
Let's Go To College

I took over this man's body. From now on my name will be Seok-Woo. Currently, I am enlisting for my mandatory military service. Saying Goodbyes to my Father and... Stepmother. I don't know why but I think I've seen her somewhere but who cares at this moment. After this, I'll be going to College.

inverted · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Chapter 17

Two weeks had slipped by since Seok-Woo first laid his hands on the keys to his car, his days consumed by the pursuit of two significant milestones: acquiring his driver's license and finalizing his enrollment at the college. With these pressing tasks at hand, his presence at home dwindled and leaving little time for leisurely outings with Sung-Hee.

During this time, Seok-Woo's driving prowess underwent a remarkable transformation, honed by the rigorous training received at driving school. His mastery behind the wheel hinted at a swift journey towards obtaining his driver's license, his skill surpassing expectations with each passing day.

Now, in the present moment, Seok-Woo found himself navigating the familiar roads, his destination clear in his mind's eye: the Love Hotel. As the distance to his desired location diminished, he reached for his phone, seamlessly multitasking as he dialed the number of the hotel's manager, his fingers deftly dancing across the touchscreen.

"Hello, it's me, the owner," Seok-Woo announced, his voice carrying a sense of purpose as he relayed his imminent arrival. His words left little room for ambiguity, the urgency in his tone palpable as he cut straight to the chase.

On the other end of the line, the manager of the Love Hotel was momentarily taken aback by Seok-Woo's unexpected call, the abruptness of the declaration catching him off guard. However, after a brief moment of surprise, he composed himself, his professional demeanor swiftly reasserting itself as he prepared to meet the new owner.

With a sense of determination, the manager made his way to the entrance of the Love Hotel, his appearance meticulously groomed in anticipation of the impending meeting. Each step forward was a testament to his commitment to ensuring a smooth transition of ownership, his readiness to verify Seok-Woo's identity evident in his composed demeanor.

Not long ago, the manager finally received crucial information about the owner, Seok-Woo. Although no image accompanied the details, the provided contact information matched the data from Seok-Woo's call two weeks prior. With certainty that Seok-Woo was now the rightful owner of the Love Hotel, the manager eagerly awaited their first meeting.

Standing outside the entrance, the manager's anticipation heightened as he scanned the approaching street. It didn't take long for Seok-Woo to arrive, his SUV rolling smoothly to a stop near the Love Hotel. Stepping out of the vehicle with purpose, Seok-Woo carried himself with an air of confidence as he made his way towards the entrance, clutching his identification in hand.

Taking in the sight of the Love Hotel, Seok-Woo couldn't help but be impressed by its size. The realization dawned on him that it was conveniently located not far from his university, a fact that sparked a subtle curiosity about its potential for future leisure activities. However, with a singular focus on the task at hand, he pushed aside any further contemplation and strode directly toward the Love Hotel's entrance.

When Seok-Woo arrived at the Love Hotel's entrance. He saw a man outside, the person was dressed in his uniform. Neat clothes, and with a presentable appearance. Seok-Woo knew it was the manager. 

The manager's gaze fell upon a young man approaching, though he dismissed him as just another customer. Preoccupied with awaiting the owner's arrival, he paid little heed to the newcomer. However, his attention was abruptly drawn back as the young man inquired, "Are you the manager of this place?"

Caught off guard, the manager's mind raced. Could this unexpected visitor be the elusive owner? Despite his internal turmoil, he managed to compose himself and respond, "Yes, I am the manager of the Love Hotel." Pausing for a moment, he peered at the young man before him and ventured cautiously, "Are you Mr. Seok-Woo?"

The manager's expectations clashed with reality; he had envisioned the owner as a seasoned individual, not a youthful presence like Seok-Woo. Suspended in disbelief, he awaited confirmation, his doubts lingering in the air. Sensing the manager's uncertainty, Seok-Woo wordlessly retrieved his identification, presenting it with a congenial smile.

Confirming his identity with a nod, Seok-Woo allowed the manager to scrutinize his credentials before tucking them away. Before he could utter a word, the manager interjected with a heartfelt apology, expressing regret for his earlier skepticism. "Owner, I'm sorry for not recognizing you during our phone conversation two weeks ago. Your information arrived late, and I harbored doubts," he admitted, his sincerity palpable.

Seok-Woo, taken aback by the unexpected apology, scratched his head in bemusement. The sudden shift in demeanor caught him off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless.

As Seok-Woo regained his composure, he offered reassurance to the manager, his tone imbued with understanding and forgiveness. "It's understandable to have doubts in such circumstances," he remarked calmly, assuring the manager that no offense was taken. The manager, visibly relieved, exhaled audibly, grateful for Seok-Woo's understanding and empathy. Sensing that his position at the Love Hotel was secure, the manager composed himself before gesturing for Seok-Woo to enter.

"Please, come inside, Sir. Allow me to bring you up to speed," the manager began, leading Seok-Woo into the premises. As they walked, the manager provided an overview of the Love Hotel's offerings, emphasizing its unique services, distinctive qualities, thematic features, and robust sales performance. He highlighted the strategic advantage afforded by the hotel's prime location, noting its popularity among individuals seeking privacy and intimacy. Seok-Woo nodded in agreement, acknowledging the manager's insights with a sense of approval.

"Could you provide me with the financial statements?" Seok-Woo requested politely, prompting the manager to comply without hesitation. Together, they proceeded to the manager's office, where Seok-Woo settled into a chair, patiently awaiting the delivery of the documents. Eager to delve into the financial details of the Love Hotel, he anticipated gaining a deeper understanding of its profitability and financial health over a specific period.

Seok-Woo meticulously reviewed the financial statements provided by the manager, his focus zeroing in on the bottom line. As he scanned the figures, a satisfied smile crept across his face, realizing that the profits exceeded his initial expectations. With a sense of accomplishment, he closed the folder, nodding in silent approval.

Turning his attention back to the manager, Seok-Woo wasted no time in issuing his next directive. "Could you please show me some of the unoccupied rooms for today?" he requested, eager to explore the offerings of the Love Hotel firsthand. Without hesitation, the manager complied, leading Seok-Woo on a tour of the available accommodations.

Following the manager's lead, Seok-Woo traversed the corridors until they arrived at the first room on the itinerary: a classroom-themed suite. Stepping inside, Seok-Woo observed the absence of traditional beds, replaced instead by a mattress laid out on the floor.

Inquisitive, Seok-Woo turned to the manager, seeking clarification on the room's amenities. "What features does this room offer?" he inquired, prompting the manager to provide a detailed explanation.

"In this room, we've installed a wardrobe along the back wall," the manager began, gesturing towards the closet filled with an assortment of costumes and outfits for cosplay and role-playing. "We offer a wide variety of attire for both men and women, with a particular emphasis on female attire. From elegant dresses to playful school uniforms, the options are endless. You could even indulge in a teacher-student role-play if you're so inclined," he explained, his words laced with a hint of intrigue.

Continuing the tour, the manager drew attention to the room's furnishings, emphasizing their cleanliness and safety. "Additionally, guests are welcome to utilize the furniture as they see fit," he continued, gesturing towards a well-maintained chair and table. Seok-Woo ran his hand along the smooth surface of the table, nodding appreciatively at the manager's assurance of quality. "Indeed, it's quite a versatile space," he remarked, acknowledging the manager's attention to detail with a nod of approval.

The manager led Seok-Woo to a standing table at the front of the room, where an array of items awaited their inspection. With a practiced hand, the manager presented the items, placing them carefully on the table for Seok-Woo's perusal.

"Among our offerings, we have a selection of tools for patrons to explore their desires," the manager explained, gesturing towards the items. "One of our most frequently replenished items is the marker pen." He pointed to the pen, a staple in the Love Hotel's repertoire. Seok-Woo's curiosity piqued, he reached for the pen, musing aloud, "I suppose patrons get quite creative with these." Experimentally, he traced lines on a nearby whiteboard with the marker.

The manager nodded in agreement, elaborating, "Indeed, our patrons often share their experiences through anonymous surveys. It's fascinating to see the innovative ways they utilize our amenities." Seok-Woo listened intently, folding his arms as he absorbed the information.

Eager for more insights, Seok-Woo inquired about additional features. With a nod, the manager proceeded to highlight another unique aspect of the room. "Another notable feature is the customizable lighting," he explained, making his way toward the switches positioned by the classroom's entrance.

"The customers have the flexibility to choose their preferred ambiance, whether it's Night, Day, or Sunset. They can easily adjust the lighting to suit their mood," the manager explained, showcasing the different settings. With a simple switch, the room transformed from the brightness of daytime to the soft, romantic glow of sunset and then to the serene ambiance of nighttime. Stepping into the room, Seok-Woo felt transported, as if he were standing in a classroom under the moonlit sky.

Returning the lights to their original setting, the manager illuminated the room once more. "And what's the pricing structure here?" Seok-Woo inquired, curious about the cost of indulging in such amenities.

"For a few hours, the rate starts at 50,000 KRW, and it's limited to two guests," the manager replied, elaborating on the pricing. "However, if there are more than two people, the rate increases accordingly."

"In such cases, do you often encounter requests for additional guests?" Seok-Woo asked, intrigued by the potential scenarios.

"Yes, if guests wish to accommodate more than two people, they are required to make a reservation in advance," the manager confirmed, highlighting the hotel's policies regarding occupancy and reservations.

Seok-Woo was intrigued by the array of themed rooms offered at the Love Hotel but preferred not to tour each one individually. Instead, he opted to inquire about the various themes directly.

"What other themes do you have available?" Seok-Woo inquired, his curiosity piqued about the diverse offerings of the establishment.

The manager nodded, ready to provide an overview of the options. "We offer a range of themes here at the Love Hotel," he began. "In addition to this classroom-themed room, we have options such as a Hospital Theme, a room tailored for BDSM enthusiasts, and one particularly popular among middle-aged patrons, the Voyeur room."

As the manager elaborated on each theme, Seok-Woo listened attentively, absorbing the details. However, when the topic turned to the Voyeur room, he felt a sense of discomfort.

"And what makes the Voyeur room so popular, especially among middle-aged guests?" Seok-Woo inquired, though he suspected he already knew the answer.

The manager hesitated for a moment before responding. "In the Voyeur room, the main feature is a one-way mirror, allowing guests to observe without being seen," he explained. "Many middle-aged patrons find the allure of clandestine observation appealing."

"Typically, in the Voyeur Room, there are three occupants. One person positions themselves behind the one-way mirror, while the other two settle onto the bed," the manager explained, his tone measured.

Pausing briefly, he continued, "Those who choose to observe from behind the mirror are predominantly men, with a few women also showing interest. They enjoy the opportun-".

Before the manager could delve further into the details, Seok-Woo raised a hand, halting the conversation abruptly.

"That's enough," Seok-Woo interjected, a hint of unease in his voice as he placed a hand on his forehead. He was taken aback by the revelation and preferred not to hear any more about the preferences of certain clientele.

Eager to steer the conversation away from the previous unpleasant topic, Seok-Woo redirected the discussion. "Are there rooms available that aren't themed? Just regular accommodations for ordinary guests?" he inquired, seeking options suitable for a broader range of clientele.

The manager nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, we offer standard rooms devoid of specific themes. Surprisingly, these rooms are among the most popular choices for our customers." he explained, emphasizing their widespread appeal.

Acknowledging the information with a nod, Seok-Woo expressed his gratitude to the manager. "I appreciate the tour and the insights. It's been enlightening," he remarked sincerely.

As they made their way back towards the entrance of the Love Hotel, Seok-Woo extended a friendly pat on the manager's back. "Keep up the good work," he encouraged before bidding farewell. With a sense of satisfaction, Seok-Woo departed, leaving the manager to continue overseeing the operations of the establishment.