
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Chat with the King

ryouma follow the man that introduced himself as Leonidas.

he looked around the place that they across. he saw the building that didn't have the same majestic feeling as that white building. but still, they didn't give of crude but beautiful building nonetheless.

and he saw some stalls around this street that sell some skewer and drink. he then saw some people praying to some statue of a man that rode a chariot. beside that statue is a man with a beautiful look besides that man.

he wondered why this statue smelled gay. he shuddered at the thought but he didn't say it out loud because he was scared of the backlash he was going to receive when he said that.

then Leonidas stopped on his track. because ryouma didn't pay attention he bumped with leonidas.

"I'm sorry leonidas-dono"

"well just pay attention okay ryouma-kun. well we have arrived at my usual place to eat food"

ryouma then saw the building that resembled a western bar that he saw in a cowboy's movie. but the doot isn't there so he can see what inside in the building in full view.

there he saw an unbelievable thing in front of his eyes. he rubbed his eyes and saw the same thing. then slow but steady he looked at leonidas with a confused look and ask him.

"leonidas-dono, I'm so sorry but I need you to answer me with this question."

"what is it ryouma-kun?"

"Is this a gay brothel?"


leonidas didn't understand what ryouma saying so he asked ryouma.

"what are you saying again ryouma-kun?"

"WHAT I ASK IS' IS THIS A GAY BROTHEL!!!!!!' just look at this place!!!! why there are only fucking men with just their underwear!!! I don't want to come in when my chastity is in danger also this place is hot and full of sweat!!! what the hell is wrong with these people!!!?????? at least wear a fucking pants!!!"

leonidas wanted to smack ryouma so hard that he needed to strict discipline ryouma under his watch but he remembered where he is from so he smile wrly.

"well, I'm sorry about that ryouma-kun. these people have just done with their training and well these people just a musclehead. so I'm sorry about this. well wanted to change establishment??"

ryouma seeing leonidas expression with longing look can't say he wanted to change the place. so with a heavy nod, he agreed to leonidas.

leonidas is shocked with ryouma choice. but he had a happy smile to his face then he guided him to their table.

ryouma supprised with lack of people stare because his group should be attracted the attention of this place. one has hair with half is blonde and half is black which should be rare and one has the king's aura around him but these people didn't give a damn about them.

then he noticed something. this place didn't reek of sweat's smell but didn't have smell in fact this place feel cold instead.

but leonidas call him before he finishing his conclusion.

"ryouma-kun, here!!!"

then ryouma go to the table where there was already food on the table. he didn't some of the food but at least he saw that the food in front of him didn't use any strange ingredient.

then he sat down and leonidas started to eat the food on the table. he ate some of the food and it tasted good. he wasn't gourmet but he knew at least bad food is a taste about.

when they wolf down all of the food. leonidas drink from his mug and make a happy face when you drink some alcohol. ryouma afraid that he be served with alcohol so he looked at his mug and found it just water.

leonidas saw that had a toothy grin on his face while speaking

"well, you don't have to worry about your beverages. after all I know that you are still minor in your homeland so I served you with water."

"well thank you for your consideration, king Leonidas I"

leonidas had a surprised look. because the name leonidas is common in his homeland, sparta. then he asked a question to ryouma.

"ho, to think you know me. then why do you know that my name is leonidas I, not another leonidas after all the name leonidas is common through this Sparta"

"first is your gesture. you have a body that is always straight all the time. normal people if they build a body like you didn't have a need to straight their body all the time after all they didn't have strict discipline as if to make a fly when there is combat. The second is when you are out of that white building."

"hoo, just what makes that white building that I just come out is important??"

"when you look at the building that we just cross, the building that you just come out of must be from high-quality material and have some artists to make that carved on the pillar. I speculate that building is your home, not a temple. after all Sparta worships Appolo as their patron god. and I'm sure as hell with Sparta mindset that they didn't make a temple. just statue and sun to worship appolo. last is your expression and your bearing. you have a regal aura and from what I see in your expression when I say about this establishment is fury and you didn't lose your bearing and made an apology about this place. also when you enter this place you become nostalgic with the people in this room as if they are just an illusion. also because my mother taught me the history of the entire world. I just knew when I said 'thermopylae enomotia'. it was a recreation of your legend at thermopylae"

suddenly leonidas laughed so hard and he was clapping his hand as if he praised his own achievement.

"bravo ryouma-kun. you are right. I'm leonidas I the king of this Sparta!!! also, why did you notice about this place??"

"well when I get in, I didn't smell anything that should be there when this cluster of sweating men is here and I didn't feeling hot when I enter this place."

"wow. I thought that this is perfect when you saw this place."

"well I have sensitive skin to temperature and also I must know small details to survive after all if I don't I'm going to die of anything at that place. huhuhuhu"

suddenly ryouma's mood falled to rock bottom and he was shaking because he remembered his life and death situation with his training on some island with no food and full of predators to watch on.

seeing ryouma's state, leonidas thought that this boy has hard to his life from now on.

then he suddenly remembered something so he changed the subject.

"well enough of that, I thought that you have a question. but before that, here have this"