
Lemon Collection

This is my lemon collection. Would you like to have a sample? It is totally free to try! Come, let me make you a glass. Some lemons are sweet. Some are bitter. Some are rotten. And some are stolen from the stand next door and remixed for your pleasure! But don’t worry about all of that. It is all part of the fiction. Please, come over and have a glass. I have made more than a dozen for you to choose. Since I am such an idiot, I am not sure which glass is full and which glass is empty. The glasses are not even placed in order on the table, so please have a check of the volume before enjoying your drink. Who knows, you might find something interesting. If you love my work, you can commission another piece, to be added to your glass. If you don’t want to, please enjoy while it last! This is my lemon collection, come, come and have a look! Have a drink, it’s totally free! Just don’t get too addicted, because that will not be healthy for you! By the way, no kids are allowed! ******************************** If you didn’t understand all of that, it means that this is my fanfiction collection over the years. Some of them are completed – usually one-shots. Some of them are not – most aren’t. Some of them will make you vomit from disgust. Some are parodied, basing on another story I read somewhere. It is totally fine to parody or rewrite another fanfiction, so don’t b*tch about it. Please read the volume title before you b*tch about why the story just abruptly stopped. And if you want more chapters, you can commission it by becoming my patron. Use my penname to search. ******************************** Disclaimer: This collection contains graphical violence and sex scenes. Absolutely no children allowed to drink my lemon! Fanfiction: Naruto. Harry Potter. Fate Stay Night. Disney, and so on… ******************************** Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ffazvKp

Erosire · その他
122 Chs

A Hunter Chronicle – 22

"Congratulation on becoming a Hunter, this is a Hunter card, it might look like…"

An egg-head in a black suit said as Naruto, Killua and Gon sat at one of desk together, facing him.

Netero declared that everyone who had passed the last round would be a Hunter since they actually had fought against Naruto with the best of their abilities.

Netero also checked all the verdicts from other examiners personally and felt another examination round was unnecessary.

However, some of them were complaining and wanted to disqualify Hisoka, but the old man ignored their ranting.

Leorio and Hanzo were glad they didn't have to do any more of the exam while Hisoka and Illumi couldn't care less about that.

Something else caught their interest instead. Kurapika joined in learning Nen with trio for the last day.

Netero stated that level-headed boy would need to find his teacher as a "hidden" exam since Netero had made an exception for the trio.

Gon was holding his hand in fist position while Kurama was yawning while lying on the table in front of him.

The spiky black-haired was feeling the flow of aura through his limbs as internal muscle and bones strengthen. He was practicing punching against a small boulder a few days ago with it and was able to shatter the rock completely just yesterday.

Naruto was yawning as well since he didn't really need to train at all.

He was in the top shape as he's always had been, but the crackling sounds by the person beside him didn't let him sleep.

Killua had electricity running through his fingers in small sparks in one hand, while the other was literally on fire as he tried to swirl the inferno and condensing it into a ball within the palm of his hand. He was practicing control as Kurama had taught the duo.

Naruto gave some pointers occasionally.

The silver-haired assassin was a Transmuter, which allowed him to convert his aura into any elements as well as mimicking their property, as such, flames will be hot, and water can definitely drown someone.

Hisoka was watching his future preys with interest instead of paying attention to the speaker.


He thought while licking his lips. Illumi was frowning nearby as he watched his younger brother practicing Nen.

It would be more difficult to control Killua if he kept growing stronger and reach his level.

"I could only do this much."

Killua sighed as Naruto cracked his neck a little, facing his friend.

"You're already doing well so relax. When I was starting out, trying to form Karasengan (Flaming Spiraling Sphere), it took me like a whole month –ttebayo!"

Naruto pointed out as Lightning and Flames dissipated in Killua's hands.

However, there was a still thin coat of aura around Killua's entire body.

It was the same thing with Gon because Kurama had told them to maintain that coating for as long as possible.

The demon fox found out that the more they practice their Nen, the more reserve they would have.

It would give them unmatched stamina later on as well perfect controls since they were consciously controlling how thick the layer armors around their body were.

Eventually, they could activate Nen without much thought and completely on reflex without any hesitation.

It was good training exercise.

"What about her? You going to leave her behind while you run off elsewhere?"

Illumi whispered into Killua's ear as he passed by the boy in the hall.


Killua thought.

He knew that his brother had mastery of Nen, and to get Alluka with him, he needs to defeat Illumi first.

Because of that, Killua wanted to quickly become stronger so he could protect her.

Killua clenching his fist as Naruto sighed after seeing it. Gon looked at Killua for a moment.

"Tell him."

Kurama told the black-haired boy after seeing Killua's expression.

"We are friends aren't we, Killua and Naruto?"

Gon asked the two beside him.

Naruto nodded as Killua confirmed that they are.

"Then you don't have to do it alone, we will go to your parent together and tell them what you wanted to do with your life!"

Gon said as Naruto smirked.

Killua smiled at the offer.

"We were going to Heaven Arenas, so you two could train there and Hisoka wanted a formal match without interruption. As for me, I also wanted to go there as well since it sounds like a cool place from what you told us."

Naruto started then grinned.

"But, Killua, you don't have a heart it in right now since you're feeling worrisome, so we will visit your home first and take your sister with us since you are afraid Illumi might do something to her."

Naruto pointed out as Killua's eyes widen a little.

Gon nodded as he got the story from Kurama previously.

"How did you… oh right, keen hearing."

Killua said before returning a smirk on his face.

"We're in this together. We have passed through the exam together and we going to rescue your sister together… with Kurama as well!"

Gon declared with a wide smile.

"Yeah, and you did offer me to go visit your home, so you can't refuse us!"

Naruto added cheekily.

"Thanks guys."

Killua said rubbing his eyes a little to clear something.

Naruto and Gon nodded and returned their attention back to the speaker.