
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Chat with the King 2

"Here take this"

leonidas threw something to ryouma.

ryouma became panic with leonidas's sudden action and tried to catch the item. he was fumbling around to catch the item. but in the end, he still caught it with no problem.

then he saw the item. it was a rapier. the hilt was gold with some blue symbols on the guard and the blade is black with red lines covering the blade. but this rapier is so small that it looks like a dagger. but this wasn't a dagger. because the blade is very short and almost had the same height as the hilt with the guard and handle have the same height that you are using for the sword.

ryouma became confused with the rapier that he received and he asked leonidas about this.

"king leonidas, just what are you doing out of blue? this rapier is useless you know after all I know that this rapier didn't complete, right?"

"well, this is not rapier and not useless. this sword is going to be the key to control your power."

"my power??"

"yes, you are very powerful that can rival the owner of that sword. if you wanted to unlock this sword's full potential. you must search the other part in your hometown."

ryouma gave a weird look at leonidas and he shook his head to leonidas's bullshit.

"King leonidas, are you alright with your head? if this part of the sword is littered around at my place then someone had already found this thing a long time ago"

"fair enough, but because they aren't the chosen one. you ryouma-kun is the one is chosen by the owner of that sword. call it a whim of that owner or a fate that chosen you as that sword owner"

ryouma couldn't laugh at leonidas's word. after all he had the same feeling when he should die when the woman that he met by a chance attack him with some kind of weapon that gave him a big injury to his stomach.

he should die. but look at the state now, he still alive and could use the shield and javelin to take out kyuso.

then ryouma asked the question to leonidas about something that he cornered about.

"then why do you have this weapon with you?"

"This weapon is already with you but it was just you didn't know about its existence. so I was just giving you its existence so that you can access it more easily."

"what power this weapon possesses that you can say that thing is not useless?"

"This is key to the greatest treasury of all humanity's history. before you ask the question about what part is this key. well, I don't know but you are going to find it with time."

"Are you the one that saving my life before?"

"no, after all, I just a human, not a god, the one that saved you is most likely the owner of that sword."

"why do you know that it is a sword, not a rapier?"

"The information is being sent straight to my head. so I don't have the answer to your question."


before ryouma asked a question. leonidas spoke first before ryouma.

"I don't have much time ryouma-kun. so you can ask just 1 question."

ryouma wanted to lash him out but he saw leonidas become translucent. so with resolute eyes, he asked the question when he met this king.

"why you didn't run away from the battle of Thermopylae that you know that you are going lost?"

when leonidas being asked by ryouma that question, he became nostalgic and saw the surrounding area in this tavern.

"ryouma-kun, do you know what day the Persian attack my homeland?"

"at the day of carneia festival right?"

"yeah, the carneia festival that still happened in this illusion that I created. we still celebrate the festival. same with all of Greece with their festival of Zeus so all of my allies didn't prepare the counter to the Persian invasion"

"leonidas, I didn't as-"

"if you knew about the history of the world. then you know about the oracle that is given to me by the prophet that I met by chance."

"Will the descendants of Perseus be destroyed? Or will the king who descended from the bloodline of Heracles die, right?"

"yeah, when I heard that I must choose my life or my family safety and pride of Sparta. I choose the latter. as a human, I scared to die but before I am human, I was king and head of my family. the king must choose his duties and as the head of the family, I must protect them. so I order my elite 300 men. with a condition that the men that come to me are had the son that can protect their family and the youth that didn't have an old parent to take care of."

"But you can still wait for reinforcements from all of Greece, right?"

"The relationship of Athena and Sparta is not good at that time and I can risk with some army that not my own and my pride as Sparta didn't allow my army to be called as weak so I fight knowing that I'm going to die."

ryouma became speechless with Leonidas's speech. he thought that this man is a real hero. he wanted to become like him to protect the pride of his group, his family, and friend.

then suddenly leonidas become more transparent than before. the place around him became transparent like leonidas.

leonidas knew that his time is up and said the last word to ryouma.

"ryouma-kun, i have one piece of advice as to your senior of life. when the time is come you mustn't afraid of your power that resides in your body. that power can become your trump card to defeat the menace that going to disturb this world soon enough."

"wait!!! leonidas I st--"

"well, the time is up. it is time you wake up from this dream of yours ryouma-kun"

leonidas disappear from the world like dust but it was golden dust that have some magical feeling to it.

soon ryouma saw the light that blinding his eyes and it became dark once more.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts