc ]

what the fuck was that she didn't even let me finish what I was telling her ahh god damn it fuck this world and its people ah what happens to me now what did I do wrong *drip* ( teardrops) why just why I haven't even made my dream *drip* ( teardrops) this is so unfair I am still 17 years old

[ keeps crying for a few minutes ] ( you got to understand him he was only 17 years old he only saw the school and its boring studies, not the world and its true beauty )

behind the soul was a person that is naked from head to toe he looks like Jonny Sins the famous P*rn Actor or as they call him {~ Daddy sin ~}

( back to the mc )

let's just stop this I can do jack shit about my situation Sigh~ I just forgot to look at my surroundings ( looking around ) hmm this doesn't look like hell or heaven so those retards were wrong I know it to not believe jack shit from normal humans what god what shit ahh at least the ground looks like a cloud so I have no problem with sleeping I hope I sleep and never wake up

suddenly there was a loud voice in the background." hey young man what are you doing in my realm "

as soon as the soul heard the voice it got scared and looked behind it very slowly as it finally looked behind it saw a familiar face that he saw hundreds of times on the hub." Jonny?" says the mc after looking at Jonny Sins face

Jonny Sins started to move closer to the mc and says." yes I am and you are in my realm it's like a home and you are the invader do you have an explanation for me or would you like for me to look into your mind now chose wisely." says Jonny with a lot or aura around the mc but the mc trying to have a little bit of fun before he continues the business of reincarnating this little guy

' what the fuck is happening when was Jonny Sins behind me and why was I in his home as he says no no it's not the time to think about that, let's just let him see my mind as to understand that I mean no harm and after that, I can ask him some questions." you can look at my mind any time you Mr, sins " says the mc not remembering that he is still inside the aura of a god but that doesn't matter but what matters is to get through this now let's get back on track


[ Jonny Sins ]

hmm, let's see.....I know how he was killed but I still want to see his life and to be true to myself,.. he is really interesting I mean just look at his personality he hats everyone but deep down he worries about anyone I don't understand how that works but he seems to make it happen

and he tries to be what everyone wants him to be and that got messy and he just goes around saying fuck at every chance he gets hahaha and he seems like a funny guy too but people didn't understand his jokes

he got a bad background it's all that clan shit again Sigh~ there is a reason why I don't like this stuff why must there be clans it's all that Damn god's fault thinking this was a good idea it was at the beginning but it got more and more out of hand as years go by Sigh~ anyway let's look at the other things that he has

he seems to have a huge potential in fighting but his world is full of pussys maybe not all it's like 0.070% I mean it's a trash world that would destroy itself in do time and all but he seems to be the protagonist of it but the world didn't need him or more like it couldn't hmmm hahaha maybe I can make him my entertainment like the other god's do but I won't kill him after he almost got to god rank


as I see that Jonny sins is finished looking at my memories and instead looks at me amusingly well that only means one thing ... I am fucked I just saw became a toy of entertainment Sigh~ at least I know where I stand and what my future would be and I already have a plan it's an old plan but I don't think I have any better plan other than this and don't be surprised that I have a plan because ever anime manga and novel lover has a plan of them meeting a rob so yeah

looking at him with eyes full of hope" so how does this go do I get 3 wishes 2/1 or do I have to put my luck on the line and role some gacha machine "

smiling at me Jonny sins says" nothing like that you only get one wish and a race ticket after all the human race sucks their evolving talent goes as far as demi_God level but that only happened once and it was infinity time ago and the demi_god has already died so yeah no you won't go far with that kind of race any way you can still change the race ticket for a body does not just look but you would plan the future of your body looks and height of every year that grow at I am saying this because a lot of people complain about there hight all the time so this is my offer, oh and of course the world is your choice I recommend to go to a world that is of a rank 0 danger lvl just to start and learn stuff and prepare for stuff"

hmmm this is god one wish is all I need there is only one wish that I want and that wish alone can make me a god in 100 years like it's so overpowering that people use it the wrong way All the time and always forget or just won't care about its true power and that is" I wish for the ability to travel the infinity with my chosen people or in other words my family as for the race the ability that I wanted can cover that up so I With fir the looks after all handsome people always have an easy life and the hight is just too good to not want as for the world I agree with you so that's why I want to go to the Vikings show as for the reason it's really simple "

this plan to go the Vikings show world is to gain many things

1* to gain some b*as and become a man because I am 100% sure I am up to**y compared to other world's men like really so this is important to me

2* I am to face reality and see how the world works it's not just S*x work and sleep

3* I need to face not just one reality of the world but multiple and one of them is killing

4* I want to gain experience in multiple things but the most important one is fighting

5* I want to find my reason in a world that is full of killing and fighting because as you have seen I am a little bit crazy and love to fight if not for my family I would have become an MMA fighter

6* begin the search for my perfect wife after all I might just take 2 women's at once I don't think I can handle a harem after all I am a human, not a plot armor mf

7* I want to go to that world because I love every character there even the bad ones it's just so interesting and I want to experience the world of Vikings with my own eyes and feel what they feel not just feel something fake

finished saying all of that I look at him and see him over the Haven like he has found the most precious thing in the world" bro I like you and all but I am not gay and won't let you do something to me ok so stop that it's creepy"

hearing what I said he stopped looking like that instead he started to laugh" hahah sorry man this just makes me so happy you know how other mcs are to stupid or to horny or just to evil right will all of us god's or robs are fed up with that shit and you saying stuff like that makes me happy that I am going to have fun finally not just some shit that I have seen hundred if time already anyway I am really excited right now so let's get things going you only have to picture how you want to look and plane some things for your body and by the way those plans can be changed at any moment it's all depends on how you use your body like if you want a 6 back and when you go to the world of Vikings and only eat and nothing else then that won't happen you would only become a fat ass now you would say that is just the normal but you are wrong with this sub _ ability it lets you make the perfect body but that body needs care anyway as for the travel ability I have added some stuff to help you and entertain me so you have the ability to chose a family to be bron in or be an orphan and the ability to choose the year that you want to be born in"

holy shit that was a lot to take in he didn't even breathe just keeps talking but that doesn't matter what matters is what I just heard This makes me happy so let's just get this over with and get going with my new adventure

{ mc looks }

" now that you are done please choose the family and year and you would be done," says the smiling Jonny

" I want to be the son of Ragnar and the twin brother of Bjiorn"

after saying that I blacked out and that is how my story began huh?

[{ word count 2500+ }] Grammarly helped in correcting errors