
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Discussion about Keikain-Chan

after they see what had in that cardboard box, all of them became agreed with me that okita souji is a woman even keikain-chan can't argue about it when the evidence is all right there.

after they are satisfied with this, i order all of rikuo's friends including misaki, mikoto, and tsurara to go to my room to wait and eat their lunch as i hear about it was ready from Yanagi as she with a nod guide them to my room.

after they leave this room, all of us including kazuma-san begin to look at rikuo harshly. rikuo sits in seiza position begin to squirm as he begins to speak to oyaji about this situation.

"a-a-ano oyaji, what is it that i need to sit with seiza and you look at me with that eyes?"

"Are you kidding me or do you really don't know why all of us is here for a second here?"

"I'M SORRY!!!"

"for what??"

"that i brought omyouji to our mansion"

"huh, then why bring her here?"

"w-well, i have no choice about that oyaji. all of our group is inviting her to our home. because of that with no choice of that, we as a group come here to our home to avoid her suspicious about us"

"then why you didn't call me when you know when this is going to happen??"

"oyaji!!! i already called you many times on the train but you never picked your phone!!! don't be ridiculous about this!!!"

"huh? what in the name of God are you talking about? i never hear my phone ring at all. now be honest with me rikuo, do you think that you can lie to me??"

"i don't need to lie to you, oyaji!!! you can look at my phone if what i said to you is not a lie!!!"

then rikuo pull out his smartphone from his pocket and gave it to oyaji.

with his brow raise as if amusing that rikuo willingly give his phone to him, oyaji then check his phone as he searches for the history of calling from riko to him.

then his eyes widened as he doesn't believe his eyes as he became silent and rikuo see that reaction and begin to ask oyaji.

"oi oyaji, just what happen with you that you didn't grab my call until we arrive at the temple entrance?"

"oi oi oi, if this is true then my phone should vibrate at least. wait a minute"

then oyaji begin to search for his phone in his kimono and when he found his phone, he begins to furrow his brow as he begins to inspect the phone.

then for some reason, he has a shocked face as he begins to look at mama as she begins to fidget from where rikuo mentioning about the call. then oyaji asks mama about it.

"otome-san, do you know where is my phone?"

"ehhhto, what are you talking about, dear? and also why formally?"

"don't play innocent with me, otome!!! this is a rock that disguises with your illusion, right!!??"

"rihan dear, are you really alright? you must be dreaming, right? the one that is on your hand is your phone, right? you must be tired after the meeting so-"

*crunch* *crunch* *boom*

after oyaji squeeze that phone, the remain of that phone that should be in a wreck of iron scrap became sand that all of us were surprised that all of us look at oyaji to give us some explanation about this.

then with a tired look on his face, oyaji begin his explanation to us.

"This is a trick that otome always uses when she wants to hide something that using her flower youjutsu to take this rock to resemble my thing that she wants to hide my thing. to put it simply, it was a high-level illusion"

"oi rihan, i know about her power but to make that illusion that can't be distinguished even for me. just ho-"

"well old man, you know that as i do. are you senile already?"

"you!!!--- ah *poon* that's right. i almost forget about that. "

"ehh ojii-chan, just what are you talking about mama with oyaji ?"

"you don't need to know for now. same for you kazuma-kun and rikuo-chan"

"i understand, nurahiyon-sama"

"ehtoo, yes grandfather"

"otome, we are going to talk after this meeting is over, got it?"

"sigh, i understand, rihan dear"

"grandfather, i need you to answer my question first"

"what is it, rikuo-chan?"

"why kazuma-sensei is with us in this meeting?"


"because i allow it, rikuo"

"eh, aniki!!! are you serious about that and-"

"I'm serious and to answer your question of 'why' because kazuma was involved in a supernatural incident that makes him met me in the past. that's the story"

"well, it was a long story to tell about, rikuo-bochama. but, what ryouma-bo-no, ryouma-sama said is true as i and my friend got involved in a supernatural incident that makes me lost my job as an officer. well, to sum it up, i just a fucking busybody that sticks my nose that doesn't belong to my paygrade and got fired. because of ryouma-sama's help, I got a job at your school"

"but, isn't that-"

"rikuo, don't say any more than that"


"that's how those in the organization's upper people work. is that clear?"

"yeah, aniki (how the hell aniki know about this complicated stuff but he didn't have common sense?? i really don't understand the logic of it)"

"well leave it aside. still, to think that one of that man's family is here at my house huh. hahahahahaha, i never thought that the reverse can be true for this occasion huh. well, don't worry about that as she is harmless in my eyes as long we are careful with our conduct"

"old man, i know about her ancestor but can you trust his descendant after we didn't contact them after all of this time?"

"at least she and her clan are better than some clans that still harassing us because of the land that we own right now. also, the one that you said 'didn't contact with them', that was the agreement between me and her ancestor and you know about that, right? are you taking me as a fool?"

"you know what i'm talking about, old man. it was you and her ancestor's deal, not her clan"

"rihan dear, why you didn't include us in your statement?"

"otome, are you taking me as a fool?"

"sigh, i know about that, dear. after all, father-in-law's still alive still you can't ignore that clan can work with those degenerate clans that have free time to harass us"

"you don't have to worry about that, otome"

"father?" "old man?"

"well, let's leave it at that as i don't want to talk about her clan any longer. rikuo, you should go to ryouma's room"

"eh grandfather, bu-"

"this is adult business now and before you say something, ryouma is going to remain as he the one that has the knack to solve kazuma-kun's problem"

"huh, alright grandfather. aniki, i'm going first. don't be late, ok?"

i nodded at rikuo as he goes out of the hall. then when we didn't hear rikuo footsteps, oyaji looks at kazuma as he begins to speak to him.

"so kazuma-kun, just what request that you need ryouma's skill to solve? is it about gold or--?"

"oyaji, i already know what kazuma-san want from me"

"huh, then ryouma, just what kazuma request to you?"

"ojii-chan, his request to me was to investigate the murder of his friend"

i'm so sorry about my lack of release for this series.

the last month is made my feeling downtrodden as i don't have the motivation to continue this series.

the reason for that was my mother died last month that it hit my feeling so hard that my mood became volatile.

but now i have th motivation to continue as i don't want to bring my feeling to discontinue this series that i wanted to finish no matter what.

but still i wanted to thank my mom to born and raise me to this stage.

even though i am such a fucking ungrateful son that always give her trouble, still she always supported me to this day.

thank you for my great mom and goodbye as my mom can get the next life more meanifull than this one.

love your son

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts