
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol 7

Ryouma POV

after the meeting is over, i begin to stroll around the headquarters of our clan that located in the center of this shrine.

the grand shrine of sakuragami, our headquarters is called by the local people as the town is named sakuragami. my grandfather didn't like that our headquarters became a shrine but the past people insisted that our place must be a shrine and the local god in this village that now become a small town approved what the villagers were doing so with that what villagers made was a shrine that was going to be the grand shrine that the main god that is prayed here was Tsukuyomi-sama.

i don't know about the deal with tsukuyomi-sama and our clan because i thought that it is natural. but, after the meeting of clan and the next meeting with tsukuyomi-sama and his siblings, i begin questions that i feel odd.

what is the relation between our clan and the main god of this country?

what is the relation of izanagi-sama and our clan that makes us as izanagi's child?

i don't know because this is the first time that i heard about this. my parent, grandfather, and all of the members of this clan never told me about this. they should know about it but for some reason didn't tell me. well if my question is going to be answered by tomorrow night when we are going to meet with tsukuyomi-sama.

because of that thought, i never realize that i have arrived at the front gate of our shrine when i see Kejōrō, a voluptuous beauty yokai with long, wavy brown hair that is tied up in a ponytail with tasseled red string with long bangs covering the right side of her face and green eyes that weirdly enough wear a Miko outfit that emphasized her bosom. i don't know where to look when i always meet her like this. so with a blush on my face, i shyly call her.

"eeetooo, ke-ke-Kejō-Kejōrō-san"

"ara~ ryouma-bochama, good morni- oh my mistake, fufufu, good afternoon"

"uhm, good afternoon kejoro-san. uhm, what are you doing at this hour?"

"ara~ara~ how cute of you ryouma-bochama. well, i was finished making our lunch, then suddenly i remembered about the season that we are in. so with that, i came to the front gate and started to clean the vicinity"

"well with the season is spring, we should expect snow is gone completely. but still in our area, there is still snow for a weird reason. i just don't understand why only our place is a weird one??"

"fufufu, because our area is mayoiga even though our area is accessible to humans. bochama, do you slack off about your lesson?"

kejoro-san is giving me an imploring look as she questions me. with confidence brimming in my body, i tell kejoro-san about it.

"of course i learned about that!!! but, what i learned about mayoiga is the building or land that invited humans to that place that mokugyou ojii-san and mama taught me. this shrine is different from the retrospect of mayoiga. after all, it is accessible to all humans just like you said and the difference between our area and sakuragami is in stark contrast, you know? just what happened to this place anyway?"

"aahhh, even i don't know about this place in detail. you know the reason about that right, bochama?"

"because you are the member of oyaji hyaki hyako, right?"

"yep, only the board member of our clan that knows about it and the member that are close to rihan-sama, if you ask it to kubinashi, kurotabo, or aotabo then they might know that"

"but they didn't give it to me even the hint is no good!!! just why!!!!!"

"ara~that's too bad. but, i heard that we are going to set a party in the land of god. so you can get the answer at that party, right? but bochama, you have attended the meeting, right? why you didn't ask that?"


"fufufu don't worry about that bochama"

i become depressed after i realize that i can ask that question to my grandfather or mama as they are knowledgeable about this. but after that meeting, i have the feeling that they can dodge my question with ease when i ask them so i just wait for 2 days from now.

when i look at kejoro, i see her chest bounce in front of me then i look at my own chest. yep my chest is flat and kejoro's is huge like a mountain. because of my curiosity, I ask kejoro about this.

"ne kejoro-san, why are your breast so huge like that?

"eh? eh? ryo-ryouma-bochama, why do you ask that?"

"well, because i read the book that had the woman that had a huge breast that can't be held by my hand. also, the woman in that book did something that made her face red like a tomato with a man naked. the woman in this shrine has a variety of sizes of breasts and when i saw the man, well it was flat so i curious about that"

"ryo-ryouma-bochama!? please don't say that in this place!!!! now hold this broom and i going to show my face to rihan-sama for a minute"

"eh!? but-"

"no but!!! please clean this place for a while ok!!??"


i don't know but when i told that to kejoro, her face become red and she began to order me to clean this front gate with a compelling look on her face. so with that, i nod at her and do her job.

well, because it is almost done, it is become easy to clean it. for five minutes i clean it. then i heard someone's voice from far away that calling me. so i look at the source of the voice and saw some dust that is made from far by someone with great speed.

i squint my eyes and see misaki and mikoto run to me with bloodshot eyes that spell dangerous as they hold some metal bat.

before i can react, they already arrive at my place and start to hit me with those bats. i instantly dodge and start to question them.

"oi!!!! mikoto!!! misaki!!! what the heel are you doing!!!??? i never did anything to you recently that make you that angry"

"fufufu, just shut up idiot ryouma!!!!! i am going to teach you about modesty!!!"

"ara~ nii-san how cold of you even though i love you so much that we can make love to each other but you turn that to some random girl. i am going to punish my unfaithful husband for being faithful with her wife!!!"

"huh? what the hell?"

""just receive your punishment, pervert!!!"



"ooooo!!!! are you crazy, woman?"

""just stay put already!!!""


before they swing that bat i run away from them, they too begin to chase me. I just have to feel that i did anything to them. the girl sure is a strange creature.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts