
Let's play Baseball

star Baseball player for his high school Alex died be for his time and was offed another chance at life

JD_William_Grant · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Ch 17 Run, run and run

( 1st day for practice )

Its now summer and the baseball team is training like no to morrow. Everyone is ether running, fielding, pitching or batting in the batting cages. In the night the team was running throw the bases 100 times. The first years were tired but Alex how has the medium regeneration ability was still able to keep going.

???- Hey first years. Stop resting. Keep going.

???- Keep going idiot. Look Alex is still going, so you can to.

???- Do you want to start again.

Sawamura- Eek...

After Sawamura, Furuya and Haruichi are lying on the ground. Some of the senpai's were asking if they were all right because Haruichi could hardly stand, Furuya looked died and Sawamura looked like he was going to puke. Alex looked fine just a little tarred and sweaty.

Coach- Ok, we'll leave it here for today.

Sawamura- I c-cant believe W-were going to be doing this for the howl week.

Coach- Last but not lest, your going to shout and count to 20 and run.


( 2nd day for practice )

Alex was in the net batting and hitting it hard. After 100 hits he stops and goes to pitch at the net for 100 times and trying out a new pitch.


Chris- Alex what kind of pitch is that.

Alex- Chris-senpai. Its a new pitch l'm trying to learn. Its called a Gyro ball.

Chris- I've not herd of that one but it looks good and that sound is like a raw of a best. Looks like a good pitch for you. Any way its time for breakfast.

Alex- Ok. Be there in a minute.

Alex finished up and went to the mess hall to eat. He sat down with Sawamura, Furuya and Haruichi how are looking at there food pouting. Kanemaru Shinji gave them the food and said that they have to eat three big bowls for rice or he will tell the coach.

Alex- Haha, its like your become there caretaker Kanemaru.

Kanemaru- Save it Alex. That goes for you to.

Alex- Don't worry. I'm all ready at my 2nd bowl now. You should pay more attention to them.

Alex point at Furuya and Haruichi as one is chewing nothing and the other is not eating.

Kanemaru- Furuya, your not even moving your chopsticks.

At class Sawamura is sleeping and Alex is looking out the window. A girl in class shock Sawamura to wake him up and said.

???- Sawamura-kun. Kanemaru-kun said that he'll be telling the coach if you continue sleeping.

Sawamura looks at Kanemaru and sees him smiling at him.

In the afternoon training Alex and Furuya are in the outfield catching some balls and throwing them back as fast as we can. One hour of that and we are back to running and batting practice. Then Alex was aloud to pitch in the ball pen. Alex pitch there for 2 hours and then the coach called it at night.


( 3rd day of training )

The first years are starting to slow down in there training. Alex was in the ball pen pitching with Tanba and the other pitch form the 1st strings. Alex was giving it his all in every pitch he throw and his Gyro ball was looking just as good as that one guy form that Major anime.


The sound of his pitching cased peoples heads to turn and look at it. The other two pitcher in the ball pen looked at Alex as Alex just kept pitching and pitching with out stopping and with every pitch he throw it was getting faster and more controlled.

At night the team was running as a group, but Sawamura, Furuya and Haruichi are in the back barely running, more like stumbling around. after the end of the run they collapse on the ground tired but Alex was still standing with the rest of the 3rd years.

Coach- Tomorrows practice will also be starting in the morning. After paking up you should return home.

Everyone- YES SIR.

Sawamura- I'm dead tired.

Furuya- My body cant move.

Haruichi- How are those people still able to stand.

Chris- How can you guys be this tired. Its just day 3. We still have more to go, and look Alex is still standing with the rest to the 3rd years. If you don't keep going he will leave you behind.

After Chris said that he walked for with the coach and the two catchers. The coach report about how the first years are and Chris said.

Chris- As pre your instructions, Sawamura and Furuya are to get used to the training before being allowed to pitch. But Alex is still going hard and is only getting better and better as the training goes on. He is able to keep up with the 3rd years and pass some of them. For a first year he is doing good and his pitching is getting better and he learnt and new pitch just before this training started and he has bought it up to a level to be used in a game.

Coach- Good, Alex and Tanba are the lead runes for the ace number so keep an eye on them and make sure that they don't get hurt. As for those other to get them in the ball pen. We will have so three matches the last two day of training. One on Saturday and two on Sunday. Sawamura and Furuya will be pitching on Saturday and Alex, Tanba and Kawakami will be pitching the two on Sunday. For these three matches I don't care if we win or loss, I just want to see if the players would have the spirit to fight on even if they are extremely tired. I just want to see if they have the fighting spirit.