
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs

Chapter 4 Part-(4.16-4.20)

Chapter 4.16 – Charm

When Kousuke saw Kouhi pointing her sword against Shrine, he stopped her in a hurry.

「Kouhi, wait wait.」


「This is truly a not normal situation but it's not too late for her to explain what's happening, right?」

As soon as they entered the room, they were distracted by an unfamiliar woman and they finally thought about the situation now that they gained their consciousness back.

Kousuke doesn't know what has been done to him but he wanted to at least hear an explanation.

In response to Kousuke's gaze, Kouhi reluctantly sheathed her sword.

Kousuke was relieved with what she did so he looked at Shrine.

「So?….what's with this situation?」

「Fume, when I was walking with you earlier, I felt signs of something sneaking around us.」


「Maa, if it's just that, I would have left it alone but I felt a rare presence from that person so I personally look at her.」

That was the reason why Shrine left Kousuke's party in front of the temple.

「rare presence?」

「Umu. Well, to put it simply, it's charm.」

「Is that….what's that? Is it attracting the other party unconditionally?」

「Maa, you're not wrong.」

The moment he saw her, Kousuke's consciousness was stolen as well.

By the way, it looks like Sylvia got affected too.

When he looks at Sylvia, she nods as if affirming that she was affected.

「…..to be able to charm someone of the same sex….isn't she amazing?」

「Right. Even I. Though it's only when I saw her the first time.」

Kousuke looked at the woman again.

As he's aware of the charm, he was not charmed like what happened earlier but he still feels like he's being attracted which is terrible.

「So you tied her because of that?」

「My lord, that's not it. In spite of our current situation, things would have gotten worse if she's not tied up.」

Kouhi butted in with a sour face.

When he heard that, Kousuke understood what Kouhi was trying to say.

「….you mean, if she's not tied up, her charm power would have been greater.」

「I'm sure it is.」

Shrine nodded in agreement.

After hearing that, Kousuke finally understood why Kouhi acted like that.

No matter how you think about it, she's a very dangerous person for Kousuke(or rather, for all the men in the world).

At that moment, Kousuke suddenly wondered.

「….areh? If she has that much power, how can she be in the city?」

Until Shrine caught her, she should be following Kousuke's group casually.

「Right. Maa, I'm also like her. It is some sort of racial characteristic or even a skill of a certain profession. It is a special skill that makes people around not notice your presence.」

「I see, so….wait a minute….a skill of a certain profession….」

Kousuke can only think of the word "assassin".

「Actually, there are a lot of people who train that skill. I have yet to hear from this lady though.」

「You haven't talked to her yet?」

There should have been plenty of time before Kousuke and the others arrived.

「I don't want to listen. This person's voice also has that power. I also have similar power but I was surprised that it almost worked on me.」


All of them are speechless.

Kouhi felt it earlier too which means her power is really terrible.

It was only after Shrine said that that Kouhi got interested in that lady.

「Then, that means it won't be possible for us to hear why she's following my lord?」

「That's what I want to say.」

Hearing Shrine's reply, Kouhi started thinking.

They need to hear information for her but the problem is they can't allow her to talk.

「That's why I think it is a good idea if we entrust her to an expert.」


Kousuke was puzzled about who she was talking about.

To be sure, he looked at Sylvia but Sylvia only shook her head.

When he looked at Kouhi, Kouhi said something.

「It's Mitsuki, right?」

「Umu. She's able to summon me. Perhaps she's someone with similar skills.」

Kouhi did not deny her claim.

On the other hand, Kousuke nodded.

「So, can I leave this place to Kouhi-dono while I bring Mitsuki-dono?」

「….it can't be helped. That's the only thing we can do now.」

The only ones who can teleport to the tower are Kouhi and Shrine. It is impossible for Kouhi to leave Kousuke's side so there's no choice but to let Shrine leave.

「I'll be back when it's time for dinner. 」

Shrine said so and left the room.

Although the woman looks pitiful since she'll stay that way until the Shrine brings Mitsuki there, it can't be helped because her effect on Kousuke is too much.

There's no way Kouhi would unbind her.

In the end, Kousuke spent his time not looking at the woman as much as possible until Mitsuki arrives.

—Scene Change—

Just like what she said earlier, Shrine came back before dinner.

It looks like she already explained the issue to Mitsuki, Mitsuki immediately looked at the woman and nodded in understanding.

「Heh. I see. This is amazing. 」

After saying so, she approached the woman.

Seeing her, the woman seems to have felt something and tried to step back.

「Don't run away. I'm trying to help you. 」

Mitsuki, who approached the woman, put her index finger of her right hand in between the eyebrows of the woman and muttered something.

When the woman heard it, she was surprised.

「Okay. That's it. You can untie her now.」

The moment Mitsuki said that, Kousuke felt that the pressure he sensed from the woman disappeared.


Hearing Mitsuki, Shrine unbound the ropes.

The restraint that bound the woman was not only the rope tied on her but also the magic casted by Shrine.

「Ano….thank you very much.」

The woman, who was finally freed, bowed to Mitsuki.

「Ara. To thank me like that, do you know what I did?」

「Hai~. That is a technique that's also transmitted to my hometown….however, there's no one that can do it for me….」

What Mitsuki did to the woman was to seal her charm power.

Of course, her race also has that kind of technique but it is necessary to have the corresponding power in order to use that technique with someone.

Her charm power is too strong so there's no one that can seal it for her.

「Right…..looking at it, it looks like you have siren blood?」

When she said that, the woman was surprised.

「That….you noticed it?」

「Yeah, well, somehow.」

「I see. So that's why.」

When Shrine heard their conversation, she nodded as if she finally understood something.

「Her blood has a very good mix.」

「Right. The person herself is probably not aware of it.」

「You're probably right.」

Mitsuki and Shrine's conversation left everyone behind.

「It is good that you two found out something but why don't you share it with everyone?」

「That's right but there's something that needs to be done first, right?」

「What is it?」

Kousuke was puzzled by what Mitsuki had said.

「To begin with, we have to confirm why is she following Kousuke-sama….you're going to tell us, right?」

When Mitsuki said that while looking at the woman, the woman nodded.





Chapter 4.17 – Succubus?

The woman who was brought by Shrine introduced herself as Peach Train and told them why she was following them.

「Eh? Divination?」

「Yes~. In my home village, there's an old lady who's good at fortune-telling. According to that old lady's divination, I'll meet my fated one in this city.」

「….divination, that's ambiguous….fated one?」

「I didn't get it when she said that to me but now, I seem to get it.」

Peach says so as she looks at Kousuke.

「…..? What do you mean?」

「That is~. You are my fated one desu.」


Kousuke was at loss for words.

(No no, this can't be. This kind of development only happens in 2D.)

Surely, he did not think that such development would befall him.

Sylvia, who's been listening on the side, turned her confused gaze to Kousuke. Shrine and Mitsuki, on the other hand, turned their gaze with interest on him. Kouhi is acting normal.

「Ah, please wait a minute. When I said my fated one, I don't mean my destined person but someone who'll be greatly involved in my life~…..Well, I don't mind if you're my destined.」

「…..What do you mean by greatly involved in your life? 」

Kousuke asked Peach as if he did not hear the last part she said.

「Eehto, you're already greatly involved in my life~. Mitsuki-san is the only one who can seal it for me. But if that is the case, you can say that my fated one is Mitsuki-san. However, rather than Mitsuki-san, I think that my fated one is Kousuke-san.」

「No no, wait a minute. Before that, why do you think I'm the one who'll be greatly involved in your life?」


「….no no, intuition is…..」

Kousuke can't help but shrug his shoulders.

「Ah~, you're joking with me, aren't you? Our race is famous for our intuition, are we not~?」


「Ano….is your race, are you perhaps a succubus?」

Seeing that Kousuke has a question mark above his head, Sylvia asked that.

「Right desu yo~」

Hearing Peach's answer, Sylvia nodded as if she was convinced.

「Ehto, what does that mean?」

「The succubus, it is a race that is famous not only for sexual things but also with their good intuition.」

「Rather than good intuition, it is more appropriate to say that they can sense the future.」

Shrine supported Sylvia's explanation.

「That's right desu wa~. Thanks to that ability, their race produced a lot of excellent fortune tellers.」

「Yeah~. That's right.」

「In general, because they are famous sexually, they are targets as slaves in that area instead of being exploited with their fortune-telling abilities.」

Kousuke was surprised by the unexpected history of succubus.

Well, the only succubus knowledge Kousuke has is from stories on earth.

「Areh? Then, how about your covert ability?」

「That is, an ability I gained from training~. In my case, I never actually never used my covert ability until now since I can just charm anyone around me, no questions asked.」

「I see.」

Peach said that to Kousuke with a smile, and Kousuke was convinced with her explanation.

「It's alright desu yo~. The only ones I charmed are my fellow succubus and we know how to treat it. Also, I'm forbidden to leave our village until I'm sealed with the secret technique.」

The succubae were surprisingly careful with her power of charm.

「I see….areh? I was joking when I asked about your covert ability but given your answer, it sounds like it is your main profession!?」

「You're right desu yo~. Well, we are mainly fortune tellers but we also have a history of doing covert things.」

「Heh, is that so…..areh? Is it alright for you to tell me that?」

「Originally, no desu yo~. However, you are my fated one.」

Though Peach charm power should have been sealed, Kousuke felt something but he managed to shake it off.

「No no. I'm not your fated one nor your destined person, okay….!?」

「You are both desu yo~」

「That's not what you said earlier!!」

Seeing Kousuke like that, Peach giggles.

「Ara, regrettable desu~. I can do whatever you want. By the way, even though I'm a succubus, because of the circumstances I mentioned earlier, I have protected my chastity.」

「Yo-you don't have to tell me that…..!?」

Peach is a succubus after all so it can't be helped if Kousuke thinks of her like that.


「By the way, why did Mitsuki and Shri say that she's mixed?」

Kousuke, who managed to calm down, turned and talked to Mitsuki.

「Ah, I'm interested in that too~.」

「Right, about that, how about Shrine explain it to you?」

「Ah, okay.」

Shrined turned her gaze to Peach.

「You already know that you have siren blood in you but have you heard of any other bloodline that you possess?」

「Any other~? I haven't heard anything in particular.」

「Fumu. I see.」

「Shri, she won't be convinced with just that so explain it to her.」

Shri nods to Mitsuki since she also noticed that Kousuke is beginning to be impatient.

「I know I know….Peach, you definitely have vampire blood.」


Peach looked stunned.

「I don't feel that you're bounded by any blood contract so I think you should be related to the vampire ancestor.」

「This is the first time I've heard of it~. That means, Shrine-san, are you by chance?」

「Yeah. I'm a vampire princess.」

「Eh~, is that so desu~. This is the first time I see one.」

「Eh? What!? Aren't vampires rare?」

「If you want to talk about rarity, there are as many as us as there are succubae.」

As Sylvia was told with that, Kousuke looked at her since she's the one with the best common sense among them.

The shocked Sylvia can only nod.

In short, though everyone knows that there are demi-humans like vampires and succubae, they are rare.

「So, you think that it's unusual for her to have a vampire bloodline?」

「No no, that's not it. However, Peach bloodline seems to have originated from the ancestor or someone close.」


Hearing what Shrine has just said, Peach and Sylvia are stunned.

「Moreover, it has not faded even with each passing generation as if it was reverting back. It was very powerful.」

Kousuke, who noticed Shrine's subtle wording, tilted his head.

「…..was? Past tense?」

「Umu. With Mitsuki-dono's technique, that power is now sealed.」

「Is that so~」

Peach, whose ancestor power got sealed, was convinced.

「Fumu. It looks like you have an idea about it?」

「I mean, it was my village's problem that my power can't be sealed. If there's really a power like that inside me, it would all make sense.」

「I see. Can't anyone detect it?」

Shrine's doubt was directed at Mitsuki, the one who sealed that power.

「Yes. The power of succubus, siren, and vampire was mixed in a very good way so it will be difficult for anyone who has no idea about it to seal it.」

「I see~ I'm convinced~」

「By the way, what is an ancestor? 」

Kousuke, who has never heard about it, asked that question.

「What? You didn't know? Another name is "Vampire Origin", the source of all vampires. 」

「Then that means there's only one? 」

「It is said that there are 13 of them. 」

「Eh~ 」


「Now that Peach's power is sealed, is Kouhi relieved? 」

When Mitsuki changed the topic to Kouhi, Kouhi had a very sour expression.

「…..it's not just her charm. 」

「You're such a worrywart. Well, it's not like I don't understand how you feel. 」

Mitsuki laughed at Kouhi's answer.

「What are you talking about? 」

The two are talking in a subtle way so Kousuke asked them directly.

In response, Mitsuki dropped a new bomb.

「Peach's close combat and dagger skill level is close to us. 」

After hearing that she has skills that can match the skill of his two apostles of god, Kousuke stared at Peach in surprise.





Chapter 4.18 – Blood Contract, Again

「No no, how can she match the two of you…that can't be!?」

At that point, Kousuke was so surprised with what had been happening that he had forgotten to use the power of his left eye to check Peach's status.

If she's really comparable to Kouhi and Mitsuki, he will be helpless against her.

In fact, both Shrine and Sylvia were also startled.

「No no. You are exaggerating~. It's true that I can fight you in close combat and can use dagger but if you use magic against me, I might get defeated before I reach the distance where I can hit you. 」

On the other hand, if it is a match where magic can't be used, she can fight well.

「…..that's amazing, isn't it?」

Shrine and Sylvia both agree to Kousuke's murmur.

「…..areh areh? I should have denied it, right?」

「No no. It's amazing that you can even get close to them.」

「Is that so~? 」

「….eh? Of course….!? R….right?」

Kousuke, who became anxious of Peach, looked at Shrine and Sylvia and the two nodded.

「It's impossible for me.」

「I'm not strong enough to be able to do that either.」

「I see~. Got it」

Then, Kousuke suddenly wondered.

「…areh? But didn't you noticed Peach's presence?」

「Correct but that is because I felt her vampiric power. Since she didn't know she has that power, she wouldn't be able to control it, right?」

「I certainly didn't know it until now~」

Peach also confirmed Shrine's speculation.

「I see….then, why do Peach's power evaluation kind of low?」

「….Even if you ask me~」

Like Kousuke, Peach looks genuinely puzzled.

It looks like she doesn't really know how strong she is.

「Then, let me guess. Has Peach never left your village until now?」

「That's right~」

「Then, when you leave, have you felt that there's something wrong with the world?」

「…..I might have felt so~. That's normal since I never left our village until I came here.」

Kousuke believed in her and suddenly asked an off-topic-like question.

「Compared to the people of your village, did you ever felt that you're strong?」

「I am certainly strong desu yo~. But, I'm only strong in our village.」

She's certainly strong in a small village so she thought that there are certainly a lot of people stronger than her if she goes out.

However, she has never been so wrong.


「Ano~. Can I ask you something…」

「What is it?」

「Can I join your group?」

In a way, Kousuke has already expected Peach's question but he can't answer.

The moment Peach said that he is her fated one, he already predicted that she'll ask to join them.

Kousuke doesn't mind but he needs to consider one thing. And that's Kouhi.

She's obviously wary of Peach.

Since Peach is strong, she may be able to attack both Kouhi and Mitsuki anytime and even harm Kousuke.

Of course, it will be hard to do that if Kouhi and Mitsuki are there but if she becomes part of the group, they'll act together all the time and the danger will be great.

Kousuke understood where Kouhi was coming from.


When Kousuke crossed his arm, Peach looked at him with an uneasy expression.

Seeing Peach like that, Shrine asked a question.

「Are you worried about the possibility of your lord being betrayed?」

「To be precise, the possibility of him being betrayed or being betrayed and killed.」

Kouhi is not worried about herself.

「Su….such a thing, I'll never do something like that~」

「Ah….sorry. I don't think you'll do it either however, that's not the problem. The problem is you can do it if you have to. 」

For example, they are not worried about Sylvia at all. Given her ability, it is impossible for her to compete with Kouhi and Mitsuki.

The problem is not whether an assassination can be executed or not but the possibility of assassination itself.

「Then, does that mean that as long as it is guaranteed that Peach will not be able to harm Kousuke-dono, everything will be fine? 」

「Maa, since you said that, do you have a way? 」

「How about a blood contract? 」

When Shrine was summoned, she also signed that contract.

「Eh…..? Can it be done? 」

「It can. Peach has vampire blood after all. If I'll help with the ritual, there won't be any problem. 」

When Kousuke instinctively looked at Kouhi, she nodded.

「Ano ~? What is a blood contract?」

「To put it simply, it's a ritual where you'll be forced to be connected to a contractor. In that case, you won't be able to harm each other.」

「Hee, can we do that~?」

「Of course, do you want to sign a contract?」

Hearing Shrine, Peach showed a gesture of contemplation.

「….other than that, is there any other effect~?」

「Hnn? What do you mean?」

「For instance, will I become a slave?」

「Oh, you mean that. Of course, if you sign a contract, you can't disobey. However, are you going to be concerned about that? In the first place, Kousuke-dono doesn't even want that kind of contract.」

「It is normal for you to doubt, right? Blood contract itself is not very well known to the general public after all. You only know blood contract through our words but you can only put your trust in us.」

At last, Mitsuki seems to have convinced Peach.

「I understand~. According to my intuition, I can believe in Mitsuki-sans words…..so, if I sign this blood contract, can I join you?」

「Yeah. If you do so, there's no problem.」

「Then, let's do it~」


Shrine nodded to Peach's agreement and decided to start the ritual.


Kousuke was wondering what things are needed for the blood contract ritual but Shrine said that he doesn't need to worry about it.

In the end, the only thing that was needed was a drop of blood from the tip of Kousuke's finger.

Thinking about it, Kousuke only realized that when Shrine signed a contract with him, she only needed to drink his blood.

Like what Shrine said earlier, she helped with the ritual but it looks like no one knows what she did aside from Mitsuki.

She also asked him what the conditions were. It will be a verbal promise that will be bound with the power of blood.

In their case, their previous conversation will be the content of the contract.

He doesn't remember being asked like that during Shrine's ritual. It seems like it is unnecessary for the person who gave the blood to know the content.

In that case, it seems like it would be possible to bound the blood giver to something disadvantageous however, the blood giver can never be at a disadvantage in a blood contract.

The contractor's blood, the contract(contract content), and the intermediary of a third party are necessary for a blood contract.

It seems like there are other detailed conditions(like one party must have vampiric power etc.) but it is already long enough for Kousuke so he stopped listening.


「Yeah…..blood is not delicious as expected~」

That's Peach's impression on Kousuke's drop of blood she just drank.

Given the contract's content, it seems like it is not necessary to take too much blood.

「That would be so. Is there any race other than mine that enjoys drinking blood?」

「….areh? But, didn't I inherited vampire's blood~?」

「I did say you inherited a vampire's blood but I'm referring to power. Physically, you're a succubus.」

「I see~」

「For me, Kousuke-dono's blood is the best.」

Looking at Shrine who said that and laughed, Kousuke somehow became interested in giving her his blood.

He had this strange feeling when Peach drank his blood.

「…want to suck it?」

When he saw that his finger was still bleeding, Kousuke said that as he presented her his finger.

「C-can I….!?」

Shrine moves towards him in a flash.

「Y-yeah. Maa, it's still bleeding so….ah」

Shrine quickly grabbed Kousuke's finger before he could say any excuse.

Somehow, he didn't feel angry so Kousuke decided to let her do what she wanted.


In the end, Kousuke Forcibly pulled his finger from Shrine's mouth who looked like she would suck it forever. That made Shrine a bit reproachful.

By the way, the blood contract, which is the purpose of what they are doing, has already been completed.





Chapter 4.19 – Divine Engraving Machine

After letting Peach join their party in Mixen, they went to the city of Kenelsen at the northwest of the continent using the tower.

However, nothing major happened in Kenelsen.

Well, every time they go to a city, something happens and that's something that should be considered abnormal.

Compared to other cities on the continent, there's only a small number of monsters around Kenelsen.

It has become an agricultural area taking advantage of its characteristics which is a wide flat land.

Even so, it is just a city with a vast agricultural area compared to others. It doesn't change the fact that the number of monsters increases as you go deeper.

Naturally, there's also the demon for adventurers which are mainly monster subjugation and patrolling around the fields.

They planned to build a gate in Kenelsen but their main targets are not the adventurers but those who work on fields (farmers and others). They'll be a good addition if they can do the same in the tower.

Of course, there's also the reason that there are also gates on the northeast, southeast, and southwest of the continent.

With those four in operation, the Tower Village will become the foothold of logistics.

Kousuke told Schmidt that not only those merchants registered as members of Crown, who are the only ones who can freely use multiple gates, can profit but those who are not members.

—Scene Change—

On the day Kousuke returned from Kenelsen, a meeting took place in the temple of the tower Tower Village.

The participants are Kousuke, Kouhi, Wahi, and Schmidt.

Kouhi, however, will not participate in the meeting and is only there as Kousuke's guard as usual.

Kousuke took out a card and presented it to everyone.

It is a crown card.

It is already decorated by the igrid so he brought it with him.

「The result is great, isn't it?」

That was Schmidt's impression of the card.

Wahid nodded.

「If we were to issue a crown card, should we assume that it will be similar to this one?」


Wahid nodded while looking at the card.

「However, isn't this expensive? Can we supply it in number?」

Schmidt asked a plausible question.

「I think we can. There shouldn't be any problem. As for the price….it wouldn't be good if we started charging for them now. Let's show sincerity to them first, and charge them later.」


Schmidt has not heard how this card was made.

However, he's not so dull to get that he shouldn't ask.

They are about to build a human village in the tower.

He wouldn't find it strange to find other races.

「Then, should I expect it to be delivered like this?」

He's the head of Crown's Commercial Department(Unofficial name since it's not been decided yet) so purchasing will naturally fall to him.

「Of course.」


Kousuke nodded to Schmidt's reply.

「ah, about the crown's card maker, I decided to call it Divine Engraving Machine for the time being, what do you think?」

「Divine engraving machine….?」

「Yeah, well, if we call it guild card maker or something, it sounds like it covers other guilds which is not something we want.」

「I see. That makes sense.」

This time, Wahid nodded.

Schmidt is just the head of the commercial department.

The head of Crown is Wahid.

「Let's go with it.」

「Thank you for thinking about the future. As for the gates, there's no problem with Kenelsen so you can proceed.」

They already know about Nansen and Mixen.


「….still, are we really going to open three at the same time?」

Schmidt has thrown his doubt after hearing the Kousuke and Wahid's exchange.

「Yeah, is there a problem?」

「Rather than a problem….our impact is too big.」

「You mean like when we opened the gate in Ryuusen? 」

「….yeah 」

If the three other gates are opened, it will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the distribution of goods in the entire continent.

There is no way that merchants guilds of different places will not notice.

「Yeah….maa, I'll leave it to Schmidt-san and Wahid to deal with. 」

When the time comes, it might be necessary to use force.

Depending on the circumstances, Kousuke might even let them borrow Kouhi or Mitsuki.

But before that, there is Wahid's group.

「The best thing we can do is to make sure that the only thing that will get out of the tower are goods that can't be found in the place where it will go out. 」

As long as others will benefit too, they won't do unreasonable things.

They don't have the power to capture the tower after all.


「Ah, right. Schmidt-san, I just remember this, dragons are considered as luxury goods, right?」

「Of course, it is…..why are you aski…..no way!?」

While answering Kousuke's question, Schmidt suddenly got why he's asking that. He looked at Kousuke fully astonished.

「Yeah, I wonder if it can be used as the centerpiece product during the foundation of Crown」

「….you have after all…..」

Schmidt put his hand on his head instinctively.

Dragon materials, that's not something you can buy anywhere and no one's going to sell them.

That's normal since there's no way to subdue a dragon in the first place.

Of course, the monsters called dragons also have upper and lower ranks but there's no news of even a lesser dragon being subdued in the last few decades.

「I have, or rather, it is impossible to capture this tower if you can't beat a dragon in the first place….」

Schmidt agrees.

In the first place, the Tower Village was created because Kousuke's party had captured the tower.

「…..maa, it will be more of advertising.」

「By the way, since we have a few of them, it is possible to feed it to the merchants guild, right?」

Hearing Kousuke's confirmatory question, Schmidt completely sunk on the couch he's sitting on.

It is not necessary to feed it to them since they will surely do everything to get it from them.

However, it is almost impossible for the other party to rob them.

On the contrary, the fact that there's someone that can defeat something like a dragon among the members of the Crown is its greatest defense.

「…..maa, rather than feeding, you should call it baiting.」

Schmidt, who's completely stunned, finally squeezed it out from his mind.

To be clear, he can't even imagine how much profit it would make.

However, he knows that it will be enough to fund the formation of Crown.


After that, they had a small talk like details on when to formally form Crown and what to do with the publicity until the day was over.

Since there are still problems with staff, they can only plan it for now.

For the time being, they decided to put out a small amount of dragon materials first. Only the head will be put out.

It was decided that Crown will be formed a week before the opening of the three other gates.

By then, they should have decided the detailed rules for the guild but that's for Wahid and the others to decide.

As for the operation of Crown, once it gets on track, Kousuke will hardly get directly involved in it.

However, until they are able to put it on track, they will have to work hard first.

Even after Kousuke left, Wahid and Schmidt continued to discuss further details.





Chapter 4.20 SS – Employee's Work

Risa Floren is a slave who voluntarily sold herself.

Her parents are doing some business but due to various circumstances, she has to shoulder their debt.

In order to repay the debt, she chose to become a slave herself.

If it is not for the sake of his little brother, who will be the head of the family, she won't leave.

She was sold at the highest price possible which is the best for her family.

However, even though she decided to be a slave, she can't think about her future, a future that will be dark.

She's especially can't help but be uneasy on who'll be her master.

She's not a criminal slave so her safety is guaranteed but that's only on the surface.

There's no master who doesn't hide something.

For that reason, until she knows who'll be her master, she's spending her time in constant tension and anxiety. Then, Risa's buyer finally shows up.


A man called Wahid looked at Risa gently.

Of course, Risa, who's already 15 years old, knows that a good appearance doesn't necessarily reflect good character.

Since slaves can't choose their master themselves, she has no choice but to bet on her luck.

Wahid brought 14 more slaves in addition to Risa.

It is not like there's no one who buys multiple slaves but that many is rare.

The slave-dealer is overjoyed and reminds them to not cause trouble.

Those fifteen slaves were not only women like Risa, there are also men.

Many of them are young but there is also a man who looks almost 30.

From what she heard, it seems like that man was a former adventurer and was bought to work as a guard.

When they left the store and went out of Ryuusen City, they were told that they'll be going to the place where they'll work. She became uneasy about where she would be taken.

When they entered a building outside the city, they received a brief explanation. When they were told that the place they'll work at will be a tower connected to a teleportation gate of that building, everyone was surprised.

Of the fifteen, six were assigned to combat-related work and the remaining nine were assigned to office work like receptionist.

Risa, who has no combat ability, was naturally assigned to office work.

At first, she works in a temple in the tower.

Of the nine clerks, the oldest one was Claire-san. She's the one arranging their works.

After that, they were divided into four pairs and a pair will constantly work with each other.

Risa's first partner was a girl named Sarasa. She's younger than Risa.

The pair will always have to act together so even share the room they'll sleep in.



When the day's work was over, Sarasa exhaled heavily on her bed.


「Yeah. Maa….I mean a little.」

The two of them work at the teleportation gate in the tower for the last few days.

There is also a pair who's working on Ryuusen's side so they have to work on the gate while communicating with the other side.

Some people know that they are slaves so they are giving them some attitude.

However, Wahid's treatment of the slaves is consistent.

No matter whether it is a slave or a staff, if you want to use the gate, never act violently against the staff.

It seems like they will surely make money in the tower so no one dares to be violent.

That said, it is also true that there are people who dare to almost cross the line but they can tolerate it.

Risa was educated by her parents on how to deal with such customers so she's okay.

However, Sarasa has no experience at all so Risa can only shield her from time to time.

「Right. You can rest all you want. Tomorrow is a rest day.」

「Yeah, that's right….hey, Risa.」


「…..can I really rest?」

Risa was not able to answer Sarasa's question for a moment. Even she is not sure.

Sarasa and Risa's day off is indeed tomorrow.

There's no problem and she even confirmed it many times.

However, they can't believe that they, who are slaves, can get two days off a week(1 week there is 7 days too).

Tomorrow is the 1st one.

「It's okay. I've checked it with Ek-san. Tomorrow is our day off.」

「Yeah!….but, Lili and the others will have it hard….」

Lili was from another group that's in charge of the tower's teleportation gate.

The fact that Risa and Sarasa will have a day off means Lili's group must work harder.

By the way, if two pairs are in charge of the same task, one of those pairs will do some chores.

「That's right but we also did our best with just the two of us the other day. Riri's group will be fine.」

「…..right. Okay, I'll take a day off.」

「Yeah, good night.」


The next day.

Sarasa and Risa had plenty of time to spare.

They can spend it in the village because no monster will attack them there so they can go wherever they want but there are only adventurers there.

There's no guarantee that two women will be safe walking alone.

However, that's just Sarasa and Risa's prejudice.

Because of that, they did not go out and wander around the private area of the employees of the temple. Broom talked to them there.

Broom is a slave like them, someone in charge of combat.

He usually plays the role of a watch in case a commotion occurs at the teleportation gate.

「Oya? What's this? Risa's group is taking a break?」

「Yeah. How about Broom-san?」

「Oh, so that's how it is…..then, if you're free, why don't I take you to look around the village?」

Risa was puzzled by the sudden offer.


「Ah, wait wait. I don't mean anything. Actually, I was asked by Ek.」

「Ek-san? About what?」

「If the two of you are free today, I should guide you to the village. Maa, I'm free anyway so I'm here.」

Risa was convinced by Broom's explanation. At the same time, she's grateful to Ek.

Ek was probably expecting the two of them to spend their day off in the private area.

Looking around the village is much better than staying in the temple.

Risa and Sarasa gratefully receive Broom's offer.

「In that case, can I ask you to guide us?」


The three of them look around the village. Since the village is still under construction, except from the buildings that were already there from the start, there's almost nothing to look around.

They also entered Schmidt's store but it is mostly dealing with adventurer-related goods so there's only a little for Sarasa and Risa to see.

—Scene Change—

Since Risa's group has taken work in the tower, the number of people involved in running the tower has increased.

At the same time, they were also informed that the number of teleportation gates will increase at a later date.

More employees will be added and they must be accustomed to work before the number of gates increase.

Another important thing to note is that Crown will be officially established at that time.

As for the employees of the tower, they all belong to Crown and will continue to work as members of Crown.

A card for each member will be created and each employee will be given with a Crown card.

In the future, when Crown is finally established, business will also increase and so will Risa and the other's work.


By the way….Risa would later be freed from being a slave and take an important position in Crown but that will be a story for another time.