
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs

Volume 14 Chapter (1-4)

Chapter 1, Improvement of the Divine Engraving Machine

Kousuke conquered the six surrounding towers, but now he was lazing around.

Even though he was lazing around, he still spent some time developing his tools.

The surrounding towers, except for the northwest tower, had been left to the members, and basically Kousuke had no intention of interfering.

As for the northwest tower, Kousuke intentionally left it unmanaged.

This was another way of verification.

They are trying to see what would happen if a captured tower was left unattended for a long time.

He was not sure if there was any point in this kind of verification, but he decided to give it a try anyway, because he doesn't know what would happen if he doesn't try.

He expected that it would be the same as before, but there might be some changes now that an administrator has been established.

For now, they decided to manage the northwest tower in the long run.

Kousuke, on the other hand, left the management of the Amamiya tower to someone else… He has only been working on divine tools.

He didn't develop any new tool, though.

He was making an improved version of the divine engraving machine.

Crown has been asking for more imprinting machines for some time.

The number of adventurers coming to Crown has not decreased, and the supply was completely outstripping the demand.

The main reason for this was that there was only one divine engraving machine, so no matter how many people they employed, it did not help.

Therefore, Kousuke was asked to increase the production of the divine engraving machine.

Kousuke had no objection to increasing the number of divine power imprinting machines because he knew that he needed to do so eventually.

However, the main problem in all of this, was the way the devices could be used.

In the first place, the divine engraving machine relies on divine power as its power source.

This was a major issue, because there was a shortage of people who can properly handle divine power.

The only reason why the current divine engraving machine was functioning was due to Wahid and six others, replenishing the crystal with divine power every day.

Even if they increase the current number of the device to the same number of people, they won't be able to keep up with the replenishment of the devices.

On the other hand, they could not easily prepare people who were capable of handling divine power.

Divine power was strongly related to the state of one's soul, it cannot be mastered and used carelessly.

That was why he has been working on developing a divine engraving machine that doesn't rely on divine power alone.

Right now, the only way he could use the current device was to use divine power, which was part of his status that also relates to his authority. Currently, he was researching the possibility of replacing parts of the device to make it function with either magic or holy power.

…Mainly to be used by Isnani.

When Kousuke was still in the middle of conquering the six towers, Isnani was completely in charge of directing everything, which was definitely stressing her out.

However, Isnani was happy in assisting him with the development of tools and devices.

As for the status display on the divine tool, it was not something she could check on her own without Kousuke's help, so she was working on it slowly.

However, 'slowly' was only according to Kousuke's point of view. It was different to Isnani, who was watching from the side, and was completely stunned.

Currently, Kousuke was tearing apart the mechanism while checking the status of every part.

To put it simply, it was like watching someone's work taken apart And then, without testing it, he rewired the device, while mentioning the different parts he found out to be unnecessary.

For some people, it was an action that could have turned them pale.

It looks like a rough modification if witnessed from the side, but after a break, Kousuke muttered that he was ready to test it, and when he started it up, he was able to successfully get it running.

Afterwards, Isnani asked Kousuke what he changed, and he replied that he simply removed some unnecessary parts and functions.

When Isnani heard Kousuke's reply, Kousuke thought his explanation was probably not clear, so he continued explaining with more details.

"In the first place, the status-reading mechanism is a replica of my ability which uses God's left eye, however it also reads information other than statuses. That's why it was necessary to remove the extra parts unrelated to reading statuses."

"…What other information was it reading, for example?"

"Well… for an example, emotions were also included"


"When I use my left eye, my brain can't process that kind of extra information, so it cuts it out on its own, but the divine power engraving machine could read and process all kinds of information."

"You think it's also using its divine power to do that?"

"Yeah, it does"

Kousuke's explanation was met with a nod of approval from Isnani.

"…Huh? But if you can finish making such modifications in such a short span of time, why didn't you do so earlier?"

"That's easy. One is because I have only recently come to understand more about how this power works, after I became a living god. The other is because Isnani was able to develop a converter for me."

Perhaps the thing that made him realize that he had become a living god was that he was able to understand the mechanism of his God's left eye.

However, it was only after Kousuke fully accepted that he had become a living god that he was able to understand it. In a way, it could be due to Kousuke's authority working smoothly for the first time.

In addition, the converter was a device that can convert magic power and holy power into divine power.

Of course, it was made based on the mechanism of the three crystals in the tower.

"Currently, even if we created a mechanism to reduce the consumption of divine power, it wouldn't make much difference in terms of the burden on Wahid and the others. But thanks to the converter, we can now utilize divine power even without their help."

Even if one looks at the conversion efficiency of the tower, the conversion from magic power and holy power to divine power was not very efficient.

Furthermore, no matter how much they made it based on the mechanism of the tower, they haven't been able to achieve the same conversion efficiency.

Nevertheless, the ability to operate the divine engraving machine without the involvement of Wahid's group was a great advantage, so they insisted on reducing the consumption of divine power to the limit.

As a result, the development of alternatives for the parts that do not involve checking statuses were drastically altered, only leaving behind the parts mostly working on the reading of one's status.

He was able to get it down to a practical level, thanks to their efforts.

Now they just needed to make sure that the system would not run out of control and would work properly.

Kousuke and Isnani quickly got to work and continued on the development.


"So, this is the new divine engraving machine?"

Kousuke and Isnani visited the Crown headquarters with the newly created divine engraving machine.

The main members of the Crown and Alec were there.

In front of them was a new divine engraving machine, about the same size as the old one.

Its appearance did not change.

However, its contents have drastically changed.

"That's right. In a nutshell, the greatest change is that you no longer need to replenish it with divine power anymore, which we would need to do every night."

"That is, how…"

It was Gazeran who said this, but the rest of the gathered members had the same expression on their faces.

"Instead, you need to replenish it with magic or holy power, though. To keep it powered, you can replenish after work. I also think that it will be replenished quickly"

"Specifically, how long would it take?"

"If you emptied its fuel, you would need about the entire magic power of one top-class wizard."

Gazeran groaned at the answer.

It was indeed a large amount, but not an amount that could not be supplied.

"…I see. So, how does it work?"

"It's exactly the same as the previous divine engraving machine. There's no difference in how to operate it"

[As an administrator doing actual work, he was very happy with these changes.]

[In any case, they won't be needing any extra training to use it.]

[In this regard, the development made by Isnani was very useful.]

"For now, I've made two of them, so I'll let you use this one for actual operation, is that alright?"

"Oh? And how will we deal with the other original divine engraving machine?"

"Take it back and dispose of it!"

It was Kousuke who made that strong declaration.

In Kousuke's opinion, the old divine engraving machine, which relied solely on divine power, was a defective product.

Since it was a universal tool, Kousuke's ideal was that anyone should be able to use it.

Naturally, it could not exactly be replicated for political reasons.

They all laughed at Kousuke's declaration, but no one opposed him.

It was true that the old divine engraving machine, which ran on divine power, was useless for general use.

"Well, that's fine, but please don't just take it back out of the blue. For now, please introduce one new model, and if there are no problems, then we will replace the old model with the other new one."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll leave that to you. It's not like I want to collect it right now."

Kousuke could not help but laugh at Wahid's reminder.





Chapter 2, Toward the establishment of a Crown Branch

The unveiling of the new divine engraving machine went off without a hitch.

But that wasn't the only thing Kousuke & Isnani wanted to show off this time.

That was why they had Alec come all the way there.

Alec expressed his doubts.

"So, why did you call for me?"

Alec didn't think he was invited just for the unveiling of the divine engraving machine.

When asked, Kousuke looked at Kouhi, who came along with him.

Kouhi took out a few peculiar items from her Item box.

There were four of the same object, all one size smaller than the divine engraving machine.

In terms of shape, they were not much different from the divine engraving machine.

"…This is?"

Alec was not the only one who expressed his doubts, the other members of the group had the same expression on their faces.

" It's a simplified version of the divine engraving machine. To be precise, it is a device that can temporarily issue guild cards without the status engraving and communication functions. Something like that."

Kousuke's statement drew everyone's attention.

The number of divine engraving machines had been in short supply, and now, there were four more.

However, from Kousuke's words, they ascertain that it was not equipped with most of its important functions.

"What, exactly can it do?"

"Everything but the status and communication functions?"

Kousuke looked at Isnani, and she nodded.

"Cards can be issued with most functions, from registering magic crests to registering information."

"…I see. So it's for a provisional issue."

One of the reasons why there were so many adventurers in Crown was because of the Crown Card's status display.

Without the status display and the communication function, the Crown Card would be no different from a guild card. With the only additional feature being a pass to go through the transfer gates.

Of course, it can also be used as an ID card in any Crown branch, since it was registered with the magic crest.

In addition to that, the data at the time it was issued would also be recorded, so it would be possible to register a new provisional card with the status display function that was similar in the official version.

By simply registering a new card in the provisional version, it would be possible to transfer the records in the official version of Crown Card issued at the main headquarters.

This meant that the most time-consuming paperwork can be handled while processing the provisional version.

"…I made it with that in mind, but I wonder if it will work?"

"It's certainly possible to separate the workload, but… but is it really necessary to do so at this point?"

Currently, only two divine engraving machines can be used to make official Crown Cards.

When they pondered on it further, they both had the opinion that even if they bothered to create a provisional Crown Card, it wouldn't be worthwhile since the users would probably just register for the official version.

"Yeah. Well, it doesn't make much sense to keep it here and use it as before."

Kousuke's meaningful words made everyone in the room understand what Kousuke was trying to say.

"…I see. No wonder I was called here"

It was Alec who responded.

"Are you planning on setting up branches outside the Towers?"

It was Schmidt who spoke up clearly with his conclusions.

"Yeah. I think it's mainly for adventurers, though… What do you think, Gazeran?"

Kousuke decided to set up branches this time because of the reports from the Defrayer clan about the increase of monsters on the outside roads.

He thought that establishing a branch would prevent the concentration of adventurers in the Towers.

It would also attract adventurers who have been hesitant to come all the way to the Towers to register.

"Hmm… Honestly, I don't know how well it's going to work on our end. Besides, what's the point of having it in a city with a transfer gate?"

Even if they set up a branch in a city with a transfer gate, there was no point in putting it there in the first place because there was no distance restriction.

Naturally, Kousuke thought about that too.

"Yeah. That's why I called for Alec. We can ask Alec for a location that will give us a political advantage.. We can also ask Schmidt, who comes from a peddling background, for a more commercial oriented location as well, right?"

Alec and Schmidt looked at each other for a moment.

They seemed to have come to a conclusion in that instant, though.

"If we're serious about setting up branches, then it has to be in the four major cities."

"Yeah, that's the only choice."

The four major cities were located in the east, west, south, and north of the Central Continent.

The names of each city was also based on the direction of the city.

The four cities were the first cities to be established after people settled in the Central Continent.

The reason for this was simple, the location of each city was close to the other four continents.

The towns and cities of the Central Continent were established around these four cities, which were also the largest of the Central Continent.

The major population of these cities that would be affected were not only the adventurers, but also the normal inhabitants.

Nevertheless, the four major cities would be greatly affected by Crown, especially the commercial sector.

That was why the materials produced by the Towers have had such a great impact on the Central Continent.

In addition, the adventurers stationed in the four major cities came all the way to the Towers just to register, in order to see their own statuses.

With that in mind, there were plenty of reasons to have branches in the four major cities.

Rather, they were considering whether it would be possible to set up some kind of branch in each of the four major cities.

One of the major problems was the production of Crown Cards. However, now, with the ability to create a simple, albeit temporary Crown Card with the four new simplified divine engraving machines, they could establish a branch with an advantageous purpose.

"I get it for Crown's own goals, but what about the politics side of things? "

Alec chuckled at Kousuke's question.

"If I'm being honest, most of them want me to just get on with it and make a branch or something. Of course, I've been responding to them in a roundabout way."

Kousuke rounded his eyes at this.

"…is that so?"

Kousuke had thought that the existing organizations would not like a large organization like Crown coming in.

"That's how much influence the materials and resources flowing from the Towers have on the cities. I guess they are hoping that if a branch is created nearby, there will be more distribution. And that is certainly bound to happen once the branches are set up near them."

Alec glanced at Schmidt, and Schmidt nodded in agreement.

"If a branch is established, goods will naturally be distributed from the Tower to the branches. Following that, a large merchant force would be created."

The creation of a trading company naturally means that adventurers would be hired to escort it.

Some would travel back and forth, but there would also be a good number of adventurers who would stay at the branches where they can turn in their missions.

The cities would be depending on these adventurers for maintaining stability in the region.

They also expected that adventurers who stayed only in the Towers would return to the cities.

"Haah. I see. You've also thought a lot about it's expected advantages…."

Kousuke and Gazeran nodded their heads in agreement.

They seemed to agree with what Schmidt had said.

As for Kousuke, when he made these simplified divine engraving machines, he hadn't thought that far ahead.

Well, he did think that it would be useless to keep recruiting only within the Tower, so he made the simplified divine engraving machine.

"More importantly, if we were to start a branch, are we going to be able to get funding and personnel?"

The question was asked in anticipation of the fact that they had been considering this for some time, so naturally they would have considered it.

"From a political point of view, it would be better to have four branches built at the same time, wouldn't it?"

This was what Alec suggested. The four major cities were influenced by the respective east, west, south, and north continents.

Each one of them was competing with the other, so favoring any one of them could end up being troublesome.

"…As for the funds, there will be no problem. If there are problems, it will most likely be due to human resources. But fortunately, we have a reasonable group of people here, and I'm sure there are people who can take charge of their own branches."

"Yeah, that's right. There's no problem over on the management side, either."

Gazeran nodded at Schmidt's words.

Incidentally, Dalles had not joined the conversation at this point.

In four major cities, there was hardly enough room for a new craft guild to enter.

"So there are no problems, then?"

Everyone present nodded in agreement to Kousuke's final confirmation.

At that moment, it was decided that Crown would finally start its activities outside the Tower.





Chapter 3, Alec's Worries

(Alec's POV)

They made the decision to set up branches in the four major cities of the central continent, but of course there were preparations that needed to be made, so they couldn't just open up a new branch right away.

Above all, since the organization has become so large in both name and reality, setting up a branch in a new city requires a certain amount of groundwork and coordination.

Since Kosuke had no idea about the subtleties of such matters, it would be completely up to Schmidt and Alec.

However, in this case, the cities that they were planning to set up branches in were more than willing to accept them, so there was not much need for negotiations.

If there was a problem, it would only be the location where each branch would be built. Meanwhile, for the chosen city, a few things needed to be prepared

"…Isn't it a little suspicious that they've prepared so well?

Alec said.

"Yeah, it's indeed suspicious."

Kosuke replied and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"...is everything going to be alright?"

Kosuke asked, to which Alec answered simply.

"The riskiest thing for us now is hiring staff directly from the cities. However, we are short of hands and can't really afford to be picky at the moment."

From what Alec knew about most organizations, no matter what organization was established, it was largely a matter of money or people that made an organization dangerous

If someone knew in advance that a new organization was forming, it would be relatively easy to infiltrate it with their own men.

Moreover, it was extremely difficult for recruiters to uncover these spies.

Of course, they would interview the person and do a background check, but even so, once they were hired, they could do anything they wanted to.

It was also natural for the people who were hired locally to have their own ties to the city.

"…Well, what can I say? This is rather complicated."

Kosuke's comment made Alec chuckle.

If they could not accept such risk, it would be impossible for them to set up new branches.

It might be possible to transfer all the original personnel to the new branch, but that would be inefficient, no matter how they looked at it.

In addition, if they did that, headquarters would definitely be short of staff.

"Well, I'm sure Crown will have a good idea of what to do about that. As for me, I'd appreciate it if we could take this opportunity to cross paths with the executive branch of the four major cities."

Although they have been communicating through intermediaries, having a local branch of Crown was still very significant.

[Well, if there is a need, I could always just rent a room in a building and use it to set up the branch office. Though, it would only be able to hold a couple of people at most.]

"…Instead of doing that, why didn't you put up a transfer gate?"

Alec couldn't help but press his forehead at Kosuke's words that destroyed the premise.

In the first place, the reason why they were establishing branches was that they do not have transfer gates in the four major cities.

Alec also thought that if transfer gates were placed, they wouldn't even need to think about building branches.

"The plan is to set up branches, because there were no plans to build transfer gates."

Alec swallowed all the other things he wanted to say and said only that.

However, when Kosuke heard this, he knew that Alec was mistaken.

"Oh, no. It's because I don't really want to open it to the public. It's only for a select few floors, remember? You do know that the only open floor for the transfer gates at the moment is the 5th floor, right?"

Alec also knew that there were transfer gates at Crown Headquarters that were used only by a few people.

He hadn't used it himself, though.

For a moment, Alec thought about it, but then quickly dismissed it.

"No. We can't do that. If we give even the slightest hint that we can increase the number of transfer gates, they will definitely demand that we install more transfer gates, which will be annoying. It's better to let them think that we can only build four."

There were four transfer gates in operation right now, but those outside didn't know they could make more.

The reason why they haven't increased the number of gates installed from four was because they wanted people to believe that they could not increase the number of gates anymore. After all, if they had more gates it would also mean more profits for the Tower.

Even Alec had thought so too, but what Kosuke had just said made him realize that he had been wrong.

Afterall,, from the Tower's point of view, it would be cheaper to build a transfer gate than to build a branch.

However, Kosuke was not thinking of building more transfer gates leading to the outside world at the moment.

The more transfer gates that access the Towers, the more dangerous it would become.

Afterall, those who wanted to take advantage of the transfer gate could send in a larger number of people the more gates there were.

Of course, Alec knew this, so he said that it would be better to just stick to four.

"Hmm. That's how it is."

That was all Kosuke said in response, and he didn't say anything else.

In the first place, Kosuke didn't think he could make political decisions properly.

He knew that it would be better to leave such decisions to Alec.

"…How's she doing, by the way?"

The sudden change of subject caused Kosuke to blink and look at Alec, but he didn't seem to have any other intentions.

He only thought that Alec was simply worried about Floria.

"She's doing well. I'm sure she's taking care of the southwest Tower by now."


"Eh? Didn't I tell you? I've decided to leave her in charge of the southwest Tower."

"…I didn't ask, but… Are you sure about that?"

Alec's question made Kosuke tilt his head.

"Is there a problem with that?"

"No… But I think it's a pretty big deal to be left in charge of a Tower…"

In other continents, be it large or small, Towers were managed by the state.

To put it more clearly, most of them were basically owned by the kings.

As far as Alec knew, there were no privately owned Tower other than the Amamiya Tower.

Formally, the Tower itself was owned by the king, though it was managed by someone else.

At the very least, the state was involved in some way.

In addition, it would be the first time in history for an individual to own more than one Tower.

Alec wanted to know if it was really okay to pass the control of the Tower to someone else, even though the ownership of the Tower was in Kosuke's hands.

"Is that so? I have my reasons. Even I can't manage all the Towers on my own, you know."

"Well, I guess you're right… Anyway, before I knew it, my daughter had gained a lot of trust."

It's a huge improvement from the first time they met.

"I think she has changed a lot since that happened. And now she's accepted by the other members"

"I see. That's good to know"

Alec didn't know what kind of place the management floor was like.

For that reason, he cannot escape the feeling that he was confining his daughter to a small area called the management floor.

"Oh, yeah. And while I'm at it, I will also give you a communion tool to talk with the Goddess, Spica."

"Is, is this really alright?"

"Eh? Is it not good? I made it since Spica requested it and gave one to your daughter, you know?"

Alec wondered if it was safe for him to have such a tool, no matter how many blessings he had received it was still risky to be left in his hands. But apparently it was a request from her, Goddess Spica herself.

In the first place, Alec has never seen or heard of such a tool, but it was made by Kosuke, who has done things like summoning divine power.

He had never seen or heard of such a communication tool before.

In addition, it was normally impossible for a human being to be able to receive a direct request from the Gods, but he decided not to dwell too much on the subject.

"I see. Well, that's good to hear…I don't know what to say, but It looks like she's steadily on the path of becoming a priestess."

[It seems ironic that she had escaped to this place because she could not join the church, but she ended up growing as a priestess.]

"As long as one is involved with the Gods, becoming a priestess is, in a sense, inevitable, isn't it?"

"I'm sure you're right. Well, as long as I know my daughter is doing well, that's all that matters."

As for Alec, it was good enough for him to hear information about Floria, whom he could not meet without permission.

After seeing this, Kosuke wondered if it would be possible to have them meet at the management level from time to time.





Chapter 4, Fire Fairy

Kousuke had taken Collete and Kouhi with him to the 46th floor.

The reason was to check on the <Fire Fairy Stone> that had been set up.

Thanks to the installation of the <Fire Fairy Stone>, they knew that the Luans would be able to use <Fire Magic> and <Fire Attribute>, but they wanted to check the explanation about summoning a Fire Fairy.

They had come to the 46th floor several times to see if there were any changes, but until now there had been no changes.

The reason he brought Collete with him was so that he could talk to the Luans, who also possessed <Fairy Language>.

For the time being, Kousuke decided to check on the Luans first, instead of going to the <Fire Fairy Stone>.

There were more Seiwa and Seiran than there had been in the past.

However, the total number of Luans did not seem to have changed.

At least Kousuke was aware that more of the birds haven't been summoned, but they don't know if they are increasing naturally.

The moment the birds were summoned, they were supposed to be given a name, so if there were any unnamed Luans, then it would be assumed to be a direct result of natural reproduction, but they couldn't find any unnamed members.

The number of Luans that had evolved into Seiwa and Seiran had increased, but none of them had surpassed the upper limit of their skill levels.

It seems that unlike Nana and Wanri, the Luans have not been able to evolve further properly.

On the contrary, it could be said that Nana and Wanri were abnormal.

However, considering what happened to the wolves of the 90th floor, the plan to make them evolve could probably work if they were thrown into an upper level floor, but Kousuke couldn't bring himself to gamble with their current level.

For the time being, the evolution of the remaining Luans was confirmed to unlikely go any further.

Even the fastest growing, Ranka, was not growing much in terms of skills.

He might be a species that doesn't evolve anymore, so he decided to leave the rest to chance.

While stroking Ranka, they went to the place where the <Fire Fairy Stone> was placed.

There was no difference from the last time they visited the site.

The Luans were still frolicking around, but nothing else was going on.


Kousuke groaned, tilting his head to the side, but doing so didn't give him an answer.

"I can definitely feel the power of the spirits, though."

Next to Kousuke, Collete was also tilting her head.

If there was this much power in it, something more could have happened, but it didn't seem to be any different from before.

The stone was just there, quietly in place.

Kousuke, with the Luans around him surrounding it, somehow made the <Fire Fairy Stone> look like an egg.

As for the shape, it doesn't look anything like an ordinary egg, though.

"…It does look like an egg."

"Egg…!? That's right. Eggs!!"

For some reason, Collete responded to Kousuke's muttering.

"Eh? What did you find out?"

"I think I understand… Isn't this Fairy Stone more like something that hatches rather than something that contains the power of the spirits?"

"Is, is… that so?"

Once again, Kousuke tried to sense the power of the spirit he felt from the <Fire Fairy Stone>.

And as he had suspected, he felt as if something was trapped inside a shell.

"Hmmm… even if you ask me, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I think? From the looks of it, I'd say that if there's any chance at all, the shell could have been broken…"

If they do not know what the trigger was, they would end up doing the same thing as before.

In addition, the trigger in this case and the condition in the status description are the same thing.

"…A trigger, huh…"

After muttering, Kousuke casually reached out his hand to the <Fire Fairy Stone>.

The moment Kousuke's hand touched the <Fire Fairy Stone>, there was a hard cracking sound.

"…Haah!? No, no, no, wait, wait. It's that simple?"

For some reason, Collete looked at Kousuke with a frown.

She looked at him like he had done it again.

As the two of them watched, the <Fire Fairy Stone> cracked and eventually broke.

Two fairy-like figures were left behind.

They were desperately trying to talk to Kousuke, but unfortunately, Kousuke couldn't hear what the two fairies were saying.

He thought that if they were fairies, like Esena, they could speak, but they are a bit different.

When he looked at Collete, she seemed to have sensed his intentions and started talking to them.

As expected, using <Fairy Language>, they seemed to be able to communicate, and something that looked like a conversation between the three of them (?) began.

Kousuke was just watching it idly on the side.

The conversation continued for a while, but when it was over, Collete finally looked at Kousuke.

"It seems that Koushuke's touch was the condition, after all?"

"Eh~? Why so?"

"Was it the touch, or the power that flowed into the stone when you touched it that triggered it?"

"…Wha? But why?"

As for Kousuke, he just touched the stone in a very normal way, so he suddenly thought about the time when he touched it, thinking that he did not channel any particular power.

"…No, wait, what?"

Thanks to his recent devotion to making divine tools, he had developed a habit of exerting divine power the moment he touched an object.

He might have unconsciously exerted his divine power when he touched the <Fire Fairy Stone> that was, until someone pointed it out to him.

"I don't know… It seems to be a Kousuke thing to say. And not just any divine power would be able to trigger it."

"Nn? What do you mean?"

"Maybe it has something to do with Koushuke being a living god. I'm not sure exactly what it has to do with this situation, though."

It was said that Kousuke's divine energy as a living god triggered the creation of the fairies.

"I see… So you're saying it has something to do with me being a living god?"

This was a ridiculous condition under normal circumstances.

"I don't know? I'm not really sure myself. It was hard to understand what they were trying to express to me"

"Hmmm… Well, I guess I'll have to think about what really happened."

He decided that since he was currently a living god and had fulfilled the conditions, there was no point in thinking about it at the moment.

"Also, this Fire Fairy has a favor to ask you, okay?"

"Favor? What is it?"

"They wanted to thank the Luans for protecting them when they were still inside the Fairy Stone."

Indeed, the Luans were the ones who were hunting the surrounding monsters.

In that sense, they could also be seen as if they were protecting them.

Meanwhile, Kousuke had just discovered that monsters attacked the Fairy Stone.

"If that's the case, I don't mind at all… what is the favor they want to ask"

"Dunno? I could only understand up to that point"

"…Well, all right. You can tell them it's okay."

When Collete told Kousuke's answer to the two fire fairies, they happily jumped towards the Seiwa and Seiran, who were standing beside them.

There was no time to stop them, it happened too quickly.

One of the fairies went towards Ranka and disappeared the moment they made contact.

"Eh!? What did they do just now?"

Kousuke voiced his surprise, but the fairies, who were supposed to have answered, were already gone.

All that was left was Ranka, the Seiran that the other fairy had touched, and Ranze.

Kousuke hurriedly checked Ranka's status.

Name: Ranka

Race: Phoenix

Unique Skills: Physical Assault LV5, Flight LV7, Beak Attack LV7, Evasion LV6, Perception LV7, Fairy Language, Language Comprehension (Kin) LV4, Fire Magic LV5, Immortal Flame LV1

Blessing Skills: Telekinesis LV5 Fire Attribute LV2

Title: Kousuke's Kin, Holy Beast of Fire

Ranze had almost the same skills as Ranka, but her Race was now <Phoenix>.

He's sure that more information about what happened here can be understood in future discoveries.